» Fiction » Howl at me, Cama Seeney [best ereader for graphic novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Howl at me, Cama Seeney [best ereader for graphic novels .txt] 📗». Author Cama Seeney

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was only left with the comfort of silence. Dens arms tighten slightly around my shivering body.




 I close my eyes allowing Denver to take contol of my mind, as I lay in silence in his capable arms. 


'Open your eyes little one' 




Eyes open

Chapter 33


 I feel cold and warm all at once it's weird. I feel like I'm out side, maybe under the stars. I can hear the sounds of outside yet I feel warm. Maybe I have a blanket? Heat surrounds me. Wind carries my hair into my closed eyes. And my warm blanket pushes it back...


Wait what? Since when does blankets push hair out of your face? I open my eyes and look up at Den's warm one's. 'Ahh your alive' He joked smiling crookedly. It was nice, it wasn't perfect. Yet it was cute. His Dark brown hair was stuck to his face with a little sweat. His hair was actually quite long and hung in his eyes slacker style. It suited his laid back approach to everything. His eye brows weren't prefect but he didn't have a mono-brow and they weren't like an uncut hedge. His stubble shone through, not patchy but a couple days growth. He had a small yet slightly delicate nose, it looked to be the only delicate thing about him. You could just see the tips of his ear lobes from the cover of his shaggy hair. His jaw was square and suited him. Golden specks scattered his light eyes, and his one dimpled cheek made him cute yet when you looked at his massive shoulders and chest I felt like a small child in his arms.  


I sat up clothed only in destroyed clothes, that were doing a really crappy job of covering my body. Den growled picturing the man trying to rip my clothes off. The red shirt I wore didn't really cover my stomach any longer, Den looked down at my side probably accessing my bruises. 'Nice tat' I snorted looking at it covered in grime. Literally blood and gore. I mentally sent him a picture of what it should look like. 'Even better' He grinned helping me to my feet. He took off his own top and silently handed it over to me, turning around I glanced at his muscled back before switching tops, my shoulder twinged and I had to pull off the shirt from the sticky shoulder.


His was warm and smelt faintly of coffee beans and oak it was nice. As he turned around I noticed, above his heart the words 'Stay true and rise above' were written messily. Under that was a paw print with two dark wolves - one with his head on top his green eyes facing forward. And the second was female im  guessing ) with her facing right, head head resting under his nose . The paw was beautifully done, the skin around it newly healed. 'Nice tat' I said snorting but they really were nice. 'Attractive' He replied in kind. 'Don't throw me in front of the cow!' I told him grinning at Chase. 'What? Jesus your weird!' He told me but grinning lightly. 'Lord help me for I have sinned' I said sarcastically checking out his pretty fiiine abs. 'You need Jesus.' He told me rolling his eyes. 'Hunnie I am way past anything him or even god can do' I said winking, but frowning when I thought of what had happened. I looked down trying to hide my falling face but he just put his fingers underneath my chin lifting it back up. 


'Let me check you out' He said with a little wink. The bruises on my body were pretty dreadful and I didn't really have the energy to heal myself. 'This is gonna sound weird but did the bullet go all the way through? Cause I don't really want to suck silver out-a ya shoulder'. I shrugged once and then cringed at the pain. He sighed once and put his finger in the hole in my shoulder I bit my lip keeping the scream that threatened to burst free, who just stuck there finger in a bullet hole? He pulled out the silver little thing before cussing and dropping it on the floor. I picked it up laughing in his face.


'You may need Jesus because that's cause your a bowl of crazy' I shoved him playfully, with my good arm and stuck my tong out at him. How does he make me feel better instantly? Dude got skills. He waved his wrist in front of me offering me a free healing. I nodded gratefully and a sickening crunch later his arm was thrusted under my nose. I moaned as the itchy feeling came back. 'That good huh?' He said practically laughing in my face. His blood tasted sweet, closing my eyes as pain made me want to fall to the ground I savoured the taste as his wrist was slowly taken away. I opened my eyes to an amused Den, grinning he lead me to the car - or should I say truck which was a seven seater. Chase sat shot gun with Hunter in the drivers seat. I sat between Tig and the massive Den, squished with no room. Mason and Lee sat chatting happily in the back.

Days have passed in the real world


Chapter 34 


I lay practically on both Den and Tig, my head and shoulders on Den's lap and legs on Tig's. Neither seemed to mind, Tig was humming softly to himself. 'Hey before you go to sleep I want to say sorry. I was a dick to you on your first day and I didn't even know you. Truth is its better not to be friends with humans they're always the ones getting hurt. I mean point proven you being in the car and all.' Mason told me quietly, I felt Den's stomachs rumble with laughter. 'You do realise your point is invalid right? She's not human and your just apologising cause you think she's hot.' Den replied, I could almost hear his smile. 'When you see a mouse trap what do you see?' I asked sleepily. 'Ugh a mouse murdering machine...?' Said Lee laughing like a smart ass. 'Haa nope. Theirs free food right, and a challenge.' Den snorted muttering something about me needing God or something. 'Attractive' I said, repeating what he had said to me after hearing me snort. Elbowing him in the ribs before snuggling into his warm embrace. I had forgotten he was shirtless until my cheek met his warm skin. I quickly moved back to the edge of his knee, where it was slightly uncomfortable but he couldn't see my flaming face. Den sighed and moved me so i was lying against his chest again. Soon there after I was sleeping. 


When I awoke again it was to annoyed voices. 'She can't sleep there Hunter - there's no room in your house! All the guest rooms are taken by me mum, you and your mum! Stop being so commanding and just let Den take her to his house. He has room! It's the best compromise and you know it!' Chase muttered angrily. I think they'd been out there for some time. Den, like me was sleeping happily in the back of the cab. 'Will you just shut up already I was sleeping just fine here!' I muttered placing my hand on Den's arm but he was already awake. 'Were would you like to sleep little one?' Den asked me politely. 'Who out of the people I know have a spare room?' I asked. 'Um me and Mason - but we don't know if Selena is at his house' Den told me smiling. 'Well then lets go before Hunter grows horns.' I muttered sleepily, snuggling back into his chest. 


I heard him sigh before carefully slipping out from underneath me and sliding into the drivers seat. I could hear him chuckling at something in the rear view mirror. The sound made me want to laugh too. We pulled up to what looked like a baby blue coloured building. It had sweet little hedge rows surrounding it and a cute little picket fence. The house looked perfect even though it looked slightly abandoned. 'Where Lee?' I asked curiously. 'Little shit left me there to deal with them.' He told me with brotherly annoyance. He jumped out of the jeep and went to open the front door. I climbed out gingerly behind him, following behind him cautiously. 


When I stepped in everything was coated in darkness, I could see the outline of a TV and a couch and to the right ( across the hall ) was an open windowed breakfast bar that let you have a view of the pristine kitchen. There was a study and maybe a library opposite from one another, We went up stairs which lead to a master room, a little girls room and a boys room - leaving only the bathroom. 'Where are your parents?' I asked with a dry throat, the question was a mere whisper. 'They didn't make it, I came back from UNI to look after Lee.' He said with a half smile. 'And the girl' I said barely hear-able. A pained look crossed his face and before he could say anything I had rapped my arms around him. Stopping him from muttering a word.. 'Do you mind if I stay on the couch?' I asked, pleading. 'Why? The rooms not haunted, my sister still alive. Tori is still out there.' He almost spat. 'Because I'm covered in blood and other shit I don't want to stain your sisters room with. I'm a witch and if im to help you I need her room untouched even by me.' I told him softly. He shrugged once and agreed, looking much distracted. 'Yeah you do stink' He told me, hoping his nose dramatically. I rolled my eyes and smacked his arm lightly. 


'Go shower stinky, I'll find you some clothes of Lee's there probably closest to your size. And find you some blankets or something' I nodded my gratitude and left to shower. Within ten minuets I was feeling much better. The boiling water was a blessing, I had scrubbed my hair with shampoo once and conditioner twice. I felt better than I had in days. 'There's a spare tooth brush in the cabinet, clothes are outside the door.' He told me, by what I think is called mind speak. After jumping out of the shower I cleaned all of the grime away, I grabbed a purple tooth brush and began vigorously brushing. Looking in the mirror

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