» Fiction » Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗». Author MDMynhier

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She said, “Just let him run until he‟s winded. He‟ll be back.” Then she said, “Where would they deport him to?”
I thought about it a moment and answered, “Cubico, where else?”
She asked, “Where is Cubico anyway?”
After I slowed my laughing and wiped the tears from my eyes, I said, “It‟s a fictional country to be invaded and named later. A long story, but Jack was drunk and I may have a few when we concocted the new nation of Cubico. But you‟ll be the Queen!”
“That‟s wonderful,” she said. “Queen of a country that doesn‟t exist. Just how drunk were you guys?”
I said, “You really don‟t want to know, but we were lucky to make it back to Key West. All you need to know is you‟ll be Queen, I‟ll be the King and Jack wants to be Commodore or Admiral of the Royal Cubiacan navy. And he wants‟ to smoke Cubican cigars and drink a mixture of tequila and rum he‟s going to call it rumquila.”
“I told you it was a long story. Jack loves the idea of having his own navy. I figured, what to hell go along with it and see where it goes. It made Jack happy and kept me out of a Havana slammer.”
She looked at me sort of sideways and asked, “You and Jack went to Cuba?”
Quickly, I answered, Hell no. But we damn near did. Another long story you really don‟t want to know. Jack was just being Jack and yet we lived. Remember, I told you about it when we came back from that afternoon of not fishing?”
She smiled saying, “Let‟s eat, and then shop.” The food at The Hungry Iguana was delicious afterward we had a drink and I checked on Jack before we hit the shopping trail. I reported to my sweetie that Jack was holding his own with the rum but like Rocky, would lose the fight and rum would be declared winner by knockout.
It was a beautiful island and as we moved from shop to shop, I was happy with life. My island girl admired the tropical dresses and picked a couple to try on along with three new bikinis. After she had made her choices and we had purchased her new dresses and swimwear, I found a bait and tackle shop. She was a sweetie and went into the shop with me. I bought heavy braided line and a new heavy-duty deep-sea Penn reel. She took a deep breath when she heard the salesclerk spout the total. She had me now.
Last on the list was the few food items we needed. I hated grocery shopping so she let me off the hook. I headed back to see how Jack was faring. I walked back into The Hungry Iguana bar, Jack was sitting with a blonde on one side and a dark haired beauty on the other. He was thrilling them with tales of the sea and of his vessel. They were both in awe as he was spinning his web around them.
“How‟s it going?” I asked.
Jack answered, “Splendid.”
I said, “I see. When do we sail?”
He said, “It‟s totally up to my lassies.” He looked to them saying, “When shall we sail?” They appeared to be of substance and sober and sound of mind, with the exception of choosing Jack.
They looked at each other and the blonde said, “Let us gather our Bags from our room and we can sail,” as they left the bar to gather their luggage.
I stood there thinking about how this was going to be received. I had no idea how my island girl would react to Jack bringing two women aboard. I think that she thought Jack was on a mission that was certain to fail and here he was with two pretty young women seemingly willing to be with him on our adventure. Knowing Jack, I‟m not surprised but I am somewhat amused at the mess he had managed to get himself into.
Jack‟s little scavenger hunt was sure to become one of the great mistakes of life. I could see no way that he could possibly survive the wrath he was about to induce upon himself.
I stood there shaking my head and Jack asked, “What‟s bothering you?”
I said, “Do you have any idea what the hell you‟re doing?”
He grinned and said, “Hell yeah, I‟m going to be banging two sexy women and all three of us know it.”
I said, “Jack, have you thought this through? Looked at every angle and see all that could go wrong?”
He downed another rum drink and said, “You must learn, my boy, to never dwell on the goddamned negative things in life. When the Gods of the sea hand you a tasty sandwich, you never question what‟s on it, you just start the feast. Feasts always come to an end in due time. Worrying takes away from that time you have.”
“Jack, My sweetie is easy going, but didn‟t you think you should run this past her first?
He ordered another drink, then said, „She knew I was trolling for women, she had to have known there‟s no limit to how many I can catch. Funny ain‟t it? I caught two in less time than it took you on one fucking marlin. I short-lined them on fresh bait, for sure. Hot damn. This is bound to be an adventure a body could write a book about.”
“Well, Jack, we‟re sure as shit getting ready to find out.” There was no way this could end well. The only thing I didn‟t know was when and where it was going to blow. I couldn‟t help but grin and nod at Jack. He sure didn‟t give a damn about tomorrow as long as tonight was good. Maybe the whole world would be better off to have Jack‟s attitude. The other thing I knew is that it would not be a boring time on The Island Girl.
I told Jack to saddle up we were going to sail soon, then I left the bar and found my island girl sitting on a bench in front of the Hungry Iguana. She told me she had gotten the shuttle boat crew to load the bags into the boat and that they would be ready
when we were. I told her we were waiting on Jack and then told her about his women. She laughed and accused me of making it up. “You‟ll see,” I said.
While we were waiting for Jack‟s entourage to appear, we took a walk along the beach. The warm blue sea washed silently onto the whitest sand I‟ve ever seen and as each small wave bubbled inward, sand crabs scurried to drill inverted tornados into the warm wet sand. I picked up my island girl and carried her into the sea, with her arms around me, it felt good and we laughed as we dipped between waves together.
We swam in our clothes bobbing in the soft surf. There was no doubt, we were in the world we were always meant to be. We were two overgrown teenagers having the time of their lives enjoying almost unnoticeable little things no one ever seems to take time to see. I felt a sand dollar under my foot and dived, digging in the sand until I had my girl that trophy. A hug and kiss was my reward. I was her pirate king and she my green-eyed queen.
We took our time savoring every moment before I carried her out of the warm sea. We were lying in the sand sun drying ourselves as Jack, and the girls arrived. I rolled over to my island girl lying at my side and said, “I told you Jack Shanghaied a pair”
She sat up, dusted dry sand from her arms, smiled at them and said, “Hello. Welcome to the crew of The Island Girl.”
Jack said, “Let‟s make ready to ship out.”
My island girl was at ease with Jack‟s shenanigans. He was the kind of man that once you had spent five minutes with; you knew he was the freest spirited man on earth. He didn‟t put on airs for no one and said what was on his mind. He was one that
would walk up to a docked thirty-million-dollar yacht unzip and piss on it because it was there. Jack was Jack and was not going to be changed by anyone or anything.
I, in a way, admired Jack. He reminded me of myself to some extent when I was younger and before I met my island girl and settled down a bit. I reckoned that after considering it somewhat, life has a way of adjusting where you decide to pee. But, then, you always feel an urge. I hoped that Jack never lost his desire to piss where he pleased. He was a torchbearer for we that remembered way-back when.
One thing about it, all women seemed attracted to his less than giving a damn attitude and the two beauties he now had proved that. I knew they were in for a rude awakening if they thought they could tame him in the least, but two women with one Jack, it would seem that tame was not in their vocabulary. I only wondered how nuts it was going to get. On the upside, my island girl was cool with it.
The sun had set by the time we made The Island Girl and the western sky glowed rose-red making the world pink in its wake. Jack and I helped the girls aboard and he handed-up the bags. My island girl opened a bottle of wine and we toasted The Island Girl and her expanded crew until the night was black and Little Cayman lit-up in tropical neon and music traveled across the bay and we danced on deck to a live band playing on the beach.
We drank a couple of bottles of wine, mixed a batch of margaritas, and continued our little party. The island looked alive and glowing as sounds of talking and laughing drifted between songs. The band was playing everything from Buffett to Bob Marley. I held my island girl close as we danced to “Come Monday.” We were all feeling the effects of too many margaritas as the sea easily rocked us to the sexy musical rhythms.
Around midnight my island girl whispered, “Come below with me.” She took my hand and I followed knowing too much booze always put her in the mood. She said, “Do you think Kim and Liza are hot?”
I had a buzz working and I knew there was no use lying. “Hell yes, they‟re about as hot as they come. That Jack is a lucky bastard.”
She laughed and said, “He is at that. But you‟re not going to do so badly tonight yourself.”
I loved how naughty she became when she‟d been drinking and tonight she was in that mood. I opened the portholes and let the sounds of the island in. She lit candles and the dim flickering light highlighted every curve of her tan body. It was cool in the master berth with a good breeze that at times almost doused the candles before they flicked back to life. I ran my fingertips down her shoulders and she lay back.
We slept late the following morning. I awoke to the sun beaming through the porthole into my face and Jack yelling, I‟m going to kick your ass. As I gathered my senses, there were other voices, all sounding pissed. I jumped up, pulling on a pair of shorts and
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