Frank and Fearless; or, The Fortunes of Jasper Kent, Jr. Horatio Alger [epub read online books txt] 📗

- Author: Jr. Horatio Alger
Book online «Frank and Fearless; or, The Fortunes of Jasper Kent, Jr. Horatio Alger [epub read online books txt] 📗». Author Jr. Horatio Alger
"I heard what you were saying," said Jasper.
"You heard?"
"Yes, while I was in the closet."
"What did you hear, you young scoundrel?" demanded the ruffian.
"Enough to satisfy me that you have stolen this boy from his parents."
"It's a lie!"
"No; it is the truth. I felt sure of it before, and now I know it. You took him in order to extort money from his friends."
"Well," said the ruffian, defiantly, "what if I did? Have you anything to say against it?"
"Yes," said Jasper.
"I shall have to wring your neck by and by," muttered Dick. "Well, go on. Spit out what you've got to say."
"I say it's a cruel wrong to the parents," said Jasper, boldly, "and to the child also. But you make it worse when you try to abuse the boy."
"Come, boy, if you care so much for the brat, suppose you take his place, and take the beating I was going to give him," suggested the ruffian, mockingly.
"I would rather suffer than have him suffer," said Jasper, quietly; "but perhaps you will change your mind when you hear what I have to say."
"Oh, you are going to beg off!" sneered the ruffian, with a look of satisfaction. "I thought you'd come to your senses."
"You are mistaken as to my intention. I want to speak to you about your sister—formerly Mrs. Thorne."
"What do you know about her?" asked the man, in extreme astonishment.
"A good deal. She is my step-mother."
"What! Are you the son of the man she married?" asked Dick, eagerly.
"I am Jasper Kent."
"That's the name. So she sent you out to me, did she? That's better than I thought She hasn't forgotten her brother, after all."
"No; you are mistaken," said Jasper. "She never so much as told me she had a brother."
Dick looked disappointed. Then, with sudden suspicion, he said, roughly:
"I believe you are lying. This Jasper Kent is rich—the heir of two-thirds of his father's property. You say you are penniless."
"That is true. Both stories are true. I am my father's principal heir, but your sister is my guardian. She has treated me in such a way that I left the house."
"Ran away, eh?"
"No, I gave her full notice of what I should do. I told her that if I were decently treated I would stay, but if she continued to insult me, and give the preference in all things to her own boy, Nicholas, I would go away."
"You haven't been such a fool as to go off and leave all your property in her hands?"
"I shall come in possession of it when I am twenty-one. Till then I will try to support myself."
"Come, boy, you're plucky. I'm glad you came, after all. I want to hear more about my sister's affairs. Come down stairs, and we'll talk."
Dick appeared suddenly to have forgotten his animosity. He became even friendly in his manner, as he gave our hero this invitation.
"Old woman," said he, addressing his wife, "can't you rake up something for this boy to eat? I dare say he is hungry."
"I don't think we've got anything more in the house."
"I'll go out directly and get something. Come down, boy, I want to ask you a few more questions."
They went down stairs, followed by the wife. She was happily relieved by the unexpected good understanding between her husband and Jasper.
"Now tell me," said Dick, eagerly, when they were in the lower room, "how much property has my sister got?"
"Probably between thirty and forty thousand dollars."
"As much as that?" said Dick, complacently. "Well, she has feathered her nest well."
"I don't like Mrs. Kent," said Jasper. "Though she is your sister, I am obliged to say that, but it is not at all on account of the property my father left her. If he had given her one-half his estate I would not have complained, as long as she treated me fairly."
"Helen was always a hard customer. She's got a will of her own," chuckled Dick.
"There was no hope of our getting on together," said Jasper.
"She ought to do something for me—don't you think so? I'm her only brother."
"As to that," said Jasper, "my opinion wouldn't have any weight with her. If you are poor and need help, it would be only natural for her to help you."
"That's the way to talk! You won't say anything against me to her?"
"Certainly not," said Jasper. "I shall not write to her at all; and even if I did, I wouldn't try to interfere with her disposing of her property in any way she thinks best."
"Come, you're a trump, after all. I like you. You're plucky, too."
"Thank you."
"I'll say a good word for you to my sister when I see her."
"You'd better not," said Jasper. "If she thinks you are friendly to me you'll stand a poor chance of any favors. Better abuse me."
Dick roared with laughter.
"I say, youngster, you're a smart 'un. I see you're friendly by your hint. I'll abuse you to her, never fear. You must take a drink on that. Say, old woman, where's the whisky?"
"There's not a drop in the house, Dick."
"I forgot. Curse the luck!"
Just then a man entered the house only less brutal-looking than Dick himself.
He held a letter in his hand.
Dick seized it eagerly.
"It's from the father of the boy," he said.
The letter proved to contain fifty dollars.
"I send this in advance," said the writer. "When the boy is safely delivered into my hands a hundred and fifty more will be paid to the one who brings him, and no questions asked.
Herman Fitch."
"Good!" said Dick, "as far as it goes. I'm ready to give up the brat, but will his father keep faith? Perhaps he'll have the police on hand ready to nab me."
"Haven't you anybody to send—anybody you can trust?"
Dick slapped his knee forcibly. An idea had come to him.
"I'll send him in charge of the brat," he said, pointing to Jasper.
"Look here, boy," said Dick, "do you want a job?"
"Yes," said Jasper, "if it's honest."
"No fear of that. I want you to take that boy home to his father."
"I'll do it," said Jasper, eagerly.
"How much pay do you want?"
"None at all, except money to pay my fare in the cars."
"You're the right sort," said Dick, with satisfaction. "But there's another matter I've got to think about. How do I know but you will betray me?"
"Put the police on my track."
"If you hadn't given up the boy I might," said Jasper, frankly.
Dick regarded him attentively.
"You're bold," he said. "Then you won't betray me now."
"Promise it."
"I promise—that is, if you send the boy home by me."
"All right; that's understood. Now for another matter. Read that letter."
Jasper read the letter of Herman Fitch, already quoted.
"You see this man, the boy's father, agrees to pay one hundred and fifty dollars when he is given up."
"I see that."
"He will give you that money—that is, if he means fair—and you will bring it to me. Do you understand?"
"I do."
"Do you promise that?"
"I promise that, too. Where am I to find you? Here?"
"No; I'll give you an address in St. Louis."
"Does the father live in St. Louis?"
"He lives a little out of the city. His name is in the directory, so you won't have any trouble in finding it."
"How glad he will be to see the little boy again!"
"He ought to be. You don't think he'll back out from his agreement?" said Dick, suspiciously.
"No; he'll be so glad to see the child, he will care nothing for the money."
"That's what I hope. When I get that money I'm going East."
"You'll take me with you, Dick?" asked his wife.
"What good'll you be?" growled Dick. "It'll cost more."
"What can I do alone, here?"
"I'll leave money for your board."
"But I'll be so lonely, Dick," she persisted.
"Oh, I'll come back! It's business I'm going for, old woman. If I can't come back I'll send money to bring you."
"Do let me go with you, Dick."
"Oh, hush up! I can't have you always in my way. What, blubbering? Plague take all the women, I say!"
"When do you want me to go?" said Jasper.
"There's a train this afternoon; take that, for the sooner matters are arranged the better. Here's five dollars. It'll be more than enough to pay your fare, but you'd better have it in case anything happens."
Jasper felt some repugnance in taking money acquired in such a way, but it seemed necessary, and he thrust the note into his vest-pocket.
"You'll be able to carry the boy back to-night," said Dick. "To-morrow at twelve bring the money to this address."
He handed him a greasy-looking card with the name "Mark Mortimer, No. 132 S—— Street," scrawled on it in pencil.
"Am I to ask for Mark Mortimer?" asked Jasper.
"Yes, that's me—that is, it's one of my names. Don't fail."
"I won't."
"If you should play me false, you'd better never have been born," said the kidnapper, menacingly.
"I'll come, not on account of your threats, but because I have promised," said Jasper, quietly.
"You're a plucky boy. You ain't one of the milk-and-water sort," said Dick, with respect for the boy's courage.
"Thank you," said Jasper, laughing. "I am not often afraid."
"By Jove! you've got more pluck than half the men. You'd make a fine lad for my business."
"I don't think I'd like your business, so far as I know what it is," said Jasper.
"Well, there's some I'd like better myself. If my sister does the right thing by me I'll become a model citizen—run for Congress, may be. Eh, old woman?"
"I wish you would reform, Dick," said his wife.
"Let the world give me a chance, then. Now, boy, you must be starting."
"Harry," said Jasper to the little boy, whose name he had learned, "do you want to go with me?"
The little boy confidingly put his arms round our hero's neck.
"Will you take me to my mamma?" he asked.
"Yes, I will take you to her."
The little boy uttered a cry of delight.
"Me all ready!" he said, eagerly.
"Do you think he can walk to the depot?" asked Jasper.
"Yes; it is only a mile or so."
"Then I will start."
Part of the way he carried the little boy in his arms. They could make but slow progress, but luckily there was plenty of time, and they reached the depot a quarter of an hour before the train started.
The station-master looked at the two with curiosity.
"Is that boy yours?"
"He isn't my son, if that's what you mean," said Jasper, amused.
"Brother, then?"
"No; he's a friend of mine that I'm taking home to his father and mother."
"Been makin' a visit around here?" asked the station-master.
"Yes," replied Jasper, briefly.
The arrival of two passengers, who wanted tickets, relieved him from the questions of the curious station-master. He might have asked questions which it would have been inconvenient to answer.
"Did you ever ride in the cars, Harry?" asked Jasper.
"I did ride in the cars when the ugly man took me from my mamma."
"Was that the only time?"
The little boy could remember no other.
Jasper led him a little away, to avoid questioning, but was back in time to enter the cars when the train arrived. He found a vacant seat, and gave the little boy the place next the window. There were many admiring glances directed toward the little fellow, who was remarkably handsome. Jasper was apprehensive lest the boy should be recognized by some one who knew him. This would have brought suspicion upon him, and placed him in a very embarrassing position. Fortunately, though the child's appearance was much admired, no such recognition took place.
Two hours later they rolled into the central depot at St. Louis.
"Now," thought Jasper, "I must find out as soon as possible where Mr. Fitch lives."
Jasper had not been much of a traveller, as we know. Finding himself now in a strange city, he felt at first a little bewildered—the more so, that he had a young child under his charge. He did not know in which direction the boy's father lived, but the natural thought occurred to
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