» Fiction » Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗». Author MDMynhier

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When I passed-by him with my take-out order, he grinned and offered-up a free cigar he‟d just rolled.
I accepted the cigar and chatted with him. After a few moments, he showed me a wooden humidor he said was filled with the finest Cuban cigars. There were twenty-four cigars and he wanted $250.00 for them. I told him they may well be worth the price, but that I wouldn‟t know the difference between Cuban cigars and a box of King Edwards. I thanked him for the free smoke and headed for the room. A troupe of free ranging Key West chickens darted across the street in front of me stopping traffic until they were safely in a yard.
My island girl awakened while I was gone and had dressed for an evening out. We ate in a hurry not wanting to miss the fun that would soon start along Duval Street and Malory Square. As we arrived at the square, a clipper ship was entering the bay. Its sleek tall sails were a masterpiece against the sky. Crewmembers scurried as passengers waved toward shore. Seeing her sailing into port made me want The Island Girl here and now.
We looked on as the clipper docked and then we walked around checking out the street performers. One escape artist was handcuffed, wrapped in chains and hanging upside down from a tripod as tourist gathered to watch him attempt his escape. I had never seen a man more secured, his entire body was wrapped tightly in heavy chain and padlocked with his hands cuffed behind his back. Once the crowd had gathered and were pitching money in his bucket, he asked, “Would you be surprised if I were able to free myself in less than one minute?” There were murmurs throughout the crown and
one very drunk man that had recently disembarked from a cruise ship said, “I‟d be surprised and amazed if you could masturbate right now! By god, I‟d pay to see something like that.” The crowd laughed and we watched as he shucked the chains and handcuffs and landed back on the ground feet first and smiling all the way to the bank. He gathered the bucket of money and readied his show for the next cruise ship group to disembark.
Later in the night, we headed off to the marina. I wanted to check with the harbormaster on the status of The Island Girl. The harbormaster was a dry sort but I did I learn from him that he had had radio communication with my boat and it would be in tomorrow evening at the latest. We decided to charter a fishing trip for the following morning because fishing passes time in a good way.
We ate oysters and shrimp as a midnight dinner and turned in early as island time goes. The next morning, we met the captain of the fishing boat at the dock. He was a young colorful fellow, barefoot and only wearing shorts. I yelled, “Permission to come aboard?”
He said, “Stay off my goddamn boat,” as he made his way to us holding a water hose. He said, “Turn your shoes up and I‟ll wash them off. I want no sand, shit or assholes in my boat.”
I thought it was too late for the asshole part, figuring he had been aboard many times. I started to tell him where he could stick his boat, but he laughed and said after hosing our shoe bottoms, “Now come on aboard,” I wasn‟t sure how this was going to go, but my nature is to plow forward. I stepped into his boat and said, “You don‟t mind it if I pull slimy-ass fish aboard your “goddamn” boat do you?”
He laughed and said, “I like fish, its assholes that tend to piss me off.”
I laughed and said, “Yeah, me too.”
I got the bowline and he the stern. In a minute, we were headed fifteen miles closer to Cuba. We had calm seas in the bay but a headwind outside the cover of the island made for a choppy ride. Once out, he checked the GPS guiding us to where he thought we should start and there he dropped anchor.
I looked all around and It all looked the same so I asked, “Why this spot?”
He said, “We‟re over a wreck.” I got his drift, as I took a rod h handed me and baited the hook with what looked like a big bluegill from the bait-well.
I cast the bait as far as I could and let it free spool until it hit bottom. It didn‟t take long for the pole to bend. The fight was on. I fought the fish about ten minutes and still had a ways to go when something big hit my fish and it was on. The drag was singing and I couldn‟t slow it. “What the hell?” I said.
The captain answered, “Big goddamn tiger shark just ate your fish. Hang on. I‟ll fire up the big motor and go after it.”
He followed and I reeled line hoping to land my first tiger shark. Every nerve I had was tingling. My forearms were on fire but I was determined to get this fish. He would make runs and then I‟d get back line and he‟d run again taking the line I‟d gotten back. This went for an hour and I had him hooked good. My island girl was nervous too. She wiped streams of sweat from my face and eyes with a towel and asked me if I was okay. I was working hard, but hell, I was great.
We chased the shark and I was putting a death pressure on him reeling down lifting the rod tip up and reeling down again. I was gaining line pumping the rod and
gaining more for over an hour I fought this fish and then, the line, it just popped and there was nothing. I handed the rod to the captain and then sat in the fighting chair. Wiping sweat from my face on my shirtfront, I said, “Rig it to go again.” I glanced at my island girl and from her smile I knew we were home.
The captain said, „Fucking shark”, as he tied a new hook and I dipped another baitfish. When we got back to the wreck, he said, “If you get your ass pulled overboard, don‟t bother coming back aboard unless you‟ve still got my pole.”
I said, “It‟ll take a hell of a fish to jerk my ass out of the boat.”
He said, “By-god they‟re here.”
My island girl was taking it all in. She knew my hard ass stance and was ready to watch the show.
I let go a good cast and asked him, “How‟d you come to captain a fishing boat?” Before he answered, I said, “Let me guess, your great people skills and shining personality lead you to it?”
He laughed and said, “It don‟t bother you a goddamned, does it? You‟re not one bit scared.”
I looked him in the eyes and said, “Hell, I was raised around guns and whiskey bootleggers. But that‟s okay. I‟m paying for a good show too.
Just then, the pole bent and I set the hook. We had hit on a school of grouper and within an hour I had ten nice ones in the boat. My island girl had spent most of the morning photographing birds, me, and the grouper as I pulled them in. The sun peaked signaling lunch-time and we headed back to the dock and a bite to eat. As we entered
the bay, a dolphin leaped and twirled near the boat as my island girl snapped pictures. She was having a great time.
We took our captain to lunch because, as I told my island girl, he looked hungry and may yet have something nice to say to someone. And if so, I wanted to be on hand to hear it. He scowled at my words and I never let on. My island girl knew me only too well and smiled at my gouging him. We were on dry land, well sort of. It was a floating dock and not his boat. It was my turn now. She wished I wouldn‟t, but knew better.
“So, ever force a charter to walk the plank?” I asked. Before he answered, I followed with, “Bet you‟ve keel hauled a few helpless fishermen in your day?”
He said, "I wish I had of done another one this morning too.”
I took the menu, ordered drinks, and chose the one with the sissyest sounding name listed and ordered it. I knew that would blister his ass when the waitress served it to him instead of my island girl.
The drinks arrived, the waitress handed him the sissy drink and grinned. He took it, looked into it, grabbed the little umbrella from it and sailed it across the room, produced a flask from his shorts pocket, dumped rum into the drink, then turned the flask up and took a big slug and chased it with the drink I‟d bought, slamming the empty glass down without ever letting on. I ordered another for him then I guzzled his flask empty.
My island girl looked on and no words were spoken as more drinks arrived. The waitress gave him his sissy drink. He held up the empty flask. The waitress retrieved it, took it to the bar and filled it. I should have seen this coming, I thought to myself. We
were on his home water. He poured the sissy drink into the table‟s centerpiece bouquet of tropical flowers, filled his glass from the flask and gulped it down.
About that time, our food arrived and we ate in silence knowing the one whom spoke first, lost. In mid meal, I signaled the waitress for another round. Our captain pushed his cute little drink aside and continued to drink from his flask. My island girl was nibbling on her fruit salad and sipping iced tea. I had oysters on the half shell. The captain had the same. After about an hour, he said. “Let‟s shove off.”
I needed to check with the Harbor Master on my boat and told the captain so. He said that we could contact The Island Girl from his boat while we were headed out to fish. I had only hired him for a morning trip and reminded him of that. He said, “It‟s on me cause I can‟t keep my trap shut.” I grinned to myself as we made way. Stopping short of going aboard, I waited on the water hose and the foot washing ceremony.
My island girl decided to stay ashore and shop while we fished the evening away. We agreed to meet at Sloppy Joe‟s around dark. I gave her a kiss as my shoes were being hosed-off. Captain Jack Sparrow, as I now called him just to piss him off, was a bit tipsy and washed my shoe bottoms, legs and my crotch when the boat was rocked by a wave. We agreed to have a drink then cast off. We both took a pull from his flask.
He said, “I have more in the ship‟s hold.”
I was feeling no pain either and thought it comical to address him as Captain Jack. He didn‟t seem to mind. We were soon out of the bay and the twin 200-horse engines were rolling a long wake. We drank and bounced across waves that were almost constant at this speed. “Where are we going?” I asked.
“Cuba. Havana Harbor. I want some Cuban,” he never finished the sentence as he cut sharply to miss an
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