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start over in the fall I can’t allow anything to bother me nor distract me while am in school focusing which is why I told Blankman that I don’t want to be friends with Sam because it would only get in the way of my goals of finishing school and reaching my goals but it’s too bad that he couldn’t see that form the beginning so oh well the only best thing is that I tried and at all ends, ends well.

Chapter 20
A New Beginning

Well today while writing this book I learned my lesson about relationships. And for my I am not cut out for it, and prefer to stay single. Being single for the rest of your life is not such a bad thing, I mean just look at all of the good benefits of being singled. You get to do whatever you want without worring about if rather or not anyone is cheating on you or not calling to talk to you or spending time with you. And I also learned my lesson on giving my heart out to people too, and I also know that people who have been together for about 31 years suddenly gets a divorce. And the chart of divorcing is very high right now, and the best thing for me and being single is I learned that even though that as nice and good of a person that I am they can’t even tell even if it slaps them in the face.

One other thing I realized is the facts that if the more other people mistreat others that really loves and care for them and rejects them that they will forever lose someone that will forever love them for the rest of their lives. Although, I hate to do that but me talking to her will do her no good and nether will it be for me. The purpose on my end is to concentrate on my school work and other things; Sam is not a bad person she just has some bad habits about her that needs to change. However about Blankman was assuming that she still loves me on the inside. Though there are a few and may be a possibility rather or not if she does or not. But I would count on it, I mean she may have changed but the fact of the way she is on the inside towards others in relationships still lurks inside her.

Either way it doesn’t matter, and the way I see it is if she really changed just as Blankman says then I would believe that when I see it otherwise to be blunt, she would have either emailed me or called me. But in terms she didn’t so the way I see it is that she changed but not really much important to things that matters. On the contrary relationships are always complicated and certain amount of people’s minds aren’t really settle for what they have and then blow up a change of a person that love them to the day they die, without realizing what they say is there down fall in life to various of other people. Yet still most people talk the talk and cannot walk the walk that is the most important thing is do what a person says that will do. What I learned from all of this is that people later at the end regret for what they truly lost and the best person that really cared for them out of others that didn’t treat her right afterwards is she is downfall that everyone falls into every time. Mostly the cost of pain is priceless to suffer, most people are used to dating others that never treats them right and when they find someone that really cares about them
They reject them and push them into a pit loss to a bottomless pit, and never returning.

Most people commit suicide because of others hurting them and breaking their hearts. And some people feel that there is no point in living and that the person that they loved that rejected them was all that they lived for, and well relationships now days are began to get out of hand. And marriages are going out of control. My opinion about is it’s a bit too late for love and relationships and my input on others that are wanting settle down I feel that thou the other that are floating around hurting others shouldn’t be allow to date until they have shown themselves that they are serious about it. As much as I would like to make a change in a time crisis as this, I know that it can’t be helped. There are only a few that are serious and yet millions out of 1.45 million or should I say billion at that will cause more hurt and paint to others that are really looking forward to settling down.

The key to avoiding this and think what you want but either way the key to this is to stick with the people that you truly know that care about you then to be dating others out in the streets looking for them to care. People especially girls cheat and they are very “Connie” and very sneaky and slick. And most guys do it to but not as much as the guys though. Over 1.6 billion guys do it and out of 2.7 billion girls that do it.
The rate is like a possibility and a probability that the rate may or may not change. Either way as far as that goes it is a fact that the girls have it bad then the guys do. In most cases now in this 21st century, some of the various people are growing tired about the whole masquerade problem. I guess as you read this chapter you are wondering: how do I know about all of this? Could this be really true? Or how is that a possibility? Well... I guess you can say that I did a little researching or just naturally know how the world is and so on. So many guesses so little time, although a rush before the horse is not always the key to knowing information though.

Chapter 21

The one remains

My life starts here and now a new leaf and a new refresh mind set towards my goals. Anyways for some time now I have been chatting online and you know I am beginning to not like talking to minor kids or teenager’s period. They nothing is the suckups they are, man this is one story on thing that happened to me it was weird. Anyways I was on Facebook and I get on just to see what has been going on and you know, just browsing on the internet looking for updates on what s going on. Anyways well there was this one girl I met off of (WC), and well me and her started talking and well she seems really nice and very random at time but I guess she was a good friend to chat with though. So I asked for her email address because I talk to people that I know from sites to chat with so she gave me a strange email address and by the way some of you may or may not know her or may sound familiar by the name but somewhat may not be the person. Her name is Cecilia Hoffman. She was the first person I met on WC; and so on she was getting an account setup and everything. And then so we talked and I got to see her on webcam at first she didn’t want to be seen, but later I take it that she was just….I don’t know shy or something. Afterwards I and she have been talking to each other often, and so suddenly I have not heard from her since then.

Well time went by and I was talking to someone that was a friend to her and oh Cecilia is more like a ballet dancer she shown me a couple of demos of what she can do and I got to know her a little bit and went on from there. Anyways I spoke to her other friend on WC and she goes by the name of “sky pillar” I think but she and I spoke and then I figured to chat with her on yahoo. Well she was I guess a good friend to talk to until the dump kitty incident. Well the thing is she was offering me to see her on webcam doing I guess poses or something, I guess you can say that I took up on that offer and well the thing is I was talking to her about some “random” things that made her feel to want even more and well afterwards we started talk and she was really mean and a careless person which is I don’t understand of why would some people be friends with snooty pathetic people that are jerks. Well she was saying about I needed to put some head on my shoulders and blah blah. And well since then I have not heard from her, she was not a good friend I can tell you that and it’s just as my best friend Jennifer on WC says: “some people are better off to not be friends with” Well so much for that and from that point I have been bored of not having anyone to chat with and it really sucks I guess I need to find something constructive to do. In all cases on my behalf it’s kinda true.

At times I kick back and think about why do people act foolish and do some of the things that they do. It’s really not worth it though to go through and suffer and afterwards having to put up with what they should have avoided all alone. Some people will do anything to get what they want, it sucks to say but some people are pathetic you know LOL I mean one outburst one taste turns a tragic world upside down and the drugs and the meth people what are you thinking?! You sometimes I always wonder what goes on in other people’s minds behind the folly that they put out half of the time. It’s almost like the series of cat ‘n the hat movie, like thing 1 and thing 2 however even by far? At any case it is so unnecessary to see how and know why and how are they doing things that are just uncost for. Well for those of you that are reading this book thank you and I appreciate your support. Well the thing is I have nothing much to say or perhaps need to wait for a couple of days before writing another book either way I apologize if this series was not very interesting. The most important thing is I always try to do is to tell things like it is and to be real because nobody likes a faker, procrastinator or more others to come. Which those of you pretty much know how the list or traitors goes from there.

Well I as much as I hate to do this as I said earlier I wish I had more time to sit in my comfort zone and talk about more things that are happening in my life but this is the end for now and this story continues forever until I die. This is a new fresh start opportunity for me, will I really focus on my work and really succeed in college, and I hope that I do. I just hope that I do not fail like the last time, and
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