» Fiction » Charlie Gyid, Anysia Eaton [books you need to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Charlie Gyid, Anysia Eaton [books you need to read TXT] 📗». Author Anysia Eaton

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Heaven” I replied.
“Everybody always wonders what he’d kiss like” commented Gabby.
“Really?” I asked we entered the school wing.
“Yeh” she replied nodding.
All of a sudden a pair of arms came wrapping around my waist, lifting me off the floor. I couldn’t help but laugh as I shouted “Put me down”
I could hear a recognisable laugh – Brad. He placed me down and spun me around. He locked his lips with mine. I could feel people watching but for once I didn’t care. Somebody cleared their throat. We turned to see Mistress Halsente standing behind us.
“Mr Watkins, I would appreciate it if you could keep your hands off Charlie. She has things she needs to be concentrating on and I am sure you locking lips with her every five seconds isn’t going to help” She sneered.
“I’m sorry Mistress Halsente” replied Brad, his ears going a little pink.
As soon as Mistress Halsente had vanished off into the crowds. I grabbed his head and forced his lips back on to mine. I could feel his lips curl into a smile.
I pulled back and smiled the sweetest smile I knew.
“I hate to break up the lovebirds but we’ve got to get all the way to History” spoke up Gabby.
“May I walk with you?” asked Brad to me flashing on his charm.
“Of course” I replied.
I was determined to still walk with Gabby so I walked right next to her. Brad put his arm around my waist and walked next to me.
History was up the corridor and up some stairs and then the first door on your right. This classroom looked like one from my old school. Single tables but pushed together to make rows of six. Gabby sat at the back of the class. I came and sat next to her, and then Brad came and sat next to me. He held my hand below the table. The teacher walked in. Sir Mallot. He gave a quick glance at me and Brad and let a small chuckle escape his mouth.
We still had five minutes until lessons started so Sir Mallot walked over to us. He pulled up a chair and sat opposite me.
“Did you enjoy your day yesterday?” he asked me.
“It was very good thank you Sir” I replied.
“Good. I’m sure you’ll enjoy today just as much” he smiled.
“I hope so Sir” I replied smiling back.
“Looks like you’ve already met my nephew” he commented smiling more at Brad then at me.
“Yes, Sir. He’s lovely.” I replied hugging Brads arm tight.
Even I could tell what was going through his mind – his uncle and his new girlfriend were double teaming to embarrass him. But he wasn’t having that without something sweet added in.
“Yes, she is a good kisser, Uncle” he laughed.
I gasped and gave him a playful punch in the arm. I had officially gone red now.
“Ah, young love” was the only thing Sir Mallot could spit out as the rest of the class started to file in.
Sir Mallot stood and gracefully walked to the front of the class.
“Well, I wasn’t lying” whispered Brad as he kissed me on my cheek. My face was burning up.
“Right. Today we are – for the benefit of one particular member of your class – studying the Malietta era.” He said taking a seat behind his desk.
I could feel everybody’s eyes fall on me. I had ignored how everybody had flinched at the name but when everybody is looking directly at you it’s hard to ignore it.
“Page 389 in your books please” he said.
I searched for my book but I didn’t seem to have one. I haven’t taken any books out my bag! I turned to Gabby and whispered into her ear “I don’t have a history book”
“You should have” said Gabby as she grabbed my bag off me. She searched through it.
“I defiantly put it in. I swear”
“Well I haven’t taken any books out apart from in lessons” I replied.
“Tell sir” she said.
I raised my hand.
“Yes, Charlie” he said without even looking in my direction.
“I don’t have a book” I said to him lowering my hand.
“You should have. Gabby did you give her all the books?” he asked heading towards our row.
“Yes. I placed each one in. I ticked them off on my check list, Sir” she replied.
“And you haven’t taken it out?” He asked turning to me, looking me right in the eye.
“No sir” I replied “Maybe it fell out of my bag in my room”
“Perhaps...” he said.
“Shall I go and have a look Sir?” I asked him standing.
“Quickly” he replied.
I thought I could remember the way back. Down the corridor and then down some more corridors. I looked around. My room should be somewhere around here but there were no Warlocks. I was looking for the Warlocks. I went to turn and go back when I spotted the number 31 on the wall. This was my corridor. Where are the guards? I couldn’t help but wonder.
I placed my fingertip on the wall. “Malestra Voltra”
The wall melted revealing the door. I grabbed hold off the door handle but had to pull back. It was as hot as a fire. I couldn’t think what came over me. I pulled my cardigan sleeve over my hand and grabbed the door handle and yanked the door open.
The room was exactly how I was expecting it to be. Nothing had moved. Nobody was in here. Or at least that’s what it looked like. I started looking about. Under my sofa, under my bed, under all the pillows. I flipped the bed covers off my bed. My heart almost stopped, I stumbled back in shock.
A message. Written in blood.
You will die
Charlie Gyid
Fear ran through me. I rushed out of the room not thinking of closing the door behind me. I ran back to the History classroom and burst in.
“Oh, my dear, what’s wrong?” asked Sir Mallot from the front of the class.
Brad stood and came to my side. I couldn’t get my words out. I stood there in silence not know at all what to say.
“Charlie what’s wrong?” Brad asked. He lay his hand under my chin and moved my face to face his “You look like you’ve seen a ghost”
“Somebody... has been... in my room...” I stuttered out.
“That’ll only be the cleaners my dear” replied Sir Mallot.
“No” I shook my head in a panic. “No. There’s a message on my bed. Written in... Blood”
The room was filled with gasps. Sir Mallot stood frozen.
“All of you are to go to defence immediately. Gabby fetch Mistress Halsente and Brad you go and fetch Mr Ballon. Then meet myself and Charlie in her room” said Sir Mallot.
The rest of the class filled out. Gabby hugged me and then headed to get Mistress Halsente. Then Brad came up to me and whispered “No matter what, I won’t let anything happen to you”
He kissed my forehead and then rushed out to get Jeff.
Sir Mallot and I headed up to my room. As we reached my corridor, Sir Mallot placed his arm in front of me to stop me from going any further.
“The door is open. Whoever it is may still be in there” he whispered to me.
“I never closed the door when I ran out” I whispered back.
“Better to be safe than sorry. Wait here” he whispered to me.
He slowly and carefully approached the door, trying not to make a sound. I waited and watched as he vanished into my room. I waiting there in silence until his head reappeared.
“It’s safe” he said to me.
I walked to him and into my room. Gabby and Mistress Halsente came running in not long behind us, followed closely by Brad and Jeff. All of them stood shocked at what they saw written on my bed. Brad walked to me and pulled me close.
“Benjamin, how is this possible? She cannot enter this building” Mistress Halsente said, in a tone of desperation and shock.
“I do not know. This is extremely disturbing.” Replied Sir Mallot obviously deep in thought.
“What it wasn’t her and she has somebody on the inside?” I spoke up.
“An outsider within our walls. A fair option. I would not rule it out.” replied Sir Mallot.
“What do we do about this? Whoever did it knows which room she was sleeping in and is obviously intrigued on killing her. She is no longer safe in this room” spoke up Jeff who had been silent since he walked in, filled with shock.
“It’s a terrible thing to say, I know, but if she is not safe in here she is not safe anywhere” commented Mistress Halsente.
My eyes widened. Not safe. I came here to be safe. I left my friends to be safe. My breathing was starting to go wild. I could feel Brad kissing me on the side of the head.
“Don’t worry. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I will never let anybody hurt you” he whispered into my ear.
“But where are the guards?” Gabby asked.
A thought struck all three of the adults. The guards were missing. Something could have easily have happened to them.
“Jeff, alert the rest of the Covert and start the search. We go into shut down until we find the guards. Hazel tell all the students to enter the grand hall. Only we can open those doors so only you and I would be able to reach them and then join Jeff in the search” said Sir Mallot “Charlie can remain here. I wish to have her close by so I can watch over her and I can have a small chat with her”
“Sir, what is going to happen?” asked Jeff, a tone of worry in his voice.
“I will talk to you Jeff once the immediate panic is over.” replied Sir Mallot, there was no worry in his voice but all of us knew he was extremely worried.
“Of course, Sir Mallot” said Jeff as he headed out.
“Should I take Gabby and Brad?” Mistress Halsente asked.
“Yes. It would be easier for me to have only Charlie” Sir Mallot replied.
“Uncle...” Brad start to protest but Sir Mallot cut him short “No, Brad. She will be safer if it was just me and her. Adding you as well, I would have to keep my eyes on both of you and not just her”
Brad lowered his head. He still had his arms around me hugging me tightly.
“Be careful” he whispered into my ear. He turned me to face him and locked his lips with mine. We remained –our lips locked – until Sir Mallot said, “Brad. I need you and Gabby to help Mistress Halsente round up the rest of the students”
Brad pulled back, nodded, gave me one more quick peck on the lips and then followed Mistress Halsente and Gabby out.
“Sir, what is going to happen?” I asked him once the door had shut.
“I do not know” he replied taking a seat on my sofa. I sat down next to him trying to calm my breathing. “I am sorry Charlie. Not everybody is perfect, everybody has their flaws and I’m afraid not knowing what to say sometimes is one of mine”
“But Sir, What am I meant to do? I wouldn’t be able to sleep in here now” I asked him.
“You will have to share a room with somebody. That’s the only way I think we can keep you safe.” He replied.
“Sir, what would happen if I was to open the box now?” I asked him.
“Nobody knows,
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