» Fiction » 36 days later, Katerina Rose [new ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «36 days later, Katerina Rose [new ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Katerina Rose

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Chapter 1

36 days later

Day 1 of tour seemed to be going smoothly. Ally and I were in the top of the bus, the boys took the bottom so we could all get a little more privacy. Milo however was my constant companion though I did feel bad stealing him from Tyler so often. He assured me he was fine with it though and frankly I was just happy to be with a male who didn’t have an opinion on me at all.

Our bus traveled down back roads and through cities I had only dreamed about. I hadn’t been this excited for an adventure in a while but it was weird that it was more of a solo project rather than a band now. I know we had all agreed it was better this way but it still felt strange. I didn’t really enjoy being in the lime light all the time but I guess it would be something I would have to get used to.
Our bus finally parked and we all made it outside. Alex stood next to us letting us know how tonight’s festivities would happen.

“There’s a front band playing before you tonight, they start at 7, they get roughly 45 to 50 mins depending on how long their set list is, we will have a brief intermission giving you guys time to set up and then your set will begin, it ends at the end of your set list but that’s roughly 2 hours everyone clear?”

We nodded.

“Okay, everyone is required to clean up, showers, hair styles make up whatever you need to do and meet back here in a few hours”

“Can I get a run in?” I asked.

Alex rolled his eyes “I don’t know what it is with you and your runs but yes, just make it a quick one, don’t wonder off too far”

I nodded.

I went back into the bus to change into my gym clothes and grab my ipod, I laced up Milo on his leash so he could get some exercise and took off.

I decided to just make a couple laps around the auditorium supposing it would be about a mile around.

Milo and I made it halfway around and spotted the other bands bus. Several guys standing around. They were pulling guitars out of their bus.

I slowed to a walk as I approached. There were 3 of them. Tall, nicely built, one of them caught my attention though I couldn't place "why" right away.

I came to a dead stop when he turned around, still talking to the other band mates and his smile looked familiar. I suddenly placed exactly who it was.

I backed up slowly and took off in the opposite direction. Milo and I made it back up to our own bus where Tyler and Alex stood outside talking about stage set up.

"Tyler, take Milo" I held out the leash "I don't want him to see what I'm about to do to Alex"

They looked puzzled.

"Nice day for a run isn't it Alex?" I snapped

Tyler grabbed the leash from me.

"I suppose?"

"Around the building" I continued.

He still looked confused

"So Hey, by the way while we are on the subject of around the building who's the band who is playing first?" I asked crossing my arms.

He stammered to find an answer "Well, uhh you've never heard of them?"

"Really? Do they have a name?"

" know, I bet they do but I didn't get an answer on that one, why don't I go try and get a name for you?"

"Why don't you tell me who's in the band"

Tyler was clearly confused by everything though he was still standing with us waiting for an answer.

"You know how you always wondered if Daniel was ever going to do anything with his musical talents?" Alex spoke and took a step back

Tyler's eyes widened "The one who wrote the music about?! The one who broke your heart!? Oh my god he's here?!"

"How could you" I looked at Alex. "After everything I've tried to do to move on and you put me right back in the middle of all of it"

"He requested this! I couldn't say no!"

"Yes you can! You tell me no all the time!"

"Cassie calm down, I think your getting worked up over nothing"

"Are you kidding me? Our entire set list is an ode to how I hate the boy who broke me, and as it turns out the boy will be here to hear all of it!" I yelled.


" I should fire you right now----"

"Cassie" Tyler touched my arm

I looked up at him, he was pointing off behind me. I turned around and Daniel stood with his band mates on the steps of the auditorium entrance just a few feet from me.

I looked back at Alex "You and I, are about to go rounds" I muttered to him.

I turned back around and faced Daniel. He of course was still as handsome as ever, maybe even more so, he had a scruffy rocker look going on that I kind of found attractive. In fact they all did. This was a boy band on rocker crack....hottness to a whole new level. Dammit!

"Wow hi, its been ages" I fake smiled "Have you met our newest member? Tyler,...?" I said pushing him forward.

Daniel smiled "Aye, I'm Daniel, this is Josh and Sam, Josh plays drums and Sam is my bass player"

"Oh so you sing?" Tyler asked reaching forward and shaking hands with the enemy.

"Yeah but I play lead guitar too" Daniel offered his hand out.

What was this a peace treaty!? Everyone back to your stations! This is war!

"Well we should get back, need to get ready and all" I pulled Tyler back towards the bus.

"Nice to see you" Daniel smiled and waved as they walked back into the auditorium

We walked back onto the bus and I turned and faced Alex.

"I know your mad" he held up his hands "But listen to me, I'm trying to expand your fan base, Daniel has gathered a bit of a large one and it can only help"

Ally and Levi were on the couch and now interested "Daniel?" Ally pipped up.

"Yeah didnt you see him outside with his Nysnc wanna be boys?" I snapped "Alex made them our opening act"

"No way!" Levi got up "Cant believe you didnt tell us!" He pushed passed me and Alex, shot out the door like a bat out of hell and took off for the auditorium

"He's not good with social cues, clearly this is a bad thing" Ally smiled as she followed him out....

"I'm going to fire you... I'm going to rehire you, kick your ass and fire you again!"

Tyler started chuckling.

I spun around and faced him now on the couch "Something funny?!?!"

"Your threats, their cute" he smiled

I glared

"And that was terrible timing, Hey I think I'll go finish Milo's walk" he took the dog and left the bus.


"No, you know what? All this time your telling me to get over him move on with my life so I try to put distance between us and you go behind my back and do this"

"I'm sorry!"

"You should of told me!"

"I know!"

I sighed, "Just one night I guess right? How bad can it be"

"Funny story" Alex smiled "They actually signed on for the whole tour"

"Your shitting me"

"I said, Funny story?"

I couldn't speak...

"Look! You don't have to talk to him! He's on before you, he goes back to his bus and we're off to the next stop! We get his fan base interested in your music and we generate more sales and publicity, everyone wins!"

" If this goes horribly awry and I think we both know it will, your in for a big fat 'I told you so'--Just so we're clear"

"We're clear" he held up his hands again as if I were going to shoot him.

"I'm going to take a shower, I don't want to talk about this anymore, but just know, your on my shit list now okay? " I walked off

"Oh what else is new" Alex muttered under his breath and left the bus.

Chapter 2

The tour continued as usual, I stayed out of Daniel's way, he seemed to stay out of mine, as if he was afraid of me or what I might do if he got too close. His band mates tried talking to me but I blew them off. In a high maintenance fashion, something I'm not fond of but I did to keep them all away from me. This was my dream and no matter how hard Daniel tried he couldn't ruin this for me. Not again.

I sat in the bus with my guitar humming to myself, as we drove to our next destination. Street lights from the highway shone through the bus windows as we passed them. A text on my phone popped up.

It was Daniel's number, a number I hadn't seen in a while.

"hate me?"


"Really?, do you know what hate means?"

"I'm avoiding"


"Because its better this way"

"I'm sorry, I know its been rough between us for a while, but I'm trying to work this out Cassie you have to help me here"

"Staying away from you seems to be working for me"

"You cannot be serious, Its so awkward, I know you feel it"

"It would be a lot easier not to feel anything if you stopped watching me perform"

"I can't help it, I think the solo thing looks good on you, you always had the talent to go solo, we were all just a shield you hid behind anyway"

I didn't reply... there was nothing to say. I know he meant what he said, he had been a jerk but he always told me straight up.

My phone lit up again,....

"I miss you cass, if for nothing else than our friendship, this doesn't have to be awkward we can just take it one step at a time? All that I ask is you not avoid me, the guys have asked if I have the plague lol"

"Tell them Tool isn't contagious its learned lol "

"at least you laughed when you insulted me, now we

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