» Fiction » Howl at me, Cama Seeney [best ereader for graphic novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Howl at me, Cama Seeney [best ereader for graphic novels .txt] 📗». Author Cama Seeney

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stances. 'Izzy.' I said her name softly. 'Why wont you sleep in her bed?' He asked curiously. 'Because it is not mine. I'm guessing you didnt jump straight into your parents beds when they were gone.' I said not thinking. 'Oh my god, Den that was so insencitive im so sorry!' I froze but he just shot me a half smile. 'I thought you were scared of her ghost or something.' He replied, motioning for me to get back into shape once again. 'People, alive people don't haunt there rooms. Plus once she's back I don't want her to feel uncomforable in her own room, I'd hate the stench of someone else to be in my room.' He chuckled and braced his arm on his leg, dropping the bag he motioned a time out. 'Whats so funny?' I asked confused. 'Stench? Nothing just the way you word things is funny. Comeon it's dinner time anyway, and considering your cat is all alone I might aswell pick him and some of your clothes for tomorrow up.' He said happily as he put the equitment away.


'Why do you just do things for me?' I asked curious. 'What do you mean?' He replied pausing in his acting of cleaning up. 'Well you never moan, or complain about doing anything why? I don't mean anything to you.' I said feeling bold. 'Max you are something to me, and the reason I things for you is because you never ask, you never demand you'd wait all week if you thought me making you a sandwhich was a bother. Thats why' A slight blush covered his cheeks and he turned away embaraced. 'Den' I called softly. 'Yhea?' he asked still not looking at me. 'Thankyou' I whispered. 'What for?' he turned around and faced me. 'For making me feel like something.' I whispered before walking back into his house. I ran upstairs and grabbed an shower and the only fresh clothes I had left, yesterday I had grabbed black skinny jeans and a plain hoodie. I nolonger had any clean shirts, I didnt want to ask for one either.


When I had finished showering and brushing my teeth I looked into the mirror. What is it that Den liked about me, nothing was normal... I slowly walked downstairs bare foot and started the washing up, Den wasnt downstairs so I needed to preoccupy myself. 'You don't need to do that you know' said Lee walking in the front door, he wore his school uniform ( he was in year ten not year 12 like me ). 'It's not fair to leave it for Den to do!' I replied a little cross. 'Ahh that's not what I meant' he replied throwing his bag on one of the breakfast bars and showing me the hidden dishwasher. I filled it with the rest of the dirty washing up whilst he silentally dried and put away the clean dishes. 'Whats Den's faveroute meal?' I asked him, just as mason strolled in.


'Stake duhh chick hes a wolf.' He threw himself down on the couch and started looking through the channles. 'Can either of you help me cook it?' I asked polietally. 'Sure' replied Lee and mason shouted busy, I chuckled and listened and Lee told me how to cook stake. Mason piped in helpfully every once in a while. Eventually we had cooked stake with lemon and peper covered chips and a light salad with small rost potatoes. I was proud and highfived Lee and Mason who stood over the mouthwatering food as Den came through the front door with Tinka and a bag of my clothes in tow.

Ghooles, Ghosts and plain old stupid dreams

Chapter 42

My three legged tail-less cat ran his funny little bottom wiggling sprint and jumped onto the table trying to get at ghosts food ( I had found out his name from Lee, he said Ghost was Izzys cat ). 'He's alright he deserves some food after that jump' Said Den smiling. 'If you think thats impressive you should see him cat birds, hes become a little sneek!' I told him exhasperated. 'I dont need to I've seen you catch a hair.' I giggled and rolled my eyes. 'Right now thats shes officially moved in can I have the new ps4 as compensation!' said Lee after a silent conversation with Mason. I whinned 'Am I that bad?' I asked the two boys sadly. 'No!' Den said angrily ' and don't make her feel bad for it.' We all grabbed our dinners and ate quietally, do they really not like me? I wondered sadly. I know I can be annoying and depressing at times but surley there are some plus sides... Maybe ?


I sat on the couch brooding as Lee was doing his homework, mason and Den showering ( in diffrent showers they had two). I went upstairs in search of my bag of clothes when I came face to face with the very bare faced Den. He had finally shaved his stubble off and stood in his room with only a towl on. He stood rubbing cream ontohis newly shaven face, he looked so muuch younger without stuble. I pretend sniffed and muttered 'manly' before turning to leave. 'Thanks and your stuffs down there' He pointed his chin in the direction of my bag placed lazily in the corner of his room, only problem was that I'd have to walk past a very sparcly clothed Den to do so.


I swolloed hard

 Guys want one thing and it nothing to do with your innocent heart


Was that true or was he being a pretencious twit? I mulled this over as I slowly walked over to the corner of the room and picked up my bag, Den broke me out of this new trance with a question. 'What are you thinking about?' He asked looking at me curiously, 'Couldn't you just see yourself?' I asked amused. 'Sometimes, but your brain is diffrent it has like natural barries. When your in action like sparing I can't get a thing, or when your in deep thought I can only recieve something off of you when you allow us in.


I should say sorry about yesterday I was too upfront. She's still confused. She dosen't know yet.

What? What don't I know yet. 'No fair' He told me with an annoyed expression on his face. 'Hmm?' I asked. 'You can't just mind read me, it's not fair if I cant do it back.'


It's okay you know, I don't even know what I wan't half the time. And you totally did just do it back


I told him laughing, I walked out of the room and curled up with Tinka and Ghost who were already purring the night away. I didn't quite understand what was happening between us but for now I was okay to leave it to rest.


Max, Max wake up a deep voice rumbled methodically. A light trail flew upon my colar bone, unable too look I could only guess as to what it was. Light buttlerfly kisses, only one man was able to be so careful yet drive me crazy. The kisses followed an invisible path up along my chinbone scarsly missing my parched lips. A deep chuckle echoed all around me, sighing in contempt I gave up the search for a way to open my eyes. I led still playing asleep, hoping my heavy breathing would not be a que to my awakeful state. I know your awake Max, the same deep voice rumbled in my ear. Stop playing games and wake up...


I gasped myself awake, I led there panting for a full thirty seconds before my mind filled itself with unanswered questions.  Who was he? Why didn't I like punch him or something? Did I like it? What was happening to me. With each flowing question I found my self closer to the door. My Ipod readily in my pocket and headphones in the bag Den had eairler deposited on the coffee table. I chaned into a pair of grey and blue striped leggings which came down just bellow my knees, and a blue and purple striped sprots bra over my normal one. I silentally ran to the door and closed the door as quietally as I could. A single males voice filled my ears, stong powerful and slightly sad. He was a rapper singing a famous old pop song, probbly in respect to his death.


Everything was still, lights only came from the thirty or so houses hid in the deep forest. For once I didn't want to run away from the darkness but into it. Sprinting over fallen logs, crumpled leaves and lonely pine cones I eventually found myself calm. I found myself goosebump free but infornt of me small gasps of breath were shown to me in little white bursts.


It was like a painting of dark greys and blacks that whiteness tried to ruin yet only made the surrounding world more beautiful. Suddenly a gust of Dens sent filled my noses, I was near to the lake me and Chase had followed Bella. Turning off the music blasting my eardrums I ran as quietly as I could, which made it ever more easier considering he ( and something else ) was breathing heavily. And the occasional grunt hit my ears, not to mention he was blasting 'sex is on fire' ...


Danger zone

Chapter 43

I slowed down as I entered the clearing, Den stood ( well he wasn't really standing ) with his bare back facing me, lifting his body up and down as the tree brach held his weight. Bella led next to his body, sleeping on his teeshirt soundly. Bella lifted her head 'Stay' I whispered, I felt like the devil had taken over me. Sweat beads ran down his sculptured back, mucles contracted beneath the skin. I jumped on to his sweaty back singing a blast of the line directally into his ear. He shouted something that no one will ever understand and buckled under my weight trying to throw me off, I jumped backwards immediatly getting into a defensice posotion. My feet automatically faced to the right of where he stood, right arm covering my face and chest whilst the bottom covered my stomach. He punched forward and I blocked with barely a move. twisting my upward facing hand down the wrist caught the blow without a fault. It stung a little but not as much as it would have if it had been a face shot.


I allowed my arm to drop a little and pouted at him innocentally, he

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