» Fiction » Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗». Author MDMynhier

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living. All I wanted was to sail and get the hang of what I needed to know to do so. I asked the captain if we needed to load up on diesel.
“He said, in a staunch British accent that he had already filled the tanks with fuel and once we restocked the galley, we could make sail. “Well be out a week, make provisions and we sail.” My island girl and I were ready and then some.
My island girl asked what I thought the captain was like. I told her I was a little disappointed in him as captains go.
She asked, “Why?”
I said, “Well, he didn‟t have a patch over one eye, a peg leg, parrot on his shoulder or a hook for a hand.”
She said, “I can‟t believe you would hire such a man!”
I confessed to my sin and said, “I hired him on reputation only. I should have asked for a photo and I‟d of known better.”
About then, Captain Jack showed up saying, “I want to check out The Island Girl for myself. I‟ve already surmised you‟ve a turd of a captain, there mate.” The captain looked from me to Jack and back to me searching for an answer he didn‟t find. Jack looked at him and then to me and said, “He must be English, by that I mean British. America does not breed such snobs and most snobs like this candy ass certainly veer wide of Key West. I think because they fear having fun. The English are a queer bunch as sailors go. Just look at how he dresses. He looks like a crew boy from that old TV show!”
I didn‟t know what to say, so I introduced Captain Jack to my captain who looked him up and down and said in a British accent, “What a bum. Such heathens should have never been let out of Botany Bay!” Jack did look a little rough as he scratched his chin whiskers. He did need a shave and reeked of stale booze as he stood there wearing only a pair of shorts.
After a moment jack said,” Fuckin‟ limey.” Then turned to me and said, “How much of this shit you going to take before I whip his ass?”
Jack was right; I didn‟t like the guy and I had no intentions of sailing from Key West to New York with him. But I had a contract. I knew we both must agree to break the contract or he received payment in full or he would have to return the down payment, depending on who broke the contract. I had to make this a unanimous decision between the captain and myself. If I fired him, I would have to pay off the contract, and if he quit, he‟d owe back what I‟d paid up front.
I looked at my sweetie and winked, turned to the captains and said, “Jack, I like your company. You come help sail her back with me.” I nodded to captain Brit England and said, “Can‟t beat that for a crew, can you?”
He said, “If you choose to haul trash from a colony of thieves and rapist on this vessel, I would like released from contract.”
I said, “Okay,” and ripped my copy of the contract in half. He did the same with his copy.
Before walking away, captain Britt England asked, ”What is it with that bloat?”
I didn‟t need to think, I just blurted out, “He‟s Captain Jack Sparrow and Rooster Cogburn all rolled into one. He‟s Dennis Hopper in „Easy Rider‟. He is Captain America and you, you stuff shirt shit, you and your kind never did and never will get it. He is Robin Hood and he‟s everything you British never could figure out how to whip! He is an American original. And Jack is right, you are a fucking Limey.”
Captain Britt England turned to leave the dock and came face to face with Jack. He went to tip his cap to Jack and as he leaned forward to do so, Jack swung from the ground up catching Captain Britt England dead on the chin. His skinny knees buckled and just before he hit the deck, Jack nailed him again and blood spurted from above his right eye. “Damnit Jack,” I yelled.
“What?” Jack said, as he jumped aboard The Island Girl and yelled, “Cast off mate! We‟re making sail the hell out of here!”
We followed him. What else were we to do? As we moved into the bay, I glanced back and that Limey was still down but flopping around in an attempt to get up. A crowd
gathered around him as he tried to stand. Some ass in the crowd was pointing to The Island Girl.
“Jack, how the hell do you plan to get us out of this one?”
He laughed and said, “Did you see that Limey son of a bitch drop. I still got it! Do you have rum aboard? I could use a drink!”
“Let‟s get something straight here, Jack. It‟s my boat and when you pull shit like that, it puts me and my boat on the firing line. Hell, Jack, the Coast Guard may be alerted by now and coming after us.”
Jack had a look as if he were reflecting on what he‟d done. But then said,” I asked if there was rum. I need a goddamn drink. Knocking a British turd out of that Limey made me thirsty. I sure nailed his ass good, huh? It‟s your boat mate, but never forget, I am the captain!”
I whirled on him and said, “You‟re the captain of your boat. I have not hired a new captain yet. Don‟t forget that!”
Jack fired back with, “Where is my rum. I‟m an out of work thirsty captain. You wouldn‟t let a man parish from thirst, would you?” It was difficult to stay mad at Jack. I did envy his, „I don‟t give a shit‟ attitude towards everything.‟ I liked him.
“Jack!” I yelled.
“Now what?” He said as if nothing had happened.
“I don‟t even know if I still have a boat slip to dock her now.”
Jack said, “First rum, then we talk.”
I figured he wasn‟t going to shut up until he had rum, so I disappeared inside the cabin to rummage for rum. After a long search, I concluded the Limey captain only
drank scotch. I exited the cabin with a bottle of Johnny Walker Red, pitched the bottle to Jack. he caught it and without a word flung it as far as he could into the sea.
“That was it, Jack, and you pitched it into the goddamn ocean.”
Jack never acted as if he‟d heard my words. “Hoist sail and we‟ll make course for the Caymans, then Jamaica. Jamaica has the best rum and you‟ll know all about sailing by the time we reach Aruba.”
My island girl came out of the cabin, shrugged her shoulders, and said, “We need supplies. We have nothing, not even our clothes on board.”
Jack said, “I‟ll swing her around the island to a little cove. There we‟ll be well hidden and good.”
Just the sound of the names of those places seemed erotic; Caymans, Jamaica and Aruba brought a big “wow” inside my head. I had dreamed this dream for many years, and now, with a true product of the sea and throwback to the days of free spirited pirates at the helm, we were living it. I smiled at my island girl and I could see it in her eyes she knew the same feeling.
“I said, “Get us to your cove and let‟s load up on supplies and see how she sails. It‟s not the best of times to ask such a question, but do you have a passport?”
He laughed and said, “Sure. In my shanty. Bet you‟ll need to go get it, cause they‟ll be looking for me after what I done to the Limey.”
While my island girl was shopping, I took a cab to Jack‟s shanty, and that‟s what it was, a shack along a beautiful section of secluded beach. Then I went to our room gathered our belongings and checked out at the desk and when I returned to The Island Girl, we were ready to set sail for The Caymans.
The sun was setting as the white sheets of sail filled, sounding like a rug being shaken off the back porch as we slowly began cutting the ripples of small waves and gaining speed quickly. My island girl stood at the bow holding to the railing looking as free as the gulls in flight against the blue sky. Her tanned skin matched the beautiful hand-rubbed wood of The Island Girl. I loved seeing her being so happy.
I watched the sails while feeling the motion of The Island Girl rolling over the sea. It was relaxing. Jack was telling me how we would tack, increasing our nautical speed getting us into open waters where we should find the same trade winds as Columbus and Blackbeard. I was only half listening because I had waited for this day a long time and I was going to savor every moment of this new life.
Darkness fell slowly as we made our way westward. My sweetie had moved to the galley and the scent of food drifted from the cabin and my belly was loving the idea of our first meal on The Island Girl. I had thought about how great this life would be and throughout all my scenarios played out over the years, it was never this grand nor special.
When dark came and the cabin and running lights reflected off The Island Girl against the blackest dark imaginable, I felt very small. The sails were ghost and we were alone on a sea very different at night. You could hear the water but even when looking over the railing, you couldn‟t see anything except blackness. All was silent except for the bow cutting a trail and somewhere very large fish jumping now and then.
With the call of, “Dinner‟s ready,” Jack and I made our way to the galley and took seats at the table. A feast decorated the table as we admired it and complemented the chef; we drank a toast to The Island Girl and to adventures yet to come. I was not
amazed with the meal, because my island girl knew how to do it up and she had really done so tonight. Jack showed he had manners and his behavior rivaled that of any yachtsmen as we ate.
The Island Girl navigated on autopilot as we ate. Jack had said that we were far from any reefs and still miles from shipping lanes and autopilot was safe and that if anything did arise, there was an alarm we couldn‟t miss. I took his word for it and my island girl didn‟t seem concerned. The Island Girl rocked gently on smooth seas as we feasted. She creaked a little when she swayed breaking the soft silence of the night as I refilled our wine goblets. The talk was lightheartedly fun.
After dinner, Jack cleared the table then headed to the helm. I followed him to the helm, wanting to feel useful but knowing I wasn‟t and really, I just wanted to smell the sea air and get a feel for the freedom on open water. We were now doing, and going where we wanted at our own pace. My island girl soon joined me on the bridge and we sat on deck, arms around each other being pulled through the
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