» Fiction » Reflections, Linda Dyanne Bolden [free ebook novel .txt] 📗

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her son, cooking, and cleaning to really pin-point how late he would stay out. Most of the time during the week-days her mom would keep her son Terry so she did not have to bring him out in the cold at night, especially if she was scheduled for school on those days. However, Tyrone would tell her he was hanging out with his friends, having a drink or playing pool.

Tia dreaded the winter mostly when she have to travel in the bad weather to school in the evenings and she wonder why she never re-located to a much warmer climate to live. Chicago was known for the heavy wind and during the winter months one could definitely experience some trenchant winds or heavy snow storms. As she thinks about the snow and the cold weather she remembers the day of the big storm in Chicago and the day she was attack by the 3 W monsters.

The little girl’s canceled party
Little girl’s short stories

On the eve of her birthday party, her mother eagerly started buying party flavors for her party. She had invited some friends and her cousins to join her in celebration. Her older sister had baked a big yellow cake with hips of chocolate frosting, her flavor kind of cake. She even had the chance to lick the frosting off the spoon. She became excited at dust the evening before her party, anticipating the thought of turning another year older. She tried not to get overly anxious because she knew how that time of the year could be like; yet her mother had promise her she could have the party since the weather was unseasonably warm for that time of the year. As she looked out from her window that evening she prayed that the little white trickles of snowflakes that had began to fall from the sky would go away. However the weathermen were broadcasting a snow storm traveling in Chicago’s direction. Before she went to bed that night the few snowflakes she had saw had tapered off.

The next morning when she awakens, the day of her birthday January 26, 1967 the great snowstorm of Chicago was well on its way. She had made 9 years old and the storm had started at 5:05 a.m. and continued to fall throughout Friday with an accumulation of 23 inches, with drifts up to 6 feet. Although trains were running, cars buses and planes didn’t. All schools, offices and work places were closed for several days. People had to walk to their homes and camp out in the airports and/or get hotel rooms. The little girl was heartbroken because once again she was unable to celebrate her birthday with her family and friends. Her chocolate cake sat in the fridge untouched, because of the chaos of her surroundings.
She did have some enjoyment that day and the day after, although the schools were closed, which she hated because she loved going to school, it was her time and her space, she didn’t like being at home all day with her sisters and brothers because they often fought over who was going to watch what program on the television set. Something most kids these days doesn’t have to worry about. Although she loved the snow, unlike the 3 W monsters, she had name. So yes she was excited about playing in the snow, even though it was so high, she almost got buried in it as she tramped through it to play. She watched all of the snow-buried cars in the streets. Delivery trucks stalled in the middle of the streets because there was nowhere on the streets for the cars could get through.

People were scrambling everywhere trying to get to stores that were open to get enough food for their homes, until the storm passed over.
On her block mid-ways Mr. Shelton store was open because he lived in the back of his store. She thought he stayed at his store because he was afraid that the teenagers would break in and steal what little he had in it. No deliveries could be made so he didn't have much any way. Mr. Shelton was a big black man, charging double for everything he had in his little storefront store. But the kids like to go to his store because he was so close for the neighborhood kids to travel to and when he turned his back they would grab some junk and run out.

The little girl saw on many incidents when a gang of kids would come in the store and he would go to the back to get his shot gun to scare them off. After the snow storm and the lack of food deliveries, he was force to close his store himself. He had no bread, no produce, and some of the other necessary items that were needed to keep business running. The little girl only had a canceled birthday party, but the city was stricken hard by the snowstorm.

Businesses were forced to close, 60 deaths were attributed to the storm, mostly because of heart attacks from shoveling snow. There were 273 looters arrested during the storm, this was a mess even for a nine year old girl to remember, one of the worst snowstorms in over 80 years, since the one that occurred on her birthday in 1967.

Beware of the 3 W Monsters
The little girl’s short stories

The little girls knew that the 3 W monsters loved to attack her, during the frigid months of winter. Its locality is in the windy city. The 3 W monsters plotted its attack, waiting behind corners, outside the doors, anticipating its next move. It would sneak up behind her before she can get the chance to fight it off. Somehow it always manages to confiscate her. Some say its mother nature, others, the acts of God, scientist said that such clouds occasionally produced by the rising over artic and Antarctic mountains in high polar latitudes during the winter months, now days global warming is the cause of it, however, the little girl knew it as the 3 W monsters, the Whispering, Whirling, Wind Monster.
Before she leaves out of her door, she covers herself with layers of clothing, preparing herself with her safety garments wrapping her scarf twice around her face and mouth, trying to protecting herself from its piecing attacks. It waits for her, mischievously antagonizing her. She could see from the window, the white crystal-like particles had formed into icicles; the windowpane had setup frost along its corners. It’s making rapping noises against the window. Her thoughts are of dread, as she walks into the hallway leading towards the entrance, prolonging the torture for as long as she could.

First it’ll wait for her to leave her comfortable home, as she reached for the door, pulling it open, the Whirling monster with extreme force pushed her off balance, she only ten years old, so she doesn’t weigh much to hold up her balance, as she proceed to the outside, she make haste, walking with speed, concentrating on dodging its trenchant blows, then out come the Whistling monster, it whistled around her ear, in rhythmic tunes “I ‘m gonna get you… I’m gonna get you, look… out little girl.” She secured her scarf, pulled down her hat as far as she could move rapidly, to halt the Wind monsters blows. Instead it whirls at her face, traveling down her neck, with sharp pains, it start piercing at her ears, nipping at her nose and face moving consistently towards her hands and fingers. Her eyes became watery; she quickly dried her eyes so the tears don’t freeze. The Whispering, Whirling, Wind Monster tried to cut off her breath. Her toes were numb; threaten frostbite, as she moved behind a tall building to shelter herself from the brutal Wind monster, however, as soon as she began to feel a little safe from it atrocious attacks, it makes blustery wind sounds lingering in the air, as it turns around the corner in a whirl-about movement, the wind monster is so clever and powerful it continues to assault her blow-by-blow.

So the little girl was ready to surrender, relinquishing any thoughts of reaching her destination, she couldn’t handle the 3 W monsters, refusing its constant assaults on her, she runs back home dodging its gust. Half way into her home she slips and falls hard on the ice. She manages to get up from the ground and quickly rushing to her door, she grabs her keys out of her pockets, avoid removing her gloves, as her key enters the key hole the lock wouldn’t turn, she realizes the lock was frozen and so were her hands. She reaches up with one hand, deciding to ring the bell. The response wasn’t quick enough as she entered the house, securely blocking out the winter monster, as she rapidly found heat in the warmth of her home, she immediately removes her boots, her coat, as she nursed her wounds, massaging her toes and hands.

She dreaded ever leaving out in Chicago’s windy city Frigid cold for fear of its adverse critical abuse.

Tiara mom had insisted that she leave her son at her house since the weather was so bad outside. When she left work that evening she had every intention to go to her Wednesday’s scheduled class, which she had spoke with Tyi and told him she was going earlier that day. On her way there she decided it was too bad and headed home.

During her drive home she saw several spin-outs and she couldn’t wait to get in her home safely. As she walks in her home the lights were out in the entire house, assuming her husband was not there, she took off her coat and boots and walked straight towards her bedroom. Half ways she heard noises and couldn’t make out the sounds at first. Then she heard a woman’s screams, a moaning, followed by more screams, she thought maybe Tyi had fell asleep with the television on with the volume high. She stopped immediately the sounds were nearby, and then she heard a man’s voice, her husband’s voice penetrated in her ear. She had become mystified and lost in thought, not believing what she was hearing.

The women shouted out “Tyrone don’t stop baby it feels so good!” then the moaning was intense. She knew it was not the television as she had once thought, she knew her husband could make a woman cry out in such ecstasy, as this woman was lost in desire. Obviously Tiara face was flushed and she became furious, not to mention numb at the thought of another woman in her home and in her bed with her husband, making love to him, lying on her sheets. She couldn’t believe he could stoop so low, moaning in delight as he spills out of his mouth how good she felt.

Tiara moves gradually towards the half open door, distressed by the startling passion being displayed right before her eyes. Tyrone didn’t hear nor see her walk in the half-lit bedroom, her hands were trembling, her mouth was completely dry, her eyes were filled with tears, as her stomach became revolted, her mind enraged. His lips and hands were all over her body, as he grows engulfed in his lust. Her eyes were shut; her legs were wrapped around the base of his neck, her greasy-ass Geri-Curls pressed deep into the pillow, as her head flowingly moves from side- to-side. She cries out over again. “I love you baby” “I love you Tyi”

The purse that Tiara had still hanging on her shoulders, slips off, falling to the floor and both Tyrone and the strange woman in
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