» Fiction » Immortal Destiny (ch 1-10), Paige569 [trending books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Immortal Destiny (ch 1-10), Paige569 [trending books to read TXT] 📗». Author Paige569

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he meant or why he should point out such an irrelevant observation.

He continued to stare at me wide eyed.

Than I knew, I knew what he meant and a pang of grief and anger shot through me.

They assume us to be dead creatures who are so sinister and cruel that our hearts can't possibly beat. Just a myth of course. Like anything else that lives, walks and breaths, needs a heart to pump the blood that runs through it's veins and we are no different.

As ironic as it is, I'm still alive, just simply immortal.

Immortal, the word echoed in my mind taunting me. I had always looked at it as a gift, a gift of eternal life, but now I wonder if it is more of a twisted curse.

"Yes, Marcus my heart beats." I said coldly.

"Oh, I always assumed-"

"You always assumed what?" I snapped.

My eyes squinted into menacing slits and my fangs begged to be let loose as I fought like hell to contain them.

"I know what you thought and you were right to think so. Imagine something as disgusting and dammed like me having a heart that beats in my chest. Well don't let it fool you. I might have a heart Marcus, but it serves no greater purpose than keeping me standing here before you. I am cold and heartless when it comes to taking lives and don't you forget that. Ever."

My body stung as a look that could only be realization filled his face.

It hurt in ways I never thought possible, but I felt something else as well, relief.

Relief that he was finally understanding I was no different than any other vampire. That I had killed hundreds of people and couldn't be trusted because I didn't even understand my own needs for not wanting to kill him. That he was one person and just because I spared his life, it didn't mean it would stop me from killing another's. I had to feed, I had to survive and that meant more blood.

"Elizabeth.." his look was compassion and maybe pity as he stared at me.

The moonlight shone down on his face and once again I was reminded of his beauty.

"Don't." I said sternly. There was nothing else to say. I knew what I was.

"I don't believe any of that." he told me.

I opened my mouth to protest, but in one long stride he was in my face and pressing me back against the wall. I wondered if he really thought he was over powering me or if he knew I was letting him.

"You can say it over and over all you want Elizabeth, but why'd you let me live that night? Why'd you come here to kill me, but ended up saving my life instead?" he demanded.

His eyes were filled with determination, but my will for him to understand me was so much stronger. If I wasn't going to kill him then I was going to protect him and that meant even from me.

"I don't know Marcus, but I can assure you it was a lack of judgment. You were hardly worth it with all the trouble your turning out to be and not to mention highly frustrating and annoying." I said shaking his hands off.

Yes, I would be cold , I wouldn't show him anything.

"I don't believe you." he challenged reclaiming his hold on my arms until my back was arched inward and my body was pressed against his.

"Let me go." I said through my teeth.

"No." he said firmly, his grip tightening.

His hair was stuck to the sides of his face and his eyes were bearing down on me intensely. When my eyes caught sight of his lips I knew I had to snap out of it.

I spun him around until he was the one pined against the wall and I was in control.

He looked at me shocked and a little bit angry.

"Is this what you wanted, to push me and see if I could really do it." I asked, giving him my most dark and wicked smile.

He didn't say anything only stared at me. His face was completely composed, but his eyes faltered for the briefest second and in that second I saw fear and uncertainty.

"Yes," I laughed, "You have every right to fear me."

If he wouldn't believe my words, then I would show him.

I smiled broadly revealing the sharp tips of my fangs then lightly brushing them against the square of his jaw.

A shudder ran through his body making me tremble automatically in responce.

"Elizabeth, look at me." he pleaded.

"I don't really see the point, I can look at you all I want when your dead."

"You aren't going to kill me." he said with out hesitation.

My eyes darted directly to his.

"Oh really and why is that?" I asked. My face betraying nothing.

"Because.." his voice was full of conviction and for a fraction of a second I thought he was going to say something that made me ears burn with want.

I realized then I wanted him to tell me he didn't fear me, that I didn't sicken him.

"Because why?" I pressed.

I knew my expression was anxious as I locked eyes with his.


"Shh," I hissed, "Marcus be quiet." I said, raising my hand to his mouth while listening to a distant sound. Someone was approaching maybe three blocks away.

"Someone's coming, about three men." I told him.

"When I didn't check in they must have came looking for me."

With out hesitation I started to leave. I didn't want to be here when they arrived, I didn't think Marcus would appreciate me killing his friends.

"Wait!" he whispered urgently, "when will I see you again?"

I shook my head and smiled before disappearing into the night.


It was still a few hours before sun down when I reached the mansion and I was fairly certain no one would have noticed I was gone.

I had killed one of Blake's protégés tonight and soon questions would be surfacing about his whereabouts. I knew no one would suspect me, but it still seemed like another problem. Something I wouldn't spend a lot of time dwelling on though. He would be forgotten as quickly as he had been killed.

I could only think of one other thing, Marcus wanted to see me again. He certainly was a bigger fool then I thought. He didn't hear a warning when he was being given one and maybe I should feel thankful for that.

I pinned my hair back up into a tight twist and took a long look at the towering mansion ahead of me. My home, where I was free to be myself and completely safe. I should be happy to be back here, but every step I took that was farther away from Marcus, I never felt so far away from where I wanted to be.

Chapter 6

I quietly slid through the open space in between the wall before it sealed itself back up and the dark tunnel disappearing behind it.

It was dark in the service area, but I could hear voices coming from Cyril's study on the left side of the long corridor. Their voices echoed off the walls and I crept closer to listen.

"She's out of control Cyril!"

It was Blake, he would say that. He was constantly trying to persuade Cyril that I was a liability and a reckless threat to him and the clan. With recent actions I couldn't deny it. I was a huge risk, but to Cyril I was completely loyal and nothing could change that.

"She is none of your concern Blake," Cyril's voice was like fire urging Blake to defy him so he could unleash his wrath, "I've told you before to leave it alone and leave her for me to deal with."

"Just because you have some high disregards for the stupid girl doesn't mean-"

"Enough!" Cyril's voice hit the walls with such force it nearly caused me to stumble back.

Next there was a load crash coming from behind the door and Blake came stumbling out while fixing his shirt that was now half tucked and running a hand over his hair in attempt to smooth it back in to place.

I couldn't help but feel pleased and a certain amount of gratitude for Cyril. This wasn't the first time him or somebody like him had been jealous of the hold and presence I held in Cyril's life. He was after all my maker and in much sense, something stronger. There was a bond that could never be broken.

I was hiding behind a large grandfather clock propped in the corner across the entrance of the study door and was trying to stifle a laugh.

"Whose there?" Blake growled.

I stepped out clutching my stomach from the uncontrollable laughter that I couldn't seem to sustain.

"Have a nice chat Blake?" I asked cryptically.

His growl rumbled deep inside his chest as he crouched over in a defensive position.

"Awe come on, haven't you had enough for one night?" I crooned derisively as i imagined cyril throwing him across the room.

He took a step towards me clearly hoping to attack when Cyril's dominate voice rang through my ears stopping us both in our tracks.

"Elizabeth! I'd like to talk to you in here if you don't mind?" he wasn't asking me though, he was just being polite. Cyril didn't ask for anything, he didn't have to . You did what he said with no questions asked.

It was Blake's turn to smirk as I walked past him nudging him hard with my elbow and sending him stumbling forward and into the wall.

He came after me just as I was slamming the door shut it his face.
I was still laughing slightly. I had never felt or laughed like this before. Felt so free like a meteor had been let loose inside me and burst out through the center of my body leaving an open wound. A wound I never wanted to close the moment it had been ripped open because it made me feel alive and something else I couldn't recognize, but I hoped nobody else could either especially Cyril.

"What's wrong with you Elie?"


He took a step towards me and stared at me intensely trying to prod out whatever he was searching for.

"What is it you want Cyril?" I asked.

"Just keep an eye on Blake, I don't trust him." he warned.

"Will do," I said and turned to leave.

"Are you sure there's nothing you want to tell me Elisabeth."

My body froze like he could somehow know what I had been up to.

"No Cyril, there's nothing."

Without another word I left the room and shut the door softly behind me. This was dangerous, if now more than ever I needed to be completely myself. If any one were to notice something different about me it would be him. Cyril knew me better than anyone. Perhaps the only one that truly knew me at all.


Cyril had brought me over to this
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