» Fiction » Among Stars, Nevi Bernard [free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗

Book online «Among Stars, Nevi Bernard [free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗». Author Nevi Bernard

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ask to the man questions. He said that there was some kind of family stuff that was left behind. He didn’t find it though, seems his ex – wife took it with her, and it was late when he was finished so he stayed over in the guess room. He’s little bit more sentimental than people what people say. Jessie’s mom is very friendly she didn’t think anything of it.” I shrugged

Suddenly one of the reporters made an attempt to pull off my hat.

“Hey don’t touch the hat, this is a classic. Anyway there’s my ride. Kids go to school and adults goes to work so no use hanging around.” I said extremely glad that Dal had come just in time to save me from saying anything more. I quickly jumped into the car and sighed.

Dad came through the door just then and I could see from the window that he told them he no comments, and entered his car. I sat quietly on my way to school wondering how my day could get any worst. I was just thinking abut what mom said when Dal said “You here kiddo.”

And with that I left the car, and walked into the building.

            *                                *                                *

In German first period I got detention for shouting at Mr. Darby twice, in science I caused an explosion, in art my I spilled paint all over Jennifer Forbes, a girl with OCD, who went ballistic. I was just having a bad day as I had hoped I wouldn’t. I walked sullenly to my locker just wanting the earth to swallow me in. I just kept remembering earlier that morning. How could mom and dad do this to me I thought to myself. With a sigh I placed my book inside of my locker as Gabri came by.

“Hey are you alright?” she asked resting a hand on my shoulder

“Why is it people always see when you’re not in the mood to be friendly. They just stick their nose where it doesn’t belong.”

“What?!” Gabri stood staring at me with open shock.

 I had never spoken to her like that and I knew I gave off the feeling that something was wrong but I really didn’t want to talk to anyone.

“Hey DJ, like the blouse.” Randy motioned to her light blue blouse with ‘I’m so bad’ written in graffiti writing, as she approached us.

“Whatever.” Was all I said, but I didn’t miss the shocked expression on her face before turning away. 

As I continued down the hallway I notice Lucy and her squad coming around the corner. I did my best to ignore them but in doing so I bumped into Layla, who was reading the school’s fashion magazine, Fashion Dibbs, just as I looked behind me at the sound of my name.

“Well, well, well, look who we have here. If it isn’t Mrs. Nobody” Lucy hissed

“Why don’t you look where you’re going, you twerp?!” Layla shrieked looking at her rumpled magazine on the floor.

I stood there for a couple of minutes just staring at them. ‘I’m more important than you think and I’m not a twerp.’ I thought angrily. Instead of reacting I smiled and walked away leaving them to make snide remarks.

             Kemy was already there at our table with Jade, talking excitedly about something. Instead of greeting them I just sat down with my lunch tray and slumped grumpily.

“Hey what’s wrong, you look pretty upset?” Jade asked concerned

And instead of accepting the fact that my friends care,

I snapped “Why don’t y’all just leave me alone!”

Miranda and Gabriella were close behind and they both glared at me with daggers in their eyes. They all sat talking about me as if I weren’t and I did my best to ignore them. Lucky enough I wasn’t avoided completely so I just sat there. Eventually Randy took up a small painting I didn’t notice until she turned it around.

“Guys, I found the coolest thing in my attic yesterday. I found this painting of the famous billionaire Mr. T Vincenzo, and this little girl, who looks just like DJ. Check this out.” She held up the portrait so everyone at our table could see it better.

“Where did you get that portrait?” I asked in a squeaky voice that sounded far away. I was having an out of body experience that I really didn’t like.

As the panic rose and my heart raced, I grabbed for the painting without even realizing what was going on. But Randy held it away so I couldn’t reach it.

“What is wrong with you DJ? You’ve been acting strange all day. And whatever it is, it’s eating at you and you won’t talk about it. You know you can trust us with anything. Just tell us what’s wrong.” Nash begged but instead I went in shutdown mode.

“Some people just cannot be trusted.” I said before I could stop myself, and I didn’t miss the hurt that I saw in their eyes.

“I’ve got to go. I’ll be late for my next class.” I rose from my seat feeling the blood rushing to the surface of my skin.

“Your class begins in the next half hour.” Myk said drily

“I have to go.” I insisted and shook Jayson’s hands away that felt like they were trapping me.

I tried walking as quickly as I could from my worse fear, but for some reason my boots felt as though they were filled with lead and my legs made of rubber. My heart raced even more and the pain I began feeling in my chest seem to increase with every step. I had made it to the middle of the room when I felt as though the floor was reaching up to me, but I felt two hands caught me by the waist before I hit the ground and everything went black.

*                                *                                *


“DJ! Wake up!” I heard a voice that was so far away

I wanted so much to wake up but I felt so worn-out. And somehow I preferred to sleep instead. I felt so comfortable but someone started hitting me on the cheeks. Finally angry at whomever that was disturbing my wonderful rest, I tried even more to open my eyes. The bright light that shone in my eyes made me want to close them again but they kept calling me wake. I looked up into the most handsome doctor’s face I’d ever seen and I wasn’t angry anymore that he woke me.

“You’re gorgeous. Super cute.” I flirted, thinking I was still dreaming

He smiled blushingly and replied “How many fingers am I holding?”

“Enough to hide that gorgeous face.” I flirted again

This just didn’t feel real so what would it do to flirt just a little, I thought. Then I heard a gasp from beside that caused me to turn in that direction. It was then that I saw mom who looked seriously shocked at my behavior, and dad grimaced as if in pain.

“Don’t worry her behavior, it’s normal for this to happen sometimes. It’s the medication. She is somewhat unaware of her surrounding.” The doctor reassured my parents.

 I could feel the color drain from my face at the realization that this was really real. I shot up immediately and a pain shot through my head and I winced in pain.

“I’ll cancel my tour for just a week – ” mom began but I interrupted

“Don’t bother. I’ll be fine.” I snapped angrily

            “You haven’t had a panic attack since we went to France when you were four years old.” She said worryingly

“I’ll leave you to talk. If you need anything I’ll be just around the corner. If not just ask for Dr. Williamson and the nurse will page me.” And with that the doctor was gone.

I leaned back against the now adjusted pillows and glared at my parents who at the time were looking seriously concerned.

“Look, I’ll be fine so stop worrying about me.” I grumbled

“So this is not the first to happen and I’m just finding this out?” Dad was now in his macho dad state, ready to save the world.

“It’s not important for you to know, you lost the right to when you left.” The sharp reply had my dad wincing but he hid it before anyone could recognize.

“DJ stop being so harsh on your dad, give him a chance will you.” Mom said, starting to get upset.

What’s she getting upset about? I asked myself. She isn’t the one who has to put up with the sounds of her crying when she thinks no one is able to hear her. I sighed wondering when my life will get back to normal when dad said, “As soon as we check you out of the hospital, you’ll come to the house. I’ll have your mom packing your clothes since you be coming to stay while your mom is away. Two extra days won’t hurt.”

I could see the determination in his eyes and knew that for now I had lost the battle. “When will anyone take me seriously? No one takes me seriously.” My inaudibly had them both looking at me, as if I had grown ten heads.

“What did you say?” mom asked

“Nothing” I murmured looking away

I felt my frustration level rise with every breath I took. Taking a deep breath and as the doctor returned and spoke with my parents, making arrangement for when I would be discharged.

“I think it would be best to give her time to rest. She still seems a bit exhausted. We’ll keep her overnight to ensure there aren’t any other medical problems that may have caused this kind of reaction in the body.” The doctor smiled and left the room.

As my parents watch the doctor leave I closed my eyes to avoid any further conversation.

“Dami, honey we be – ” mom stopped obviously realizing my closed eyes and the left quietly thinking I was asleep.


“Your homework due at the end of the school term, which will be the night before the Grand Gala, will be to do a film on something of importance to you and link it to something that is necessary is society.” Mr. Jackson our film and drama teacher said just as the bell rang signaling the end of our last session for the day.

As everyone rushed out of the classroom, I gathered my things slowly, trying to avoid any bumping in with my friends. It’s been a week since the day I fainted. Mom is on her book tour, and with a lot of sucking up and pleading the day after I was discharged from the hospital dad agreed to give me some time to be ready to come to Malibu. But that wasn’t the worst thing that could happen it’s going to school every day knowing your friends has completely excluded you out of all the activities you all enjoyed once.

I was just about to leave when Mr. Jackson called me back. “Can I speak to you a minute?” he asked.


“I noticed that you have been having trouble, of some sort, and before you say that you aren’t I just want you to know if you want to talk I’m here. That will be all.” He smiled sweetly and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Thanks Mr. Jackson” I said and left.

Upon reaching my locker there was a crowd in the

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