» Fiction » Immortal Destiny (ch 1-10), Paige569 [trending books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Immortal Destiny (ch 1-10), Paige569 [trending books to read TXT] 📗». Author Paige569

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suspicion would surely be a raised and that kind of talk was the precise thing we tried to avoid. It also never failed to get back to Cyril and punishment for such carelessness in public was far from pleasant.

I was completely panicked and running out of ideas. I could feel Marcus's heart jabbing fast rhythmic beats that were close to the pace of my own thrumming heart. I didn't know what to do and Marcus wasn't helping with ideas either. I couldn't imagine what was going through his head with me his natural enemy in his arms and his brother a Dark Hunter a few feet away who wanted nothing more than to kill me. It wasn't an easy choice like the one I had made when I killed Raphael to protect him. Raphael meant nothing and killing was as natural to me as water and air were to him.

I was almost certain I wouldn't harm Eric, but when he took a shady step forward clinching something in the breast of his jacket that was without a doubt a stake, my survival instincts immediately kicked in. I stepped away from Marcus forgetting he was there altogether and thinking only of the potential threat before me.

I had only seconds left before the clouds left me naked and in open view of Eric and I would have to act fast. As far as I could tell I had only two options, I could kill him or risk him killing me and the chances of him doing so were high.

Eric wasn't just any Dark Hunter, he was their leader, completely ruthless and a true warrior who had killed many vampires and probably more than one or two of the other Dark Hunters combined. There would be no hesitations with him and if Marcus was fearless than Eric was positively brimming with lack of self preservation. He lived only for the hunt and I could guess he loved the feel of his stake tearing into our flesh as much as we savored the feeling of our fangs sinking into their delicate skin.

Without warning I felt my body grow cold as my eyes turned from their jade green to black and the feel of my fangs clipping out of my mouth.

I missed this feeling before a fight or a hunt, my adrenalin rushing through my veins. I wanted to kill him, forgetting he was Marcus's brother or that it was wrong and I was a changed born again vampire.

This was something else and out of my control. It didn't come from my heart or my mind; it came from inside me, an uncontrollable desire.

I wanted to make this man who had led the many battles that ended with my fellow vampire's demise to suffer. I was a tigress and he was my prey.

Somewhere I could feel Marcus watching me intently, but he was faded into the background.

I crouched over ready to leap before the last cloud drifted leaving me unsheltered when I felt Marcus's hand reach out and shake me. From the look he gave me he was trying to snap me out of this, but it was impossible. When I was with Marcus I let go of this cold, heartless, hallow creature that I was and now I welcomed it back willingly.

As much as I wanted Marcus, I couldn't deny who I was or what I am. Honestly how long could we have kept this going? One day he would grow old and die and then what? This, right here in this moment was my true self, a natural reborn killer. Who was I to change the course of nature that had embodied me for all these years?

I readied myself for my attack, shaking Marcus's protective hold off of my arm.

He grabbed hold of my shoulders making me face him and gazed directly into my eyes.

It felt like a thousand bolts of lightning were vibrating through my skin in rapid jolts sending an electrifying thrill through my body and then it was over and all thoughts of killing were gone from my mind completely. He had a stronger hold over me then I thought. It took only one look from him to remind me of what I could be. What we could be together and how much I wanted it.

I almost forgot everything that was going on when I looked up into the sky to see the clouds shift by illuminating us out into the open. Thinking quickly I shoved Marcus hard, sending him soaring in the air and landing with a thump against the railing. I hated to hurt him in anyway, but it was better if I looked like I was attacking him rather than standing here gazing into his eyes.

Eric saw this just as it happened and stepped boldly out onto the platform stake in hand his eyes gleaming with zeal.

I swiftly flew through the air hoping to tackle him and get hold of the stake before he had a chance to use it, but he was too quick. He rolled to the ground on his side and was back on his feet nearly as fast as I was facing him again.

He stared at me coldly with a sinful grin and motioned for me to come forward with his middle and index finger.

He didn't even so much as glance at Marcus lying on the floor a few feet away and that sent another kind of protective anger through my body. He was unworthy for such a brother as Marcus.

For a while we repeated this synchronized movement back and forth, whenever one of us thought we had the other we found ourselves back at square one. We stood facing each other walking one way then the other. His Grey eyes were made of stone and he never tore his gaze from mine. He was like a machine, his breathing was even and not a strand of hair was out of place. I admired his persistence, no matter what the goal. Anyone who could keep up with me was worthy of my praise.

I gave him one last wicked grin before diving right and then left before ending up behind him leaving him glancing in all directions; I was faster even for him.

I tapped the back of his shoulder and grabbed the stake out of his grasp. He staggered back... but his expression didn't look scared, he looked furious. I wondered if it was from being beat by a women or a vampire I wasn't sure.

I grabbed him from behind wrapping my arm tightly across his neck cutting off some of his air supply and making it difficult for him to struggle

I was so close to his neck and for the briefest second the urge snuck up on me, but I knew I had to let him go. It was hard to break way of what I had known for the last three hundred years. The animal inside me was going to take time to tame and maybe it would never be fully under control, but this was proof that I could try.

It seemed like whole minutes had gone bye until I loosened my grasp from around his neck. I started to step away hopeful to make it to the door when Eric sent a hard blow to my abdomen causing me to stumble backwards as a result from the unsuspected hit.

Eric ran with the stake that was now back in his hands and went straight for my heart. I turned to run when out of the corner of my eye something strange caught my attention. I saw Marcus rip the stake away from Eric who was seconds away from achieving his purpose and mumble something hurriedly to him.

What was he doing? If Eric knew he was protecting me it would only put him in danger. Confused I came to a halt turning abruptly to face him only to find myself slamming into something sharp and painful while staring into his beautiful diamond like eyes.

I fell to my knees staring in disbelief at the blood seeping down the stake that was now lodged deep in my chest as my clothes became soaked with blood, my blood.

I didn't understand what had just happened; Marcus just drove a stake deep into my chest and the betrayal and hurt was unbearable leaving me completely empty and utterly shocked. I hadn't seen this coming and wondered if I was really the fool all along.

I didn't know what to think. It didn't add up, our entire short lived relationship we had existed alone because of him pushing me into embracing it. I had resisted to the brink of madness till I finally gave in only to have him kill me now? He had so many previous opportunities I couldn't make reason. I looked at him desperately asking for answers to my unspoken questions.

His eyes were anguished and broken.

I felt my life drifting away as I fell backwards staring up at the moon, the singular piece of solar art that was one of its own basking in its beauty, the queen of the night's sky and out lasting any star. It was one of the only things that have walked this earth with me besides Cyril throughout my entire existence as one of the dammed.

It was the spot light in the glittered mystery that was the night and to me as bright as the sun, it was my sun. I shut my eyes tightly saying good bye to such beauty. I was pretty sure the only brightness I would be seeing shortly was the blistering heat from the fiery pits of hell.

When I opened them Marcus was standing over me, Eric was still a good amount of distance away not paying attention to us, why would he? I doubted he suspected the betrayal that had just taken place between his brother and I. To him it had purely been a kill.

"I'm sorry, I... I had to do it," He whispered quietly enough so that only I could hear him.

He said something else, but I couldn't understand him and didn't want to the sound of his voice alone hit my body like fire against my skin.

The next thing I heard was the distant patter of footsteps making their way down the stairway in long lengthy strides and I knew I was alone.

I closed my eyes and welcomed the blackness. It felt like hours had gone by, but in reality it had been only seconds when I heard the door slam heavily against the wall and the approaching footsteps of an unknown stop at my side.
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