» Fiction » Among Stars, Nevi Bernard [free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗

Book online «Among Stars, Nevi Bernard [free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗». Author Nevi Bernard

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that helped to make my life miserable.

“You think you’re so important don’t you?” Lucy glared

“Well considering that my Parents really care about me then yeah I am. I don’t need your approval of anything to feel special.” I said wryly

I got to my feet and looked at the mess that my tray had created. There were flyers also scattered all over the floor that many persons were helping to take up. I sighed and cleaned up the mess my lunch made, just as the janitor came to wipe up the remains of the mess. After throwing the things in the bin I decided not eat lunch and left the lunch room without continuing the conversation that I had ignored.



            “Hey boy, how are ya?” I rubbed Altair’s shine coat. Red had just bathe and brushed his coat until the light reflected from the dark color.

“I miss you so much. I haven’t been able to come here often.” I sighed as he whinnied and nuzzled my hair. It tickled and I couldn’t help laughing. “You’re right boy, let’s not waste the day. Let’s make the best of it.” I took up the riding crop ready to put them on.

I placed the riding blanket on his back and then the saddle, but he shook it off. I tried again and he did the same.

“Ok, what’s wrong?” I asked a little frustrated and he snorted. “Ok fine let’s forget the gears for today.”

A little out of practice I had a little trouble climbing on to his back. Once there I clicked and my mouth and he moved forward. We quietly went out on the trail. I guided him into a trot as the cool breeze blew through my hair. A head I saw Katie, one of the intermediate students, on her horse Comanche. Immediately Altair got excited and to show off and it took a lot of energy to keep him under control.

            Once we got to our favorite spot I off his hackamore, and allow him to run free while I sat just enjoying the atmosphere that I had always loved. I was totally lost in thought when I heard the familiar voices flowing through the quiet ambience. I turned to watch as Gabri and the others went along the trail. They looked in my direction and we all stared for what seemed liked ages, at each other then they continued. I watch them go, feeling lost and abandoned, knowing I was the one to break the bridge and I had to take the first step to rebuild it.

I sat thinking for some time before deciding it was time to get home and be ready for the JamWars. I was really nervous now at the thought that the last time Alphas were qualified for the finals, Zeeks had died days before therefore…..

I slammed the door shut on the train of thoughts as I walked beside Altair into the paddocks. I was so lost in thought that when I bumped into Nik, I was totally unaware until I was snapped from my thoughts by the bump at the back of my head. I turned to look behind to see them all staring at me.

“What?” I asked still between thoughts.

“You bumped into me, just now. Don’t you think you owe me an apology?” Nik snapped furiously.

I looked from one to the other, their expressions grim and taut as if ready for an explosion to happen.

“Sorry. I really didn’t notice.” I murmured

“Are you blind?” I saw the fury in her eyes and I knew she wasn’t really upset about me bumping into her, there was something else eating at her.

The buzzing of my phone brought me from my thoughts that were really closing in on me again.

“Hey Fangs, what’s up?” I answered.

“How come you didn’t tell me you were planning a party at your house and why aren’t I invited?” Cassie fumed at the other end of the line.

“Party? What party are you talking about? And why would you think I wouldn’t invite you if I had one?” I was totally lost.

Dad on a business trip, mom had continued her tour since I was now ok, Drevin and Davoni were supposed to be at their mom, the triplets are supposed to be having a weekend sleepover at Uncle RJ’s house and Dremaine should be staying at his friend’s house. Therefore I should be the only one there at the house.

“Cass are you playing pranks on me again? I’m not really up for that.” I stated frankly.

“Ok, well listen for yourself.” And soon enough I heard the blaring music coming through the phone, almost hurting my ears.

“How….” I said in almost a whisper.

“Some Lucy person claims that you’re not a part of the guess list then you won’t be able to enter.” She finished with a sigh

“What!!!” I shrieked. “I can’t believe her!! Ugh! I’ll be there soon.” I disconnected and started to put in Kevin’s number when the phone rang again.

“What?!” I snapped not looking at the called ID.

“Hey, something’s going on by the house, seems like you already know about it. Leon is already waiting for you.” And with that Kevin hung up.

            “How can she not know there is a party at her dad’s house?” I heard Kym saying

“I think she was just pretending, because we’re here.” Gabri scoffs

“She looked genuinely upset, to me.” Randy replied.

“You know those rich kids knows how to act well.” I heard Gabri saying just as I left the stables.

“Hey kiddo, we got stuff to do.” Leon said as soon as I entered the vehicle.


It was some time later that I got to the house and shocked at the great number of vehicles in the yard. I sighed when I noticed that Dremaine was home as well. I walked around the house and in to the garden where I told the Alphas to meet me.

“Hey guys, c’mon we’ve got to go in, so we’ll get in this way.” I had cut to the chase and showed them the wall.

“How?” Zeus asked

I looked quickly around before removing the fake grass, to reveal the trap door. Leon stood with us until at last I went in and pulled the trapdoor close and he could recover it again. Once standing with the others I lead the way from one passage to the other until we came to the elevator that opened into my room.

“I’m still marveling at the awesomeness of this room.” Cassie breathed as her eyes roamed the room.

“I love it too.” I smiled and looked around feeling proud of my handy work

I had graffiti the walls with my name, the floor covered in a soft blue and white carpet every where. My swing king size bed was hung over platform area that I had asked to be installed, with steps leading towards it. I stared at the rest of the room that was well decorated then lead everyone to the walk in closet, to get our dance suits.

            We soon finished putting on our clothes when I told everyone, “We need to leave now or we’re going be late.”

I opened the door and everyone filed out into the hall and closed the door behind me. As we walked down the stairs all eyes turned to look at us, and I smiled to myself.

“What are you doing in here I thought I told them not to let you in.” Lucy pouted angrily

“Don’t worry honey they didn’t let me in. This is actually my dad’s house so I would know how to get into my room.” I smirked

“Ugh!!! You little…!” she yelled

“Look I really don’t have time to do this… this… foolishness with you.” I finished

“Anyway we have other places to be and things to do.” Cassie said inspecting her nails.

            We all turned to leave when I bumped into Myk and Gabri, who had no interest in seeing me it seems.

“What are you doing here?” Gabri demanded

“I… Um… well…I” I stuttered

“Wow! DJ stuttering? It can’t get better than this.” I heard Kym giggling from behind.

My heart thundered in my ears, as the time seem to move in slow motion. I really couldn’t say enough how sorry I was for the way I had behaved towards them and how I hid what was most important to me from them. I sighed as I turned to the Alphas

“Lets go.” I grunted a bit angry with myself now for making a fool of myself in front of them.

As I walked out of the room I ignored all the comments and even the crew’s encouragement to just forget about all of them, and focused on what we had ahead of us.

*                          *                          *

“Last night was the Bomb!!” Zeus said as we entered the gate and drove us the road towards the house.

I smiled remembering how much we were a bit doubtful about our success since there was a big fight for points from two other crews. But when we were announced as the winners we couldn’t contain our happiness and excitement. As soon as Gabe parked the vehicle we all got out, walking and dancing at the same time. We did some step dance moves while climbing the steps to the front door, and bowed at the end and Gabe applauded us.

We were still in our bubble when we entered in to the disaster they called a house with kids and garbage all over the place. The house was a mess, I didn’t know where to start or where to end.

“Guys, I’m gonna need your help. Because my sibs really don’t know that dad was planning to be back today.” I said cutting to the chase.

“Ok. You know we’ve got your back, girlfriend.” Darson said in a girly voice.

“Please don’t do that. It’s creepy. Really creepy.” I replied. “But first things first, I need to find Lucy and Layla. They have caused enough trouble already.” I was exasperated.

            I was just about to give directions to find the cleaning supplies when I heard a gasp, and we all turned to see Dennis and Maria in total disappointment.

“Can somebody explain to me why there are bodies laying all over the floor and the place a mess?” Dennis enquired harshly.

I stood dumb, unable to answer the most important question. And just when I thought things couldn’t get any worst Dad came home. I sighed as I got ready for the bomb to fall. He stood staring at me for some time as if trying to understand what really happened.

“Just say it. Just accuse me for all that you see here.” I grumbled

“What?” dad said obviously not expecting me to say that but remained quiet otherwise.

“Are you serious? Someone else made this mess and you’re about to take the fall for it?” Gabe stated furiously.

“Gabe please let’s not get into this. You know what it’s like to take the fall for someone else. Thought you may know that you didn’t commit the crime you still take the fall since there is no one else around to be taking the blame and I will not let your characters be tainted by something you are totally unaware of either. It’s not the first something like this has happened. This is how it has always been.” I sighed and looked at dad,

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