» Fiction » 36 days later, Katerina Rose [new ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «36 days later, Katerina Rose [new ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Katerina Rose

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girls sleeping over. Clearly this was not meant to be. I don't know why I keep trying.

I curled up on my couch and turned on Gossip Girl. Maybe I could pretend I had one of their lives. Even though they break up 1,000 times they still seem to give a shit about each other.

I tossed my phone on the end of the couch and closed my eyes.... My anger had turned into almost apathy for everything in that moment.

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing next to me.

I checked the caller ID.

"Alex?" I picked up

"Hi, did I wake you?"

"I didn't mean to fall asleep...whats up?" I sat up on the couch and rubbed my face. I checked the time it was 6 am.

"Well get up and get dressed I need you down at the studio the label wants to talk to you"

"What? Thought we were on a break"

"Just come down here, its important"

He hung up before I could say another word. I grabbed my shoes and grabbed my keys off the table.

I reached the studio and walked in, suddenly wishing I had dressed up for the occasion. The secretary for the record label and a few other guys were standing around Alex, in suits and I felt very under dressed

"Cassie, How nice of you to join us!" Loraine, the secretary greeted me. "Do you need a water or anything?"

"No I'm fine, what is this about?"

They motioned for me to have a seat on the couch across from them.

"We'll get started in just a moment" She smiled and turned around to continue talking to the big wigs.

Alex looked over at me I motioned to him.

"what?" he whispered

"Seriously? what is this? Am I dropped? just tell me now.."

He laughed "No,.. no no..."

Loraine turned to the door "Ah! here we go he's here!"

I turned to look and spotted Daniel walk in. He looked as surprised to see me as I was him.

"Have a seat" She smiled.

Daniel sat next to me, "Do you know whats going on?"

I didn't speak.

I was still hurt by the fact another girl answered his phone. It was probably petty and juvenile, we weren't even dating, hell we were just lucky to be talking I guess. But I felt myself wanting more and every time I tried he was already gone.... I was hurt and angry.

"Well, you guys are probably wondering what it is we have in mind today" - she began " don't worry no one is being dropped.... well unless you don't like our ideas, then we will have to figure out something else"

she smiled.. but it was a creepy dictator smile. I didn't like where this was going.

"So as you know your band has taken a hiatus" She looked at me. I suddenly felt ashamed.

"And your band needs more fans to get it off the ground" She looked at Daniel. Ha! He should be ashamed too... Guess this wasn't a competition for who sucks more, and frankly I would win that... but at least I would win something!

"We have decided to do some switches here"

Color me confused.

"What would you say to combining this?" she pointed to both of us.

"Come again?" I asked. "What on earth makes you think that's a good idea?" I looked at Alex. Does he not remember all the drama?

"Hear me out" She put her hand up "You wanted to go solo, Daniel's band is the perfect way to do that.."

"But its just that... Its my band" Daniel protested.

"And you'd like to tell me you wouldn't like to work with your girlfriend?" She smiled that creepy smile again.

"I'm not his girlfriend.... we're lucky we're even speaking" I was getting irritated.

Daniel looked at me confused. Guess he thinks his slut went unnoticed.

She grabbed a magazine off the table behind her and threw it on the coffee table in front of us.

It was a huge picture of Daniel and me outside that damn bar from the other night. Headline read "Daniel and mystery girl?"

"What the hell is this mess!?" I picked it up.

"Mad that your on the cover?" she asked

"Mad that she's a mystery girl" Daniel rolled his eyes

"You don't know me---" I looked at him. "what is this!" I tossed it back to the table "This is stupid!"

"Good, your mad, this will help me.."

"I don't see how"

"We combine the bands,... You get publicity and everyone remembers your name.." she pointed at both of us.

Alex was standing behind her, he looked like he couldn't tell if it was a good idea or not.

"What the hell..." I called him out.

"Its not my call" He shrugged

"And if it was!?" Daniel snapped

"Its not..." Loraine was stern.

"I don't understand how combining our bands is going to help anything"

"The start of the band your holding onto by a thread was you two. I remember the numbers when we first started this, you two is where its at, we need that to go back to whatever it was in the beginning"

"Well that makes 2 of us" Daniel sighed.

"Don't make this a relationship thing---" I said to him.

"Did I miss something here, I thought we were ok?" He looked irritated "Why are you snapping at me"

"I can't talk about this here..." I eyed him.

"How tragic would that be if we actually talked about things" Daniel said sarcastically.

"Seriously, your in no position to talk to me about whats tragic" I snapped

"What the hell is your problem?!" He snapped back.

"This is never going to work!" I protested her idea

"Your just going to quit before you start!? Typical Cassie move" He was pissed now too. Great.

"Quit before I start!? So you just suddenly want this to happen?! We split the band for a reason"

"You quit!" he snapped.

"You left the band--" argued

"And you left me for Jason! But I thought we weren't allowed to talk about relationship crap!" he threw his hands up and got up.

"No No.. you guys are not allowed to leave till we settle this"

"This is not therapy..."

"And this is not an option my dear children...either you combine your talents and raise these sale numbers or we drop you both. I've been patient for long enough but this label has to make money that's the way this shit works so either get on board or hop off this train and stop wasting my time, I'll need your answer my the end of the week"

She finished speaking and walked out, the guys in suits followed her.

I wasn't looking at either Daniel or Alex.

"I thought you guys made up at the bar" Alex sighed "I thought you would be okay with this"

"It never works out with us, Alex you know that" Daniel snapped.

"We are barley friends right now" I snapped.. "And clearly Daniel's dated around if I'm just some new mystery girl" I got up

"Its not like that and you know it" He snapped

"Look I don't know what happened at the gig the other night, but clearly we can't be friends because when things get pressed there's just too much shit between us to reconcile"I started to leave

"Oh good, walk out just like you always do" - Daniel snapped.

"Guys!" Alex yelled "We need an answer! Do you want to lose your careers!? I thought you wanted this!"

"I don't----I can't----" I sighed.

"You won't even try...and that's why I can't. She cant get past the last however many years we've been at this...even though I've done everything I could to salvage this friendship at the very least"

"Always the victim" I smiled "Some things never change"

"You know... second thought maybe you should leave" He looked at me.

I could feel my eyes watering. "Yeah probably want to get back to your slut huh?" I walked out.

The door swung open behind me I could hear him coming. I started for my car. My eyes were filled with tears now. I could still feel the ring in my pocket, I was so angry right now.

"Cassie!" He yelled. "What the hell does that mean!"

"Don't play stupid! Tori!? Is that her name!"

"Tori!?"..."How do you know--"

"I called, but she didn't tell you because I told her not to--"

"We aren't together... Cassie I don't understand--"

He kept walking closer.

"And we never will be because of this right here" I motioned between us "we cant even be friends without shit, our dreams are going to end here because your too much of an asshole to admit you've been playing me like a f*cking violin!"

I pulled the ring out of my pocket, It was still in its box and I launched it at him.

"Do me a favor and leave me alone" I got in my car and locked the doors.

I peeled out of the parking lot and burst into tears.

It felt so final, and my heart was broken. Part of me wanted to go back and tell him I knew I was being jealous, I knew we weren't together but the other part of me knew and remember all the times he promised he would wait. Promised he would give me time to work my life out. said he'd always be there and he failed me every single time. It was time I gave up on this pipe dream... And I guess my career died along with the feelings I had for him.

Chapter 14

I drove myself home that afternoon and walked into my apartment.  I slammed my purse down on the couch and walked into my bedroom. I was so sick of his crap, every time I tried to get past him, or accept him something happens, but no more.

I grabbed my suitcase, got into my drawers and found his old t-shirts. went into my closet and found an old hoodie he had left there. Grabbed some cd's he had given me, and old cards I had saved over the years. Highschool pictures of us toghether. I grabbed everything and anything that reminded me of him. Shoved it all into the suitcase and grabbed my keys.

I threw the bag into my car and drove to the studio. His car was gone but Alex was still there.  I marched inside and threw the bag down.

"Give this to him, I'm done" I said and walked out.

Alex followed me "What the hell is all that?"

"Everything....  our past, and our future, I'm over it, I can't get close to him because he kills me everytime I cant handle it Alex,"

"So thats it! Your going to let everything die because you can't get along with your ex!?,"

I glared. "You of all people should understand this feeling..."

"Heartbreak?..... earth shattering heartbreak..."

"Then stop trying to stick up for him! Or downsize this! I'm in pain Alex I can't work with him!" I started crying.

I stood in the parkinglot and cried. Alex came towards me and hugged me. "I'm sorry, I never should of allowed this... but I just didn't want this to be it for you, your so talented"

"I can find another lable" I mumbled

"you think?"... "you think I havn't tried to

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