Frank and Fearless; or, The Fortunes of Jasper Kent, Jr. Horatio Alger [epub read online books txt] 📗

- Author: Jr. Horatio Alger
Book online «Frank and Fearless; or, The Fortunes of Jasper Kent, Jr. Horatio Alger [epub read online books txt] 📗». Author Jr. Horatio Alger
"Will you let me see your directory?"
"I got no directory," answered the burly Dutchman, who presided over the saloon. "I can give you lager."
"Not at present," said Jasper, laughing. "We don't drink."
It occurred to him that it might be as well to get into the central part of the city. He accordingly hailed a passing car, and got aboard with Harry.
After awhile he judged from the appearance of the buildings that he had reached one of the principal streets. He descended from the car, lifting Harry carefully down and carrying him in his arms to the sidewalk. There was a large and imposing store situated at the corner of the street.
"They must have a directory in there," thought Jasper.
He entered, holding the little boy by the hand. What was his surprise when a richly-dressed lady, turning and catching sight of the child, sprang to him, seized him in her arms, and began to cry and laugh alternately. But the mystery was explained when he heard Harry say:
"Oh, mamma, I am so glad to see you!"
Jasper stood at a little distance, witnessing the happy meeting between the mother and child. He did not wish to interrupt their happiness. Soon, however, the mother looked up, and then Jasper advanced, raising his hat, politely.
"Is this Mrs. Fitch?" he asked.
"Yes," said the lady, surveying him with curiosity.
"Then I have great pleasure in restoring to you your child."
"What? Did he come with you?"
"Yes, madam."
"Did you know I was in here?"
"No; I only came in to consult the directory to learn your residence."
"How could you be so wicked as to steal my boy?" demanded Mrs. Fitch, with pardonable indignation, judging that Jasper was the kidnapper.
"I wouldn't have done it for five thousand dollars!" said Jasper, impetuously.
"He didn't 'teal me, mamma," said little Harry, coming opportunely to Jasper's defense.
"Who did, then, my darling?"
"It was big, ugly man. Jasper good boy—kind to Harry."
Mrs. Fitch, prompt to remedy her injustice, held out her hand to Jasper, which he took respectfully.
"Excuse me," she said; "but I thought, as Harry was with you, that you had been concerned in his kidnapping."
"I never saw him till this morning," said Jasper. "Chance drew me to a lonely house where he was confined."
"And you rescued him! How can I thank you?"
"I would have done so if I could, but I can't take the credit of it. Your husband offered a reward, which the kidnapper thought best to accept. He did not dare to bring him back himself, and having no one else to employ, asked me to become his agent in restoring him. Of course, I was very glad to do it."
"It was not chance that directed you to the haunt of these wicked men; it was a good and merciful Providence. Did they ill-treat my darling?"
"I found him tied to the bed in which he was lying."
"How could they treat you so my dear boy!" said the mother, piteously. "May I ask your name?"
This was, of course, addressed to Jasper.
"My name is Jasper Kent."
"Can you come out and stop at our house over night? We live about two miles distant. I want my husband to see you and thank you for bringing back our darling boy."
Jasper reflected that he must see Mr. Fitch, at any rate, in order to obtain the promised reward. Moreover, he had no means of his own to pay for a lodging, and he promptly accepted the offer.
"I will return home at once," said Mrs. Fitch. "I came in to make some purchases, but I can't think of those now. Come, Mr. Kent."
"Take hold of my hand," said little Harry to Jasper.
Jasper smilingly took the proffered hand, and Harry, happy in the double companionship, went out of the store.
There was a handsome carriage in waiting, with a coachman in livery perched on the box.
"Edward," said Mrs. Fitch, her face fairly glowing with delight, "do you see? Little Harry has come back."
"So he has, Heaven bless him!" said the coachman, heartily. "How do you do, Master Harry?"
"I'm pooty well," answered the little boy.
"Where did you find him, ma'am, if I may be so bold?"
"This young gentleman brought him back, Edward. Now, drive right home."
"Won't you go around to the office, ma'am, and tell master?"
"No; he must have left the office by this time. We shall see him at supper to-night."
Half an hour later the carriage drew up in front of a handsome residence, far enough from the centre of the city to have a side yard of considerable dimensions, in the rear of which stood a brick stable. It was clear that Mr. Fitch was a man of wealth, so Jasper decided.
Of the sensation produced in the house by Harry's arrival I will not speak. Jasper found himself regarded in the light of the heroic deliverer of the little boy from captivity, though he laughingly disclaimed the credit attaching to such a character.
They had been home but fifteen minutes when Mr. Fitch arrived. At the moment of his arrival Jasper was in a handsome chamber on the second floor, which had been assigned to his use, preparing himself for dinner. Mr. Fitch was overjoyed at the recovery of his little boy, but he listened with some incredulity to the praises lavished upon Jasper by his wife.
"You don't seem to realize," he said, "that this young hero of yours is a companion and acknowledged agent of a kidnapper."
"Wait till you see him," said Mrs. Fitch, confidently.
Mr. Fitch shrugged his shoulders.
"How the women are carried away by a specious appearance!" he thought. "I am a man of the world, and cooler in my judgment."
Yet when Jasper entered the room he could not help acknowledging that his appearance was very much in his favor. Frank and manly in his looks, he met Mr. Fitch with gentlemanly ease.
"You are the young gentleman who brought back my little boy, I believe," said the father.
"Yes, sir," said Jasper. "I occupy, for the time being, the office of agent of the man who kidnapped him."
"Who is this man?"
"I should be willing to tell you if I had not promised secrecy."
"Then," said Mr. Fitch, with slight suspicion, "you are in confidential relations with this villain."
"Partly so, but it was forced upon me. I never met him till to-day, and he confided in me because there seemed to be no one else that he could trust."
"Why did he not come himself?"
"Because he thought it would be dangerous."
"Shall you meet him again?"
"Once only, to finish this business. He said you had promised a certain sum on the boy's return, and this I agreed to carry him."
"How much commission are you to receive?" inquired Mr. Fitch.
"Nothing at all," said Jasper. "He handed me five dollars to pay the railroad fare of little Harry and myself to St. Louis. What is left over I shall return to him."
"Then Harry was not concealed in this city?"
"No, sir; but he was at no great distance from it."
"Are you living here?"
"I never was in St. Louis until this afternoon. I have only just come on from the State of New York."
"To find employment, I suppose?"
"Yes, sir. It was by the merest chance that I fell over your little boy and his captor. I was contriving plans for getting him away, when fortunately the kidnapper received a communication from you which led to my being here."
"Suppose you had got Harry away from this man, how could you have found me?"
"That would have been the difficulty. I didn't know your name, or where you lived. But I meant to come here and get one of the daily papers to publish an account of the recovery, in the hope that the paragraph would find its way to your notice."
"A very sensible plan," commented Mr. Fitch, approvingly. "When have you agreed to meet the kidnapper to carry him the money?"
"To-morrow at twelve."
"And then you will proceed to carry out your own plans?"
"Yes, sir. After supper, if you can spare the time, I will tell you my situation, and the circumstances that led me here, and ask for advice."
"Very well. I will gladly give you the best counsel I can."
After supper Jasper told his story briefly, and confirmed the favorable impression he had already begun to make. Mr. Fitch cast aside his lingering remnant of suspicion, and promised his good offices in procuring him employment.
"After you have seen this man and paid him the money," he said, "come to my counting-room, and we will talk over your affairs."
The evening was spent socially, little Harry, of course, being the central object of interest. The little fellow appeared to have taken a great fancy to Jasper, and was unwilling to have him go the next day. He was not reconciled till Jasper promised to come back.
To find the address given by the kidnapper was not difficult. It was only necessary to look over a plan of the city, which Jasper did in Mr. Fitch's counting-room.
"Come back when your business is over," said the merchant.
"I will," said Jasper.
He set out with one hundred and fifty dollars in his pocket for 132 S—— Street.
We will precede him.
It was a shabby house of two stories, with a wide front. It looked dilapidated and neglected, but except that it was in an unsavory neighborhood there was nothing to draw attention to it, or lead to the impression that it was the haunt of lawbreakers and desperate characters.
In a back room sat three men, one of whom we recognize as the kidnapper, Dick, alias Mark Mortimer. Of the other two, one was under twenty-five, with a reckless, dare-devil look, as of one who would stop at little in his criminal schemes. He had more than once been engaged in burglary, but as yet had escaped detection.
The third was a stout, square-built man, of middle age, with a heavy, brutal face, such as might belong to a prize-fighter. He, too, was a burglar, an accomplished counterfeiter, a gambler, who supplemented luck by various swindling devices, in which he was an adept. This man was known as Slippery Bill, while his young companion was Jack, with a choice of last names.
The three men were playing a game of euchre, with a pack of greasy cards. The time was half-past eleven in the forenoon.
"It's most time for the boy to come," said Dick, looking toward the clock.
"How do you know but he'll give you the slip?" suggested Jack.
"If he did I'd break his neck!" exclaimed Dick, hastily. "But he won't. Leastways he won't if he can help it."
"It strikes me, Dick," said Bill, "that you ought never to have asked him to come here."
"Why not?"
"Who's to tell but he may bring company?" continued the stout man.
"What kind of company?"
"The police."
"He won't," said Dick.
"How do you know?"
"I'll trust him. He's a good 'un."
"How long have you known him, that you speak with so much confidence?" inquired the younger man.
"Since yesterday morning," answered Dick, cornered.
The two men burst into a boisterous laugh.
"Why, Dick, you're as innocent as a baby. You haven't knowed this chap more'n twenty-four hours, and you'll stake your life on him."
"Laugh as much as you like," said Dick, stubbornly. "I ought to speak up for my own nephew."
"Your nephew!" exclaimed his two companions, in surprise. "What do you mean?"
"What I say. He's my sister's son."
"A minute ago you said you never saw him till yesterday," said the stout man, suspiciously.
"No more I did. My sister lives at the East."
"Has she sent him to you to be brought up in the way he should go?" asked Jack, with a sneer.
"No; the boy's run away. He came across me by chance."
"That's better," said Bill, partially reassured. "He won't be likely to betray you—not now—but he may inform against this place."
"I'll answer for him."
"Are you going to let him go as soon as he brings the money, or will he
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