» Fiction » Among Stars, Nevi Bernard [free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗

Book online «Among Stars, Nevi Bernard [free ebook reader for android .TXT] 📗». Author Nevi Bernard

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I had just arrived home from Yorkshire Stables where I work as a horse trainer on weekends. I also have my own horse, a black stallion named Altair. He is the first horse I’d ever trained and that’s how I got my job. It all started when I was four, the first year after my parents got divorced, and I went to visit my grandparents at the manor house, their summer mansion Mr. Stetson the owner, on his dying bed, wanted to give the house to my abuelo who was the manager and best worker on his horse farm, but my abuelo wanted to earn it. So he work and bought it just two days before Mr. Stetson died.

My abuelo was the best horse trainer anyone could find, for back in Mexico his family raised and trained horses, and then sold them. So when my abuelo came to South Carolina he found a stable where they trained some of the best horses, named STETSON SABLES.  He went to Texas to horse shows very often and sometime took me with him. Mr. Stetson had a friend who lived there by the name of Red Whitewater; he is a Black Hawk Native Indian, who Mr. Stetson always arranged for his trainers to stay whenever there is a show in the area.

So after Mr. Stetson died my grandparents decided to keep their house and during the holidays they would stay at the manor house but my abuelo continued to run the horse farm there at the manor house. So I would be ecstatic whenever I was able to visit my grandparents. So that year when I visited my grandparents I met Red. He had two horses there at the stable; Beauty and Lightening Bolt (LB) for short. That night when Beauty began to make noises, warning everyone that a new foal was near. I held her and gently stroked and crooned to her till the vet came. I sat with her head in my lap as I stroked her gently, doing my best to keep her calm thought the whole process.

 So the foal was given to me as a gift and I named him Altair. Grandfather and Red helped me to train him, taught me how to be patient with him and give him time to adjust to a lot of the things he was taught. Both Altair and I caught on quickly as our bond grew stronger. But I had been worried that I would have to leave him behind when I went back to Los Angeles. So you can just imagine how happy I was when Red told us he’d just bought a Stable in Los Angeles. He’d also said he would’ve loved it if I could to be one of his trainers.

“Yes, yes, yes. I would love that.” I yelled.

He said that I was big enough to help to do some things around the stable, and help to train the young foals. My mom heard she said she was okay with it, and since then I would be at the stable with Red and his family training the horses.

So you can just imagine how tired I was that evening, when I came home. I went in to take a shower, to get rid of all the horse sweat and the grime off my skin. As I walked into my room I notice that it was a mess and mom would not be pleased and say that I was to clean it. I ran into the bathroom and quickly took a shower. I step out and put on my favorite bathrobe and my pink bunny slippers. I came out into my room and open my closet and opened my draw. I pulled out a pair of cutoff jeans and a T-shirt and quickly put them on. Then I began to sort the things thrown all over the room; the dirty clothes into the hamper, the books on the shelves, spread my bed and replacing the pillows on to the bed, and the cushions on to the window seat. Just as I was finished mom came, she opened the door and said “Damira Jaxson – I need ……” she stopped when she noticed that the room was all clean. “Well I see that you have cleaned your room”.                                                                                                                                      “Yeah”, I replied.                                                                                                                                                  “Well your dinner is ready” was all she said and she left the room.

 Mom was working on another book so I knew that she wouldn’t be eating anything soon. I went downstairs, got my dinner and ate it quietly. About five minutes later as I washed the dishes I remembered the first time I met Miranda, my next door neighbor and one of my closest friends, two years ago. I had been standing by the kitchen sink when I’d noticed the moving truck in the driveway of the house next door. I’d been curious about who was moving in.

The Watkins house had been empty for three years. Mr. and Mrs. Watkins had moved to Chicago to live with there daughter who’d had triplets, so that they would be nearer to there grandchildren and daughter. When they were living next door they were like having grandparents to me. Whenever mom had a book tour and couldn’t take me with her and my nanny wasn’t available, she would leave me with them.

Since they’ve moved away many people had viewed the house before it had been bought. I’d tipped on my toes I peek through the small window to get a better look. In fact I recognized the couple right away. They’d had moved some of their stuff to the house just months before. I guess they were making it easier for the day they actually moved.

As I stepped in to the back yard I heard voices of boys talking. I went towards the hedge that ran between the two houses. There was a particular opening in the hedge that I’d made as a little girl. It was over grown but I could still slip between it without being seen. I knew I would look silly, but at this point where my curiosity was at its highest I didn’t care. I slipped through the space very quickly and started towards the front when I’d heard sobbing. Turning to the direction I saw a girl about the same age as I, with her head down on her folded arms that were resting on her knees. Without a moments hesitation I ask “Hi what’s wrong?” I totally forgot that I’d been trying not to be seen. She’d looked up surprised, she didn’t reply.

She had short auburn hair, round hazel blue eyes and peachy skin, but she looked rather pail at the moment and I thought about how I felt being in a new environment. Without further notice I introduced myself ‘Hi, I’m DJ. Well that’s what everyone calls me since I refuse to tell anyone my full name.”  I’d blabbered on.

She’d kept starring at me as if I was an alien. “Anyway I seem to have disturbed you, so guess I’ll be going.” I turned to leave when I heard her whispered

“No, don’t go. You weren’t bothering me. My name is Miranda Merlo.”  She’d said as she’d wiped her face.

“It’s nice to meet you.” I greeted “but I’m kind of curious, why are you crying?”

 She’d looked away then blushed as she held her head down. Her hazel blue eyes shone bright from the tears that hadn’t fallen. She tucked a strand of hair, which had strayed in to her eyes, behind her small ears. “I didn’t want to come here. I miss my old friends and my grandparents. My dad got some stupid job as a football coach at University of Southern California, so of course we all had to come along because he and mom said that the family must never be too far apart.” She sighed again.

 “So where are you from?” I asked

“You know you’re kinda nosey.” She said and sighed “Well I’m from South Carolina.”

“Get out! Are you serious?!” I said enthusiastically.

“Yeah, Charleston actually.” She answered slowly.

“My mom grew up there. She’s actually from Mexico but my grand parents immigrated to the US when both my mom and aunt were pretty young.” I said. 

“Well what do you know?”

“Yeah, my mom and I go back and forth to LA and South Carolina. We have a Family business there. My aunt and my mom own Chow City Restaurant and catering so sometimes I’m home all by myself but its ok.

“Wow. I don’t know what I would do of my parents left me alone. I would go ballistic, having my brothers and all that.” She said.

But before I could reply there was a booming voice behind me that caused all conversation to die down between Miranda and me “Well hello there young lady.”  “Hello Mr. – ahhh…” I stuttered “Mr. Merlo” he supplied

“Right, I’m DJ, I live next door.” I smiled.

The rest of the family came over at that moment. “This is my wife Janida and my sons Javari and Adari, and you’ve met my daughter Miranda”

“Well I do hope you enjoy living here because I’ve always loved coming over here. I was very close to the family who lived here previously.”

“Well I hope so too.”

Just then I heard my mom calling “gotta go.” I said as I turned to leave.

“Hey DJ” Miranda said just before I went through the hedge.


“Could you show me around tomorrow?”

“Sure. Your brothers can too if it’s fine with them.” I replied

“Okay bye DJ” she said

“Bye Randy” I said, using the nickname I thought up seconds ago, disappearing behind the hedge.

*                                *                                *

Sunlight streamed through the windows, into my room. I pushed the covers away sleepily and got out of bed. I glanced at the clock by my bed, and did a double take when I saw the time. It was five past seven, so I had less than an hour to get ready for school. I must have slept through the alarm, as I didn’t remember hearing it. I threw the comforter on to my bed and ran to the bathroom for a quick shower. Luckily I always choose to put my things together from the night before.

I attend the Oxford Academy of Arts (OAA). At OAA we have regular classes but we are also tutored in whatever department you’ve chosen. Whether its visual arts, performing arts, musical arts, or any other kind of art department. We wear dark blue plaid kiss pleated skirts, white peter pan collar blouse with dark blue vest or blazers/sweaters which displays the school crest, and sometimes we wear a tie. But the fun part is we wear uniform three days of the week: Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, but the other two days are given the opportunity to express ourselves. At OAA fashion is a true expression of self, a fine art, take pride in our personal style and grooming. OAA itself takes this matter very seriously.  I took up a pair of custom made navy blue denim Bermuda shorts, made in Italy, a yellow tank top and a matching navy blue denim bolero. I grabbed things quickly then went for breakfast. I just had to be ready on time.

            Mom was in the kitchen making some fresh jasmine tea. She loved it, she said it helps her. I really don’t know how. After breakfast I quickly got my stuff then went outside just in for Daleon to pick me up. “Hey Randy!” I called to Miranda as she came out the door.

 Daleon, or Leon as I would call him, would take Randy

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