» Fiction » Nightfall, Pranay Javeri [diy ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Nightfall, Pranay Javeri [diy ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Pranay Javeri

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tell you after some time but----------" she glared at Jaxton and he threw up his hands in air in defense "--------------this dumb ass...." before she could say anything else Rhys cleared his throat and Millicent pursed her lips and glanced at Jaxton with a furious glare.

Jaxton spun the bottle once again on the table and it came to a halt after few seconds or minutes. Uh-oh! The moth of the bottle was facing me but the more worrying thing was that-------that the base of bottle was facing......Ian.

He gave me a devilish smile and said," TRUTH or DARE."

I knew truth would cost me a big loss then dare because he can ask me anything. Maybe------------he will ask about my survival like other students of the school or maybe a much bigger secret will get revealed like a vampire saved me or the fact that I have started liking him. So I blurted out," DARE."

He gave me another devilish smile and said," So, your dare is that you have to kiss------------lock lips with any boy who now enters the canteen."

I gasped because I knew that we have to do the given task. It was the first day of school and as it is said 'First impression is the last impression.' I didn't want to make a fool out of myself and be called a spoil-sport by my friends, so I agreed although I didn't want to do it. I never had kissed anyone before. I had not even dated anyone before. How was I going to do this? I internally cursed Ian whose lips were twitched at the corners showing a wide smile which infuriated me.  

The canteen was mostly full and nobody was fluttering around the canteen. But suddenly I heard sound of foot-steps. As the sound of footsteps increased, the rate of my heartbeats increased as well. Then some shadows appeared near the canteen door and---------------they were just some group of overdressed bimbettes making noise of their heels. I sighed but soon stood up as I saw the canteen door move to let a dazzling boy who much more seemed like a model stood in front of me. I sauntered towards him. He wasn't looking at me. He had worn a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt inside and black jeans followed by white shoes. His jet black hair was set in wavy pattern enhanced his qualities ten times. His milky white skin and coal black eyes mesmerized me his muscular body looked charming.

By now I was standing a foot away from him. He looked at me and he said with a friendly smile on his face," Hey."

I replied awkwardly in a low voice," Hey." and then added in a low voice which seemed more like a whisper," Sorry." He looked at me confused but before he could say anything else. I closed my eyes and pulled him closing the gap between us and attached my lips to his. But I tore apart from him soon after few seconds because his lips----------his lips were icy cold. He had frozen in front of me and was standing like a freaking statue. His expressions were unreadable. He was looking at me with penetrating eyes. I wasn't able to speak a word somehow my lips had pursed in a line but I tried to blurt out an apology but all in vain. And before I could further try to speak, he was out of my sight.

Suddenly a more muscular blonde guy with golden black eyes came from behind him and gave me a weird look and walked past me.  He looked a little older than the one before or the one whom I kissed. Then I remembered who he was--------------he was mentor of Jake. Then after him came a girl a little smaller than both the boys but she was svelte and sophisticated like the other two. Her hazel eyes looking at me surprised. Maybe she had witnessed what just had happened here. She quickly walked past me like the muscular guy as she placed her long slightly curly brown hair on her right shoulder. I was standing there for few seconds and then I returned to my table.

There was utter silence. Nobody spoke a word. They were just sharing looks with each other. Then after few minutes Sophia asked concern in her eyes," Did he say something?"

I said in a low embarrassed voice," No. He didn't say a word. His expressions were unreadable. The most surprising fact was that....." before I could say something else reality dawned on me that what I was going to say would have risked his life without reason or people would have assumed me as a retard because I was going to say that how icy cold his lips were. But maybe I had imagined it or maybe he had a cold drink just before I kissed him----------anything but not what I was thinking right now. So I quickly stopped thinking about him because it was making me feel dizzy. But then the thought of his beautiful face, his eyes, the taste of his icy cold lips----------------everything about him that attracted me, crossed my mind. His perfect muscular body and all his seductive features came in front of my eyes in the form of still picture slides and I wasn't able to stop it and that was making me crazy. Suddenly, Terrence kept his hand on my shoulder and said," Iris, there's nothing to worry about. You haven't done anything wrong. You can sort out things with that guy afterwards. Don't feel embarrassed and guilty. I don't even see a slight hint of on his face." he said looking somewhere behind me. I followed his gaze and saw that the boy whom I kissed and the two other who gave me unknowing glares were sitting on the table at the corner of the canteen behind me. They were discussing something and were sitting in erect posture like the ones we have during formal meetings. Their lips were flawless. They had the same milky white skin. They weren't moving their lips much but it seemed as if they were discussing something crucial. Their eyes careful, mostly roamed around themselves. They weren't looking at other students as if no one existed around them. I was staring at them like an idiot and suddenly the one I kissed shared a glance with me for a second or two and then I broke the eye contact and shifted my attention to my now cheerfully chattering friends.

Sophia had exchanged her place with Millicent and Terrence and Sienna had gone to the other side of the table to chat with others. I gave a weak smile to Millicent. She returned a rather cheering smile and said," Iris, what's the problem? Why are you so quiet? It wasn't your fault and it doesn't seem to affect Walter even a little."

"Wait, who's this Walter?" I asked her my mind full of confusion.

"Oh! Sorry I didn't tell you that the name boy whom you kissed is Walter---------------Walter Lenoir." she said as she realized that she hadn't introduced me.

"Oh, that means you're his mentor."

She simply nodded and now the embarrassment from the incident that happened before vanished away. I once again peeked at the table far behind me. They were sitting there but now the girl was busy with her phone and his big guy was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he had gone somewhere and suddenly I made an eye contact with Walter. This time it lasted for few minutes and then it broke due to the irritating noise of the bell. "Walter." I murmured his name because it seemed so archaic. There was something magical in him-----------everything about him was seducing me------------making me crazy-----------I don't know why but he had kind of engulfed me in his beauty.

Millicent brought me out of my series of thoughts. By the time I was thinking about him, more than half of the canteen had become empty. Everybody had left for their class------------including Walter. My all friends were leaving too so I took my bag and moved quickly towards my friends who were at the threshold of canteen.

I looked at my schedule. I had Chemistry first on my schedule so I joined Claire and Ian in their little trip towards our next class. Suddenly, somebody kept a hand on my shoulder and I half jumped in terror. I turned to see whom that hand belonged too. It was Terrence; he was also accompanying me to Chemistry. I smiled at him and then he asked," Are you okay now?"

"How do I look?"

"Perfectly fine." he said and I gave a humorless chuckle. Terrence was a good guy. He was a good company to keep and I was sure that we were going to be good friends. He cracked some jokes till we reached our class. Ian and Claire were busy with their talk and so were I and Terrence. As we reached the door of our class, he dramatically swayed his hands pointing towards inside the class and said," Ladies First." I smiled at him and then we both entered the room but smile soon faded away as I saw Walter in the class. Our class had four rows and eight desks in each row. He was sitting on the third desk in the last row. He looked at me with slightly furious eyes. I don't know why but I felt hurt as if he was someone so close to me. He broke the eye contact as Arianna----------the bimbette of our class distracted him.  I quickly moved towards the fourth desk in the third row to not to make any eye contact with him. Terrence sat beside me with surprised eyes as I glanced at him. But I was soon distracted as Arianna sat beside Walter. I felt kind of jealousy and hatred about her. I was so furious that I thought of hitting that bitch badly enough so that she would never go near Walter. Wait, who am I to decide--------------with whom he should talk and with whom he shouldn't? Why was I getting so infuriated? Why am I getting jealous? We haven't even talked and suddenly my series of thought was broken by our chemistry sir-------Mr. Crook's hoarse voice for order.

The time during the lecture drifted very slowly. I was getting irritated due to the boring introduction lecture given by Mr. Crook and Arianna's flirty behavior--------------the way she talked to Walter was getting on my nerves. I wish I could rip her head off. And suddenly Walter in the whole lecture once glanced back and smirked looking at my face. I was so irritated that even Terrence's jokes weren't cheering me.  Then the bell rang and the torture finished at once. I quickly took my bag and rushed towards the door when Terence called me surprised by my sudden reaction," Which class do you have next?"

"Social Studies." I said loudly.

His face fell suddenly and said," See you later." I nodded and quickly went towards my next class or else I would have to see Walter again. I reached my class and sighed with relief because both Ms. Jones and Walter hadn't arrived yet. None of my friends were going to attend this lecture with me so it was only me. I quickly took a seat on the last desk in the second row. Few minutes later Ms. Jones entered the class and wished us and began to take order. One part of me was happy that he wasn't here because I felt crazy when he is anywhere in my proximity. But the other part of me felt sad because I won't be able to see him in this class. I don't know which part me was more dominant whether the one which was getting crazy for one sight of Walter or the other which didn't want to see him again and suddenly Ms. Jones called my name and I stood up to answer my roll call. At that moment,

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