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each objective open 48 hours after the due date to allow extra time. For instance, while you were not paying attention today I informed students about the two objectives that are due on Monday -- Reading Rate and Vocabulary. While Monday is the due date, I also informed them that I would not close them until Wednesday so that students that needed the extra time (like you) would have the extra time.

2. Tests - I have given two tests this semester; one was an open book essay test that was given on Blackboard. The test closed 48 hours after it was assigned to allow extra time for those who needed it. The other was a one hour multiple choice test that I allowed an entire class period for those that needed extra time.

3. Students in my classes do not need note takers. I post all relevant notes in Course Documents in Blackboard. For instance, I lectured about presentations and I have posted the notes for that lecture in Course Documents.

Chris, the fact of the matter is your performance in my class represents the grade that you receive. I have made accommodations that you have not taken advantage of and unless you change your attitude and effort, you will not be satisfied with the outcome of this fall 2010 Reading 085 experience.

Ms. Filer

Now as I have began to start reading, the thing that came to my mind—was that it was much unexpected. And the part when she mentioned that I have to do more than just show up and send an email every blue moon. Which is (I rarely send her emails) she often replies back, I do know that one time when I was in class, the students including me waited for her and she never showed up. So after my second class was over I went to my next class which was an orientation class. The class was designed for all the students to know as much as the needed to about Shelton State. After when class was over, I was talking to Ms. Jones about my problems in reading class, and she told me about the note on the wall. So I saw and she wrote: “class is canceled for today” Well it was quite odd that she left a note but didn’t leave an email to everyone letting us know that she was not going to show up. Oh well at lease we knew and I sent her an email afterwards to let her know that I was there. So after that I was heading to class which is English class, and there was this guy that I recently met his name is Bradley Edward. He was a classmate of mate of mines, so well everything went good from there until when the teacher went over a chapter from in our English books.

You know? For some reason I noticed that Bradley never has his books with him. It’s strange, not only that he seems a bit like someone I used to know while being in school for 2 years in Kentucky. Well even though I’ve noticed it, I paid no farther attention to him. So meanwhile, my English teacher Ms. O’Connell was lecture in our English books about—incentive statement. And basically she was pointing the fact that when you use certain words in your statement it gives a person the wrong impression. So you have to use a better statement that is appropriate, and afterwards I and Bradley started laughing during class. Well knowing me normally, I do not act that way on the contrary I was acting up a little that day. After class was over, I and Bradley stayed after class. And plus my mum wanted me to talk to my grandmother about picking me up from school. And at first I assumed that she may or may not be able to, since she was busy waited on the plumber to fix her bathroom and all. During that time I called my grandmother and then my mum, she didn’t answer so I left her a message and called my grandmother back. I told her that she did not answer her phone, so she told me that she was going to come after the plumber finished with her bathroom.
I told her to take her time and that I was going to be in the library studying. Well—as if I ever wanted to go into the library, however I also forgot about the meeting that I scheduled for to meet Ms. Channey in her office. Well what did I do that was self distracting? Well I was on Facebook chatting Kalssia which on Facebook—she goes by the name Fuu Yuki. But what’s was so weird about this girl is she is not very social friend at all, I mean the only thing she does if no one talks to her is she looks for past-people to talk to that she hasn’t heard from, in a while. And then she starts putting up retarded pictures on Facebook with her looking retarded with—I guess suppose to be a witch or mixed up like from the dead or something. She was going goofy over some guy that asked her out and the fact now she is dated the same guy. Boy I tell you relationships are a relationshit 24/7, plus people aren’t really serious about it. Anyway so this random girl comes in her name I think is Kelsey Weaver, she was I guess still in high school taking only an orientation class. Well as I begin to talk to her, at that point I went over bored and Bradley stepped away when I was talking to her. While during that time, she started laugh at everything I said in the story that I was telling her. Well, I would call it a story but on average wise I guess you can say that it was a story-like thing.
Now for those of you who read this book, and what I am about to tell you? Some of you may agree that it is annoying, and to some—well do really mind at all. Ok—do you ever get tired of people calling something off of a historical actor /and or a well-known person that they claim that you remind them of? Well, it does annoy me to a point that I can just stab them. Kelsey was asking me about do I sing and that I sound like Michael Jackson!! I really hate that as of now currently I have to deal with a bunch people saying the same thing. It was really annoying, and she tried to find some song from off the computer, but the thing was she asked me about did I know some of the songs from as to what he sings. And then she started to give me an example of it. This girl was retarded, and I was giving her a signal that I didn’t like being told about it. She kinda kept going to the extreme with it, so it was annoy plus it explains why she is a high school student. My guess is since she is in high school that she is planning on going to school here soon I guess. Anyway, yeah that really kinda explains that considering the fact that she is a high school student.

WARNING TO ALL!!! Ok, *signs* high school brats like Kelsey intends to take things to the extreme, not considering rather or not it annoys you. A lot of high school students do care about others and it’s all about them, and how when they have bad days that they can sit and push other people’s buttons. Because they have nothing to do except to make other people as miserable as they are. I left her an email on Facebook but I highly doubted that she even took out the time to read it. Most people log on and view pictures, tagged them and also leave a random comment on them. Most of them use the messenger on Facebook more than emailing, but we will talk about that later on in the story.

Before all of this happen with her asking me things about a song from a well-know actor and the whole you remind me of Michael Jackson phase—I started to talk about the section from class today about not using insensitive statements, Bradley and Kelsey both looked at me as though something was either wrong with me or maybe the fact that they assumed that I was high off something. It was quite weird but stupid.

Chapter 25
A death of heart break

Well, well seems like college really turned around for once in my life. I found myself doing well in all of my classes except my reading class. I guess maybe I need to rest and then go back to it so that I will not be in such a rush mood to get it done. Reading is starting to become clear to me now. It took some patients to answer the questions.
And I realized that when working on my assignments at the time. Besides school work, as far as students wise weren’t very social, but they sure do dress decent well some of them anyways. I got a chance to speak with Ms Farah Williams these days; she is doing fine me and her were talking about a few things that, I needed to be sure on but that’s about it. She was the only person in the financial aid office that I go to talk to about stuff, and when I cannot get to see her I wait until the line and everything clears away. But during that time there are a lot of people in class that I did not like, for instance, in my orientation class there was this on student that I talked to, and she seems nice and active. The only few things that I saw about her that I saw I found out was quite bizarre. She is more of a nerdy type hyper active person. That you would get just an anime fan and etc.
As I was talking with her, I saw another girl staring at me and waving. And every time the teacher in class does roll call, she always seems to look at me and smile. At first it felt kinda weird, but it was I guess normal. Although since my breakdown with my Exgirlfriend Sam—I never cared of loving someone else. So days went by and I finally had a chance to talk to her, usually she sits and varies places in front of the class. So we talked; she seemed to be very nice and caring as I am, not trying to compare or anything it just the fact of knowing that she is as I am. We both started talking about, how I always talk to adults and not to students, of course at lease she has friends and I don’t actually. And she had a rejoice reaction while I began to tell her more about it—I am not so sure what her name was and plus I can’t remember—but she was a nice person. And she didn’t seem to keen on certain things by far but she was really cool.
During the times that I was in school, I notice that certain people have their own abstracts on certain view points. But anyways most people weren’t really social at all however; I did not look forward in talking with anyone. I just wanted to finish enough to transfer to the UA (University of Alabama). Although, that was not the college of my choice but due to transportation—I had no choice. On the other hand, my goal was to be a Manga artist and I have been perusing that dream since high school. I
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