» Fiction » THE RUNNER/SCREENPLAY, BRIAN R. LUNDIN [best classic books to read .txt] 📗

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Vito had his boys kidnap Mr. McLemore and was holding him in a warehouse in Gary, that mysteriously burned down and three of his goons were killed, and lastly I request that the Vice Control Division notify the district when they make a raid. The Gambling Unit made a raid a while back and not only arrested the writers but they also arrested the patrons, who were mainly older players, and they roughed up a couple of the women that had to be treated at Provident Hospital, that was uncalled for.

Yeah, I read the reports on the raid and the firebombing did McLemore made a report on the alleged kidnapping?

No, I have had my people talk to him, but he’s not talking.

Well we can’t do anything without his cooperation. In regards to the Vice Control Division, you know as well as I do that they will never agree to the notification, they believe if they notify the district prior to the raid the place will be burned or told of the raid, so they are not going to do that.

What about them notifying us after they made the raid but still at the scene?

Ok, I’ll past all of your requests on to the IST Deputy Superintendent and we’ll see what happens, anything else?

The Chief asked looking around the room no one said anything.

Ok, get back to work guys.

Shortly after the commanders returned to his office two men entered and identified themselves as FBI agents.

Commander Hollis I’m Special Agent Charles Wilson and this is my partner Thomas Hill.

HOLLIS What can I do for you?

For the last three years we have conducted an undercover investigation in your district concerning one of your Watch Commanders, Captain Turnbo and have put in one of our young agents on his watch.

It would have been nice if I had been informed.

Well, to be honest with you Commander Hollis, you and everyone in the district were under investigation.

Ok, if you’re telling me about it I must be cleared.

Your reputation for honesty precede you commander.

Can you tell me what you’ve got?

I can’t go into exact details but I can tell you that our undercover officer has documented evidence of Captain Turnbo requiring certain members of his watch to kick back money his officers has taken from traffic violators, prostitutes and other illegal activities in the district. Furthermore, we have audio and videotapes with the captain in meetings with Vito Paligreno and other members of the Pauli Gaza Crime Organization. As we speak an arrest warrant is being prepared for the captain and ten of his most corrupt officers. Another warrant will be served on Chief O’Halloran, who also is on the Mobs payroll, but at another time. Other agents will be here shortly and we would appreciate your assistance when we serve them.

It will be my pleasure. Can I notify my assistant Sergeant Lundqrin?

Certainly, he’s as clean as a chittlin’

The agent gave the commander a coy smile and a wink. Agent Hill gave the Commander a list of eleven names.

We have arrest warrants for these officers and I suggest you conduct the 3rd Watch early roll call at 3:00 and after giving out the assignments tell these men to stay for a special assignment. In the meanwhile three agents will contain and arrest the captain in the Watch Commander’s office.

Commander Hollis called Sergeant Lundgrin to his office and introduced him to the FBI Special Agents. The commander looked at the list and passed it to the sergeant.

I thought you said there were ten officers.

One is our man and we don’t want to burn him.

At 2:30 that afternoon an additional fifteen FBI agents joined Commander Hollis, agents Hill and Wilson and Sergeant Lundqrin in the commander’s office. At 2:55 Commander Hollis and Sergeant Lundgrin entered the roll call room while three agents went into the Watch Commander’s Office. The sergeant conducted the roll call and gave out the beat assignments. Commander Hollis read the names of the eleven police officer and told them to wait for instructions on a special assignment. After the remaining officers left, five FBI agents entered the roll call room disarmed and arrested the police officers on the list. All of the arrested officers were paraded past the front desk, handcuffed and ushered into a waiting FBI prisoner van. As Captain Turnbo passed Commander Hollis, the commander blew him a kiss.

Fuck you, you black muthafucker.

I knew he would step on his dick.

Sergeant Cliff Calfino returned to Chicago from his Cancun vacation, he felt refreshed and rested. As he was driving to Vito’s office, he thought of the many memorable nights he had spent with Remone. Calfino had had many homosexual experiences, but Remone was something special, his method of fellatio was different than any he had ever experienced and Remone anus was larger and more receptive than any of the so called, professional male prostitutes he had dealt with.

How was the vacation?

I feel like a new man.

Get you some black ass?
Yep, ain’t nothing like black ass.

Ready to go after those Nigras?

Yep, I’m ready but we got a little problem.

What kind of problem?


A new directive just came down from the brass, now we’ve got to notify the district when we make a raid. The district field lieutenant will probably respond and probably the Commander himself. They probably won’t let me arrest the patrons.

So? What the fuck, we are still locking up those nigger writers, so fuck the patrons.

Ok, I’ll keep you informed.

Reggie and Hollis toured the district.

I didn’t know you had so much clout.

I didn’t either. I was surprised when I got the directive from the First Deputy concerning Gambling Unit raids. Not only have the district got to be notified, but they can only arrest the writers, no patrons.

Jerome McLemore was having a lunch of corn beef, cabbage and boiled potatoes with Area One Deputy Chief O’Halloran at Banions Irish Pub in Merryville, Indiana about thirty-five miles east of Chicago.

I appreciate your help Chief,” Jerome said sliding an envelope under the table to the chief.

The Chief slipped the stuffed envelope in his breast pocket.

No problem, Jerome we have been doing business together for a long time and I want it to continue. That asshole, Sergeant Calfino is in Vito’s pocket and a fuckin’ fag to. I know that Vito sent the orders out for the raids on your joints to that fagged ass Calfino. The VCD ain’t concerned with no policy gambling, that small time shit to them. It’s that Vito and his boy Calfino, but just hang tough, you have a lot of friends downtown and Calfino is going to step on his shit covered dick soon.

What the chief did not know was he had stepped on his dick and federal agents were in his office waiting for him. Jerome paid the check and left.

Sergeant Calfino after his relaxing vacation in Cancun was ready to go back to work. He intensified his raids on Jerome’s policy stations and disregarded the directive on policy raids. Not only was he arresting the patrons, but also he failed to notify the affected districts as ordered in the directive, until he had taken the prisoners to his office at Police Headquarters and confiscated the policy paraphernalia and money. Calfino’s immediate supervisor was LIEUTENANT JEROME DELANEY, who also was on Vito’s payroll and did not question his sergeant’s disregard of the directive but the FIRST DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT, THOMAS NOLAN, was incensed that Sergeant Calfino had total disregarded his orders and requested a meeting with the Commander of the Vice Control Division and Sergeant Calfino immediate supervisor, Lieutenant Delany. The Superintendent of Police was officially in charge of the police department, but the First Deputy actually ran the department. At the meeting the First Deputy Superintendent demanded that Sergeant Calfino be reprimanded for disobeying a directive, the Commander of the Vice Control Division concurred, over the objections of Lieutenant Delaney. Sergeant Calfino was suspended for three days, but while on suspension Calfino cruised Rush Street, the party street in Chicago, having sex with the many male prostitutes who plied their trade in the cars and back alleys. When not having sex with the male prostitutes he was thinking of another plan to help his mentor Vito, with that nigger Jerome McLemore. He decided that when he went back to work he would concentrate on the runners.

The runners were the key component to the policy operation. Without the runner to pick up the writing and money, and deliver the policy drawings the operation was doomed. His plan was to arrest the runners and confiscate their vehicle, under an Article #51, a little used Illinois State law. The law gave police officers the right to confiscate vehicles that contained contraband, the law primary was enacted to combat the rising drug problem in the State, but under the Act, policy gambling was illegal and policy paraphernalia was considered contraband. When Calfino returned to work, he sent his men out to identify Jerome’s runners. Sergeant Calfino returned to duty and his team began setting up surveillances on Jerome’s policy stations. The sergeant had targeted ten of Jerome’s runners and a team was assigned to each runner. After the runner would leave a policy station, the team would follow him until they knew all of his policy stops. They watched as the runner put the policy writings in the trunk of their car after every stop. Sergeant Calfino also knew that to get a conviction or confiscate the runner’s vehicle they had to prove that the money the writer had in his possession and the policy writings in the trunk were connected. After three-day of surveillance, Sergeant Calfino got search warrants for the runners and their vehicles.

On the fourth day Sergeant Calfino joined his men as they started arresting the runners, but to their surprise when they gave the runners a copy of the search warrant and searched the trunk of their vehicle there were no policy writings, only bundled up pieces of blank paper. Legally, they did not have reasonable grounds to make an arrest nor confiscate the vehicles, but Sergeant Calfino was livid and ordered his men to arrest the runners, bring them all downtown to his office and tow the vehicles. RICHARD STEELE was a star guard on the DuSable High School basketball team who just a few years before barely lost in the State’s High School Basketball Championship. He was schedule to graduate in June and had basketball scholarship offers from Indiana and DePaul Universities. He was an outstanding student and his mother was a writer for Jerome. Jerome gave her son a job as a runner so he could earn some money for college. Richard was arrested with the other runners and was placed in an interrogation room at police headquarters. The runners had been separated and the sergeant was going from room to room interrogating the prisoners. Most of the runners gave false information to the sergeant and he was becoming more, and more agitated. When he got to Richard who was in the room with two other runners and two of Calfino’s police officers, Richard refused to answer
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