» Fiction » Reflections, Linda Dyanne Bolden [free ebook novel .txt] 📗

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coat was located because she had to take her into the station for questioning. She pointed to the only big closet in the entire apartment. The officer gave her shoes to her to slip on her feet, while she helped her into her coat.

The officer put the handcuffs on her hands, and she guided her out of the apartment, onto the streets and into the back seat of their police car. The street lights were on but it seemed very dark to her. As she sat in the car she saw through the window more police cars parked all other the streets with their sirens roaring and their lights flashing. The male and female officers that was in the apartment with her were talking with other officers about what they thought had apparently occurred.

After their short conversation they return to their vehicle and drove off. Her tears where replaced by fear in her eyes and she leaned back against the cushion of the car seat and closed her eyes tightly.

She visualized this magical radiance emerging, an image of someone strolling her way with his arms elongated, his clothing is translucent, his eyes gazing into hers, as he scope her, their lips are moist, overflowing with desire. His lip presses soothingly against hers, while their gentle touch discovers there way transversely down each others body. Her body is heated by the warmth and passion of both bodies gliding in rhythm. Her thoughts at that moment are breathtaking. Her heart skips a beat. His look is intense, while her eyes are glazing with aspiration, now she becomes mesmerized by his scent, she becomes overwhelmed as she hears a soft whisper saying “I love you and I need you.” The voice is incredibly transparent but the imageries are not tangible, however, the enthusiasm had her clinging on to the desire of his stroke, yearning to the point of thirst for his arms to be embrace around hers. The passion intensifies to its peak, then the radiance of that moment of Terrence diffuses right before her and she opens her eyes, she was left feeling perplexed and bewildered. Meanwhile all she could see was the police car light flashing, suddenly her body starts shivering persistently.

The devil is a lie continues part 3

As her eyes opens from the persisting shivering, she realized the water she was sitting in had became very cold. Her hands felt like they had drawled up into prunes. She had no ideal that she had drifted off into a dark place in her life where she did not want to be. The mere thoughts of her unconscious mind plotting, plus wanting to kill this man that she once love but now hated frighten her to the point of tears. Her body trembled again and she motion to sit up straight. As she reached both hands upon the side of the tub to get up, a razor-sharp pain went throughout her body reminding her of him kicking her in the side like she was some trash in the street, resulting in an ugly bruise.

She immediately sighs… with release, an indication that she had enough of his abuse. She rose from the tub and stepped out onto the floor. She grabs her towel to towel herself dry, still unnerved by her thoughts to shoot someone. She quickly released the stopper from the tub to drain the water and rushed over to sit down on the lid of the toilet seat. She was feeling light-headed her thoughts were becoming liberated now, after sitting in the tub for so long.

She still could not erase the events of the day, wishing that it was all a bad dream; however the realization of a man kicking a woman was something she knew she could not tolerate from anyone. She knew she did not deserved to be treated like that and she knew a woman should be treated like a queen by a man that says he loves her. Her day should have been a day of fanaticism and romance. She should have been taking a hot bubble bath, as he washed her back, not a bath to soak her aching body, or she could be sipping on a glass of wine, surrounded by a room of red roses, instead of dreaming of murder. She should have a day where both of them take turn rubbing each others bodies with scented oils, and listening to soft jazz play, eliminating the hostility and the physical abuse. The room should have been filled with laugher and romantic bliss, not replace with sadness and affliction. This is when she came to the realization that the devil is a lie and nobody was going to steal her joy or her sovereignty, Charles or no one else was worth going to jail for, neither was he worthy of her love. She was consciously aware of the fact she no longer would be a victim of any mans abuse; she had her dignity and pride to hold on to the day she die. She didn’t need him or his deranged behavior now was the time to walk away and end the madness before things became seriously out of control. Consequently she will walk away with a few bruises on her body and a life-time scaring but she will leave with a clear conscious and self-respect. This kind of relationship is an ongoing occurrence for women all over the world.

After bring into the light all of her thoughts and feelings, she was able to release all of the anxieties inside of her and concentrate on lotion herself down and putting on her gown and socks for bed. She click off the light in the bathroom and went straight to the bed, removing the covers back to get under it. He did not say anything to her and she did not say anything to him. He put his hand underneath her gown and she flinch, moving as far away from him as she could, she couldn’t believe that he had the audacity to touch her after just kicking the shit out of her, she was convince that he was a very twisted individual.

She couldn’t wait for the night to end so she could leave him this time for good. With that thought she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning she called off from work and she did not return until three days later, allowing her body to heal as well as her spirits. She called Charles to tell him that she no longer wanted to date him and their relationship was over. By the time she returned to work he had been terminated after an altercation with one of his clients. She was extremely relieved that she did not have to see him again, and she was extremely glad she could put that chapter of her life behind her.

After weeks of not talking or seeing him, he suddenly appeared inside of the insurance building one day, demanding that she give him so money, but she quickly refused his demands and he like always threaten to knock her upside her head if she did not give him what he wanted. She had become accustomed to his treats now and looked him straight into his eyes. “Well you just have to bust my head because I am not going to give you any money.” She said with confidents and she then added “but you just remember this would be the last head you bust I’m sure.” She didn’t know if he attain her alleged threats, nonetheless she was adamant about her statement and she never looked away from him. He looked at her and said “no I am not going to touch you, because I know you are plotting to get your brothers to come after me.” After his response he walked toward the door, walking out of it, mumbling “fuck you” and nodding his head. Indicating with the wave of her hand, “good riddance” She said out loud to herself. “Thank you Lord, This time, the devil is a lie.”

The Little girl’s trip to Mr. Shelton’s store
The little girls short stories

Dust had just set in; the little girl, however, had earned some extra money for washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen, from her older brother. Any way’s she decided she would dash out to the store to buy herself some candy and a pop before it became too late. It was not daylight savings time so about 4:20p.m.

The daylight would fade away quickly. Since she had so many brothers and sister; her mom would give every sibling old enough, dish washing chores on rotating weeks. Her brother Steven never wanted to wash dishes and clean the kitchen on his time around. Nonetheless he would always ask her to do his time around with pay, and naturally it was no big deal for her and she could get paid in the process. She loved a well kept kitchen and she washed dishes with ease.
She quickly grabbed a light jacket and headed for the store to get some candy, she has always loved chocolate candy and grape pop was her favorite drink. During the late 60’s early 70’s you could purchase a 16 oz soda pop in a glass bottle for 45 cents and if you returned the bottle you could get 5 cents deposit back. As she walked out of her building onto the sidewalk she didn't see anyone outside at first, but as she focused her attention further toward Mr. Shelton’s store she notice a dark skinned male teenager walking around the circle wearing a gray jacket with a hood, blue jeans, and white sneakers.. She didn’t’ recognize him as a local. He seemed to be pacing the circle.

The circle was named the circle by the neighborhood kids; they played there during the daytime. They played soft ball or kick ball in that area. Also they would ride their bikes in the circle; as a matter of fact she was taught how to ride a bicycle in the circle. She remembers very well how she skinned her knees riding her bike in that particular spot. The circle was a big concrete pavement where Red's tavern, Mr. Shelton’ store, a storefront Church and a small dry cleaner was located.
At first she thought the teenager was going into the store, but he never moved, even after she made her way to it. She observed him closer and she knew then that she had never seen him before that day on her block. Of course she was alarm and was hoping he would not be standing there when she came out of the store. Nonetheless the little girl proceeded on inside of the store to make her purchase. Mr. Shelton put her purchase items in a brown paper bag, no plastic bags were giving to costumers during those days.

To her surprise the teenager had left from in front of the store, she immediately became relieved. She took a deep breath motioning to relax. The little girl felt something was wrong, she was 12 years old, she felt very suspicious, and uncomfortable, always being conscious of her surroundings; yet instill she started walking home, she looked up ahead and the teenager peered out from within the dark gangway between two apartment buildings. He had pulled his hooded over his head, blocking any visibility of his face. She knew it was him and panic set in again, knowing she would have to pass the guy to get to her building. Her thoughts were racing in her mind. Her original thought was he was up to something; yet she couldn't pin point what it was at that moment. She wondered if he was
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