» Fiction » Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗». Author MDMynhier

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out, and the sky clear as if nothing had happened. If anything, the storm cleared the air making the stars and moon clearer and brighter than I‟d ever seen them. The only thing more amazing than being on the sea at night was being on it during the day. And at that moment, I wanted it to be light so I could fish.
Every moment spent sailing was a spectacle in its own right. A dream is a dream but I thought living like this is a Hemingway novel and that one thought scared me. I headed back below to check on my island girl. She was sipping a soft drink and chatting with Kim and Liza as Jack was off changing into dry clothing. She smiled at me saying, “I‟m over it now.” I nodded and went back up on deck.
We had weathered the storm and I had a new respect for Jack. He sure could captain when the need arose. Most of the time he was thinking with his pecker and he always came close to letting his mouth overload his ass, but always seemed to walk away unscathed usually because the other poor assholes never seen it coming and sure never seen what hit them. And Jack was always somewhere else when they figured it out.
It took some time before I realized Jack had been serious that afternoon we headed out fishing and ended up drunk and heading to Havana. Jack was the real deal when it came to doing whatever struck him at the moment. I have no doubt, we would have been arrested in Cuban waters had we not ran aground on that little island. Drinking had an odd way of saving Jacks ass when it usually put most of us in deep shit.
Jack was a natural sailor and understood how to navigate on any type of water. He could look at the surface and know pretty close as to how many fathoms in was. He said the color gave it away. He told me if I would pay attention instead of goof-assing off I might be able to learn it too. In many ways, Jack loved to hate people. He always picked out their flaws and dwelled on them as if he were perfect.
The night now wonderful, a spectacular piece of work as the moon reached its zenith. My island girl had joined me on deck and we were star gazing seeing the occasional shooting star. Jack wondered by as a shooting star ripped across the sky. He pointed and said, “Them bastards are going to take over if we ever miss shooting one down.” He had a beer in his right hand and reached it toward the sky and shook his head.
I said, “Jack, what the hell are you talking about?” He pointed again and said, “Aliens. Those sneaky twisted little naked bastards have learned to ride shooting stars. It‟s a goddamned space rodeo up there and we bulldog them with lasers. They bust ass towards Earth and that tail you see is a direct hit burning their asses up. I‟ll bet when it hits them, their asshole‟s pucker factor is flat off the chart.”
On that note, he turned and walked away. My girl said, “Do you believe that?”
I said, “No. And he don‟t either. He‟s seeing if we‟ll bite. He dangled bait and now he waits to see if he can get a nibble. The give-away was when he said they were naked. That would mean he‟s seen one.”
She laughed and said, “He‟s a bad case of the whatevers.” I said, “You got to love his imagination? He‟s anything but predictable.”
As we sat talking, another shooting star ripped across the sky. My sides were shook with laughter as I watched it burn in the atmosphere. My island girl asked, “What‟s so funny?” It took a moment before I could stop laughing enough to answer.
“I was imagining a little skinny naked twisted ass creature in a cowboy hat riding like Roster Cogburn, leather reins in his teeth, yelling “Play your hand, you son of a bitch.”
She said, “Do you believe there is life out there?”
I said, “It‟s a big place. We know so little about it. But I‟d like to know what‟s under us right now. Let your imagination go and picture all of the creatures below in the sea. Now double that with the oddest forms of life you can contrive. Those are the ones we don‟t know about yet. I think it smart to know what is here on earth before we rocket into the stars.
Jack came on deck with the girls and we sit talking on the subject of space and the depths of oceans. Jack said, „There‟s things living down there that will never be found. There‟re way too deep and skittish.” Liza said, “What do you think they are?”
Jack scratched his beard, winked at us and said, “Monsters. Killer monsters of the deep. The kind of monsters that‟s found only in the abyss, and in your nightmares.”
Kim said, “Really?”
Jack had them. “There have been stories of ships pulled into the deep by sea monsters large enough to grab hold and crack the hulls of the largest ships, sucking all aboard to the bottom. The old time sailors and whalers tell of things to big and evil to harpoon. They say, the creatures roll to the surface, churning the sea into a lather with waves big enough to toss men off the deck.
In one ship‟s log, the captain wrote as he and his crew watched their sister ship being attacked said, “It was dusky and lamplight could be seen from the Haggin and night was closing fast. Then a giant rose from beneath the sea and all we could do was watch as it rocked the Haggin and we watched men going overboard. We could not sail to her for fear we would suffer the same. We could hear their screams and then the ship was gone. The sea calmed. There were no sounds and no debris. She was lost with all
hands and cargo. We sat dead in the water until the following morning. That morning, at daybreak we searched and found no survivors and no sign the Haggin had ever existed. There were no bodies and not one piece of torn sail recovered. The crew is spooked and I ordered the 1st mate to set sail.”
Jack said, “The ship sailed to port and every man including the captain left the ship to never sail again. They never talked about what they witnessed and the only clue to what happened was in the ship‟s log.” The girls had scooted as close to Jack as they could get. Jack told the story in a spooky enough way that my island girl had moved close to me and she knew Jack was full of crap.
I couldn‟t resist assisting Jack. “Jack, do you suppose such sea monsters have survived and still live?”
Jack said, “This happened only a few years ago and not far from where we are tonight. That‟s why I thought of it. The keepers of written history always put it down to storms when a ship is lost at sea, but true sailors know. Very few first hand records survive to tell the true ending to many a poor soul being devoured by creatures of the deep.”
Jack stood, grabbed a spotlight and said, “Did you hear that?”
Liza said, “Hear what?”
Jack flashed the light out into the dark water and caught a wave in the beam and said, “Whatever it is, it just rolled right there and churned the water.” The way he said it rang true and the two girls had that deer in the headlight look.
Jack yelled, “Everyone to port and quite about it. They can feel movement and can locate you by sound waves.”
“What is it?” Liza Asked.
Jack seemingly pondered the question a moment and said, “It is a wave. That‟s all. I just wanted to see if I could get you to port.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and said, “Jack, you‟re an ass.”
Jack said, “I am at that, but a sweet lovable ass that has you wrapped around his neck.” She shrugged her shoulders as Kim joined in giving Jack down the road over his behavior.
The girls all took a deep breath as we settled down into our seats. I had my island girl on my lap and Jack had Liza on one knee and Kim on the other. Both of them hand their arms around his neck and he looked like the cat with yellow feathers still hanging from its lips as he said, “Girls, why don‟t you make us a pitcher of margaritas and we‟ll continue our conversation about the bloody terrors on the open sea.”
Jack was an ass, but not a bad egg. He was fun and much of the fun was in not knowing what the hell he was going to do next. I had observed that Jack had qualities the world could use more of. He read people better than a polygraph. He understood human nature. He knew what most people were going to do, before they knew themselves. That gave Jack an edge and he used it perfectly for personal entertainment.
My island girl leaned in and whispered, “Do you have to stay on deck tonight?”
I had no intentions of navigating anywhere but into her arms for the night. I said aloud so he could hear, “Jack and the girls laid around all day, by god they can stay up all night. What did you have in mind to do?”
She giggled and said, “I had you in mind to do.”
I nodded saying, “I‟m cheep, but I ain‟t free. You think you can afford a man like me?”
She said, “Honey, I bought you for next to nothing years ago.”
“Yeah,” I said, “But that was then, this is now and I‟ve learned a few things since.”
She said, “Okay, don‟t keep that education to yourself. Show me what you‟ve learned.”
I yelled, Jack, “You‟ve got the helm till further notice. Try to get some rest. Leave those two girls alone. I‟m fishing tomorrow and will need your help maneuvering The Island Girl.”
She took my hand and led me down the steps, through the galley to the master suite. I was determined to play hard to get and doing quite well at it until she dimmed the lamp and pushed me back onto the bed. I knew she would rib me about this tomorrow, but I was smart enough to know when losing is better than winning. The boat slightly rocked with each small wave and the CD player on deck was playing Free Bird.
My island girl was my perfect partner. We had learned to get through the rough times by looking forward to these times and by understanding that we didn‟t do things to get under the other‟s skin on purpose, it was just a by-product of who we were. And right now, she was the world‟s greatest lover and my love for her was deeper than most could fathom, but that was all right with me.
I enjoyed that the world as a whole, didn‟t understand our relationship. I always got the impression the world thought I should give a damn about their concepts on living. I never understood why they thought my lifestyle was any of their concern and to
be honest, I never dwelled on worrying about it more than this. I was too busy having
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