» Fiction » Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗». Author MDMynhier

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dry dock. We need help and you‟re turning it into a party.”
“You hear that?” He said. “We‟re having a party to celebrate. Hell, I don‟t really know what we‟re celebrating. But I‟m in.”
“Jack, are they going to help us?”
“I assure you we have a pleasant crew of unruly mates here and at hand. And after a few drams of rum, we‟ll attend to the displeasure of work. As you know, this is a serious situation and demands considerable thought before prescribing to any action” He was becoming Captain Jack Sparrow before my eyes. By calling him Captain Jack as a joke, I had created a monster.
I was feeling no pain but Jack was out of control. He was having a big time with the attention he gained from handing out free rum. The ladies were brown and had little on and were quite friendly as native islanders go. I had a feeling this would have a bad ending and wanted out as soon as possible. At best, I was in for a royal ass chewing when we got back. At worst, we could get our asses beat silly by the guys with the almost naked native girls.
“Jack, we need to make sail. The entire state of Cubico is in limbo and we are its only hope.”
He took another drink from the bottle and said, “You hear that mates? We have a state to save and a world to change and shouldn‟t keep it waiting. Bring your ships about and we‟ll dislodge my vessel.” They followed his orders for some crazy reason. I took a pull from my bottle to be on the safe side, figuring at this point sober man wouldn‟t make sense.
We tied off to the bow of Jack‟s boat and to the two boats and they counted down and went full throttle. Our boat turned in the sand and slid into the sea slick as if greased. “By god there Jack, you did it.” I said.
He smiled and said, “Of course, we have business to attend to now in Cubico.”
I nodded and said, “It‟ll have to wait until tomorrow. We have to make sail for Sloppy Joe‟s and save a damsel in distress.”
Jack rubbed his chin and said, “If it weren‟t for what we must do, we could do so much more of what we should do.” I nodded again, but I needed to think about this one. Either, I was really drunk, or Jack was starting to sound smarter than he looked. He hit the key, the engines fired, coughed a few times, and settled into a normal rhythm.
“Which way is Key West, Jack?” He pointed, then switched his point ever so slightly until he had pointed everywhere on the map.
As far as I knew, we were still headed to Cuba. Jack had damaged the electronic instruments when we ran aground and nothing worked.
“Navigation by the stars is how America was discovered,” He said.
I didn‟t have to think about this one, “Hell, Jack, the suns high in the sky. There are no stars.”
He never skipped a beat, “There will be before this is over. All my charts and compass was on this screen that don‟t work anymore.”
“So which way, Jack?”
He pondered a moment and said, “We go where the sun was.”
He was drunk and had no clue. All I wanted was to get back to Key West before dark. I could see her wearing a new island dress looking as pretty as any gal on Duval Street waiting for me in front of Sloppy Joe‟s. And I was not going to disappoint her. I looked at Jack and said, “Listen up shithead, I have a date and we are going in now. You got that?”
He said, “There will be no threats of mutiny on a vessel of mine.”
I said, “You‟re too drunk to think. I‟ll get us in. You take a rest and sober up. Then we‟ll talk.” He sat in the fighting chair, strapped himself in and was soon slumped and snoring. I put a cap on him to shade him from the sun a bit and set a course as near due East as I could, keeping the sun over my left shoulder. I hit full throttle and we were ricocheting, skipping waves like a flat rock skimming across a creek.
After about thirty minutes, I seen fishing boats on the horizon and made for them with hopes they were out of Key West. I knew this late in the day boats would be heading to port. All I had to do was follow. It‟s somewhat like being bewildered in the hills back home. Just use your head, listen for sounds of log trucks or distant barking of a hound, follow it and walk your way out using your head and not walking in circles.
I steered behind a shrimper keeping a safe distance while following his lead. I wasn‟t positive the course was for Key West, but we were headed into a port somewhere. My inter compass told me we were going east and that made sense. Captain Jack was still slumped in the fighting chair past out cold. I was sobering up and feeling nauseated about the trouble I was going to be in if I didn‟t get where I needed to be on time.
I don‟t want to paint the wrong picture of my island girl. She is as sweet as they get and I love her dearly, but like anyone, when expecting to be met at a certain time, she wants to be met. Now, if I were held up by weather, or by fighting a giant fish, she‟d more than understand. But, if being late is because of getting drunk and running the boat aground, I cannot picture her as being a happy camper.
About the same time land came into sight, Jack started coming around. He moaned and kicked a bit, then said, “Where‟s the rum. I tell you, I need the hair of the dog. To swim with the sharks, you must stay a shark.” I didn‟t bother looking back. At this point, I really didn‟t give a damn if he dumped overboard. Part of the blame was mine, I guess. I started the drinking at lunch to get the best of Jack.
“Jack, we‟re headed in.” He couldn‟t stand, but managed to reach a bottle and was following the hair of the dog philosophy, plucking a hair at a time.
He pulled the bottle from his lips and said, “Run ashore, I‟ll claim the new land in the name of our new nation, Cubico, home to all good pirates and sex starved maidens. Do you have a Cubican flag to plant deep into her soil?”
I yelled, “Hell, Jack, I don‟t even know what the Cubican flag should look like.”
Jack attempted to rise but fell and crawled forward into the hold. I heard him scrambling and banging as wave action bounced his drunken ass around. I was hoping he was out of rum, but should have known better. I had come to understand that Jack was a good sailor but when drunk, a terrible captain of a fishing charter. He was resilient and lucky. Both traits are most admirable in men, but he was also as nuts as I‟d ever seen.
One moment he washes your shoe soles to keep sand out of the boat, next moment, he‟s rammed the boat onto a sand covered beach, then drinks a toast to being somewhere between dry-docked and shipwrecked as he wallows barefoot and drunk beside the boat yelling, “Jump in, the sand is great.” My island girl wasn‟t going to believe one word of this unless Captain Jack tells it to her himself. She needs to see him to believe it.
Now I had a plan. Taking Jack with me to meet-up with my island girl was brilliant. She would have to understand then. “Jack, what the hell you doing down there?” I yelled. All I heard was thumping and knocking about. Jack was my ace in the hole and I had to keep him somewhat safe for my own well-being. She was sure to be proud that I was tough enough to make it back alive. She was going to really love me for it.
Jack mumbled something inaudible while he kept rumbling around the hold. In a few minutes he emerged with an old army duffle and a cloth with a picture of a black seal balancing a ball on its nose, and the words, Black Seal Rum, and a Jolly Mon tee shirt, he began to cut and tear with a filleting knife. I watched, wondering what the hell he was up to. Then he grabbed a box containing sewing needles and fishing line.
“Will you stop this goddamned boat? I‟m making the Cubican flag. A man can‟t do shit bouncing all over the place.” He yelled.
“No. If I stop, we‟ll be late. And by god, I‟m making landfall before dark. What the hell are you doing anyway?”
“I told you, I‟m creating the flag of Cubico and this is my vessel and you‟ll set her dead in the water or I‟ll be forced to shoot your ass,” he said, as he pulled an old pistol from a storage compartment.
“Goddamnit Jack, put that thing down before it goes off and you blow a hole in the boat or worse.” Jack was failing that old pistol around over his head and looking like some nut from a crazy house. He said, “We‟re heading for Cubico to pillage the land then claim it for ourselves. We‟ll crown your woman the Queen of Cubico and you King. As long as I am commander of the Cubican navy, you can have the land.”
“Where is this Cubico anyway?” I asked.
“That‟s a tricky question, mate. But all that matters is that you know. And I know you know because you brought it up to start with and I do trust your judgment.” How the hell was I going to argue with that logic? As I was studying it out, he let go a round into the air and scared the shit out of me.
“Damnit Jack, I said put that thing away.”
He laughed and said, “I just wanted to see if it still fired.”
“Jack, I really don‟t know where Cubico is for sure. But you get me back to Key West in time to meet my island girl and we‟ll figure out where it is and sail there.”
“You‟re waiting on your vessel to arrive before beginning the siege on Cubico, aren‟t you?”
“Jack, when it arrives, we‟ll sail her to the land of Cubico if it‟s the last thing I do.” Jack seemed satisfied with that and he took the wheel, fired the engine and we made course for Sloppy Joe‟s.
I arrived to meet my island girl exactly where and when I said I would. She looked so pretty walking along, window-shopping her way to me in her own island time. She was wearing a long skirt that she had bought while Jack had us aground on that tiny island. It flowed around her swaying with her every step. It was natural cotton white with large burgundy and yellow flowers. Her tan flashed dark in the setting sun.
As she passed a gay bar, three transvestites came out wearing miniskirts and thigh boots. I overheard one say, “If she were a man, with that tan, I‟d be all over that.” The other two said, “Ummm-huh.” My island girl smiled and kept walking towards me. The transvestites looked on
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