» Fiction » Among Stars, Nevi Bernard [free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗

Book online «Among Stars, Nevi Bernard [free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗». Author Nevi Bernard

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to believe that? You know I’m just gonna pretend that I do believe.” Randy emphasized what she was saying by folding hers arms across her chest.

I sighed quietly as I stole a quick glance over the table but not quick enough for Jade to miss who I was looking at.

            It was at that moment she screamed and everyone turned looking at us. She slumped a little in her chair and we all began laughing. Finally she sat upright and asked “When were gonna tell us that you had a crush on Jay?”

“IDKWYTA” I shrugged

“Ha you don’t know what I am talking about? Don’t think you can fool me I know what I saw.” She continued.

“I saw them some days ago at Yorkshire together so I didn’t bother to go over they look real comfy even though they were doing anything romantic.” Gabri joined in.

“Look I don’t know what y’all are talking about. Jay and I are just friends.” I sighed again silently. I really didn’t want to put it pass Gabri, I knew her too well.

“We don’t think it’s weird that you like him. We just wished that you had told us before. We love you a whole lot more than that airhead.” Randy smiled and placed her hand on mine and others did the same.

I blushed and smiled “I’m sure glad I have friends like you. Thanks you guys.”

“Aha! So you do admit that you like him!” Nik exclaimed

“No I just said y’all are great friends.” I replied not giving up the dirt.




Ok let’s go. And 1, and 2, and a 1-2-3.” Jonny bellowed from the corner dance studio. Jonathan McKenzie owner of JAMZONE dance studio and one the best choreographer in the USA uses the studio to teach kids how to do Latin dances to keep them off the street and for the World Latin Dance Competition. He is also the dance tutor at OAA, so on Tuesdays and Thursdays I would go to the studio to practice. At OAA I am a high achiever. But people always wonder how I keep up with all the activities I’m involved in. but I dance for fun and also with the fact that I Half Latin and half Hispanic then it means that I would naturally learn these dances. I also assist Jonny sometimes in teaching his different sessions, so it keeps up to speed with my dance techniques.

I stood at the door of the studio, about to exit. I watched him with interest how he taught the young couple to do the salsa; they looked like they were having tons of fun. “Hey Jonny” he looked up. “I’m about to leave anything you want me to do before I go?” I asked

“Nah, you go ahead. See you around”

“Yeah see ya”

I waved good-bye to a group of kids, which I had assisted earlier, and left. I was now on my way to my job. I was part owner to a fashion designing company called Gem Designs.

            It takes me ten minutes to walk from the dance studio to Gem Designs, so I would leave Jamzone on time to get there on time. Even though I’m just a kid, I’m expected to behave mature. Gemini Nicholson, the owner of Gem Designs so happen to be the best friend of Lyn, my former nanny, who is now the CEO of the company. Gemini and I met in an unusual fashion, for Lyn and I were on a trip to the mall and had made a stop by the window of a designer clothing store. Gemini happened by and stopped to greet us. Lyn and I were kind of arguing what dress would look best on me. I told Lyn that the Blue dress looks best because it made my eyes look bluer, but she thought that the green dress looked great.  Luckily for me Gemini proposed that we could just try both on to see who was right, so I agreed. When they finally after we viewed both dresses Gemini agreed that the blue one was best and told me I had an eye for fashion. I was ecstatic.  Since then I have been working with Gemini and I is great. And last fall I had my first fashion line out, it was fantastic. I got the opportunity to go to New York, to see my designs on the runway and got billions of requests to work with many other designing companies but I turn down all of them. 

“Hey Gem!! I’m here.” I said loudly as I entered the office. “Hi Davy, is Gem here?” I asked Gemini’s assistant when I poked my head into her office.

“Nope, she is on a lunch date with, you know who.” Davy said smiling his sexy smile. With amber green eyes, dark blond hair, and a well tone body Dave McDougal was definitely eye catching. Lots of people think he’s gay but just saying the word around him made him break out in hives, or that’s what he says. But Davy was a great assistant to Gemini and was a wonderful family man. In that moment I turned to look at his desk across the hall into the other office, and stared at the picture of him, his wife and two kids. He prides in his family and talks about them a lot. His oldest Cameron is six and his son David is three, he has about two thousand action miles on him too.

            “You know sometimes I really can’t believe that you’re not....”

“Don’t even say that word, or I will slap you silly.” he interrupted me immediately.

I laughed “You know I’m just messing you.” I said still laughing.

“You won’t still be laughing when Gem comes and see you here messing with me.” He smiled

“Yeah… about that, what do you guys have left to do? I finished the second teen fashion line.” I said switching into the business mode.

“Nothing right now but if I need you, I will scream for you over the intercom.” Davy laughed when I glared at him playfully

“You know I hate when you do that.” I continued to glare then smiled when he said

“Yeah but it is fun messing with you.”

“Well toodles gotta go. Mwah” I blew a kiss his way and pretended to catch it and place it on his cheeks.

The first time someone saw us doing that they reported it to his wife Jennifer. She came to the office, wanting to know who this Dami girl is. When she came and screamed at Davy asking “Where is this Dami person?”

I remember jumping up to say “I’m Dami.” I was totally naïve to what was going on but I was only six at the time.

She was screaming at him saying that she didn’t know he was such a pervert to stoop so low as to a child molester. I remember starting to cry and no one could calm me down. Finally I walked over to her am said “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you angry. Whatever it is I’m sorry.”

            For some reason she seemed shocked at what I said. Then like she smiled and told me it was ok, but that she was still angry with Davy. Before leaving the office I walked over to Davy and we started to say goodbye. Doing high fives, low fives, finger snaps, kiss cross and last, blowing kisses. It was then that Jennifer realized what she was really making a fuss about. She began begging Davy to for give her. Of course he was upset and was reluctant in doing so.

“I swear if you guys ever get divorce I’ll never talk to you again Davy!!!” I screamed at him through new tears that began to fall.

“She’s the only one you got, only one that will really love you. Don’t do what my dad did Please!!” I begged

“C’mere” he said stooping down “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m just angry that Jenny didn’t trust me.” He sighed

“Don’t ever let her go.”

“OK” he said with heavy sigh

“Promise me.” I demanded

“OK. I promise.” He kissed his peace fingers and an X across his heart to prove that it was a sealed deal. He wiped the tears from my face and hugged me tight.

“Now hug her and kiss her and tell you’re sorry.” I demanded determining not to let him get off so easily.

“What!!” he exclaimed

“You heard me, now do it.” I placed my hands on my hips to prove I was serious.

Sighing he got up, hug her and kissed her quickly.

“Now that you have proved that you know what the gesture looks like, now do it like you mean it.” I still wasn’t satisfied

“You are slowly becoming a pain where it hurts.” Davy glared at me but turned obediently.

            By now Jenny had a huge smile on her face. It was very obvious that she was trying very hard not to laugh. “What are you laughing about? You think me being harassed by a six years old is funny?” he said to Jenny now smiling

“I’m really sorry, honey I didn’t mean to get so angry. The person was just so convincing that you were doing some questionable things…..” Jenny’s voice trailed off.

“I’m sorry for not being so forgiving, in your time of misunderstanding.” He said now laughing too, and then he really kissed her.

“Eww!!! Get a room!” I said now disgusted by the scene.

They both began to laugh

“What’s going on in here?” Gem said as she and Lyn came to see what I was cheering about.

I explained in grave detail what had taken place and before I could say “hey” I was lift up and taken out of the office.

“See you later Dave!! I was nice meeting you Jenny!!” I waved from my awkward hold.

I smiled at the little flashback as I went into my office.


*                                *                                *

            Jade was sitting on the bleachers watching the football team practice. She was dressed in a blue sweat shirt, blue and yellow shorts and a pair of high top sneakers. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she had a chocolate bar in her hand. Every now and then she would eat one just to treat herself but she wasn’t the kind of girl who was addicted to candy. So it was rather surprising to see her with three Butterfinger and a Milky Way in her hand.

 “Hey.” I greeted her

“Hey” she replied “Want some?” she asked as I sat down beside her.


“Good because I really didn’t feel like sharing.” She said on a heavy sigh

I giggled and shook my head.

“How is it that you’re not reading a Cosmo, teen vogue or people magazine?”  I asked puzzled

She sighed then answered, “Guy problems.

“C’mon tell me what’s wrong, because when I saw you guys earlier you were all lovey dovey.” I coaxed when she seemed to hesitate.

“Well Myk and I were planning to go to the movies. Then he changed his mind and said he wanted to go to the art gallery instead”

“Well did you tell him how you feel about this?” I enquired

“I tried but he just seems to shut me out then. So I got upset and I haven’t been speaking to him since.” Jade sighed

“Look you need to make

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