Frank and Fearless; or, The Fortunes of Jasper Kent, Jr. Horatio Alger [epub read online books txt] 📗

- Author: Jr. Horatio Alger
Book online «Frank and Fearless; or, The Fortunes of Jasper Kent, Jr. Horatio Alger [epub read online books txt] 📗». Author Jr. Horatio Alger
"No, you don't look like it," said Nancy, who was more favorably disposed toward Jasper on account of his good looks.
"Thank you," said Jasper, gratified. "Now tell me, what is your plan?"
"There's a scuttle through which you can get out on the roof. Would you dare to do it?"
"Yes; I might get on to some other roof."
"Yes, but you might slip off."
"I am not afraid. You think of that because you are a girl."
"Yes. I would rather stay here than trust myself on the roof."
"Do you know if the next house is higher than this?"
"Yes, it is."
"That's very awkward," said Jasper, thoughtfully.
"But there are some windows in the side of the house. You might get in at one of them."
"And be taken for a house-breaker? Well, I must run the risk, any way. When do you think I had better try it?"
"To-night. There'll be nobody in the house to-night but uncle and me."
"That's good," said Jasper, reflecting that Nathan looked feeble, and being small in size would not be more than a match for his strength if the worst came to the worst.
"When does your uncle go to bed?" he asked.
"At eleven."
"When will you come for me?"
"At twelve, or a little after."
"Are the nights dark now?" asked Jasper. "It would be rather ticklish being on the roof if it were pitch dark."
"No, the moon will be up then."
"That's all right. If you find out anything else that will help, let me know."
"Yes, I will."
"Yes, uncle!" answered the girl. "To-night at twelve!" she said, in a low voice, and hurried down stairs.
Jasper, in thinking over the plan he had in view, realized that it was one that would probably require all his courage and nerve. It would be a great relief to get through without accident. But he never thought of backing out. He felt that anything was better than to be confined longer in his present prison.
It seemed a long time to wait, especially in the darkness, for the oil was burned out in his lamp, and there was no chance of asking for a further supply. He had forgotten it when Nancy came up with his supper. However, he felt that it was of no particular consequence, as he was so soon to be released.
So the hours passed. He did not permit himself to fall asleep, lest he should not be awake when Nancy came.
At last he heard a faint noise at the door, and saw Nancy standing outside with a candle.
"Are you ready?" she whispered.
"Yes, ready and waiting."
"Now try to get through, and I will help you."
She set down the candle, and Jasper set about his task. It was a tight squeeze, but at last he got out, and stood on his feet in the entry.
"Now, follow me," said Nancy, in a whisper.
He climbed a narrow, steep staircase, and then a ladder, and unfastening the scuttle, he laid it back. The moon shone softly down, bathing the city in its beautiful light. He got out lightly on the roof.
"Good-bye!" he said, "and thank you, Nancy."
"Good luck!" said Nancy.
He lowered the scuttle, and sat astride the roof, considering what to do next.
It was a relief to be out of his prison, but it must be admitted that Jasper's situation was not particularly desirable or agreeable. It was midnight, and he was seated astride the roof of the house which had served as his prison. There seemed to be no chance to reach the street, except to slide down the roof, and that would be certain death.
Jasper looked about him in great perplexity.
As his deliverer had told him, the next house was a story higher than the one on whose roof he was seated, and, still more important, there was a side-window looking out in that direction. When Jasper saw this, hope sprang up in his heart.
"If that window is not fastened I can get in," he thought.
He edged his way along to the window, and found that to reach it he would have to slide down a little way and catch hold of the blind to prevent sliding too far.
"There's some risk about it," thought Jasper. "Shall I try it?"
I don't know whether Jasper was justified in taking the risk he did, for there was great danger of sliding over into the street. I don't think I should have ventured to do it; but our hero was fearless and courageous, and he resolved that, as this was the only method of escape, he would avail himself of it. As a precaution against slipping, however, he took off his shoes, and catching the strings in his teeth commenced the perilous descent. He succeeded in grasping the blind and staying his progress.
"Now, if the window should be fastened, what should I do?" he thought.
But it was not. He succeeded in raising it, and with a feeling of intense relief made his way into the chamber.
Then for the first time there flashed upon him the thought that he had placed himself in a very suspicious predicament. He had entered a house at midnight through the window. Why might he not be taken for a burglar? This was the way a burglar was likely to enter, and if he should be caught here his explanation would be considered very unsatisfactory.
Jasper, brave as he was, was startled by this thought, while simultaneously the difficulty of escape was forced upon him. He looked about him in mental disturbance.
It was a small attic chamber. There was a bed in the room, a wash-stand, a couple of chairs, and a clothes-press. This, being open, revealed a few clothes belonging, apparently, to a man.
"Why isn't he here?" thought Jasper, "and what shall I do if he comes?"
Though his story was true, he nevertheless felt that it was improbable, and before he could tell it he thought it likely that an alarm would be given, resulting in his being consigned to the care of the police.
An idea came to him.
He opened the bed, drew out one of the sheets and arrayed himself in it, after carefully folding back the quilt.
"Now," he said to himself, "if it is necessary, I will see what sort of a ghost I can make."
Hardly had he done this than he heard steps ascending the stairs. Jasper had little doubt that it was the occupant of the chamber which he had so unceremoniously entered.
"I'll get into the wardrobe if I can," he thought.
He managed to squeeze himself into the wardrobe, and waited with anxiety for the arrival of the new-comer.
Through a crevice he saw the entrance of a stout, good-natured-looking young man, whistling a popular song. He was probably a clerk or young mechanic, who, after a hard day's work, had been to some cheap place of amusement. Wholly unconscious of Jasper's presence, the young man undressed himself, still continuing to whistle, and got into bed. It was so light outside that he had not lighted the gas.
"I wonder how long it'll take for him to get to sleep?" thought Jasper. "I'm getting tired of being cooped up here."
Unfortunately for him the young man seemed to be in no hurry. He whistled to himself, and occasionally sung in a low tone. At length Jasper decided to make a desperate move. Observing that the young man was lying with his face turned from the wardrobe, he seized his opportunity, stepped softly out, and gained the middle of the floor before he was seen.
The effect upon the young man was startling. The whistle died away, and with blanched cheeks and staring eyes he sat bolt upright in bed.
"Oh, Lord!" he exclaimed, tremulously. "What are you?"
Not a word escaped from the white figure, but it solemnly waved its hand.
"Are you a ghost?" asked the young man.
Jasper made a guttural noise and waved his arm again.
"Oh, Lord preserve me!" ejaculated the young man, shaking with terror. "Go away, do, good ghost! I haven't done anything!"
As he spoke he covered up his head with the bedclothes, and Jasper could see by the convulsive movements that he was in a state of the greatest agitation. Our hero felt inclined to laugh, but forebore. He considered whether it would be safe, disguised as he was, to make his way down stairs and out at the front door. But another course suddenly suggested itself. The young man looked good-natured. Why shouldn't he reveal himself to him, and throw himself upon him for protection? Besides, he was sorry to frighten him so much.
Acting upon his new resolution, he threw off the sheet and said in his natural voice:
"Don't be frightened. I am not a ghost."
The young man in bed took courage to uncover his head.
"Ain't you a spirit?" he said, doubtfully.
"No more than you," said Jasper, laughing.
"What made you frighten me so? Who are you?"
"I am a friend of yours."
"I don't think I ever saw you before. How did you get in?"
"Through the window."
"You ain't a burglar, are you?" asked the young man, with fresh apprehension.
"Of course not," said Jasper, laughing. "Do I look like a burglar?"
"No; but I don't see what made you come in."
"The fact is, I want you to help me," said Jasper. "Just light the gas, and I'll tell you all about it."
He spoke so frankly and straightforwardly that the young man was reassured. He got out of bed and lighted the gas.
"There! do I look like a burglar?" asked Jasper.
"No, you don't; but I don't see how you got in."
"Then I'll tell you. I've just escaped from the next house."
"Yes. I was locked up in a dark room for four days, and the only way I could get out was through the roof. Of course I couldn't slide off into the street and break my neck, so I got in here through the window."
"You don't say!" ejaculated the young man. "What did they shut you up for? Was it your father?"
"No. It's a long story. I knew something they were afraid I would tell."
"What are you going to do?"
"I am going to ask you to let me out into the street."
"What! so late as this? You would have to stay out all night."
"That would be better than to be locked up as I have been for the last four days."
"Suppose you wait till morning. This bed is big enough for both of us."
"Thank you. I should like that, and shall be much obliged to you."
"You are sure you are not a burglar?" said the young man, with a brief return of his former suspicion.
"Neither burglar nor ghost," said Jasper.
"What made you put on the sheet?"
"I was afraid you would take me for a burglar, so I meant to frighten you and escape, concluding that you would be afraid to pursue me."
"That's so. I really thought you were a spirit."
"If you think so now, just feel my muscle," said Jasper, smiling.
"I don't think so now."
"If I am to sleep with you, here is your sheet. We can make better use of it than in masquerading as ghosts."
Jasper undressed himself and got into bed. He learned that his companion's name was Adam Diedrich, and that he kept a small cigar store near-by.
Jasper took breakfast the next morning with the friendly young German, whose acquaintance he had so singularly made. Not a word was said as to the manner in which he had entered the house. He was introduced by Adam as "my friend, Mr. Kent."
After breakfast Jasper went around with his new friend to the place of business of the latter. He decided not to call upon Mr. Fitch till about ten o'clock.
While on his way to the merchant's counting-room he met the girl, Nancy, with a tin pail in her hand. The girl's face lighted up when she saw him.
"So you got off the roof," she said. "I was so afraid you would fall."
"Thank you, Nancy," said Jasper. "Thanks to you I am out of prison."
"But how did you get off the roof?"
Jasper gave
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