» Fiction » Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗». Author MDMynhier

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all going ashore.”
“Good, good.” He said. “We‟ll have a time of it.”
I thought about what he‟d said and followed with, “We‟ll stay as long as it takes. It‟s important you make the right choice in your woman. She may not be here at all.”
Jack said, “Are you kidding me? They‟re all here and in every flavor too.”
Jack was long overdue a rendezvous with a woman and I intended to rub salt deep into in the sore. “You know, Jack, you need to be careful in selecting the right woman. I hear many of them are on the islands to find a girlfriend. A man may be swimming against a hard current if he‟s not real observant. I seen some real lookers on Duval Street and they were together, if you know what I mean! Just be mindful.”
The seed was planted and I wanted it to meander and vine all inside him. I knew it would grate on him until he wouldn‟t know what to do by the time we hit the island. I was laughing out loud when I told my island girl what I‟d done.
She said, “You‟re awful. Leave poor Jack alone.”
I had no intentions of letting this go. Nevertheless, I kept my mouth shut to see what she would do. I knew she would attempt to help Jack in some way.
I wanted Jack to simmer a while. He was on edge and I knew his mind. He‟d be worried about making the wrong choice and I‟d never let him live it down. He was right. If he screwed up, I‟d be on him like sharks on chum. The sun was almost down and my island girl had a wrap to keep the chill of a sea night away. The sea was calm and I whispered an invited to her to go below. I was feeling it after taking the big marlin.
Jack looked at me and said, “You go to hell,” as we disappeared below.
I laughed telling Jack, “Hold on there. You can make it one more night.” I did feel a little bad for Jack. I had the greatest girl in the world and Jack, well, I was curious as to what he would come up with in a woman. I guess he was good looking enough and had a hell of a way about him. We‟d see tomorrow how is luck runs.
I looked at my island girl and said, “I am the greatest marlin fisherman that ever lived.”
She said, “If you had any sense, you‟d have cut the line instead of almost killing yourself catching a fish.”
I whirled and said, “Cut my line my ass. Didn‟t you see what I did today? I lived a thousand years in a few hours. Baby that was one of the greatest feelings in the world and I am one of the few to have ever done it.”
“Come here and hold me with the passion you have for catching big fish. I guess that‟s why I fell in love with you. You go at it full tilt never seeing life any other way.” I followed her order and took her in my arms. She giggled and said, “I have you just where you had that fish, right where I want you.” I had no argument. She had always had me right where she wanted me. I was a lucky bastard to have her.
Jack yelled, “Would you assholes keep it down? I‟m blue balled enough.”
She whispered, “What are we going to do?”
I laughed loudly yelling back to Jack, “Goddamnit Jack, you‟re going to ruin the mood.”
She giggled and said, “We can be quieter I suppose?” I‟d just caught a great fish and wanted to make love to my woman the way I wanted to make love and I didn‟t need to hear Jack‟s problems or feel a need to be quite.
After we made love, and I had rested a bit, I yelled, „Thank you Jack.”
He yelled back, “Fuck you!” I rolled over, kissed my island girl, and said, „See, Jack‟s okay with a little noise.”
She laughed and said, “Yes, I can tell. He‟s fine and dandy with it. And I‟m the one going to have to face him in the morning. Being a female is not like being a man. Men brag and strut their asses in the mornings. It‟s different for women.”
Now, I felt bad. She had a way of doing that to me. I didn‟t have an answer, so I said, “Guess we‟ll have to give up sex to make Jack happy.”
She whirled saying, “I don‟t think so, buddy!”
I was over matched in this discussion. I had no idea what to say. I couldn‟t argue the point both ways like she could. I busted out in laughter and said, “We‟ll do it your way then.”
Jack yelled. “Shut the fuck up.”
The rest of the night was calm and I enjoyed listening the boat creaking as it shifted to the waves and breezes. Being rocked to sleep by the sea was not a bad way to dreamland and I loved my island girl cuddled close to me feeling her breathe as the smells of the salt air drifted across the night and through the berth as I relaxed listening to my girl as she slept. Tomorrow would be Jack‟s big day.
Jack woke me at 04:00 hrs to stand watch. I was sleepy but feeling the sea beneath the boat and knowing I held the fate of Jack and my island girl was enough to rid the cobwebs and help focus my eyes. The blackness of night on the sea was very much like being deep inside a well with only stars above. When I looked upward I knew the world was really big. Understanding how small we were made me keen edged.
Light came slowly but worth waiting on. The sky was first gray, and then the sun arose from beyond the horizon, coming up from the sea like the Phoenix. I was the only human to see this particular scene and I understood it. With the sun came the flying fish. They sparkled in the sunlight as they sprang from the sea to glide on air. This certainly was my morning to marvel at all that is perfect with life.
I wanted to wake her but somewhat loved seeing the act solo. I really didn‟t like the feeling of not having her by my side to see it too. In the end I decided to let her sleep. There would be many more mornings for us on the sea and she would be by my
side for most of them. I eased below to start some coffee perking. I figured the smell of coffee would bring her around soon enough and I‟d have it all then.
About the time I smelled coffee, I heard my island girl stirring below. Jack was snoring, still sounding more like a small outboard engine than human as I went below to grab a hot cup. I poured my girl a cup also and took it to her. She smiled, saying, “Thanks,” and gave me a quick kiss, then saying, “I‟m going to shower and then I‟ll be up.” I headed on deck loving the day and this life.
Jack was snoring so loud that I almost missed the blip on the radar. I couldn‟t see it yet, but land was out ahead over the horizon. “Hey Jack, wake up. Land ahead. Land Ho! Get your ass up and captain this boat.” All that changed was his tone. Now he sounded like a stihl chainsaw idling. Little Cayman was almost in sight. For some reason I was looking forward to seeing land as an assurance the world was still there.
It wasn‟t that I missed land. I didn‟t. I think that I just needed to visit the sea from another angle so I could be in awe of it in all possible ways. Maybe it wasn‟t the land I needed to see at all. It may have been people. I needed to know they still existed and visiting land from time to time was an evasive way to see people. And my island girl loves shopping and I love her and shopping must be done on land and there I had it all figured out.
For all the good reasons, we were headed to land. This time the main reason was so Jack could find a mate for a while. I never considered that Jack would want a woman for the long haul. He wasn‟t the type to be satisfied with anything long periods of time. I hoped he would stay with The Island Girl until I had a solid grasp of sailing
techniques; or until I at least understood sailing well enough to keep us from dangerous situations.
“Jack. wake up! I need help navigating her in. Get up asshole! We‟re going down fast” That raised the dead.
He hit the deck running, yelling. “what…what…what we‟re sinking?”
I looked at how funny he was, hair jutting, looking like a crazed sailor wearing in an Einstein wig. I couldn‟t help myself, I yelled, “We‟re sinking!” just to watch the show. My island girl came running from below sacred and I had to call it off.
As Jack gathered his senses, Little Cayman came into view as an illusion, sitting low in the water; white breakers near the beach were spaced like yardage lines on a football field. It came out of nowhere, long and low with white sand reflecting wavy sunlight as a mirage appears in the desert. Green leaves of the palm trees faded into the bluest sky with only a few small white puffy clouds drifting aimlessly about.
Jack said, “The easy way is to motor in, but you‟ll learn little about sailing like that.”
I said, “Let‟s go in like the pirates two-hundred years ago did it.” I watched the depth finder feeding info to Jack. I wanted to call out “Mark Twain.” It just felt right to be thinking of him. I asked Jack, “You think we‟ll see Jimmy Buffett here?” Jack was all business while bringing The Island Girl into the harbor safely and he didn‟t answer.
Jack brought her in to where we could safely drop anchor. We hauled in the sheets and made ready to go ashore. Jack radioed to someone ashore for a dingy to come pick us up. He said that when possible it was easier to hitch a ride than to drop
our dingy from its rigging. He said, “In vacation spots, they loved to taxi in the suckers, and if they want to believe we were suckers, why stop them?” I liked his thinking.
The shuttle took us to the dock and right up to The Hungry Iguana. I said, “Hell, I‟ve read about this place in “A Salty Piece of Land.”
My island girl said, “Let‟s eat and do some shopping.”
Jack said, “You too go wherever you goddamn please, I‟m going to have a drink then go on a scavenger hunt.” We walked into The Hungry Iguana, Jack went to the bar, and we located a table and ordered food.
I heard Jack say, “Bring rum and keep it coming till I‟m no longer here.” He pitched a hundred dollar bill on the bar and said, “Well, where‟s the goddamned rum?”
I glanced at my island girl and said, “We‟ll be lucky to ever see Jack again. He‟s going to get drunk proposition a woman with no sense of humor and get his ass locked up, or deported.”
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