» Fiction » Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗». Author MDMynhier

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no answer found, except the one I chose for myself.
As the moon reached its apex, my island girl slid close, kissed me on the cheek, and said, “This is better than I had dreamed, except for Jack‟s injury.”
I laughed and said, “You know Jack has kept the voyage from any chance of being dull. And if he don‟t kill himself, who knows what‟s next? ”
She laughed and said, “But we aren‟t getting the alone time together I was hoping for.” She had a point. Jack was a 24-7 project.
We were happy as could be living a special moment in time. We were cuddled and moving towards more. The night was warm with enough breezes to dry sweat but not enough to chill the body. Things were perfect and going great. Jack had gone below to the girls and the entire deck was ours. I said, “You want to?” She was all about it. It was our boat and we should be able to if we wanted.
We were alone; sure Jack was preoccupied with the girls. We had the entire deck to ourselves and were taking advantage of it when Jack yelled, “Cut that goddamn shit out and have a beer. I came up here, half crippled and with high fever to bring cold beer and spend time among friends to find you acting… well… acting like me.”
I mumbled, “Bull shit!” Looked at my island girl and said, “I‟m going to kill him!”
Jack laughed saying, “Ahhh, mate, but I may have just saved your ass from knocking her up.”
I looked at Jack and said, “I don‟t see that a problem which we need saved.
Jack never being without words said, “Once at a seaside village on an isle off Trinidad, I met a seventy year old native wench that had just given birth to her thirty-fifth child. So be advised, I may well have just saved your scurvy looking ass.
With no words left after that line from Jack, I opened a beer and handed it to my island girl, and then took one for myself. To add insult to injury, Jack pulled the cork from a bottle of rum and made at toast that only Jack could. “To all the wonderful whores in the grandest of ports, even those too plain for the light of day but look ravishing before the light of the street when leaving the pub!”
Hell, who could not drink to such a toast? Jack had ruined my plans for the evening and he must have felt satisfied that he had accomplished some great good because he said, “Tis the wee hours and the girls await. I cannot linger and chance having them be sad.” He nodded to us and limped his way across the deck and down below. My island girl said, „Just hold me and tell me I do not look seventy years old.”
I had to laugh; she looked so like a little girl that had just dropped her last piece of candy in the sand. As I held her, I could hear Jack yelling loudly to himself. “That pair of cocksuckers are the worst as drinking partners. You girls had better straighten your sorry asses up or prepare to ship the fuck out!” We sneaked-off and slipped into to bed allowing the sway of the sea to rock us as we made love.
I drifted into sleep and to that world where I thought Jack couldn‟t get, but in the back of my mind I knew it was a much more interesting world with him than it could ever be without him. Sometime during my dream, I longed for the day I would rule Cubico with my island girl and jack could navigate the Cubican navy to places never marked by charts and only existed in the minds of men such as Captain Jack.
I awoke early the following morning, eased out of bed, and left my island girl sleeping. I was all alone in the galley as I made coffee. The smell of fresh coffee filled the air as I started bacon and eggs for breakfast. I heard my island girl stir as the aroma of breakfast cooking made it to our birth. I poured her a cup and met her as she sat up in bed forcing the night away with a yawn.
I left her sipping coffee, went back to the galley, and made her breakfast in bed. She smiled and winked when I brought her breakfast, and asked me to return as soon as I could. I kissed her on the forehead and nodded. The morning was beginning to fill
with sunshine and a nice breeze drifted through portholes. She turned the sheets back and I took the hint. It was a wonderful way to start-off a new day.
Everything was great in my life. We showered and went atop to meet the morning. On deck, Jack sat at the helm and it seemed the girls were taking good care of him. “Good Morning,” I said.
Without taking eyes from his task, Jack answered, “It is a great fucking morning,” as one of the girls fed him oysters from the shell as the other handed him a beer. He took a drink and said, “Yes, mate, a great fucking morning.”
“How‟s the injured leg?” I asked.
He didn‟t answer my question as my island girl checked and changed the bandage. She looked at him and said, “You do know this will leave a large scar?”
Jack looked at her, then out to sea, as if pondering something very serious, and said, “You know it could have been a great white?” He stopped a moment as if in deep thought, then said, “Then I would have received my goddamn peg leg!”
I said, “If you‟re so damned set on a peg leg, Hell, I‟m sure we can find a way to dismember you! You dip shit. The next island we make, I‟ll find the local voodoo witch doctor shaman son of a bitch and see if he will cut you friggin‟ leg off and your foul tongue out. I‟m all about making you the happiest, most fucked-up crippled captain on the high seas.” The girls giggled and Jack smiled at what I had said.
Jack laughed and said, “That‟s what I liked about you from the beginning, you‟re one to do anything for a friend. See girls, I told you it would only be a matter of time until he came around to sound thought. Now, by god, let us do some fishing. There‟s a large
marlin out there with a taste for some of old Jack in his mouth.” My island girl shrugged her shoulders and along with the girls moved forward to sunbathe.
As we made our way astern with the fishing tackle, Jack said, “The talk of the peg leg is all for the girls. When I made mention, they were in awe. I would as soon not, if you get my drift. However, wouldn‟t you agree, it would make an eerie thump while walking a deck late at night?” He smiled that Jack smile of his and he had that twinkle in his eyes that I was never sure of in relation as to its meaning.
We put a couple of teasers out, sat back sipping brews waiting. Marlin fishing is always a waiting game that in an instant becomes the most erratic, fast-paced moment in fishing until he‟s hooked and on. At times, hours of waiting for a few moments of excitement that can become quickly as hard of a life-sucking event an angler can suffer. Ahh, but the times he gets on and don‟t break-off can be better than sex to a true warrior fisherman.
Jack knocked back several beers and began telling stories of his trials at sea. “One time,” he said, “in St. Croix, while visiting a local pub after several weeks at sea, I had tipped several steins of rum when this wooly gentleman I suspected to be of questionable ancestry. You see his accent was New Englandish and no seaman from the southern waters would ever ship-out with a half-assed American Limey… that talks funnier than a true fuckin‟ Englishman like the one I thrashed at the dock. Anyway, now that we have established his lack of proper upbringing and his pitiful drawl of the English language, I foresaw no reason to continue having him torture my soul with those awful sounds he mistook for a language, I tipped my stein to drain it. I didn‟t want to waste a drop, before I laid his head open with it.
I hit that asshole while he was in mid word and his knees wobbled like a landlubber‟s first time at sea. My stein exploded sending pewter fragments throughout the pub. He buckled, as all Limeys will when faced with the first bit of adversity. The barstool scooted like a creaky door easing open as he splattered to the floor. I was ready to make for the exit when the barkeep handed me a fresh stein filled with rum.
I looked to the barkeep. He said drink up mate and if he arises again, give him a second warning. About this time, his girl came in and attempted to get him from the floor. She asked what had happened and I told her he had had one stein a rum too many. She was not easy on the eyes anyway and any wench tolerating such a sorry sailor wasn‟t swabbing many decks, past nor future.”
I said, “Is that it?”
“Hell no. That‟s just where things got good, mate! I guzzled my rum, turned from the bar to leave and they stood before me. Four of the most lovely of the wench species sizing me up for the kill. But, as you know, Ol‟ Jack does not make for an easy kill. I tipped my hat, never worried as to their intent. I smiled and bowed before them and took the arm of the two closest and continued onward to meet my demise.”
He had my full attention with the story, maybe because I had had one too many myself, but I saw a bill breakwater, snapping at one of the teasers and I jumped up to reel them in and get the real bait out. Jack was readying the baited hook as I brought the teasers in. He made one swift cast and as usual, he was perfect and the baitfish landed where the Marlin had been. “I‟ll know him and he‟ll know me,” Jack said.
With all the marlin in the sea, I thought, how could Jack think this was the one that had attacked him? I had learned a few things from Jack and one was; he had a keen
sense of everything surrounding him. I was not going to question him right now. I knew if I did question it, and he turned out to be right, I‟d never hear the end of it and it would end up being another story that Jack would tell.
I didn‟t like the idea that in something this far-fetched, he could still be right. I was reeling in the teasers as Jack readied a second bait and cast it out. Both baits skipped across the surface sending small wakes trailing behind. Jack stared out to the flat water as if willing the fish to strike. “Jack, what makes you think this is the same marlin?” I asked.
“I‟ll know and he will know,” was all he said.
As the baitfish skipped on the surface, Jack tested the drag by pulling the line. Once satisfied, he placed the rod in its cup, grabbed another rod and
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