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breath and brought my hand in front and asked," Friends?"

  He thought for few seconds and smiled his best smile and held my hand. I felt the grip of his icy cold hand and exclaimed in shock," You're freezing!"

This time he was caught off guard. He shunned his hand back and before I could say something, he pointed his hands towards the door to point out the entry of Ms. Blyton. I turned my attention towards her but turned to ask him another question," I didn't see you last time in English?"

He replied," I had changed my class last Thursday."

I simply nodded and again turned my head towards the ma'am who was now taking the roll call. Ms. Blyton told us to read Don Quixote by Miguel De Cervantes and The Dangerous Liaisons by Pierre Choderlos De Laclos. We were going to have a test on these books some other day. I saw Sophia and Claire sneaking looks at us. Whenever they looked back, I kind of began to blush. Their looks were bothering not only me but also Walter as he cleared his throat in the middle of the lecture to signal me about the two spies. The lecture came to an end as the bell rang. The next class was Social Studies, so we both were going together to the class. This time there won't be any spies to disturb and make me feel uncomfortable.

I asked him," So, I have understood one thing about you."

"What?" he asked playfully, a smile slowly creeping on his face.

"That-------------you don't talk much and love to be a mystery and not an open book."

"Okay, so what do you want to know about me?"

 "Everything." I said with intense eyes and serious face.

A wave of discomfort crossed his face and his now smiling face mirrored mine and his eyes were careful but this expression of his lasted for a minute or two and then he gave a light chuckle and said," Okay but in exchange, I want to know about you as well. You have to tell me everything about yourself."

I quickly agreed," Okay, so we will meet tomorrow in Café Buongiorno, 212, Belair Road, Hawthorn after school."

"Okay.... So should I call it a----------date?" he teased. "Yeah, you can----------a sort of." I teased. "I'll pick you up from your house." "Wait, why? There's no need. I have my own car." "I know but it wouldn't look good, if we both go to the same destination in different cars from school. It seems illogical and wastage of fuel and pollution and...." "Wait, wait. Okay so you come in the morning tomorrow. I'll be waiting." "As you say your Highness." he said bowing down. His act of gentleman made me blush and cheeks turned red as blood rushed into them.We had reached our class and we both occupied the last desk of third row. Ms. Jones hadn't arrived yet. Suddenly, there was an announcement from the speakers installed in class and corridors," Students of Adelaide, we're glad to announce that we're organizing a Homecoming. So, for further information, please check the general notice board." As soon as the announcement ended there were tons of screams of excitement from the students in the class and outside the class. But the noise died as soon as Ms. Jones entered the class. She continued the chapter on Australia and Vietnam War. The class was silent except Ms. Jones voice and murmuring of some bimbettes about Homecoming. The lecture ended and I was stuffing up my books in bag when he whispered in my ears in melodious velvet voice," See you tomorrow then." I smiled and then he quickly walked towards the door. I had Accounts so I was going towards my class.  When I reached at the door of my class I saw Sophia looking at me with suspicion. I knew that she was going to question me about everything that happened in English class. I would be going through a cross-questioning sessions like suspects of a crime go through.   As soon as I reached near her, she began her interrogation," So, what was going between you and Walter?" "How do you know his name?" I asked her question instead of answering hers. "I heard it from Millicent. Now you answer my question?" "Okay, so we are sort of---------going on a date." "When are you going? When did he ask you? Am I the first one to know? How did this hap------" "Whoa. Catch a breath woman. That's not a big deal at all." She slapped my shoulder and said," It is, you idiot!" Then we both went to our Accounts class. But during the lecture Sophia didn't shut up at all. She asked me from the beginning like she didn't know how we both met in the canteen. She got every bit of the story from me. Like she was a newspaper reporter and she was going to write a report on me and Walter.  The lecture drifted as quickly as Sophia asked me questions. I was really exhausted answering her questions. At last the bell rang and signaled the end of the lecture. I had Spanish next on my schedule.Spanish was boring because there was nobody to talk. I was really missing Walter. Even though Jake was sitting beside me, he was talking to someone about either cars or bikes or some rock band. But suddenly he asked me," Hey Iris, I got hear from Sophia that you got a new car." "Yeah." "Which model and make?" he asked as excited as ever about cars."I think it's an Audi S4." "Oh really, you are lucky girl, you know? That car is latest and has a good look and its mileage......." And he began to drivel about the features of cars in which I was not at all interested. I just tuned him out and concentrated on Mr. Perez. The lecture ended and I took a deep breath of relaxation.As soon as I came out of the class, I saw students rushing towards the Square Meet and then I remembered that there was going to be a notice about Homecoming. So, I also rushed towards the Square Meet. There was a lot of crowd surrounding the general notice board which was in the Square Meet. I pushed passed the crowd with a lot of effort and reached near the notice board. The theme of the Homecoming was:  'All Around the World'


It was going to be held on Monday the February 14th. The dress code was Semi-formal. The boys were going to ask the girls. So, it's not a Sadie Hawkins dance. I wished Walter would ask me for the dance tomorrow at the date.

Then I drove home without bothering Millicent. I knew she would have been gone with Arthur already and now I have my own car. So, there was indeed no reason to bother anyone. I parked the car in the front porch besides dad's car. Dad was early home today. I went into my room and took bath and wore my night dress. Mom called me for dinner as usual. I had my dinner. I also told dad about the car and appreciated its features. Dad was happy so I thought that this was best time to tell him about Walter. I didn't know how he would react when I told him about a boy because I never had before. So, I told him in calm voice," Dad, tomorrow------I'm not going in my car."


"Dad because my friend-------my friend Walter is going to pick me up tomorrow and then we're going for a------" I hesitated," A Date."

The room was silent for few minutes and then dad asked," Walter, huh? I've never seen him with you before."

"Yeah, because he is new in our school. I assure you dad that he is a nice guy."

"Okay I trust you but you've to be careful. It's your first time, so best of luck for your date with Walter." he smiled.

 "Yeah, I'll be and thank-you."

My mom kissed my forehead and said," Best of luck, Iris."

"Thank-you, mom."

While going to room, I thanked both of them," Thank-you for such a great gift, mom and dad. Good Night.

"Good Night." they both said.

Then I climbed the stairs and went inside my bed quickly. I took the quilt on my body and slept as soon as possible because I didn't want to be late tomorrow. It was an important day for me.

Then my mom came with medicines and I groaned," Now, how many more days I have to take this?"

"Today is the last." she said with a smile.

"Thank-you, mom." I said and took the pills and the glass of water from her hands. I swallowed the bitter pills with the help of water and then my kissed me on my forehead and left the room. I tried to sleep deliberately closing my eyes. The pills did their work and I was fast asleep.

That night I dreamed of Walter Lenoir.





Text: Pranay Javeri
Images: Pranay Javeri
Editing: Gayatri Vaidya
Publication Date: 03-31-2015

All Rights Reserved

For my big sister Snehal, without whose enthusiasm and support I wouldn't have been writing it.

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