» Fiction » Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Where Islands Are, MDMynhier [i like reading books .TXT] 📗». Author MDMynhier

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as she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss. One of them said, “What a waste.” My island girl laughed and said, “Do you want one?”
Being my smart-assed self, I said, “One what?” The five of us had a good laugh and we bid a goodnight to the street vesties wishing them the best and I headed into Sloppy Joe‟s with my island girl.
There were no tables so we nudged ourselves in and ordered drinks at the bar. My island girl said, “You know, that black guy in the leopard mini was pretty.”
I laughed and said, “I think I could have sweet talked her into anything, if he had been a she.”
After a couple of drinks, we decided to walk around town and enjoy the night breezes and each other. As we walked, she asked how my afternoon of fishing went, I told her most of the story, and she had a good laugh and said it served me right. She
was right, as usual. I had no excuse for starting the drinking at lunch except that I wanted to get the better of Jack. I guess this day ended a draw between Jack and me, I thought.
The night was perfect. It was warm, but not hot and every star twinkled. The moon was full and looked close enough to paint any color we chose and we could see the crater‟s shadows. We decided to go check the tide with the moon so big and close, I wanted to know how it would affect the ocean, besides, walks with my island girl were filled with electricity. Tomorrow we would check on my boat, tonight was for walks by the sea and making love.
The sea was calm and flat. We stuck our toes in, it was very warm, and that was it. We left our clothing on the beach. Hand in hand, we waded in, laughing like teenagers. “What if someone comes along and takes our clothes?” She asked.
“Too late to worry about that,” I said. As warm as the sea was, her body felt even warmer as she wrapped her arms around my neck and cuddled close.
She whispered, “You know we could get caught?”
I didn‟t think deep nor far in search of a response. “This is Key West baby. We‟re expected to. We‟d look suspicious if we didn‟t.” That was all it took, she wrapped her legs around my waist, and I became hers to do with as she pleased. I whispered, “To hell with mermaids!”
She giggled softly then kissed me and said, “Are you sure you wouldn‟t like a mermaid?”
The moonlight had her eyes sparkling bright as any star in the night sky. I held her tight and our eyes met and locked, delving into each other‟s soul. The warm sea
washed over our bodies and we could hear the other‟s heartbeats amplified by the night air and the sea. I knew no one on earth loved as deeply as we and knowing that made every moment special. We understood we belonged to each other more than to ourselves.
The tide had gone out without our noticing or caring until it was time to retrieve our clothes. We would now have to run the beach naked to our clothes and I was laughing telling her to go first. We jogged together to where we had disrobed and were still very wet trying to pull clothes on as they stuck to our salty skin. I yanked my shorts trying to pull them up and fell in the sand. My island girl did much better.
My butt was shining white as a winter moon with sand stuck to every inch of me and I tripped and done another sand roll while attempting to get up. Once I‟d stopped laughing, I ran back to the sea and washed the sand off, then took my time getting dressed. “Let‟s get something to eat,” I said.
“I‟m starving.” She said, “I can‟t go looking like this. Let‟s go to the room and let me straighten myself up a bit and then we‟ll go.”
We strolled in the warm sand up the beach in the moonlight holding hands smiling at each other. It had been our first time to make love in the ocean and Key West was the perfect island for new adventures. By the time we made the street, we were almost dry. We stopped and I kissed her and tasted the salt on her lips. I wondered as we walked up Duval Street how anyone could be here and not make love in the ocean.
When we entered our room, she took me by the hand and led me into the shower clothes and all. We stripped in the shower and just held each other as the warn spray washed the salt from our bodies. The water felt good and I let it flow over me as I
sponged her back with a body wash that smelled of strawberries. I couldn‟t wait until I could get her on our own boat all alone out in the Gulf Stream.
Later, we dressed and headed out on the town with intentions of having a good meal and turning in early so we could get an early start to the harbor and our boat. We had learned there is no bad place to dine on the island only that the characters everyone wants to be around favor some places over others. We were drawn to those places also. Like truckers at truck stops, long lines at restaurants symbolize the best food and atmosphere.
We stood in line at a little restaurant for an hour knowing it would be worth it. It was a small joint and reminded me of the home of a bootlegger back in the hills. The porch was a wrap-around and served as the gateway to heaven when it comes to seafood. The inside had not changed much from when it was someone‟s home. Each room had two to four tables affording an allusion of privacy and we were taken great care of by the waitress.
The walls were pasted with autographed pictures of famous customers seated at a table. I wondered if they had waited in line an hour to get in too. The photo that caught my attention was of Hemingway at the marina with two large marlin he‟d brought in. It was signed, Best wishes, E.H.” But it was too late for the marlin to wish anything. I figured, he was better off to have not lived to see today. Times had changed and the old man, I suspected, would be shunned for such an atrocity today.
That thought made me somewhat nervous because I was a throwback to the time when men hunted and fished to collect proof they were able to go one on one with anything and win. I didn‟t hunt over bait nor fish to release. Seven hundred pound Tiger
sharks on three hundred pound test line were not for the weak of heart nor of mind. One mistake after hours of fighting, and it was over and you tie another bait and start over.
My island girl knew my love of the challenge, although I‟m sure she didn‟t totally understand it. She had known me to sit in zero weather from before daylight until after dark hunting trophy whitetail and never see a single deer and the following morning do it again. Testing one‟s self against the elements, big game animals and giant game fish revealed the true depth of man‟s spirit and religion.
“Are you going to eat?” She asked.
I had been so deep in thought over the Hemingway picture that I had yet to take a bite. “I‟m starving.” I answered.
“What were you thinking about?” She asked, with a puzzled look.
“Oh, just about how this old world has changed since his time.” I gestured toward the photo. “I‟m not sure it has been for the better either. Things started to become real complicated about the time he left. Let‟s eat and go have some fun,” I said. The food was more than worth the wait. I had swordfish, oysters and crawfish with all the fixings. My island girl chose a shrimp and pasta dish and it looked very good. Afterwards, we had a drink at the Hog‟s Breath and a walk along the sea at Malory Square. I marveled at the big ships way out to sea and my island girl listened to me talk about where I thought they‟d been.
She always listened to my stories and may have thought I was nuts. I always had a tall tale for ships we‟d see. All ships came from exotic lands and the crews always had strange accents making it difficult to understand their English but pleasant to listen to, and I had an urge to go to their strange lands to experience adventures I had not
even thought of. I talked of my dreams all the way back to our room and she laid her head against my shoulder and listened as I rambled.
After a sound night of sleep, we awoke excited to be getting our boat. We showered, dressed and headed to the marina. I saw our boat docked next to a smaller sailboat. The Island Girl was drawing a crowd. Her lines were long and sleek and as beautiful as any model that had walked a runway. Gawkers were gawking and talking. The captain I had hired to bring her down was talking with the Harbor Master. It seemed a serious conversation.
My island girl and I stood back and took it all in. Our lives were changing today and the change needed to soak into us slowly. We were gazing at or new home as she swayed, riding the small waves like the sleek vessel she was and showing off a bit for onlookers. Her masts were of oak, long and tall, standing taunt as one would expect from such a lady. We loved her at first sight and couldn‟t wait to get her out to sea.
I had never sailed but not having done something had never kept me from doing it. I loved the thought of the adventure. I wasn‟t dumb enough to think I could just sail her out on my own. I had hired the captain for a round trip. We would sail with him back to New York. He had assured me that by the time we made the harbor at New York, I would be a seasoned sailor. My island girl wasn‟t as confident, but she trusted in me.
We walked up and introduced ourselves to the captain and Harbormaster. We said our pleasantries then got down to business with our captain. I had leased a slot at the marina and I wanted to know it‟s location. The Harbormaster pointed to two sailboats down the third row and said, “The slot between them is yours.” My boat may
have been slightly larger than those near my slot but it was a good location from the looks of it.
“Who are my neighbor‟s?” I asked.
“Some singer to port and an old move star to starboard,” he said. “We get all kinds down here. Never know for sure who they really are. Don‟t see them much. They‟re in and out at strange hours. Several like you, wanting to live a dream that never materializes. Here one summer and then gone without a trace.” He was easy to size up. He didn‟t believe in dreams and that made him sour on the world.
I had no interest in feeding into his paranoia of folks willing to chance really
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