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replied, what about it? And I told her that we should come up with a “backup” plan so that way if the plan of our first choice doesn’t work then we can have another plan to fall back on. Well she I asked her about her coming to see her coming to see me, and she was saying that she did not know because of her mum was eerie about it. Oh and just for the record her mum is racist why? I don’t know, racist’s people do not get far in life however it’s bad when you have two close friends to deny you and already judge you and yet they have never met you yet. And so she was saying that unless I find a way to get to Florida then she can’t be allowed to date on the phone and internet. At any case, she has changed just as Shannon told me, I mean her two close friends, and I felt that they were accusing me of over doing it with the calling and texting. And you know how some people just because they do not like you, they say things out of proportion just to make a person think that I was a “Dickwaud” and well Sam took what they said and ran with it or shown her prove of something that was a “false truth” proof is what I call it. It’s a term in my own way in which I call certain things. Anyways well she told me about a feeling on the messenger on yahoo about a feeling that she couldn’t shake away, I asked her what kind of feeling. And well she stressed the fact of her mum and her friends didn’t like me. Well of course her mum wouldn’t just because of a skin color of course, well she told me that she didn’t think that it will work out and usually at this point my heart would start pounding and so on. Well she said she wanted to keep the friendship in which she called it; “The Trio” Then I tries to make it work knowing me of a cause I do so anyways. And I told her this:” sometimes people don’t always see eye to eye on everything but just because your friend didn’t like me knowing that your mum is racists and all, and what happened to the Sam that I know at G.O.?” Well she shouted at me saying: GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE, AND DON’T GO TO MY FRIENDS ABOUT THIS EITHER!” And I was like what? No I would never and I afterwards I try to make it work, but she refused to talk it over and then she just got off the yahoo messenger and haven’t heard from her since then.

Well, after that it took me about 3 weeks to get over her. I told others about even her friends. People that I chatted with online were not helping, I mean have you ever been a break down situation, where you have to deal with people giving you passive stupid idiot advice telling you: “oh well I hope that everything works out” or I’m sorry to hear that or blah, blah, blah”. In this case I text Big Red and told him all that have happened (well a short version of it) and well he was going on about how Sam was annoying, and very irritating. And whenever she set her mind on something she doesn’t when she thinks it’s approachable for her. And well of course since he was busy, I didn’t get to talk to him longer than I would have liked to. And well I called him the next tomorrow night and well he cut me off after all I was calling is to say hello and things. And he seemed to have an unpleasant attitude; so on I deleted his number from my phone and never spoke to him again. Of course he tries to talk to me on the yahoo messenger but I never replied to him until when he mentioned about my bible that I gave her and I replied back but soon afterwards he never replied back. So I stopped calling texting him completely, and I called and talked to Shannon scheburock which is a former school mate of mine, I guess you can say me and her are friends. But not really close anyways, so I spoke to her on the phone after for so long since I last spoke to her. And well she is a type that when you talk about drama she has the intensity to cut people off, which was one thing I didn’t like about her at all. I spoke to her for about 2 to 3 hours; which should have been a time that I and Sam should have been spending time talking. But she is just like ancient history now, on the other hand later on; I soon got over the hurt of the breakdown. And I began to focus more then I never had before, I was having trouble with reading in college and I was not getting any support the teacher for my reading class her name was Ms. Filer. The next chapter I will explain to you my first college experience.

Chapter 17

My first experience

Well *laughs* when first arrived for college of my first day for class. And it took me about a week or two to get the hang of knowing where my classes are. So time has gone pass, and I met my first energetic nice math teacher her name was Ms. Shywanda. She was the first math teacher that was not grumpy or selfish like, out of all the math teachers she was the first coolest teacher that I have ever met. Well after that I kept going back and forth between class times to purchase order my books for my classes. And well then I met my first teacher and her name was Ms. Seay Lewis; I call her Ms. Lewis for short though. She tries to teach class there were other students that were goofing off geez, I mean in college man that’s rough. But neither do they show up for class anyways though.

Well as I began my class work out of all classes I was struggling in mostly just reading. Now in math it’s easy plus I love math it was just the only thing is that everyone seemed to get ahead of me before the teacher in class can even go over the lesson. Oh and by the way my classes were online and so the only thing was is I could do the work but I had problems meeting and finishing up assignments before the deadline. And well when I got to reading class it was overwhelming. And I was hungry and again I was a freshman so every bit of thing was new to me, and so on I was happy that I was in college, my teacher Ms. Filer was making us get pamphlets to read and write journals about what was the pamphlet is about. And later on, I saw my two cousins taking some partial classes to refresh their minds up a bit which are good. I also saw their cousin Brandon there too.

During the process of working on my assignments, every time I began to start on my reading, Ms. Filer always takes off the lab assignments that I was trying to finish. I even tried to talk with her about mainly student hours, and she kept going on about my leaving early. I told her that I had a doctor’s appointment, and she start to seem like she was making an argument about it and then she constantly kept going on about me not turning in a single lab nor staying longer to do them. So to fix her I stayed once to do my lab and we finally went over a lab assignment. Well she helped the two girls that I go to class with and one that was sitting beside me, Ms. Filer helped her during the entire class time and when asked her for help on a word and the meaning of to a question she was being ironic about it and continued to help the other student. Well she never once offered any help or neither asked me if I needed help. And well a counselor named Ms. Channey Lowington suggested that I should talk to her outside of class. And so after that I left to find Ms. Filers office, and I spoke to her about anyways of passing her class well to avoid failing her class. And she was saying that there was nothing that she can do at this point and then she kept again began to talk about my leaving early cause I leave at 6:15pm for a doctor’s appointment and about how I didn’t turn in none of my labs. I knew that talking to her about avoiding me failing was not such a good idea.

So I went back to speak to Ms. Channey again and she was not in her office so I left her a sticky note, about meet her at a appropriate time again; to explain the result of talking to Ms. Filer about my situation
One night I waited and waited for my mum to come to pick me up, and well she was in class after that time she told me that she doesn’t leave until 9:30pm. So during the time that I was waiting for her; I was texting Kayla which me and her are dating I guess you can say we are anyway. And I told her all about the cause of the between me and my exgirlfriend Samantha shipman. And so on she told me stories about her problems. And pretty much you know how that goes when you date someone and then you began to tell them about your stories just to get them to feel sorry and have pity on you. Yeah it really bites sometimes; especially when you know it’s quite stupid anyways once you think back on it. So after that I called Ms. Linda, my former teacher from G.O. And we talked for about 25 minutes and she was telling me about how she was going back to school for her a masters degree. And I told her how a wonderful teacher she was. After that I had to leave because my mum was waiting for me outside.

Chapter 18

Fading emotions

Have you ever tried so hard in working on something and then when the test came you didn’t know what how it was possible that you failed? Well at times like this at times you may or may not; but at any case such as this you ask yourself doubtful questions like: Am I really going to make it in college? By what I have been told about how I do not have the ability to go to college could this be it? Or is going to college really right for me? Such questions get you thinking rather or not if you are going to make it or not. Well
For one thing, the one thing I hate about college is registering, and other random people that you try to be social with seem mature stuck up like people. As a result, I mostly hate people such as random or varies people come up or say randomly do I remember him or her. And at times you began to get that expression like excuse me? I am sorry but I don’t know you. And then they mansion your mum’s name or anyone else in your family. See the thing about my mum is she has a lot
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