» Fiction » Howl at me, Cama Seeney [best ereader for graphic novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Howl at me, Cama Seeney [best ereader for graphic novels .txt] 📗». Author Cama Seeney

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me. I heard screams of encouragement behind me, shouting for who I couldn't tell. People gathered outside the houses trying to gage what was going on, when they realised it was a race they also cheered.


Deeply in through the nose, slowly out of the mouth. If I gasped I would have to slow down, PUSH yourself woman! I can do it, pumping my arms and putting even more speed into the sprint I didn't seem to see anything. I nearly ran straight into Den, he held his arms out before I pretty much fell straight into him. 'H-h-hey!' I gasped my response 'Should I let you run full speed at the tree next time turbo?' He asked with a little laugh, moving aside to show me the tree he saved me from. 'I was p-playin. Chicken. In road. You ruined. Game.' Was my response I pouted to add effect. He snorted and shook his head at me. 'Did you.  Have to off!' Complained Chase, loudly. I can't believe I had won. I sunk to the floor and led there grinning. Chase led next to me panting and dripping in sweat. 'I'll put it down to your healing state' I said with a wink.


'Get up' a gruff and annoyed voice ordered. Hunter who had run much slower than everyone else, staying in the back; shouting when people got too far behind. Not one to give complements out now was he. 'Get your ass up!' He shouted angrily when I didn't move. He turned and stormed off when he was met with no response, err he was already a pain in my ass.


I stood up gingerly on unstable legs, Bo and Den suddenly by my side. 'Come on princess' Den said nicely as we followed Hunter in to a building bigger than the others. I winced at the name Hunter would normally call me. As we entered I realised we were basically in a gym. Nothing fancy, just a big white room with normal wooden flooring. It was dark, what made this room beautiful was the roof. It was basically a big window, during the summer it must be a sweatshop in here! But when it cooled down with just the right amount of light or stars it would be beautiful. 'Welcome to the over grown shed' I muttered in wonder. And that was the beginning.


'The only way to get out of this, princess is to kill me. No one will save you. This is no game; your here to survive not have a pissing contest!' he roared angrily. 'No I'll leave that to you shall I?' I muttered back sarcastically, Den shot me a sympathetic look before helping me up. Again. 'This is no fucking game Max!' Err don't you think I know that, I was the one freaking abused to save there sorry asses. Maybe I should have wished for death even that would be better than this!


I know that I'm being a little melodramatic but jeez this guy annoys me! 'He should really ware a warning sign' I told Den, only to receive a glare from Hunter. Well before I go on I should explain what's gotten us both so worked up.


Ooh flash back time, I thought drily.


It's getting late now; the day is starting to darken already. My muscles are already tired from all of the running and stress from the pass days. I'm serious this is no excuse. He had me stand still, using nothing but my arms to stop the continuous hits he gave me. He told me this was to help me fight back but I felt more like a punching bad. I fought the urge again and again not to flinch or whimper. His fists as fast as freaking superman and as hard as nails.


So that probably wasn't the best way of expressing the current situation. He wasn't super man or a mutant ninja turtle but from my lacking skills he might as well have freaking been. I felt like I was being stabbed by a porcupine. I had been hit so many times in the head I'm pretty sure I fully qualified for stupid right about now.


'Hunter she's a new B.' Den muttered angrily, it was the first time he had uttered a word. He looked fully concerned. Blood flew from my nose and mouth, probably from my ears for all I knew. 'How will you protect the pack when you are weak? When you can't fight? How will we survive if we have warriors like you?' Warrior I had been fighting, well been beaten, for like five minutes now! 'I will fight and I can. I will not cower.' I said completely deadpan, adjusting my stance I stood taller and held my fists up once again. This time I managed to block the punch and even throw my own. I was proud until he knocked my hand away easily punching me once again in the face; I swear this guy was bipolar. He was nice just a few days before. Maybe his heart was replaced with ice. 'Ha as if, have you even looked at yourself lately? You’re pathetic! You may not make a sound but I can see you cower, smell your fear. I can even hear your silent whimper. Prove you’re not the pathetic piece of shit I think you are!' It was a challenge I knew it, but I could not help it. All the years, all of the beating's I went crazy.


I charged forward, not thinking. I threw a punch against his gut and quickly side stepped out of his eye sight. The blind spot. Kicking the back of his legs and pushing him forward was a bad idea. He didn't budge; he easily turned annoyance clear in his features. The silence seemed to scream at me. I jumped back out of his reach, not allowing my tired body even chance to flinch or shiver before I kicked his blocking arm. Like I had planned he grabbed my leg and pulled me to his chest easily I fell and used the momentum to shove my fist in his face with all the force I could muster.


His snarl was inhuman. My fist merely hit his cheek with no more than a glance. He was right my attempts were pathetic. He pushed both of my arms behind me and threw me to the floor once again. His fist was about to connect with my face once again. 'I give up!' I screamed in his face. 'Is that what you want to hear? You've beaten me. It's over you won.' I said completely defeated and exhausted


'The only way to get out of this, princess is to kill me. No one will save you. This is no game; your here to survive not have a pissing contest!' he roared angrily. 'No I'll leave that to you shall I?' I muttered back sarcastically, Den shot me a sympathetic look before helping me up. Again. 'This is no fucking game Max!' Err don't you think I know that, I was the one freaking physically abused to save there sorry asses Maybe I should have wished for death even that would be better than this!


I knew I was being melodramatic, even more so after all he had said and done but like I had said he really did annoy me. 'He should really ware a warning sign' I told Den, only to receive a glare from Hunter. I knew he was worried about his pack but he didn't have to be an arse to me! We had all lost someone. 'Come on cheka, I'll get you fixed up and ready for school tomorrow.' Den said leading the way out of the not so nice room. 'It's a Wednesday tomorrow' I told Den uncertainly. 'Yeah..'He made a carry on sign with his hands.  'Well I ddon't have any classes.' I whispered, scared Hunter would hear. 'Good, I'll train you tomorrow.' Den said talking my small hand in his larger one. 'I'll help you until you can kick his ass. It is now my personal job to watch over you.' He told me with a little crooked grin, I smiled back and then felt the pain from my lip and scowled. 'Why?' I asked slightly confused, what did he get from this arrangement?


'Because that's my job I just told you. You’re a little pain in the ass but someone's gotta save it.' He told me laughing lightly. 'Ha it'll be more like me kicking your pathetic ass' I told him chuckling in a girly way. 'Game on. Ahh but remember cheka but behind every beautiful girl is a dumb ass guy saving her ass. We all know that.' He told me approaching his beautiful home. I giggled and then clutched my sore side. 'That's rich from a a... guy with... umm  ...  tiny balls. I mean come one! Mine are placed upon my chest to stop any chafing.' I told him humour lightening my tone. He snorted and missed a step nearly falling over Bo. Who had been lying in his garden with the front door open. 'Vulgar much! If you call them balls then I could swallow them better than most people swallow pills.' He told me with a little smirk


'Dude don't dis my boobs! That's mean.' I told him pouting; I loved how we could discuss anything and everything without it being overly serious. 'Don't get jelly get even.' He told me putting his hands on either side of my waist. He picked me up easily and put me on the counter next to the sink. 'Mph now I'm hungry!' I whined lightly. 'Can we get Jelly?' I squealed happily. He chuckled at my childish behaviour. 'Sure bright eyes, as long as you sit still long enough for me to clean you. We can then go and buy a load of shit... uh stuff.' He said, he looked a little embarrassed as he washed my face gently with a wash cloth. The wash cloth came back blood red but by now I had no real feeling towards the blood.


I sat quietly as the warm wash cloth came back to my face slightly pink. I didn't even wince as he guided the cloth across my bruised and battered face. He growled in annoyance. 'You don't even flinch nor have any reaction to blood. You don't understand how utterly wrong that is! You shouldn't be like this; you’re a girl for fuck sake. Hunter is well and truly a prick.' I could feel the annoyance and frustration rolling off of him. 'I was used to this long before Hunter ever came into my life, even if he is a prick.' I told him grinning a little, only to get a mouth full of copper tasting water. 'Yeah but that's not the point you shouldn't be used to this and no matter how much Hunter pushes you it won't work!' He growled but his hands remained surprisingly soft on my delicate skin. Well untill he straightened my crooked nose, it needed to heal straight. He held my eyes as he bit his skin once again and fed me his own blood line. 'Come on grumpy, let's go get you some chocolate before you start PMSing again' I said giggling.


I jumped down easily and splashed water over my face. 'What the hell is an pnsing? Is it some kind of teenaged acronym? ‘ He asked utterly confused. 'PMS and umm woman monthly cycle' I said blushing a little. 'I know, but nice impression of a tomato' He told me making me blush more. 'Douche face!' I complained blushing more. 'Really, douche face. That's the best you could come up with red?' He asked chuckling again. 'ERR.' I said grabbing his keys from him and running. 'If you don't stop being mean Ima crash your car!' I shouted back running to the little garage on the side of the house. 'Thats a little harsh speedy, I have a bike not a car.' He called back but

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