» Fiction » Charlie Gyid, Anysia Eaton [books you need to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Charlie Gyid, Anysia Eaton [books you need to read TXT] 📗». Author Anysia Eaton

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love it here. Wish you were here. Made two friends. A girl – Gabby and guy – Brad. Brad is as fit as... definitely a 10 :P meeting him later, alone. Might get a pull’
“Might get a pull?” laughed Gabby.
“It’s a joke between me and her” I replied with a large smile on my face.
“You never know you might actually get a pull. I think he really likes you” she laughed.
I let out a little laugh myself.
The next two hours, went so slow – typical, when you want time to go fast it goes slow. Dinner was interesting. Everybody was packed into a great hall with rows and rows of tables. I could see Jeff sitting with Mistress Halsente, Sir Mallot and the other teachers. Other adults were sat together. What I did notice was the adults sat on the left with the teens and children on the right. I sat in the closest corner. Perfect for a full view of Brad. He was sat with a collection on Jocks and populars.
“What exactly do the Jocks play?” I had to asked Gabby.
“Nothing special, it’s a human sport really... They play dodge ball.” She replied.
“Dodge ball? Really. I love dodge ball” I gasped.
She said nothing but nodded.
As the hall emptied I watched Brad leave his table. He had to walk past behind me to get out of the room. As he walked past he stopped and kissed me on the cheek. He said nothing but carried on walking. I was half way through drinking, but when he kissed me, a natural reflect came into action, I spat my drink back into my cup and plainly watched him walk out.
Gabby was laughing at how red I had gone. I had gone as red as a strawberry. Gabby was about wetting herself with laughter.
“Will you help me get ready?” I asked her.
“Of course, come on” she replied grabbing my wrist and literally dragging me out of the room.
Once in my room she placed her hand on an area on the wall. A thought occurred to her.
“I never showed you this did I?”
“No” I replied.
“Relajo” she said and out of nowhere a wardrobe door appeared.
When she opened the door I saw the huge collection of clothes.
“What do you think I should wear?” I asked her.
She pulled out a top but as she pulled it out I spotted something that was hanged up next to it. It was a Belted Bow Stripe playsuit. I pulled it out and went into the toilet to place it on. When I came out, Gabby smiled.
“Ooo, I know what’s missing.” Said Gabby as she rushed to the wardrobe. She pulled out some flower patterned plimsolls and a beautiful flower necklace. I placed both of them on.
“Right it’s ten to, I better go. I’ll see you tomorrow. Have fun” she said as she headed out.
It was exactly on seven when there was a knock on my door. I rushed to it. I welcomed Brad into my room.
“I love your room” he commented.
“I thought all rooms were the same?” I asked him.
“No, each room is designed to meet your expectations. If you expected to have a double bed, you will have a double bed, if you expect...” he turned to my TV “Whatever this is”
“It’s a TV. Well a Plasma TV. It’s an exact replica to the one in my room back home” I replied.
“You’ll have to show me how it works sometime” he said taking a seat – narrowly missing my picture of Alison and I. He picked it up and studied it.
“Who’s this?” he asked.
“Alison. My bestest best friend in the entire world” I replied sitting next to him. He took my hand and squeezed it tight.
“Can I ask you a question?” he asked me after a moment of silence.
I just plainly nodded.
“What’s with the Warlocks outside?” he asked nodding towards the door.
“Protection from Malietta” I replied briefly.
“You’re joking” he laughed. I looked him the eyes, and when he saw I was serious his smile dropped “Malietta can’t enter this place. When she started causing trouble Sir Mallot and Mistress Halsente place a spell on her stopping her from entering the Covert.”
“No. It’s to stop her from luring me out. If she manages to tempt me to leave, they are there to stop me, and then protect me” I explained.
He kissed me on the cheek and whispered into my ear “Well I’ll be here to protect you as well”
“Anyway, you wanted to show me something” I said.
“Yes, come on” he pulled me up as he stood up himself.
He led me out of my room, down some corridors, up some stairs and up some more corridors until we reached a dead end. Brad lay his hand on the end wall.
“Ateska revelo” he said. As soon as he started the wall burst into flames.
I jumped back but he kept his hand deep in the dark red flames. The flames changed to a dark blue colour and then vanished. The wall vanished behind it, revealing a beautiful garden, with multi-coloured flowers, and multi-coloured butterflies.
We stepped in.
The grass felt like a bag of feathers under my feet, so soft I could have fell asleep on the spot.
“This is beautiful” I gasped gawping at every other thing.
“It is isn’t it. My uncle used to bring me here just to talk. You know, one of those comforting ‘I’m sorry for your loss’ sort of talks” he explained.
“Sorry for your loss?” I asked him confused.
“My mother. Murdered by my father” he replied as he sat down on the squidgy floor. I sat next to him.
“I’m sorry” I replied quietly.
“It was a long time ago” he said as he kissed my cheek “But thank you”
I smiled at him. He threw a smile back, and I caught it full on in the face, sending me bright red.
“Does anybody else know this place exists?” I asked him.
“No. Nobody ever has the guts to explore this place” he laughed.
“Can you blame them? It’s like a maze” I replied laughing myself.
He placed his arm around my shoulders. My blood turned hot. I could feel myself heating up. He pulled me close to him. I lay my head on his shoulder. I could feel his heart beating. It was regular, unlike mine. Mine was going at four times the usual pace. His scent filled my nostrils. Creeping its way up. It was the beautiful scent of wildlife and a freshly mown lawn.
We sat in silence just taking everything in. I didn’t know how long exactly we were sat there but it was wonderful. I was about falling sleep it was so peaceful when I felt his head close to my neck. He nuzzled it with his nose, and then touch it with a soft and gentle kiss. He kissed down and then back up my neck. When he reached my jawbone, he started kissing my cheek, moving his way across the side of my face. His soft lips came in contact with mine. Finally! I had been waiting for him to kiss me.
He ran his hands through my hair, softly. He drew back and smiled at me. A smile was etched onto my face. I could feel my cheeks had gone a rosy red. He placed his hands on either side of my face and kissed me again. This time more passionately. I could feel his tongue as it poked its way through to connect with mine. I was taking every last moment of it in until I heard a cough. One of those coughs you do when you’re trying to catch someone’s attention. I pulled back and looked to where that cough came from.
Stood behind us was Jeff. He had a picture of anger on his face. He didn’t have to even open his mouth to let me know how he felt. I avoided his glaze.
“Mr Watkins, would you please head back to your room. I wish to have a little talk with Charlie” Said Jeff. It wasn’t a question, it was an order. I could see Jeff’s blood boiling.
Brad looked me in the eye. I nodded. He nodded once and then headed out.
“Charlie, look at me” Jeff ordered.
I looked him in the eye.
“You about scared me half to death. I came to look for you when I found you weren’t in your room. And then Gabby told me you were with this... Brad. And when I finally find you, he had his tongue down your throat” he said in an angered tone.
“I’m sorry. He said he wanted to show me this place, and...” I stopped.
“And what?” Jeff wished me to continue.
“I like him” I replied in no more than a whisper.
“You what?” He asked, going quiet himself. I could just see the anger leek from his body.
“I like him” I replied, a little louder.
He stood frozen to the spot. He shook his head. At first I thought he was about to shout but instead he just hugged me.
“My little girl has got her first boyfriend” he said more in a mocking fashion than anything else.
“Jeff!” I moaned pulling free of his grip “He’s not my boyfriend... And he wouldn’t be my first even if he was.”
“He’s the first one I found out about” he laughed. I could never understand how he could go from being angry to laughing so quickly. He had done it since I could remember, always angry then laughing a few seconds later.
“Come on, I don’t suppose you know what time it is?” He asked me as he placed his arm around my shoulder and lead me out.
“No” I replied.
“Ten to ten. Past your bedtime” laughed Jeff.
“I don’t have a bedtime, I’m not a five year old, I just have a time I go to bed” I said defensively, half laughing.
“Of course you do” he laughed back.

My eyes fluttered open the next morning. The sky was a deep blue – when you looked at it, it looked as though it could go on and on. I looked about my room, reminiscing about the previous night’s events. He kissed me! He actually kissed me! The only thing I regret about last night was that Jeff had to come looking for me. I thought like I was going to melt with embarrassment when I first saw him standing over us. I sat up and flipped my legs over the side of the bed. I stretched and then sighed. I wished to see Brad standing at my side saying a kind good morning and then giving me a good morning kiss. I jumped out of bed and started to get changed into my school kit. I heard a knock on my door.
“Hang on” I shouted.
I finished throwing on every part of my uniform and neatened myself up. I rushed to the door and swung it open. Gabby. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her in and slammed the door shut.
“Guess what” I said to her half screaming.
“What?” She asked me intrigued with what I was about to say.
“He kissed me” I said in a high but quiet scream.
“Really?” she said in the same pitch as me “Tongues?”
“Gabby!” I gasped but after a few seconds I nodded adding in a little excited scream.
“Are you ready for school?” she asked me.
I grabbed my bag from the sofa and then nodded. We practically ran out of my room together.
“What was it like?” she asked me as we headed down.
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