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to do. I just pray that the LORD would please help me, because I really need it right about now. Well afterwards, she began to encourage me after saying “down-sizing” statements to me. Now don’t get me wrong of what I am saying to you, for what I am trying to say is she means well she just have other times were she wants to treat me in a certain way at times.
Chapter 30
Whispers alone
Well, the other day I finally got a chance to hear from a former friend at least. She was not able to text me because she was busy. And well, I spoke with her online about it and she should be able to talk to me starting next Friday. Lately during those times I have been busy with work and exams are coming in soon. There’s a good thing my next semester want be until in the spring oh goody LOL. Well, for sometime afterwards I was really bored one night, and I was listening to new bands on; a lot of new bands are usually flowing around on Well the first band that I checked out and recently discovered was all abandon ships.
This band was good in some ways I guess. Their style was like metal core mixed with hardcore and trance all combined, very good though and well after watching the music video that they had for their first album, called taking one last breath. It was good except what I call it the “squat head-banging” well it’s like when guitarists start to squat and bang their heads and stuff? For all or fewer of you that listen to metal pretty much know what I mean by that. Well to me, it was kinda funny in a way LOL; I was watching it for about a couple of times and more and the funnier it became to me.
Moreover, usual things make me laugh. Like a techno song called the funny gummy bear song. It was funny, STRANGLY funny. Certain things to be the least, and also there was another song that was kinda good. I think it was the name of guardian angel Ft. Lena Katina. That song was really awesome, and every time I find new bands; I always email them to Rana my pin-pal in Vietnam, he is really cool. During the time yesterday, or a week back. My mum wanted me and Joe to remove and switch around mattress, at the time I was a bit aggravated. And I even had plans to do my homework assignments; that is due by Monday especially my open book test for homework. During the night while laughing and playing around on my computer, I was about to finish watching naruto anime. But I was distracted by some of the new bands that I found.
While I was in school on Wednesday the week after, Ms. Filer gave the whole class another test open book sheet for homework to do. Well, as I took a gander at the questions; in my head I knew all of the answers. Because I have read all of the chapters well except for chapter 14 but on my last page anyways. Ms. Filer asked me why was I smiling, and I told her that it was nothing. I was just happy to know that since I have already read the some of the chapter in the book of Tom Sawyer; I knew where to find the answers.

Chapter 31
The secret truth
A week ago, I called my grandmother because she mentioned about me coming over around thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Well I called right before I headed off to bed for school. And after school I was so happy to go to my grandmother’s house and much more to come. So after I have arrived to my grandmother’s house, I noticed that it was icy cold when I first walked in. I spoke to my grandmother about it and she was very modest about it; it was hilarious.
So during my stay, I was waiting for my cousins to get out of school. And I saw them suddenly walk in and both of them went back home. Later, my little cousin Xavier came back to stay with me over to my grandmother’s house. And then my oldest cousin decided to come to stay also, while we all were having a great time. My Dad called and my little cousin Xavier answered the phone. And then I had to speak to him, to be honest I really did not want to talk to him but I did anyways. Every time my Dad comes over and I am not around to notice Xavier always comes to let me know. During the time that I was talking to my Dad, he started talking about braiding my hair or getting my hair in a pony tail. Ok, see the thing is with me is my hair is long but not as long as I wanted, and second I am still growing my hair. However I wanted to get braids to speed up the process for the time being. Well after the argument, during that point I was on thin-edge to hang the phone up on him. Because of his arrogant behavior over something stupid, that he refuses drop the argument over. After that I hung up and then he called right back, and after he spoke to Xavier he told me what my Dad told him. And I was almost shocked that he was say that to a child about my hair and other issues that is less important.
So anyways I and my two cousins went to their house, to play video games. During the times, I was dating some random people online on It was more of a love finder dating site then a site for writers. Although, I dated two people I want say their names however I can tell you this. Both of them are just a waste of my time, I mean really? I am 22 years old and all I seem to attract is minor 15 or 17 year old kids. It’s insane!!! ARGH consequently, this would be the time that I would use profanity in this book. But I am not going to do that, instead I am going to get right to the point.
The first person that I dated lived in Ohio; she well is a nice loving girl. The only two problems were is the fact that she had harbes (sexual transmitted disease). Every time when I come back home from school or when I have family outings, helping a church mate of mines etc. She always assumes that I am cheating on her, I was insane and to think she really knows me. Well, I couldn’t date her anyway knowing the fact that she has a habit of assuming that I am cheating on her and also to the point where she had herbes. Although, it was hard to tell her without her being hurt otherwise, and all the facts adds up to the point that I couldn’t take it anymore.
Next girl I dated she claims that she is from Ireland and lives in Maryland. Although she also claims that she never told me this. I reviewed the message to check to make sure, and to find out she did. But I concluded that she forgot and did not recall telling me in the first place. Well, she claims that people at her school says that she is nice and loving, and as far as I know of her is she seems to have breakdown habits. One thing I seem to talk to her about, she claims to text me a role play text message about her pitching fits, acting as though she has a seizure- like I have the stomachache reaction. After a while, when were texting I notice that she was a very emotional person. She is an A honor –roll student and also she seems to be very clever when she wants to.
I spoke with her a few times and wow she is a great pin-pal to chat with. But later on during that time we dated, and I viewed he profile and she left a comment about 3 days ago saying that she loved him and that he needs to get on more often. As I looked at it I email the guy to see if they were really dating or not. And he told me that he called her a few times and for 3 hours they have been dating or sort of dating I guess. Soon I spoke to her about it and told her about what he told me, she start to seem like she was getting bit irritated during the conversation. So I dropped it and then she started sending a lot of pictures of her, however pretty nice but I had an uneasy feeling about her. She told me about a 19 year old guy in her school almost raped her, and other than that everything went fine until suddenly the feeling came back again.
This person is a type that has Emotional breakdowns she told me that every day she has them. Other than that she doesn’t seem to be open to me about in particular things, and when I ask her certain things she changes the subject. She kept saying that she loves me but I don’t know if she means that or not. She is only 15 years old, and people her age I would not rather date and get sent to prison for it. So I didn’t I also asked her why talk to the guy on WC (, but she never gave me answer. She says that she doesn’t know why she told me not to.
Don’t get me wrong it’s not the fact I don’t trust her, it was the subject matter of her not opening up and telling me particular things. She is just I don’t know, and so on screwing that at least I found someone that not only talk the talk but also walking the walk. Her name is Kelsey, she means everything to me and I miss her every day. She is from UK (United Kingdom) I love her lots, and she means what she says. As for the others as much I hate to say it is screw them, I do not feel loved by them at all.
Now for the closing paragraph, well as far as I am concerned a lot of people will say what they want in a relationship, but to turn out that’s not what they really want. Some people say a lot of lovely dovey and even talk the talks. But only a very fewer of people walk the walks. Moreover, a lot of people claim that a long distance relationship does last long but the real truth is; it’s not. As I saw on T.V. once, a site called eHarmony, well its ok at lease the site but it doesn’t work on everybody. Either way, relationships sucks in all shapes and sizes and trying to feel loved by only big all lovely dovey talkers will not get him or her any good until they walk the walk. There is a saying and you may have heard of this before, “I am here what you’re saying, but I will believe it when I see it.” Well, this battle of my hopeless life continues so stay tuned, as of right now my final exams are coming soon so I pray and hope I pass.

Well everyone, thank you for taking the time to read my new issue. Due to so much work and with my finals coming soon, it may be another while before I can come up with another My Life Story
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