» Fiction » Howl at me, Cama Seeney [best ereader for graphic novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Howl at me, Cama Seeney [best ereader for graphic novels .txt] 📗». Author Cama Seeney

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running all the same to prevent any crashes. 'You wonna drive?' He asked jumping on the bike, sitting in position already. He tapped his lap grinning at me; I rolled my eyes and muttered something about him not being as hot as he thought he was. 'Your right Darlin, I'm hotter.' I snorted, sliding in behind him wondering how we could both fit on this death trap of pure speed.



Before I could retort about something including 'boys and their toys' He turned the key in the motorbike on and my voice was drowned out by the roar of the bike. I laughed in glee, I shoved the helmet over my head, clutching tightly to Den's middle we slowly we took off. We passed a startled Hunter who shouted something more than likely in annoyance. Instead of slowing down we only sped up, the cold air seemed to rap around me, getting under my clothes and making me terribly cold. But given the chance I wouldn't change it for the world, this was the best feeling known to man. I pulled myself closer to Den covering myself in his unyielding heat. Wait when did I start calling him Den instead of Denver? I shrugged almost to myself and laid my sleepy head on his shoulder.


When we stepped off of the bike I was shivering slightly. Den took one look at my hair and laughed, trying and failing may I add to cover it up. I pulled an annoyed face, scrunching my cold face up. He reached over my head easily and undid my braided hair, allowing it to cover some of the smaller bruises on my face, as I passed the front window of the shop I saw I just looked tired, I am a little terrified girl, if it was up to me I’d never come out of my room. I'd be crying all the time, with no smile shared and no smile returned. But that’s not me! I can't hide away from the misery that plagues me, no I have to be the idiot that stands up and faces it.


Sometimes I may act stupid and sometimes I may act immature. My problems may be boring but every time you have to face them. I stared at the mirror harder and looked longer, trying to find one thing about myself that I didn't immediately dislike or distrust. My eyes creepy and the perfect copy of my mothers and fathers combined. My nose to small, my top lip thin. My bottom lip was full and my ears cute. Even without the scars that marked my back I would always have a constant reminder of my past, I just had to stand up and deal with it.


No one else in this world was perfect so how could I judge myself, for not being perfect? Sometimes I really could be stupid. I'm stressing over what I look like when people are being attacked and going through what I went through. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I saw the tears filling them.  My adopted mother always said I had been pulled from the sky and pushed into this dreadful world in the most awful way, my mother was so innocent and beautiful in her kind ways. No one would ever take away her purity; I would always strive to be like her regardless as to what I thought of myself.


I looked away quickly and tiredly jogged to keep up with Den. 'Slow down speedy!' I huffed, I'm really tired and he has really long leg's don't judge me.  'You okay princess?' He asked looking more than a little concerned. I nodded once, 'You're wrong they are not your parent’s eyes. They are your own, ever more vibrant and more alive. And don’t you ever say they are weird or odd because they are you. You are already as pure as your mother, in your own way you just don’t realise it. Probably never will.' He told me silently, I was annoyed he had read my mind but I was being a little dramatic, I nodded my head again and held my head high.


'As if you don't have doubts about yourself!' I snorted. 'Naw course I don't I'm fabulous' He stuck out his tong in a childish manner and I couldn't help but giggle. Suddenly he stopped and stuck his butt out calling 'Does my butt look big in this?' He wiggled it for good measure, no lie he had a good butt. I just raised an eyebrow at him and retorted ' Well yea, only problem is that it makes your head look even bigger!' I told him trying really hard not to laugh. 'Haa. But I sat in sugar all night to get this sweet ass.' He told me jutting out his bottom lip. 


 'Oh cause that's so original!' I snorted and he wiggled his butt again only to be met with my English teacher. 'Cough. Cough' She said sarcastically, but none the less she laughed at him. Den blushed which was pretty freaking hilarious 'Ooh sweetie you don't look so good! No wonder you haven't been in.' It was quite funny to see Den look down upon someone and look embarrassed, I was ready to laugh right there and then. 'Yeah its been rough, she's been cooped up in my house for like two days straight!' Den complained with fake annoyance, to Miss Price. 'I wasn't that bad was I Den' I whined but he just grinned evilly. 'Well I hope you get well enough for Thursdays class sweetie. Denver stop being mean!' She told me smiling softly, winking she left her  soft blue dress wrapped her legs as she turned. The material also rapped around her tall body nicely giving her a nice young and approachable look. 


'Haa she likes me more then you' I told him sticking out my tong. In response he just rolled his eyes and stuck his own out at me when he thought I wasn't looking, I continued walking and as soon as I heard his footsteps following I turned around and flicked his ear. I winked cheekily before sprinting in the opposite direction of where he was standing. My heart raced at the thought of a race, my heart accelerating. I could feel the strength and strain in every single muscle of my body. Hours of running and practising taking its toll, that was probably the only reason why Den caught me pretty much in three steps, I was too tired to be ashamed at my pitiful attempt. Instead I fell back into his arms in a tired heap, grinning coyly. 'Now that, darlin, was a sad attempt.' Den has a mysterious twinkle in his eyes, his sweet little crooked smile lit his whole face. 'IIIII Tire-red' I said elongating the word tired. He rolled his eyes with fake sympathy 'man up' he told me good naturally. I elbowed him in the stomach grinning as he pretended to be hurt. Staggering over exaggerated manner, he fell on his ass. 'You hurt my elbow!!' I told him rubbing the now sore spot on my arm. 'Awh poor baby' He said sarcastically, he twisted away from me and I couldn't help but let my eyes roll over his well defined body. His shirt like a second skin of pearly white and his jeans adding shape to his legs.  


 I sighed and quickly walked behind him, the colourful junk all around me already making me feel claustrophobic, the fear or feeling of being in a tight small space, this was a personal worst. I felt none of natures normal buzz here, everything was artificial or just plain fake. I no longer felt hungry or happy, more like trapped. I closed my eyes as blackness entrapped me, 'hey are you okay sweet?' Den had turned back around and his hands rest gently on my solders.   


 'Come on, you look like your about to puke or faint, maybe a combined mixture of both', he grabbed my hand in his much bigger one and pulled me from the shop with no real force. He left me leaning on the window whilst he did a quick shop.  Sliding back onto the already familiar bike we rode in silence back to his home. I didn't get the buzz I had the first time, I felt serious exhaustion over take me, no feeling of flying or unyielding freedom. Maybe I was crazy... 


I leant my head on Denver's shoulder and began to allow sleep to over take me. 'Fuck, Max stay awake sweetie!' He called loudly. I tried to keep my eyes open but I was failing miserably 'MAX, when the hell was the last time you ate?' He asked impossibly louder. I shrugged weakly, not knowing the answer I was supposed to give.'You have to eat little Max, your digestive system has like doubled. Your metabolism is like insanely quick right now, you don't know how hard it is for one of us to get fat. Seriously if you miss like even one meal you feel like crap. I remember Lee skipped breakfast one day cause he was gonna be late, the kid was grumpy for like a week straight.' He was babbling, he really was worried. Slowly I pealed my face from his shoulder, trying my hardest to awaken myself. 


When we finally made it to his home, I swear I felt like hell frozen and heated up at the same time! It was insane. It was like my heat regulator had gone to pot, with all the healing and newly acquired sparing buddies I seemed to be over using my energy. As soon as pulled up into the garage we slowly made our way to the house, I swear it was the freaking hardest walk I had ever had to .. well walk. My legs felt like led, my tong like sand paper and my body like it had been hit with a sledge hammer repeatedly. You know the unnecessary large ones. 


'Coffee' I muttered sleepily before I snuggled into a little ball on the couch. Within minuets I was awoken to the sweet smell of coffee shoved under my nose; 'Drink' a gruff and more than slightly worried voice commanded me. 'Can't believe you didn't recognise the signs!' An angry whisper reached my ears. I put my head further into my arms hiding from the noises in the darkness I now called home. 'Right; just remember who it was that used her energy up. I am not her keeper, I do not know when she is hungry she doesn't tell me!' Replied a frustrated voice close to me, it was familiar - Den. 


'I didn't mean to be a bother den. I will go.. if I'm Hansel' I'm pretty sure that, that wasn't totally clear but Den's sweet chuckle reached my ears. 'Honnie your no Hansel' He told me, sweeping hair from my face. 'She relys on you! She's like a two year old. If you cant handle her...' The annoying voice was interrupted, again. 'Hunter, we all know I can care for her. Don't be an ass. Look just ask her who she want to train her.' Denver said in an angry voice, I didn't like the intruder - he angered Den. 'Go away, Mr annoying. I like Den - he nice and gives me bacon.' I could practically feel the eye role, since when did I become so truthful? I sat up tiredly, grabbing the drink Den was absent-mindedly drinking from. I grinned devilishly as I gulped it all in three gulps. My eyes went wide as I sprinted up the stairs shouting back 'NEEEEEED TO TINKLEEE.' The walk down was less dramatic, which was good. Hunter, a silent Chase and Den stood in the room. 'Chase!' I squealed happily and hugged him enthusiastically. 'Hey kitty' Den raised an eyebrow at the name but stayed quiet as I sat beside him, unconsciously leaning my head on his shoulder, and yawning. I quickly ate the salad that was left

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