» Fiction » Charlie Gyid, Anysia Eaton [books you need to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Charlie Gyid, Anysia Eaton [books you need to read TXT] 📗». Author Anysia Eaton

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so I would prefer to be safe rather than sorry” he replied.
I lay my head on his shoulder, and let my eyes drop close.
Home. The field at the end of the road. The smell of a freshly mown lawn crawled up nose. I was lay on my back on the soft ground. I watched as the clouds drifted across the sky, only occasionally would one cover the sun. I let the small, cooling breeze float over my body. I let my eyes shut.
Suddenly, everything went dark, when I opened my eyes the sky was no longer blue but a blood red. The ground below me had gone hard and dry. All the grass had vanished. I looked about. I slowly stood. I could hear a shrill familiar laugh.
Malietta. Her figure appeared in the corner of my eye. I had to look. She was stood there smiling with her devilish smile. A shock of fear flooded through me. “Hello, Charlie. How nice is it to see you again” she said in that taunting tone.
“What do you want with me now?” I shouted at her.
“You know what I want Charlie” she replied walked ever closer to me.
“The box” I whispered. I gulped and the shouted “You can’t have it”
“Strange, you parents said the same thing. They didn’t know what was good for them either” she whispered into my ear.
All of a sudden two large green veins grew from out of the ground. The formed the shape of two adults. After shifting about in its green skin, they formed the figures of a couple. The colour of the skin changed from green to a pale white. Red blood ran down their faces and arms. Their eyes were grey and empty, nothing like those shining eyes of the living Wiccan and Warlocks. They stood zombie like. I couldn’t move and I couldn’t talk.
Mom and dad.
“You could always bring them back. All you’d have to do is bring me the box” whispered Malietta into my ear. I had completely forgotten about her. She had walked behind me.
I had lost my tongue. The image of my parents like this struck me through the heart.
“You want them back don’t you?” she asked me tempting me.
I nodded without realising it.
“Then I can help you. All you need to do is bring me the box” she said laying her hand on my shoulder turning me to face her.
Her eyes pierced through me. It was then I snapped out of her trance. “NO” I shouted in her face. I turned back to my parents. Fire now engulfed them causing them to scream and shout. Pain surged through my ears, causing me to drop to my knees. I dropped completely onto the floor.
“Aleta nekta youshae walnet bretta randofs lowop draska” I could hear him chanting over me.
My eyes fluttered open. I was no longer sat on the sofa with my head leaning on his shoulder, I was lay on the floor almost directly next to the sofa. Sir Mallot was kneeling over me. I slowly sat up and looked Sir Mallot in the eyes.
“What happened?” I asked him holding my hand to my throbbing head.
“I was hoping you could tell me. One minute you were sleeping the next you had dropped to the floor almost faint like. I presumed it was Malietta using the dream invader charm...” he stopped almost to see it I would confirm it.
I nodded, he helped me back up onto the sofa.
“Tell me, what happened?” he asked me gently.
“I was in the field at the end of my road back home, when the sky turned red and the floor turned hard and dry. And then there she was. She said she wanted the box. Then my parents appeared, growing like plants. They looked... terrible. There was blood dripping down their... face. And their eyes were grey and empty. And then she said that we could bring them back if I took her the box.” I explained to him.
“I thought that is how she would try and tempt you. I am sure that they are your biggest weakness” he said as he placed his arm over my shoulder. “Don’t worry, I have been told that in Mistress Halsente’s lesson you made the counter charm for the night invaders”
“Yes, I put it on my pillow as soon as I could” I replied.
Sir Mallot stood and headed to my bed, and I followed him. And to our surprise the bag was no longer there.
“I swear I put it on there” I replied.
“Did Gabby attach hers to her pillow?” asked Sir Mallot.
“Maybe” I replied.
“Well then when the three days have passed and the seed have been thrown out, you and can go and stay in her room with her, but until then you will need to stay with Mistress Halsente. She will be able to pull you out of any dreams that Malietta may interfere with.” He replied.
Just the Jeff and Mistress Halsente walked in the room both breathless.
“We found them, Sir Mallot. A sleeping charm had been placed on them. They had been stuffed into the wardrobe at the end of the corridor.” Jeff reported.
I rushed to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight. When he let go I didn’t. I just dug my head into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me again. He must have looked questioningly at Sir Mallot as Sir Mallot said “She’s just a dream that had been tampered with by Malietta, involving Sarah and Jerome.”
He didn’t have to say anymore for Jeff to understand. He squeezed me tight and whispered “It’s alright, it was only a dream.”
“Benjamin, there is more. We haven’t managed to catch whoever this person was. The door log said somebody left about the same time we discovered the message, just before we ordered the lock down.” Reported Mistress Halsente.
“Has anybody entered the Covert?” Sir Mallot asked.
“No” she replied.
“So whoever it was is out?” Sir Mallot asked her.
“Yes, Benjamin” she replied.
“Good” commented Sir Mallot “Jeff, Hazel, will you take Charlie back down stairs. I think we need to restore order back into the school. And I am sure Brad is missing his Snow White”
“Of course” replied both Jeff and Mistress Halsente leading me out.
The tension in the Grand Hall was high, everybody was nervously looking towards the doors for someone to come and give them news. Everybody eyes watched when the doors opened and in walked Mistress Halsente and Jeff with me following closely behind.
Brad was waiting almost next to the door and he rushed to touch my lips with his.
“Are you ok?” he asked in a very worried tone.
“I am fine” I replied.
“Everybody, a false alarm, there is nothing to panic about, now if you please, I believe it is lunch time. You are free to go.” Shouted Mistress Halsente.
Brad held me back as the rest of the student flooded out. He wouldn’t let me go. He kept his hands tight around my waist holding me close to him. I had laid my head on his shoulder.
“Are you ok, Charlie?” I heard a quiet but recognisable voice –Gabby.
I looked about. She was stood behind me. She looked about ready to cry.
“I failed you” she whispered as the first tear rolled down her cheek.
I made Brad let me go so I could rush to her and hug her.
“No. No you didn’t.” I whispered to her “I am fine. I’m not in any more danger after this threat then I was before hand, so nothing has happened”
“Are you sure?” She asked me.
“I’m positive. Anyway, at this rate we will be late for lunch. I fancy some pasta” I said raising the moral of the room.

My eyes fluttered open. My leg fell down the side of the bed. I stood. After three days of sleeping in the same room as Mistress Halsente and her snoring, I was happy to be now staying in Gabby’s room. An extra bed had been placed in her room, for me to sleep on. We both had double beds.
“Gabby, wake up” I shook her.
“It’s Saturday. My lie-in day” she replied half asleep.
“It’s almost eleven o’clock we will miss breakfast” I said. She wasn’t listening she had fallen back to sleep.
I headed into the bathroom and filled my water bottle with freezing cold water from the shower. I headed back. She was back asleep. I crept to the side of her bed, and raised the bottle over her head. The water gushed out of the bottle and on to her face. She screamed springing up spitting out water that had accidently splashed into her mouth.
She grabbed her own water bottle – that was half full from the previous day – and threw some in my direction.
“Alect stomenta” I shouted lifting my hand to the water. The water froze and dropped to the floor in an icicle. I had improved when it came to magic. That was one of the spells that I had learnt without a teacher. Most I had learnt from Mistress Halsente in Spells and Enchantments, but there was a few I worked on outside of the school block.
“Right I’m up, we may as well go to breakfast, I suppose” moaning Gabby fetching out of her wardrobe some shorts and a T-shirt for her to wear. I looked into the wardrobe for my stuff. What haven’t I worn yet? I pulled out a black vest tops that had ‘love hurts’ written on it in white. I then pulled out my Denim shorts.
“Come on. I’m dying for something to eat” I grabbed her wrist and literally pulled her out of the room.
We grabbed our food and grabbed a seat. Brad walked in. He spotted me and rushed to my side.
“How’s the most beautiful girl in the world?” he asked me as he kissed my cheek.
“If I see her I’ll ask her” I replied with a large smile etched along my face.
“Well all you have to do is look in the mirror” he replied kissing me on the lips.
“Well, thank you” I replied giving him a kiss back.
“So what you doing on this beautiful cloudy Saturday?” He asked me, a chuckle in his voice.
“Homework. Mistress Halsente gave me about ten times the amount she gave you. Gabby has offered to help me. So I’ll be vanishing for the day” I replied in a depressed tone.
“Oh, well when you’re finished, I’ll be in the training room probably. Billy wants to try out that spell we learnt in Spells and Enchantments yesterday” he replied. He leaned forward as to give me a kiss but then moved back. Disappointment flooded through my body, and without realising I planted his lips with a kiss.
“It’s interesting how you kiss me if I look like I’m going to kiss you but don’t” he laughed.
“You did that on purpose didn’t you?” I asked laughing myself.
He nodded.
“I better go. Good luck with your homework” he said standing. He pecked me on the lips and then headed out.
Gabby who never said a word when Brad was near suddenly came out of her shell.
“Are you ready?” she asked me.
I gobbled down the rest of my breakfast and nodded.
Gabby’s room was bigger now that I was sharing it with her. Mistress Halsente placed an enlargement charm on the room to make it bigger so both us could be comfy in it. Her’s too had grass as a carpet, rocks as walls, sky as the ceiling and a waterfall covering the
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