» Fiction » Among Stars, Nevi Bernard [free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗

Book online «Among Stars, Nevi Bernard [free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗». Author Nevi Bernard

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Mr. Vincenzo. I’ll handle this” she turned and smiled at him pleasantly and I followed the direction of her gaze to see him stranding by the balcony doors.

“So where were we?” Dr. Brendon asked no one in particular

“We are in Vincenzo Villa in Malibu.” I joked again

“So I see are back to normal huh? Now just to make sure, how many fingers do you see? I heard that you had a hard hit.”

“I see all five.” And she smiled and took her light to take a look into my eyes.

            “Well she seems to be fine she might have a headache so it would be good to try and keep her in bed. Though I think that will be the hardest thing to do. She never keeps still for a minute. But if she stays in bed for the rest of the day then she should be ok.” She informed dad.

“Well I guess you won’t be going to the big event you wanted us to attend.” Darson said and realize that I was lying in his lap on my pillow.

It was late yesterday that I was in a heated conversation and… “What time is it?” I asked puzzled.

“It’s Sunday, Two in the afternoon. Why?”

“I have to go. I can’t not go.” I got up suddenly which cause a pain to shoot through my body and I winced, but I was determined to be on the move.

“DJ, your body needs rest. Sorry but you’ll have to miss the event.” Dr. Brendon begged.

“No! I have to be there. Even if I have to haul myself there, I’m going. I will not let Mr. Johansen down.” With that I got busy dressing forgetting about everyone in the room, until I heard gasps.

“You made your point the least you could do is wait for everyone to leave.” Gabe said as he shooed everyone out.

*                                *                                *


            I got the auditorium and backstage just as our item was called. I quickly took my place by the grand piano as shocked stares came my way. I did my best not to slouch from the daggers that were fired my way from Layla. I looked out into the packed auditorium for the familiar friendly faces and found them all smiling at me. As the orchestra began to I breathe in and let the air out slowly and began to play. On numerous occasions I noticed that Layla played my part and knew I had to do something. She was trying to compete and I knew this could only spoil the piece and the event.

Doing my best to block everyone and everything except the music, I closed my eyes and allow the melodious notes to flow through. I played enjoying what the notes seem to say to me and then it happened. As if being willed by the sun to come out and play, I played the notes that flowed through my veins and into fingers, playing like I never did before.

When the last note of the song was played and the song ended there was a hush before the roar of applause and I smiled knowing that, we all did well. It was then I opened my eyes and realized that Mr. Johansen was standing by me with an outstretched hand. I took it, stood, and allowed myself to be lead center stage, where I was left to stand alone. The crowd seemed to grow wilder and I turned to look at my teacher. He motioned for me to take a bow and I turned and did just that. I got a standing ovation as everyone cheered on and on. It seems to be never-ending and I smiled. To myself knowing I had accomplished another goal, which was to make my teacher proud.

            The curtains closed as the Master of Ceremony made his closing statements to end the evening but was unable to hear anything except for the echoing of a slap that stung. Pain seeped into my body and pulls me from my happy bubble. My headache came back full force and I fell over in agony.

“Fox!” I heard Darson rushing to my side. He pulled me into his arms and hugged tight. “Don’t move. Why are you always so stubborn? We told you not come, that you’re to stay in bed but you insist on coming to the event. Now you’ve fainted, like we were all hoping wouldn’t happen. C’mon to bed you go.”

He’d stopped rocking and had started to lift me into his arms. I struggled a bit trying not to insist on a little independence.

“I can walk you know. And I didn’t fall; I was slapped in the face. The pain was just too much from the earlier headache that came on quickly that’s all. I’m fine now.” I explained in muffled tone, as I had been crushed to his chest that went rigid at this new information.

“What!” he pulled away looking into my eyes. “Who did?” he asked after seeing that I wasn’t lying.

“Layla did, but I’ll handle her.” I said as I stood on my feet.

Layla stood staring for a moment seeming shocked then as if realizing that I was standing on my own, smiled evilly.

“So you brought bodyguards with you? How pathetic you are.”

“I’m pathetic? I’m not the one trying to be seen. People actually want to know me. I don’t need to try. I use my talents for good and not to belittle anyone. And Jayson, well… he just happen to see one side of you, and that is the one you use to charm every guy, every teacher, and just about the entire school populace around here.” I took a deep breath to calm myself, trying to prevent another tantrum.

“Who you are, that anyone would want to know you –” she started to say when we both heard someone calling my name, and to see who it was.

At one end of the stage stood Giorgio Ruzza, his fiery red hair and freckled face smile brighten the gloomy atmosphere.

“Wow, you gave everyone one a scare, when you went missing. For the many years I’ve known your dad I’d never seen him so distraught in my life. Except for when your mom wouldn’t give him the time of day.” He chuckled at the last part of the statement.

When he was standing in front of me he rested his hands on my shoulders before pulling me into a tight hug. I was seriously shocked at being squished into the embrace of someone I hardly knew. My arms were pinned to my side and I looked at Mr. Johansen who was still in my field for vision. He shrugged as if totally clueless to what was happening.

            “You know her?” the question came from Layla, who was shocked at this as I was, and asked the question that I was eager to ask.

“Yes I know her, pretty well in fact. More than anyone would know….” He voice trailed off as he looked up at something behind us.

I turned to see dad walking towards us, with mom in tow.  I smiled at mom who smiled back before hugging me in congratulation. I giggled a little when she rocked me a little vigorously, and then turned to see the awkward stare down then the greeting.

“Gio. Theo.” Dad nods sharply

“TP, it’s wonderful to see you again. Though a little awkward if you ask me.” Giorgio smiled weakly.

“Great to see you again.” Mr. Johansen replied with a sharp nod of his head.

Everyone stood staring at the men and some whispered at the fact that Mr. Johansen knew people in high places. No one moved, all eager to see everything, and at one corner stood Lucy with Dre and Carver.

“Dami, you did well.” Dad said bringing me from my worries that now started to form. He looks a bit relaxed now, for the first in a long time I noticed.

“Thank you.” I replied smiling back at him.

“Did well? You mean she did awesome!” I’ve never heard such great sounds before, and all this coming from my goddaughter.” His smile was contagious until I realized what he said.

            “I’m your what?” I stood looking at him shocked then turning slowly to look at Dad. “Is this true?” I asked him, and he hung his head. Whether from shame or from a secret that got throw out to public, I didn’t care I just wanted to know the truth.





It’s been a week since the Homecoming weekend and things have changed. Instead of being completely ignored, everyone would stare at me as I walk down the halls. The crowded hallways would part like the red sea, and everyone would whisper teacher’s pet or some other insulting comment. Ever since I found out that Mr. Johansen and Giorgio were my godfathers, and that mom had been a student here at OAA, and that Mrs. Watkins owned a boarding house where she housed young females attending schools in the area, that my mom boarded there, things got confusing. Some people seemed to miss that my dad was there that night of the Homecoming weekend, until today.

The lights flashed and the buzz of reporters and their many questions filled the atmosphere. This was not what I wanted at all. Whenever I went to a fashion show with Gem it would be easy to keep the paparazzi at bay, and most times I would avoid them completely if possible.

“DJ, by any chance could you be the same Damira Jaxson, the young designer of Gem Designs?” a reporter shouted but I was too busy trying to find a way out of the crowd.

I spotted Lucy and Layla at one side speaking eagerly to a reporter who scribbled in his notepad quickly. I frowned realizing that this was entirely their fault, and pushed my way towards them. As if realizing that something was about to go down, there was a hush among the reporters. Layla was overly ecstatically speaking to the other report totally unaware of the silence about her and her friend.

“So I just want to say that, she has been the best friend any girl could have…” Layla wiped tears from her eyes.

I had to give her credit. She’s about the only female that I knew who could cry on demand, and people always thought they were genuine.

“Yeah, we have been through a lot together, parties and all. We just wanted to say that it’s an honor to know that our bestie was so wealthy.” Lucy shrugged nonchalantly.

“So she has never told you about her dad?” the reporter asked glancing at them for the moment.

“Not really. She always divert to something else, like the latest outfit we see in the fashion magazines. Even that she didn’t tell us about, the fact that she worked a fashion designing company. That explains why she was always so busy.” Layla replied looking as if deep in thought.

The fact that I told no one that I worked there didn’t prove that I did, but it was the truth and they didn’t know it. I guess this was to make them look like the luckiest besties any girl could have. Unfortunately I was about to burst their happy little bubble. I glanced to another side and noticed that Gabri and the others stood

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