» Fiction » Immortal Destiny (ch 1-10), Paige569 [trending books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Immortal Destiny (ch 1-10), Paige569 [trending books to read TXT] 📗». Author Paige569

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whether there was some one out there who would be missing them when they were gone... someone like me when it came to him. It was unusual these feelings and I hated it. It's not right for a vampire to have morals, we can't afford them.

"Elizabeth I'm going hunting and your coming with me," it was Alyssa.

I haven't seen her since the night we were attacked on the dock by the Dark Hunters. I felt a shallow stab in my insides. Must everything remind me of him? I considered killing Alyssa right then and there so I would have one less memory to worry about.

"No, go on with out me." I told her.

"No, your going," she told me defiantly, "and were doing this with
style, not lurking around the docks like common animals."

"I like the docks." I said sternly.

"Well last time, it almost got us killed, so were doing this my way this time."

The urge to kill this dim witted girl grew stronger with every word that left her insolent mouth.

In truth I didn't really want to hunt at the docks anymore. Every time I smelt the salt water and felt the sticky sea air on my skin I was reminded of the night that I met Marcus.

"Fine, I'll go." I told her reluctantly.

"Good," she squealed, "now go change because were heading to the club tonight. I want something young and fresh," she said excitedly.

I left to my room and as I walked in I was startled to see Cyril sitting on my bed.

"Your going out hunting with Alyssa tonight?" he asked quietly.

I stared at him for a few seconds. We hadn't talked much since he had last had his words with me.

"Yes, I'm going, is there a problem?" I asked arching my brow questionably.

He swiftly moved until he was standing besides me. His eyes were light tonight and he seemed more coloful like he had just fed.

He touched the side of my cheek with his hand and gently kissed the side of my face.

"I'm glad you seem to be feeling better Elie." Was all he said before he left the room.

It wasn't so unusual this behavior. We had never gone so long without talking and we were bonded. He missed me and a part of me missed him too, but he couldn't understand what I was feeling. He would kill me if he knew what I was feeling. Our bond as strong as it was would never survive such a betrayal on my part.

I got dressed in a simple classic black dress that was both chic and sexy. We were going to hunt in the club, a busy place where there would be plenty of young and all to willing humans. I would go along with Alyssa, but in truth I didn't need to feed. I just wanted to shut her up and try to get Marcus out of my head.

I let my hair fall down my back and clasped my mother's necklace around my neck. Taking a jeweled hair clip from my dresser counter I pulled a few strands of hair out of my face and pinned it back in a
small twist.

We drove in one of Cyril's cars and made our way into the heart of the city. The music was blasting from an old warehouse and a line circulated around the side of the building with people waiting to get in.

This club was owned by vampires so the bouncer a very tall vamp with a muscular build and shaved head who let us pass through. As soon as we entered the club the atmosphere transformed from the outside. Their was velvet lined furniture and blocked off vip sections where you had to have a special pass or in our case fangs would be enough to get us behind those ropes if we wanted to. Though when you hunt you choose more down played victims. You don't take someone who is going to be missed.

The lights strobe across the crowd of gleaming patrons glistening with sweat from the heavy dancing as their bodies swayed to the music. This was all to easy a place for hunting in five minutes I spotted at least five potential victims.

I looked to my left where Alyssa had been standing and she was already gone. I spotted her through the crowd cornering a young guy maybe twenty-two. He would be all to willing to subside to Alyssa's charms.

I made my way into the crowded dance floor when someone grabbed me from behind and wrapped their arms around my waste.
My breathing stopped altogether. The scent of sandalwood hit me hard and I gasped.


I breathed out a long sigh of relief. I had missed him and maybe not even realized how much until this moment.

I turned around and was automatically caught in the icy diamond gaze of his eyes. He didn't look as happy to see me as I was of him.

"What are you ding here Elizabeth." He asked sternly.

"What do you mean, I'm sure you know vampires own this bar."

'That's not what I mean and you know it." he said gesturing around with his eyes to the crowded room.

I see it now, the all to sickening truth had finally caught up to him. He thought I was here to feed. When this realization first hit me my face must have looked hurt because Marcus's face seemed to soften. Well I didn't need his pity.

I ripped his hand off of my wrist and pushed my way off the crowded dance floor. I could see him fallowing me and trying to spot me out through the heavily packed crowd.

I saw an exit sign above a door that said roof do not enter.

I pushed it open breaking the lock with just the applied force of my hands and ran up the stairs and out the second door until the cold night air hit me hard and exuberantly.

I walked over to the ledge and peered out onto the world below. I must be only ten stories up but you could see everything from here.

The tiny lights spread like ants throughout the city until it reached the harbor where there were only distant lights coming off the few scattered boats and then the one blazing light coming from the light house.

The light house that guided the boats home through the dark, like my Marcus. In all my darkness he was the only thing that shone, the one thing that I couldn't have.

Never in all my years have I felt so much like that little run away girl that had escaped a marriage to set out and find love only to loose herself altogether and become what I am now. I traded it all for this life, yet I would willingly give it all up for Marcus to look at me any other way then he just had.

I was still standing in the edge of the building and the wind was blowing rapidly sending my hair spiraling in a whirlwind of mahogany locks. The jeweled pin fell from my hair and down to the ground several stories below.

How simple I thought, falling softly through the sky and then just....gone. If only it were that simple to end my misery. It takes more than that to kill a vampire. I would walk away from the fall with minor injuries that would heal themselves in minutes.

I heard the door creek open and Marcus's head poke through and glance around the dark roof top until he spotted me.

"Elizabeth!" he sounded almost frantic.

"what do you want?" I asked rudely.

"Get down from there, don't jump!"

Was he serious? It made me want to laugh out load. Did he know nothing of vampires?

"No Marcus, I don't want to live anymore," I gasped dramatically. It wasn't far from the truth, but I was afar from suicidal this was just entertaining.

"Listen Elizabeth, I'm sorry about what I said, it's just you never came to find me, I thought you would have." his face truly seemed hurt and my heart rate immediately began to pick up speed. Maybe he cared for me still and it wasn't too late, "then I find you here, a local hunting ground and I just.... It's hard Elie but I'm trying. This goes against everything I believe in."

"What did you call me?" I asked.


"No, after that." I said.

"You mean Elie?"

That did it for me. I jumped down from the ledge of the building and ran gently into his arms pressing my lips softly against his.

"You know Marcus, vampires can't die from jumping off buildings." I said against his lips and chuckling lightly.

"I know, but its still hard to see you standing so close to the edge, I know your indestructible, but.."

I cut him off with my hungry kisses. He cared for me, truly cared.

This was so wrong for both of us. We were not only an unlikely match, but an impossible one.

This was so different then the last kiss we had shared. The desire I felt for him was so much stronger then the thirst I had for his blood. I just wanted him and couldn't seem to get enough.

His hands roamed and explored my body as he trailed kisses that ignited me skin on fire. Along my jaw line and across the rim of my collar bone. When he brought his lips back up to mine he gazed at me and his eyes that were no longer icy but warm and liquid as they looked at me full of lust and something else I wasn't sure of.

"I know this is wrong Elizabeth, but ...-"

Just as he was nearly done finished speaking the door burst open.


Standing ten feet away was his brother Eric.

chapter 10

The rooftop was dark as the clouds drifted across the moonlight temporarily shielding us from any visible view from the Dark Hunter who would surely kill me if given the opportunity. He couldn't see us for now, but we could see him.

"Marcus?" Eric repeated.

I could feel Marcus's grip tighten around my waste as we stared at his brother who stood looking unseeingly beneath the archway of the door.

"Marcus you out here?" he asked again, I could hear the anxiousness mounting in his voice. His eyes were set as was the square of his jaw in a rigid pose showing he was prepared for whatever he might find out here.

Though I was sure the situation that was presented before him was far from anything he could have ever imagined.

I looked around for any type of escape, but the rooftop was completely bare without so much of an electrical box for me to hide behind. I could make a jump for it, but the line that circled the club was still heavily packed with anxious people hoping to get into the nearly exclusive club.

There was the back alley, but I could hear a couple going at it fiercely and no matter how distracted they were, the sound of my body crashing to the ground would more than likely cause attention.

Not to mention when I got up and walked away relatively uninjured
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