» Fiction » Nightfall, Pranay Javeri [diy ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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my friends like Ian, Claire, Jake and Sophia.

After the party, I took a bath changed into some good clothes. We packed all our bags and begin our journey towards South Australia. We began the journey nearly at 7:00 pm. We were going to stay somewhere in a hotel for one night and were going to continue the journey the next day. So, we spent our night in the hotel.

In the morning, we had coffee and some pancakes. The sky was clear with no clouds---------- radiating sky blue color all over the place. After having, breakfast we continued our journey to our town. We reached home by 12:00 pm in the afternoon.

After reaching home, I ran towards my bedroom and directly went to sleep as I was tired a lot due to such a long journey. I woke up at 6:00pm. I didn't even have my lunch so I was hungry like hell. I went down and luckily mother cooked tasty evening snack for me. I ate the whole with my tea. I was so happy because I had my stomach satisfied and also I missed my mother's food these days.

After having dinner, I went to my bedroom to sleep but my mother came and gave me medicines. I don't like medicines much but I have to take it or I'll soon be admitted by my friends. I bet on Ian for sending me to mental asylum. I took my medicines but the pills were really bitter. Medicines are like the one who saves us with bitterness. Medicine is the poison that heals. It is like my -------------Evil Angel. I kind of started liking him.

I moved to switch off the lamps which were on the bedside table but my attention was caught by a note kept on it. I opened note and found out that it was written by Millicent in her elegant handwriting.

The note read that:


"Dear Iris,

            Tomorrow you, Sophia, Claire, Stella and I are going to a little shopping of new clothes as our college and school are re-opening soon. So be ready by 10:00 am. Please don't be late. Even though I know you won't come on time------------- I'm asking you to come on time. Get Well Soon.

                                    Yours Sister,



I chuckled a little and kept the note again on the bedside table. I took my alarm clock and set alarm of 9:00 am. I hope I wake up on time or Millicent is not going to spare me this time. After that I fell asleep in no time.

"Help! Help!" I screamed for help as I was running in woods frightened by something------------------like hell. I was running like a mad till my lungs bursts out and was panting badly after I stopped in between. The wind was blowing with great speed as if to signal the arrival of heavy rain. The now blue and clear sky was now covered with dark clouds and lightning with thunder which brought shivers on my spine. The trees were moving like they are going to collapse any time. I was again and again looking back---------don't know why. I also didn't know in which direction I was running. I only knew that I was running for my life and nothing else.  My legs seemed to move slower and slower as I fought through the darkness--------------------through the woods.

Then suddenly I bumped into someone------------his face covered with a black cloth. He caught hold of me and winked his eyes as if to say that 'everything is going to be alright'. I was calmed by his intense gaze filled with care and love. Then suddenly someone came from behind running.  I sauntered behind him with my sluggish feet tired due to running. The wind continued to flow He fought with the person who was following me to kill me. They had an extraordinary fight and I was just standing there with tears in my eyes unable to do anything. I couldn't see the faces of both of them as their faces were covered with cloth. And then suddenly the alarm rang from nowhere and I was awakened and brought in the real world by alarm clock." I said to all my friends as they were staring at me with their mouths shaped like an 'O'.

We had finished shopping and were now having our lunch in a restaurant in the supermarket. We bought clothes of latest fashion and some of our accessories. Also we did a little shopping for our schools and colleges like new bags, books and other all necessities. And now I was telling them about my nightmare while munching our lunch. They were awestruck and were giving each other weird looks and I was staring at their faces dumbfounded.

Then suddenly Millicent broke the silence," Iris, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm but why are you asking me this all of a sudden?"

"Because --------your dream was really------------ horrible. I think you need rest. The accident has badly affected your mind I suppose."

"Yes, I agree." said Stella.

 "Look, first thing is that I have already forgotten about the accident and the second thing is that I'm not mad. I just shared the info about the dream I had, with you all. Do you all understand? I'm not mad and the accident hasn't affected me a little." I said with a sharp voice as the four looked at me with 'I-get-it' look.

Thank God! I didn't tell them about the man who saved me in the dream. He was none other than my Evil Angel. Also I didn't tell them about how I survived the tornado and wild animals, in woods.

After lunch we had a little hangout and gossip. I was home at 8:00 pm as ordered by mom. Mom had been a little strict these days. I know behind her strictness was the love and care for me. She was shocked by my accident. She felt a little guilty as she thought that she shouldn't have let me go alone. But it was not her mistake and neither mine. Destiny had written that day for me and no one was to be blamed for that accident.

After reaching home, I went to my bedroom, removed my dress and had a bath. I washed every inch of my body with soap and water as I was full of sweat by the end of the day. The hot shower relaxed my muscles and washed the stress------------both physical and mental. After having bath, I dried my body and hair with towel. Then I changed into my nightdress and also packed my bag as I had school tomorrow. I had bought a new bag-----------a moss green mini backpack or rucksack with a print of 'Yes Or No'. Then my mom called me for dinner.

I sauntered down at the dining table. My dad and mom both were sitting there waiting for me.

I wished," Hi! Dad, how are you?"

"I'm fine. And how are you feeling now? By the way how was your little hangout with your friends?"

I signaled him that what he had just asked now was going to explode mom. He understood but before he could say anything, mom babbled," I told her to not to go as she wasn't well but alas! She is your daughter stubborn like you------------STEVEN...." she stopped after giving a total ten minutes speech to me and dad for our behavior. After she was satisfied, we began to eat our food with pin-drop silence. There was mushroom soup, green veggies, ham and eggs---------so delicious. I ate till the food reached my throat. So I directly went towards my bedroom with my hands on my stomach as I felt a little pain in my stomach. I remembered the bonfire night---------and Arthur's atrocities.

After sometime my mother came with the medicines in my bedroom. I frowned," No, not again. How many days I have to take these bitter medicines, mom?"

"Only for more three days and then you don't need to take any of these medicines, Okay. Now fast take these medicines." Mom handed me a glass of water with the medicines. I gulped them down as I was not able to bare their bitter taste but I had too.    


"Iris, wake up honey. You have school today. It's not good to be late on your first day of school. So, wake up fast." said my mom as she was selecting clothes for me to wear.

I requested," Mom, let me sleep. I need some more sleep. Just five minutes more and then I'll wake up."

 "No! You say that every time and end up being late. Look today your father is going to take you to the school. Arthur is also coming. So, I hope you get ready fast or I'll have to use the water trick, Iris." she threatened with a devilish smile on her face whereas I-----------in no time was out of my bed running towards the bathroom to get ready because I knew what mother's water trick was.

I brushed my teeth properly cleaning each and every corner of my jaw. After that I took a hot shower, cleaning each and every part of my body properly with my new lily fragrant soap and also shampooed my hair properly. After having finished all my works and after attending the call of nature, I dried my hairs and body with towel.

 I took out a white check top and a black skirt extending till knee. Then I took a scarf that matched my dress and applied mascara and eye-liner. I curled my hair a little and wore earrings and silver bracelet which had a legendary bird 'Phoenix' with three tails of which one was golden and had an amethyst stone at the end. It was gifted by my father on my last birthday. It was a lucky charm for me. I wore it on every auspicious day and events like today. I adjusted it carefully on my wrist.

"Iris, Are you ready?" My mom asked.

 I replied," Yes, mom."

"So come down fast and have your breakfast. Your dad and Arthur are waiting for you." My mom ordered.

 I quickly came down towards the breakfast table. Arthur, mom and dad were having breakfast already. I quickly joined them. There was tea, muffins and pancakes. So delicious! While eating, my father held my wrist as he saw the bracelet given by him. He was happy to see that I was wearing the precious bracelet given by him. I looked at him and he kept hand on my head and said," Good Luck, Iris."

 I winked at him," Thank you dad."

After finishing my breakfast, I took my bag and went outside the door where Arthur and dad were waiting for me. I rushed towards the car and then we all began our journey towards the high school. Arthur and I were in the school. He was sixteen years old just two years younger than me. It took twenty minutes to reach school by car. During the journey, Arthur and I were singing the songs that were playing on the radio. It was great to have myself back after so many stressful days. We sang throughout the whole journey and my father was obviously irritated by that----------------I saw his face in the front mirror.

The car stopped as we reached outside the school gate. All our friends were there waiting for us. I and Arthur bid adieu to dad and walked towards the school gate but dad called me so I came back to the car.

"Have fun, Iris. Be careful. Also, leave the singing part to Millicent and do not participate in any singing competition ever. I'm not kidding." he said. I fake frowned and then gave a big smile and chuckled and waved bye to my father and ran towards my friends who were standing near the gate of the school.

"Hey, guys. So how are y'all feeling?" I asked.

 Claire replied," Nervous."

Ian answered," Excited."

Jake smirked," New girls to flirt."

Sophia chuckled and then said," A new beginning."

I agreed," Yes, a new beginning."

Then we all went inside the school gate towards the school entrance. All

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