Frank and Fearless; or, The Fortunes of Jasper Kent, Jr. Horatio Alger [epub read online books txt] 📗

- Author: Jr. Horatio Alger
Book online «Frank and Fearless; or, The Fortunes of Jasper Kent, Jr. Horatio Alger [epub read online books txt] 📗». Author Jr. Horatio Alger
"And now tell me," he said, "how does your uncle take my flight?"
"He's awful mad about it," said the girl, shaking her head.
"What does he think? Does he suspect you?" asked Jasper, eagerly.
"He did at first, but he doesn't now. He's puzzled to know how you got away. And Jack, he's mad, too."
"Jack, does he know it?"
"Yes; he came around to the house about eight o'clock. He was looking seedy, as if he'd been up all night. As near as I can find out, he failed in some job last night, and that made him cross."
"Very likely."
"'Have you carried up that boy's breakfast?' I heard him say.
"'No,' said my uncle.
"'Then give it to me, and I'll take it up; I want to talk to him.'
"So Uncle Nathan made me get the breakfast ready. I gave it to him, and he went up. A minute after he roared down stairs:
"'Where's the boy? What have you done with him?'
"Uncle Nathan stared, and called out:
"'Where's your eyes, Jack? Can't you see straight this morning?'
"Jack answered, as mad as could be:
"'Come up here, you old fool, and see if your eyes are any better than mine!'
"Uncle went up the stairs, two at a time, and looked in the chamber, too.
"'There, what do you say to that?' I heard Jack say.
"'I'm dumfounded!' said Uncle Nathan; and then he called me."
"Were you frightened?" asked Jasper.
"A little," said the girl. "I was afraid I'd look guilty.
"'Do you know anything about this?' asked my uncle, sternly.
"'Good gracious! You don't mean to say he's gone?' I said, looking as much surprised as possible. 'How did he get out?'
"'That's what I want to know,' said Jack, and he looked suspiciously at Uncle Nathan and me.
"'I'm as innocent as a new-born babe,' said Uncle Nathan.
"'Somebody must have let him out,' said Jack.
"'I guess he squeezed through the opening,' said I.
"'Maybe he did,' said Uncle Nathan.
"'Suppose he did, you'd see him or hear him. He couldn't get out.'
"'He might have got out through the door in the night,' said Uncle Nathan.
"'Did you find the door unlocked?' asked Jack.
"'Nancy was up first. How was it, Nancy?' asked my uncle.
"'No; it was all right,' said I.
"That puzzled them both. Then they thought of the roof, and went up. I was afraid they would find you there, but they didn't. They seemed to think you couldn't get away so, and they're dreadfully puzzled to know how you did escape. I was afraid you'd fallen off, so I went outside to see if I could find any blood on the sidewalk, but I couldn't, and I hoped you'd got into the next house."
"Your uncle didn't think of that, did he?"
"No, nor Jack, either."
"Well, I've been lucky. I only hope they won't suspect you."
"They will if they should see me talking to you in the street."
"Then we'd better separate. Good-morning, Nancy. I won't forget the service you've done me."
"Good-morning, Jasper. I'm so glad you got away."
"I wish you were away, too, Nancy. It's not a good place for you."
"I don't think I shall stay long," said the girl. "I didn't know uncle kept such company or I wouldn't have come to his house. Some day I shall leave him, and then I shall go out to service."
"That would be better for you. I advise you to do it soon."
The two parted company, and Jasper proceeded at once to Mr. Fitch's office.
"I wonder what he'll think of me?" Jasper said to himself. "I promised to come back after carrying the money, and now it is four days late."
"Is Mr. Fitch in the counting-room?" asked our hero of the clerk.
"Yes, but he's busy."
"I will wait, then."
"Can't I attend to your business?"
"I think not."
"Your business must be very important," said the clerk, with a sneer.
"I don't know about that," said Jasper, composedly, "but I think if you will tell Mr. Fitch that Jasper Kent is here he will receive me."
"Is your name of such weight?" asked the clerk, with another sneer.
"Suppose you put it to the test," said Jasper, smiling.
The clerk had not seen Jasper when he called before and didn't recognize him as the restorer of little Harry; otherwise, he would have treated our hero with more attention.
Influenced by curiosity he went into the counting-room and announced Jasper's name.
"Bring him in," said the merchant.
Jasper entered, but the manner of Mr. Fitch differed greatly from what it had been when they parted four days before. Then it was cordial and friendly, now it was cold and suspicious.
"Good-morning, Mr. Fitch," said Jasper.
"Good-morning," responded the merchant, coldly. "You have been a long time returning from your errand!"
"That's true, sir; but I would have come sooner if I could."
Mr. Fitch looked up in surprise.
"Do you mean to say that you couldn't come?" demanded he.
"Yes, sir."
"What prevented you?"
"I was in close confinement."
"What! were you arrested?" and again the merchant's face was overspread by doubt and suspicion.
"No, sir; I hope I shall never fall into the hands of the police."
"How then could you be in confinement? This is a riddle."
"The house to which I was requested to bring the money was a haunt of desperate men—burglars, I found out—and they were afraid I would betray their rendezvous. They mixed me some lemonade, which I now think must have been drugged, for I went to sleep in the middle of the day, soon after drinking it. When I awoke up I found myself in a dark room, in the centre of the house."
"Is this true?" asked the merchant, amazed. "Can such things take place within earshot of the police?"
"Yes, sir; there was no chance of my making myself heard; if there had been I would have called for help."
"How did you get out, and when?"
"Last night, at midnight."
"I will tell you, sir. That, I think, is the most interesting part of it."
When Mr. Fitch had heard Jasper's explanation he no longer doubted him. His friendly, cordial manner returned, and he congratulated our hero on his prompt rejection of Jack's offers, though that rejection exposed him to continued imprisonment.
"Now," he asked, "what are your plans?"
"To get something to do," said Jasper.
"Of what kind?"
"Any kind."
"I will engage you, for the present, at ten dollars a week. Will that suit you?"
"Yes, sir. Nothing could suit me better."
"Do you think you can live on that?"
"Then that is settled. To-night you will go home with me. To-morrow will be soon enough to look for a boarding-place. Here are your first week's wages in advance."
"Thank you, sir. You are very kind."
"I have not forgotten that I am indebted to you for the recovery of my little Harry. Here, Leonard."
The clerk already mentioned entered the counting-room. He looked inquiringly from Jasper to Mr. Fitch.
"Leonard," said the latter, "this young man is to be your fellow-clerk. He takes the place of Victor, who left last week. Instruct him in his duties."
"Yes, sir," said the clerk, in no little surprise.
Jasper followed him out into the warehouse.
Now that Jasper has found a place we can venture to leave him for a time and go back to the home which he had felt compelled to leave.
His step-mother felt relieved by his departure. It left her mistress of the situation, with no one to interfere with or question her authority. How Jasper fared she cared little, or not at all. How he was likely to get along without money she never inquired, nor did she feel a twinge of remorse for her treatment of one who had been her late husband's sole care and hope. It was enough for her that she had Nicholas with her. Stern as she generally was toward him, she was weakly indulgent. Whatever he wanted she gave him, if it were not utterly unreasonable. She was afraid he would tire of the country and want to go away, and this led her to gratify him in his wishes, in order that she might retain him at her side.
Nicholas was not slow in finding out his power and in using it. He asked and obtained a horse for his own use, and later an elegant little carriage was ordered from the city, in which he used to drive around the neighborhood with the airs of a young prince. To others he might seem arrogant and conceited—to his mother he was only possessed of the proper spirit of a gentleman. In her eyes he was handsome, though in the eyes of no one else.
But perfect happiness is short-lived. In her new prosperity Mrs. Kent forgot that she had a brother who was not likely to reflect credit upon the family. She had not heard from him for years, and supposed he did not know where she was. But in this, as we know, she was mistaken.
One day Nicholas was standing on the lawn in front of the house, waiting for his carriage to be brought around from the stable, when his attention was drawn to a common-looking man who was standing by the fence and looking at him in what he considered an impudently familiar way.
Since Nicholas had become a young aristocrat he was easily made angry by such familiarity on the part of anyone of the lower orders, and he resented it at once.
"Why are you standing there, fellow?" he demanded, frowning.
The man neither seemed overawed nor angry. He only looked amused.
"Because I am tired of walking," he said.
"Then go somewhere else."
"Thank you, this suits me very well," said the man, smiling provokingly.
"It doesn't suit me, though," said Nicholas, bristling up.
"Who are you?" inquired Dick, for it was he, with provoking nonchalance.
"Who am I? I'll let you know!" retorted Nicholas, now very angry.
"I wish you would. That's what I just asked you."
"I'm the owner of this place, and I warn you off."
"Oh, you're the owner of this place!" said the stranger, laughing. "Do you own the road, too?"
"Yes," said Nicholas, "I own the road in front of my place."
Dick laughed again.
"You're a young man, ain't you, to be a landed proprietor. How about your mother? Doesn't she own anything?"
"What do you know about my mother?" demanded Nicholas, a little nonplussed.
"More than you think for, young man," said Dick. "She used to go to school with me."
"Did she? Well, I suppose she couldn't help it if there were low persons in the school with her."
"That's good!" said the stranger, laughing heartily. "So I am a low person, am I?"
"You look like it," said Nicholas, insolently.
He expected the man would be angry, but instead he laughed more heartily than before.
Nicholas began to think he was crazy.
"Well, boy," he said, after a pause, "just remember that appearances are sometimes deceitful."
"I don't think they are so in this case," said Nicholas, "but I can't waste anymore time with you. There's my horse coming around. I'm going to ride."
"Is that your team? It's very neat, 'pon my word."
"That's nothing to you."
"Won't you give me a seat? I've never been in this town before, and I should like to take a drive."
"Look here, fellow, you've got cheek!" exclaimed Nicholas.
"Have I?"
"Do you think I would be seen in such low company?"
"Why not? I'm a gentleman. If you are a gentleman, then I am, too."
"What do you mean? What have I to do with you?"
"A good deal," said the stranger. "I am your uncle!"
Nicholas gasped for breath. What! this low, common person his uncle? He would not credit it.
"That's a lie!" he said. "You are trying to humbug me."
"Not so fast, nephew Nicholas," said Dick. "You can't alter facts. I'm your mother's brother. Didn't she ever tell you of your Uncle Dick?"
Uncle Dick! Nicholas did remember that his mother had named such a person, and the uncomfortable apprehension dawned upon him that the stranger's claim was well founded, after all. He kept silent, but flared at the stranger in a state of mental disturbance.
"I see you've heard of me," said Dick, with a short laugh. "Is your mother at home?"
"I believe so," said Nicholas, sullenly.
"I've come a long way to
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