Frank and Fearless; or, The Fortunes of Jasper Kent, Jr. Horatio Alger [epub read online books txt] 📗

- Author: Jr. Horatio Alger
Book online «Frank and Fearless; or, The Fortunes of Jasper Kent, Jr. Horatio Alger [epub read online books txt] 📗». Author Jr. Horatio Alger
Nicholas was not overwilling to obey the person whom he had just called low, but he felt considerable curiosity as to whether the man was really his uncle, and this decided him to comply with his request.
"I will speak to my mother," he said. "She will know whether you are what you claim to be."
"Yes, she will know. I don't believe she has forgotten brother Dick."
Nicholas sought and found his mother.
"What, Nicholas, back so soon?" she said, looking up from her sewing.
"No, mother, I haven't started yet. There's a person down stairs who says he is my Uncle Dick, and he wants to see you."
"Good heavens! is he here?" exclaimed Mrs. Kent, in a tone of vexation. "How in the world did he find me out?"
"Then it is he? He is a very common-looking person."
"He's kept low associates. Where is he?"
"Down on the lawn."
"Tell him to come in. I suppose I shall have to see him."
"It may not be your brother after all," said Nicholas.
"I am afraid it is. I can tell soon as I see him."
Nicholas went down stairs in no very pleasant mood.
"You're to come in," he said, ungraciously. "My mother will see you."
"I thought so," said Dick, smiling complacently.
Richard Varley followed Nicholas into the presence of Mrs. Kent. The latter looked scrutinizingly at him as he approached, hoping that it might be an impostor. But, no! there was no mistaking his appearance. It was, indeed, her brother.
"How d'ye do, Helen," said Dick, with ostentatious cordiality.
"Very well, Richard," she answered coldly, slipping her hand out of his grasp as quickly as she could.
"The old girl ain't very glad to see me," thought Dick. "Just as I thought."
"How did you find me out?" asked Mrs. Kent.
"There was a man from this way told me of your good luck."
"Where were you, then?"
"In Missouri, near St. Louis."
"Indeed? Have you just come from there?"
"Did you have any business this way? I suppose you must, or you wouldn't have come so far."
"I came on purpose to see you, Helen," said Dick, trying to look like an affectionate brother, and signally failing.
"You are certainly very kind," said Mrs. Kent in a cold tone, evincing not the slightest pleasure at his devotion. "I am afraid you must have put yourself to a good deal of inconvenience on my account."
"Why, yes, I have," answered her brother, perceiving at once that he might urge this as a claim upon her; "but what of that? Ain't you my only sister, and hasn't it been years since we met?"
"Really, Richard," said Mrs. Kent, with a little quiet sarcasm, "I was hardly prepared to expect from you so great an interest in me. I wonder you didn't come before. It's a good many years since we met."
"Well, Helen, you see I couldn't afford it before. I wanted to see you, but I couldn't raise the money to come East."
"You've raised it now, it seems."
"Yes; I had a little stroke of luck."
"You're doing well, then?" asked his sister, with a slight show of interest.
If this were so, she was ready to welcome him.
"I said a little show of luck. I got together money enough to come East."
"Oh, indeed!" returned Mrs. Kent, her manner becoming chilly again.
Dick got nettled. He didn't relish his reception.
"It seems to me you ain't very glad to see me," said he, bluntly.
"I never was very demonstrative," said his sister. "Did you expect me to fall on your neck and embrace you?"
"No; but—well, you know what I mean. You are as cold as an icicle."
"It's my way, I suppose. Is your wife living?"
"Is she with you?" asked Mrs. Kent, rather apprehensively.
"No; it was too expensive for me to bring two. I hear you are rich, Helen."
"Is that what brought you on?"
"Don't be so suspicious. It's only natural I should congratulate you."
Before this Nicholas had left the room to go out on his proposed drive.
"I've got enough to live on economically," she answered, with reserve. "I am not rich."
"Your son, Nicholas, acts as if you were."
"How is that?"
Dick laughed.
"He puts on as many heirs as a prince."
"He has considerable spirit," said Mrs. Kent, proudly.
"There's no doubt of that. He ordered me off with the air of a young lord."
"That was before he knew who you were."
"Yes, he didn't know I was his uncle. By the way, you've got a step-son, haven't you?"
"Yes; two-thirds of this property belongs to him."
"Where is he?"
"He is absent just now," answered Mrs. Kent, in a tone of reserve.
Dick laughed.
"Oh, you're good at keeping secrets, Helen," he said; "but you can't deceive me."
"What do you mean?" inquired his sister, with some indignation.
"I know all about his going away, Helen."
"Who told you—the neighbors? Have you been questioning them about my affairs?"
"No, no. You're on the wrong scent this time. He told me himself."
"What! has he got back again?" demanded Mrs. Kent, in surprise and dismay.
"No; I met him in Missouri. He told me there."
"How did he know you were related to me?"
"He heard me and my wife talking about you, and then he told me."
"What did he tell you?"
"That you and he couldn't agree, and so he left home."
"He was insubordinate. He disobeyed me, and I wouldn't stand it."
"Oh, well, you two can settle your own affairs. I don't care to interfere, only I thought you would like to hear from him."
"What's he doing?" asked Mrs. Kent.
"He was in St. Louis when I left, looking out for a situation."
"I wash my hands of him. He might live easily enough if he would submit to me. If not, he will probably have to submit to a great many privations."
"He is a pretty smart boy; he'll get along."
"I consider my Nicholas smarter," said Mrs. Kent, coldly.
"Perhaps so," answered her brother, dubiously. "I don't know much about Nicholas."
"Where are you staying?" asked his sister.
"Why," said Dick, rather taken aback, "I calculated you would invite me to stay here awhile, seeing I've come so far to see you."
Mrs. Kent bit her lips in vexation.
"You can stay a day or two, if you like," she said, "but we live very quietly, Nicholas and I. I don't think it will suit one so active as you are."
"I'll take the risk, sister Helen. It seems good to be in my own sister's house after so many years. Besides, I should like to ride out with my nephew behind that gay horse of his."
"You can speak to him about it," said
Mrs. Kent. "I believe he prefers to be alone."
"Oh, he'll be willing to treat his uncle to a ride. I'll give him a few hints about driving."
Mrs. Kent winced. She was proud, and she did not fancy exhibiting Dick to the village people as her brother. But there seemed no way of avoiding it. She privately determined to get rid of him as soon as possible.
"I must leave you now," she said, gathering up her work. "I will ask the servant to show you your room."
"All right, Helen. Don't trouble yourself about me. I'll make myself at home."
"I'm afraid you will," thought his sister.
"Is that man going to stay here?" asked Nicholas, in a tone of dissatisfaction.
"What made you invite him?"
"I couldn't help it, Nicholas. He is my brother."
"I'm ashamed of the relationship."
"I am not proud of it myself, but I can't help paying him a little attention."
"How long is he going to stay?"
"A day or two."
"He'll stay a week or two if you let him."
"I can prevent that."
"You'll see."
The manner of Nicholas toward his uncle was far from agreeable. In fact, it was almost insolent. Dick retained his temper out of policy, but he said to himself:
"Some time or other, my fine nephew, I'll pay off old scores. See if I don't."
"Are you going to ride this morning?" he asked the next day.
"I may," answered Nicholas.
"I should like to ride with you."
"I prefer riding by myself."
"Oh, come, nephew. I shan't stay here long. Don't refuse such a small favor."
In consequence probably of the first part of this answer, Mrs. Kent said:
"Nicholas, you'd better take your uncle out this morning and show him a little of the village."
Nicholas grumblingly assented.
So about ten o'clock they started out.
"You've got a good horse here," said Dick.
"He ought to be. Mother paid four hundred dollars for him."
"Did she, though? You ought to have got me to send you one from the West. For half the money I'd have sent you a better one."
"I don't believe it."
"Because you don't know. I do."
"It takes a good driver to drive this horse," said Nicholas.
"Does it? I could drive this horse blindfolded."
He spoke contemptuously, and Nicholas was nettled. He prided himself upon his driving ability, and now his uncle underestimated it.
"The horse is not as easy to drive as you think," he said. "If you don't believe it, take the reins and see."
"All right."
This was what Dick wanted, for he had a plan for revenging himself on his upstart nephew. He drove on till he got to a place where there was a muddy and miry puddle beside the road. Then by a dexterous manœuver, for he understood driving thoroughly, he managed to overturn the wagon, and Nicholas was thrown headlong into the puddle. Dick leaped out just at the right time, retaining his hold on the reins.
Bespattered with mud and drenched with mire, Nicholas arose from the puddle a sorry figure.
"What did you do that for?" he demanded, wrathfully, surveying himself with disgust.
"I'm afraid I can't manage your horse," said Dick, with hypocritical meekness. "He was too much for me."
"Didn't I tell you so?" said Nicholas, triumphing in spite of his woful condition.
"I'm sorry you fell into the puddle. Why didn't you jump, as I did?"
"I didn't have time," said Nicholas, ruefully. "What a figure I am!"
"I suppose we may as well go home."
"Yes," said Nicholas, sullenly. "That comes of giving you the reins."
"You are right," said Dick. "You'd better drive home yourself."
Nicholas took the reins, but it mortified him not a little to see the looks of wonder and amusement which he attracted as he passed through the village.
Dick laughed to himself.
"I rather think, my proud nephew, we're about even," he said to himself.
In the course of the next day Dick ventured to suggest to his sister that a temporary loan would be very acceptable.
"A loan!" she repeated, curling her lip. "Why not say 'gift' at once?"
"I'm willing to put it on that ground," said Dick, unabashed. "Still, I'll give you my note for the amount, if you say so."
"What good would that do?"
"Why, I've got some plans in view which, if successful, will enable me to repay you the money, with interest."
"I have small faith in the success of your plans, Richard."
"I haven't been as lucky as you, sister Helen, I admit; but where would you have been but for your lucky marriage?"
"As to that, I have always taken care of myself," said his sister, coldly.
"May be so. There are some born to good luck."
"How much money do you expect me to give you?" asked Mrs. Kent.
Dick looked at his sister's face attentively. He wished to judge how much there was a chance of getting out of her. His survey was not particularly encouraging. She didn't appear to be a woman easily wheedled out of her money. Still, he spoke up boldly, and said:
"A loan of five hundred dollars, Helen, would be a great lift to me."
"I have no doubt it would," said Mrs. Kent, quietly; "but if you have any expectation of getting that sum from me you know very little of me. I should be a fool to throw away such a sum of money."
"You would be generous."
"I have no ambition to be considered generous," she answered, coldly. "A fool and his money are soon parted. You appear to take me for a fool, but I beg to assure you that you are entirely mistaken."
"How much will you lend me, then?" asked Dick, rather
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