» Fiction » Among Stars, Nevi Bernard [free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗

Book online «Among Stars, Nevi Bernard [free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗». Author Nevi Bernard

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the midriff and rest it on my shoulders. I sighed as I exited my room knowing I’m about to step into the lion’s mouth and I had to do so with care. I hurried down the stairs and walked quickly toward the kitchen, but as I hurried down the hall I bumped into a strong hard body and fell.

“Sorry.” I mumbled before looking up to see who I’d bumped into and screamed.

The guy had pale sandy blond hair with hazel blue eyes and bronze toned skin obviously from being in the sun a lot. The face looked a lot like that of my ex-boyfriend from the previous year.

I heard footsteps rushing down the hall but I could only focus on the face that had hurt me so badly the previous school year. Carver Emerson a form Varsity Football player for our school, whom every girl went bananas for. He had on a black t-shirt and jeans looking all smug and comfortable.

“What are you doing here?” I shrieked in horror.

“Hello to you too.” He sarcastically smiled.

“Can my day and my life get any worst.” I screamed

By now dad had entered the room and was moving towards me with great effort. I was still on the ground looking up at Carver. Dad started to take my hand to help me up but in great anger I pulled away.

“Don’t touch me. Right this very moment I wanna go home and I don’t care what you wanna tell.” I shrieked

“DJ why are you so hostile – ” dad started to say but the words died on his lips when my nonna came in.

“Damira what in heaven’s name are you wearing?” She frowned in disapproval.

“It’s called clothes.” I replied smartly

“That smart mouth of yours that I’ve been hearing about will not work with me young lady.” She continued her lecture but I had blocked her out.

            I felt the vibration in my pocket and pull out phone. Without saying anything to nonna who was still talking I answered it.

“DJ here.”

“Hey DJ, it’s me Jonny. Where are you? You should have been here an hour ago.”

“Jonny I know it’s you. Dang! I totally forgot I should be there. How is Justin doing?”

“He and his best friend Lana just had a fight so there was no one else to call. You know that the two of you have a ………”

The conversation was interrupted by my grandmother, who thought I was being rude by not listening to her rant and rave about my bad behavior and so my phone was plucked from my hand and the call ended. I frustration I sighed and took up the house phone to Jonny.

“Hey sorry about that…” I apologized the minute Jonny said hello. “So Justin has no one to practice with right?” I continued.

I was totally ignoring everyone in the room who stood with their mouths open. No one ever thought to have a battle of wills with nonna, no even my nonno didn’t try.

Realizing that I was still determined to ignore her she ended that call as well.

“Argh!!! What is wrong with you? Do think the entire universe revolves around you?!” I screamed in fury.

“You will not use that tone with me….” She started to say but I interrupted her.

“Yeah whatever, like I care what will not have.” I huffed then grabbed my phone from her hand.

            I press the button on the Bluetooth earphone which actually was a walkie-talkie.

“Cheetah come in this is Ghost Fox.” I used the military-like code names that I would use with my bodyguards.

“Ghost Fox this is Cheetah. What’s up?” Daleon responded

“I have a crisis at hand I need a ride to the studio. And I need to get there quick.” I said as I threw the midriff blouse into the air and pushing my hands through the sleeves and then pulling the rest of it over my head.

“Copy that, the Slinger just landed. Over-heard the conversation and figured you wouldn’t be staying.”

“Well I’m making my way through the door.”

“DJ, where are you going?” it was dad. By the look on his face he was furious but so was I.

“Dad, I have a life and obligations to fulfill. I don’t have time or the energy to deal with all this.” I turned and walked the short distance to the foyer and out the front door where my ride waited patiently.


            I felt drained the next day as I left from the school grounds, another day of torture and humiliation. At one point I hid under the school bleachers and cried for a little while, nothing went right. It was as if the world had turned upside down and inside out, a total roller-coaster ride.

“How was your day?” Dad as I entered the car.

I didn’t respond just shrugged my shoulders. I really wasn’t in a talking mood and wished mom would come home to rock away all the problems. After closing my door the driver went around and entered.

“Jimmy, Could you take me to Yorkshire stables?” I said to the driver. I gave him instructions of where to find it and he nodded after looking into the rear view mirror obviously at dad for his approval apparently which he got.


Today, the day I knew I would hate the most has finally come, the family monthly get together. Once a month my dad and the rest of the family would meet at his house, have dinner, dance, and just have fun. But I always felt like an ancient specimen in an observatory tank, with millions of eyes staring at you. I sighed just wishing things could just go back to normal, when it would just be mom and me, and I would be avoiding dad as best as possible. Today I was stick here nowhere o hide, or do I?

I immediately remembered my old hide away that always felt so far away from every problem that I could have while being here in the house. Not wanting to be obvious I took my basketball out to shoot some hoops for a while, just to buy me enough time to plan my escape from everyone. As soon as it seemed as though no one was around I took the opportunity to go down to the beach for a walk.

As I got farther and farther away all he strains that I felt before drained away. I didn’t anything to worry about but myself. I took in the sites I always enjoy as a young child coming here. I smiled remembering a happy memory that felt like ages ago. I continued to walk along the seashore until I came upon some boulders I agilely climbed over them like it hadn’t been come time since I’d been there. Once at the top I looked behind to look at the villa from the distance. I looked beautiful, but I knew that on the inside didn’t feel that way. I sighed once more and finished my climb down the rocks until I stood on soft white sand again, in a little bay.

            I was about to enter an old cave when I heard a female giggling and a male say something in a low tone. I quickly climbed back up the way that I came and peeked over to have a look but saw no one. I climbed down and then up the other side and had to duck so that I wasn’t seen. Very slowly I poked my head up, and saw Dremaine and a girl making out. His hands slipping under her blouse up to her breast. As if on cue she opened her eyes, and they widen at the site of me. Dremaine apparently realized something was wrong for he stopped kissing her neck long enough to see her wide eyes and followed just in time to see me scampering away.

“You little sneak!!!” He screamed and I could hear his feet pounding his away after me.

I had some advantage over him since I was distances away from him. I was able to slip into the cave unseen but I knew that I couldn’t approach the water hole just yet. If he was to follow my hide away could be ruined. So without hesitation I took a left instead of a right and hid behind two rocks that formed a great hiding spot.

“Where are you, you little idiot? His voice echoed into the darken cave.

I willed myself to breath more quietly fearing what he might think to do if he caught me. I heard the footsteps come to the exact spot where I hid and I held my breath and shut my eyes. as a child I would that thinking that I would mean you wouldn’t see me wherever I hid but now it was different, now it was a silent prayer that I wouldn’t be found. After what felt like eternity, he went away. I slowly and quietly let out the breath I held but still didn’t move. Another eternity later I quietly left my hiding place and went back the way I came. Instead of heading to the entrance I went straight ahead to the right side of the cave where the water hole was located.

            I heard the voice just time to hide again behind another rock. I tried to remain very quiet.

“Dre, baby c’mon I don’t like it in here. It’s creepy.” The female whined

“She couldn’t have gone far.” He sighed grumpily. “Ok c’mon, it’s starting to creep me out too.” He said as the voice as the point at which I stood. I waited this time until the voices were outside before I move towards the water hole.

The water hole was an underwater cave that leads straight to my hideaway. The water inside was caused by the very high tide that came in at night and so created a little pool. So with smooth movements I slid into the water and took a breath before I submerged into the cool clear water. I swan until I got to a stop point where the top of the cave was high enough to emerge for another breath. I did so quickly, and under I went again. I didn’t come up until I came up until I came to the hideaway, and when I did, I was breathless.

I took some time to catch my breath then climbed out. I laid for a while on the cold hard surface until I was breathing normally, then I got up. I went up the two steps and opened the door. The basement looked dark and empty like I knew I would. I pressed a button on the wall and the lights came on.

“Who is it?” asked the robotic voice of the computer system.

“DJ, Ghost Fox Vincenzo.” I replied. The code had been changed that last time I was able to come here, it was changed to some thing a little harder that my regular name. It also had a voice recognition built in so once the voice in in the system them it would give access which is just what it did.

“Access Granted. Welcome to the Gizmo.” came the reply and the walls opened up revealing the security camera monitors.

I checked the system and sent the wireless connection signals to the system in my suite. My

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