» Fiction » Split, A.M. Bryker [beautiful books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Split, A.M. Bryker [beautiful books to read TXT] 📗». Author A.M. Bryker

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I reply. "It's called 'life'."

     He smiles and says, "You're right—that is funny."

     My smile widens at the thought that I only told him part of the reason why I'm smiling and he doesn't even know it. Pretty stupid, I know, but right now I don't care about what's ridiculous and what isn't—just as long as I don't make a fool out of myself while I'm not caring about stupidity.

     My smug satisfaction is short-lived, however, because then Justin says, "But that's not the whole reason why you’re smiling, is it?"

     Geez, why does he have to be so intelligent? His perceptive nature is dangerous. I need to be more careful.

     I gaze into his eyes and regret it. They're hazardous to my sanity. Or, what's left of it, anyway.

     "It is," I lie.

     He searches my face for any sign of deception, but I know he won't find it. Like I said, I learned how to lie while I was in those countless orphanages. I'm not going to waste the talent I acquired by telling the truth all the time.

     After a few more seconds, Justin seems to be satisfied that I'm not lying and straightens in his to chair to begin eating. For a second I feel guilty about the lie, but then I become perplexed—I've never experienced guilt after I lied to anyone since I was adopted. Weird.

     I clear the frown that had developed on my face and begin munching on the steak in front of me.

     Everyone else at the table speak amongst themselves. The conversation between Justin and I lulls, but I'm fine with that. Once the dessert arrives, however, Justin can't seem to remain silent any longer.

     "Can I ask you a question?" He inquires.

     "You just did," I reply with a smirk. Then I add innocently, "Oh was that not the question you wanted to ask?”

     Before he can answer, I continue, saying, "Well, out with it—don't be shy. I don't bite… often."

     I flash him a large smile, displaying my teeth. He laughs quietly, then suddenly becomes very interested in the table. I take a bite out of my banana split and wait patiently for him to ask his original question.

     "So. My question," he finally says after a few minutes. "Why do you always have your hair down?"

     This catches me by surprise and I'm speechless for a few seconds. There is no way I can tell him it's because of my ears. But what can I say? … Oh yeah.

     "I don't always have my hair down," I protest. "I put it up during PE." Making sure it covers my ears.

     "Yeah, but I never see you during PE."

     And? I almost retort, but I stop myself. Instead, I ask curiously, "Why do you ask?"

     He shrugs. "Well, I scarcely see you with your hair up."

     "Not that it's necessarily a bad thing," he quickly adds when he sees my skeptical look. "I'm just curious about how you might look with your hair out of your face."

     I blink. Is he for real? I'm almost tempted to pinch myself; everything going on now seems like it could come out of a dream. But no, I'm definitely awake—the sounds and smells are too realistic for me to be dreaming.

     … Unfortunately.




My head is throbbing. My body aches all over. And it's probably safe to say that I am not in the best mood at this moment in time.

     Cracking my eyelids open ever so slightly, I discern that the sun is setting. When I try to move I realize that I'm lying on my stomach on the wet forest floor, my hands are bound behind my back, and I'm in a lot of trouble. Surprise, surprise.

     I think I hate surprises. Especially ones that involve killing my sister.

     I open my eyes wider and reach the conclusion that I'm not in the clearing anymore. I'm in the Jintis grove. And I can't see Kadon anywhere. Terrific. I’m all alone now.

     A pair of leather boots suddenly appears in front of my face, and I have to force myself to remain motionless.

     "Excellent," a voice says. "You're awake."

     The person in front of me is a girl. Just great.

     She crouches down beside me and tenderly brushes aside a lock of hair that had been covering my eyes. I try not to flinch. My instincts are screaming at me that this beautiful girl is more dangerous than I can imagine. Oh yeah, and I need to get out of this predicament as soon as humanely possible. Problem is: how in the world am I supposed to do that?

     I hear heavy footfalls a short distance away. This informs me that there are a lot more people—most likely men—who are in this vicinity, making escape seem nigh impossible. Great.

     I look up at the girl. And regret it. Her eyes captivate me. They are very similar to the girl's eyes in my dream, and they seem to be in the same face, cloth over the bottom half and all. But these eyes are a shade of green so light that they almost look white, and lack any kindness or humor. Instead, they are filled with resentment, anger, and evil intentions. I shudder inwardly.

     Yup, I decide. This girl terrifies me.

     I try to look away from her piercing eyes, but I can't. Uh-oh.

     "What a pleasant surprise we have here," the girl purrs. "A strong young man to do my bidding. It looks like he won't be able to put up much of a fight, regrettably. I always enjoy a good brawl." She laughs, and the hair on the back of my neck prickles. Can she get any creepier?

     Yes, it turns out.

     Finally taking her gaze off of me—to my immense relief—the girl stands and calls to one of the men nearby, removing the cloth from her face. When he stands in front of her at attention she sidles up to him and drags a lithe finger down his cheek. Seemingly against his will, the man's eyelids droop and he unconsciously leans toward the girl's retreating hand.

     "Ryu," the girl sighs. "What are your thoughts? Should we recruit him or kill him now?"

     My mouth falls open, but I quickly close it again when Ryu glances at me. That girl talks about killing me as though it's normal routine, and she can't be older than me! Could I have been captured by anyone worse?


   Ryu gazes at the girl for a few moments, then says, "You know as well as I do that I have absolutely no choice in the matter, and neither do you, Lady Amaya. It's a decision the captive makes for himself. But I’m willing to bet that he’ll be resistant after what’s happened."

     Oh goody. It sounds like I get to choose if I want to join a terrible conspiracy or die. Well, that's a slightly challenging decision to make. No, seriously—it is.

     The girl—Amaya—looks at me again. I make sure to keep my gaze averted from hers. I don't want to get entranced again.

     "I suppose you are correct, Ryu," she concedes. "He does, indeed, decide for himself."

     I attempt to swallow my fear, but I don't quite succeed. I'm filled with dread and frantically try to come up with an escape plan. I look around, searching for anything that might be able to assist me.

     Then I see it. Metal. It's only a few feet away from me—to the left—and it's almost completely covered with leaves, dirt and ferns, but if I can somehow get my hands in front of me then I'll be capable of grabbing it from the ground and defending myself with it. Though the chances of me getting out of here alive are… nonexistent.

     Oh well,   I think. It's not as if I have much to live for anyway. Though I really would have liked to know that girl's name.

     "So," Amaya says, crouching down next to me again. "What will you choose? Do you wish to join my faithful forces against the royal family? Or is it your desire to die a drawn-out, excruciating death?" Her lips curl into what must be a smile. A wicked one.

     Peering up at her (but careful not to look at her eyes), I ask, "What are the conditions that I'd have to uphold if I agreed to serve you?"

     She tilts her head to one side, as though she's never been asked this question before, and in such a calm demeanor. She's probably accustomed to men instantly agreeing or disagreeing with her, no questions asked. Not me.

     "Well," she says. "You'd need to swear fealty to me and my cause. Simple as that. If it was discovered that you had betrayed this organization you would be killed immediately."

     "What, exactly, is your cause?" I inquire. "What do you have against the royal family?"

     Ryu begins to come forward threateningly, but Amaya keeps him at bay with a flick of her hand. Leaning in closer to me, she answers with a cold smile, "My goal is to kill every single one of those pathetic, so-called 'rulers'. They are in the way of what I want: the throne. It doesn't matter to me that they are family. I decided a few years ago—when I discovered some of what I can do—that they don't deserve such a title. They need to be destroyed."

     I'm barely able to keep my jaw from falling to the ground. She's the princess! The one who had run away seven years ago after threatening to rip out the king's throat. The one who is now leading a conspiracy against her family. The one who is now looming over me, waiting for me to…

     Oh great.

     You remember when I said I could probably be captured by someone worse than her? I take that back. Rumor has it that this girl has never felt any positive emotions ever since the king's cousin had attempted to use the Jintis's power for his own selfish intentions. She is plagued with malice, loathing everyone and everything, and a never-ending supply of animosity. I have just now discovered that she is ambitious for the throne. And won't stop at anything to attain her objective.

     "I don't suppose you'll untie me before I give my oath?" I ask, doing my best to sound casual. "I'd be honored if I could touch your gauntlet while I swear fealty to you."

     After studying my face for a few seconds, Amaya stands and instructs Ryu to lift me up onto my knees and untie my bonds. When he begins to protest, Amaya lifts her hand to strike him but he apologizes before she gets the chance to bring it down on his face.

     "Be warned, dark stranger," she hisses. "If you try to escape, my archers will be ready. My men have been thirsting for blood to spill, but it would be a shame if you were to be wasted. You are very interesting."

     I rub my wrists after Ryu grudgingly unties them. That was so easy, it's almost amusing. I try not to smile as I say, "I understand. What am I to

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