» Fiction » Among Stars, Nevi Bernard [free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗

Book online «Among Stars, Nevi Bernard [free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗». Author Nevi Bernard

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my classes?” I inquired

“Gabri has. Didn’t she tell you?”

“Ah… um… Yeah.” I lied even though I hope she wouldn’t be able to read me over the phone.

“You never were a good liar.” Sunshine tsk

“We’ll talk when I get there. And I’m pretty hungry right now so I hope you some blueberry muffins there.” My mouth watered at the thought of eating muffins that seem to melt in your mouth.

“You’re in luck I just took out a batch and putting in another.” She laughed when I said “Yum! Be right over.”

“Gotta go.” I said as made my way back to the foyer.

Dad began going ballistic at me leaving the house not stating where I was going but I completely ignored him. I have to get out of the house I thought.


            I made it to Yorkshire with an hour and went right up the front steps only to be stopped by Jayson, Myk and Gabri who was on their way out with muffins in hand. I froze, wondering what to do. I really couldn’t deal with all the drama. So before anyone could say a word I turned to run down the steps only to realize that I was surrounded. My heart was racing so much I thought that it was possible that everyone could hear. I was about to fight my way out the circle when Sunshine’s voice came over the loud thudding of my heart.

“Hey DJ! Is that you?”


“C’mon inside.”

Soon everyone dispersed quietly away. I took a deep breath and slowly walked pass Gabri and Jayson who still stood by the door with my head hung. Could my day get any worse, I thought. I soon forgot the whole thing happened when I entered the loving embrace of Sunshine, Sunny and Rae. We sat and ate muffins while I told Sunshine everything.


            I felt a whole lot better after talking to Sunshine who gave me great advice in return, so did Halo and Red. I smiled remembering the feeling and I tucked the memory away until I needed a happy feeling. I waved goodbye to Leon who drove away leaving me to embrace the house and the lonely feeling I felt each day.

“Where have you been?” came the harsh voice of dad who sat n the steps leading up to my en suite.

“I knew I should have take the other way to my room.” I mumbled to myself.

“What was that?”

“Nothing, it’s nothing”

I tried to grab hold of the happy feeling that was slowly slipping from my grasp. I smiled sweetly and said, “I’ve been with my family. Now if you don’t mind I’ll be going to my room.” With that I stepped around him, blocking out his demands for me to return and listen to him.

I sighed as I reached the comfort of my room, and plopped onto the bed. I just wished today was tomorrow.


The sun stream through my windows telling me it was time to get up. I turned sleepily to look at my alarm.

“I wonder what time it is.” I groan out loud to myself.

I almost screamed at the time I saw on the clock. It was eight o’ clock. I was more that late, and had no intention to skip school. I must have slept through the alarm, but I have no recollection of turning it off. I hastily got ready, grabbed granola bars from the kitchen before Maria could say another word. I got outside in time to see dad entering the limo heading to work. Dennis looked at me with astonishment as he looked at his watch and back to me again.

“Jax you’re going to be seriously late if you stand there all morning.” He said finally.

“Right.” I breathed

I ran to the other side of the vehicle before he could open the door for me, and got in.

                      *                              *                                *

“Hey DJ, come sit at our table some female said from behind me as I passed my friends table. I was totally unaware that stood there for a little while staring at them. I turned now to see who was being so nice to let me sit with them only to see Lucy and her troops.

“What?!! Are you ok? You must have the wrong person. You do realize who you’re talking to right?” I said astounded. Here was my worst enemy being friendly all of a sudden. Ever since she came… Oh I got it. Now that she realized who I had connections with she wanted to be friends.

“Hold up, why do you want me to sit with you?” I asked playing the fool.

She and her troops sighed as if wondering how I could be so dumb not to see why.

“You looked pretty dumb staring at you ex-friends wondering why you can’t sit with them.” She replied sweetly.

I could tell she had something up her sleeves but what I couldn’t tell. I sighed glance back at the table and started walking away.

“It seems as though you need me to tell everyone your little secret.” She remarked snidely.

I stopped then knowing exactly what she was talking about. I was about to call her bluff and walk away when she said “Your big brother told me everything.”

            I turned to her fully. I hated that she had this thing hanging over my head. I sighed giving up. I walked slowly back to her, looking her squarely into the face, “Fine I’ll sit with you if that makes you happy.”

“Oh how wonderful. You have no idea how happy I am. You big brother told me you could be a pushover.” She smiled sweetly as she looked at my friends, but no of them seemed to cared.

This was a time I was glad that they knew Kevin as my father figure and or a big brother like person. They didn’t know I actually had a big brother and Dre didn’t know that Kevin was one my bodyguards. 


At sixth period I had a free session, meaning I could choose to study in the library or sit in the student lounge and listen to music. Mr. Johansen was in the classroom when I got there, though I thought that he would have been in the teacher’s lounge. I hesitated by the door wondering if I should go or not. Being with the cheer squad had taken a toll on me and now I just wanted to sit and lick my wounds quietly.

“Come in, you can sit until class begins.” Mr. Johansen smiled and I entered timidly.

I had given Lucy ammunition by sitting with her. I had to find a way to stand up to her I just had to, I thought.

I sat at the grand piano and began to play. The music washed over me and I relaxed. I went to the private locker to retrieve the sheet music for the classical piece I was to work on. I was far behind and I knew I had to work hard for the time was coming up for the homecoming weekend and this piece needed to be finished. I made the adjustments as I went along, totally forgetting that Mr. Johansen was still inside. As I made notes of the changes, I felt as though someone was standing close.

I paused, about to turn around when Mr. Johansen said, “Continue, don’t let me stop you. I’m just taking note of the changes as well.”

I nod ok and continued. Sooner than I thought, the bell rang signaling the end of the session. I was pretty glad that I didn’t have to move for the next class. The students came pouring into the class and among them were Jayson and Layla. Jayson’s eyes connected with mine, I blushed and turned away. Layla glared at me when I looked in the direction of the violinists.


            Layla was a great violinist, loved by everyone. She hadn’t been around the day Mr. Johansen gave me the part, and would hate that she isn’t center of the attention today. I had missed a few classes over the passed month but Mr. Johansen hadn’t brought it up.

“Ok class, as you all may have remembered, the last time we worked this piece with Ms. Vincenzo, there were a few changes.” Mr. Johansen smiled at me before he continued. “Ms. Vincenzo will be taking the lead in this piece. As you all may have also known, I’m the composer of this piece and was only done twice, first my senior year 1993, and then two years later by Giorgio Ruzza an exchange student, and great violinist.” He paused for a minute as it allowing it to sink in. “So I have made a note of the changes and have a printed copy…”

“Theo, I thought that I was leading out in this piece?” Layla frowned at the newly printed sheet music Mr. Johansen gave her as if it were a mess on her designer jeans.

“As I just said to the class, Layla, DJ will be taking that part…” Mr. Johansen stated but was interrupted by Layla’s next outburst.

“What?! You can’t be serious! She is just a big nobody!”

“Mr. Johansen, it’s ok. It really isn’t that important that I do the part. Layla can have the part since it means a lot more to her than it does to me.” I shrugged

            “See Theo, even “The Nobody” agrees.” She said in disgust. She sat looking at her perfectly manicured nails as if making sure it’s in perfect condition. “It’s no wonder your dad didn’t want you.” She mumbled.

Thought I had a clue how she knew about my dad, it amazed me how much she seem to know. But it hurt to her say those words and before I knew what happened, I’d climbed over the closed grand piano and across the class to where she sat and slapped hard. She spun and fell on to the floor and I launched myself at her. I was about to hit her when I pulled away from her.

I turned to see who had pulled me away, and turned to see Jayson staring at me with angry eyes. I pulled away from him, still trying to catch my breath.

“What is wrong with you? What has gotten into you? I don’t know you anymore!” he ran his fingers through his hair. “Why are you acting like this? You know what… I really can’t deal with your crap anymore. I don’t want to see your face anymore or talk to you. I don’t know why I’ve been friends with you anyway.” He bit through his teeth.

They say words don’t hurt, but these did and especially hurt even more coming from one of my best friends. I didn’t how to handle this and my eyes fill with tears. I turned quietly away grabbed my bag and walked out of the class ignoring Mr. Johansen’s frantic cries and pleas to return to class.


Silent sniffles became big sobs as I walked down halls. The hall monitor happened to be in the hall leading to the front doors of the school. He signaled for me to stop and show my hall pass but I ignored him as well and pushed the doors open. The light was bright and I closed my eyes then open them allowing them to adjust. I continued walking thought I had no

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