» Fiction » THE RUNNER/SCREENPLAY, BRIAN R. LUNDIN [best classic books to read .txt] 📗

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Once is enough, Goddamit’, you ain’t got to repeat yourself all the fucking time?

Sorry boss, sorry.

Jimmy had his head down.
Anyway, what in the fuck can I tell them, I don’t know shit either? You read the report we got from that Nigra Fire Chief, who knows what the fuck happened in that damn warehouse.

Jimmy changed the subject.

What our next move against the Nigras?

The main clog in the “Nigger Game” is the pickup men or runners. What say we picked up some of their runners and kicked the shit out of them, naw, killed one of two of them?

That’s going to bring heat from Vinnie, you know.

Fuck Vinnie, one of these days I’m going to fuck him in his ass like I did his black bitch.

Well you’re the boss, boss.

Send in those Irish cocksuckers, it’s time for them to start earning their money.

An hour later, the O’Hara brothers were sitting across the desk from Vito. Jimmy was standing behind them. Thomas O’Hara was thirty years old and two years older than his brother Timothy. They were born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio and were members of an Irish street gang that committed petty crimes. Thomas was short and wore his hair in a crew cut. His cold blue-grey eyes stared at the world with an unemotional and calculating gaze. His large gut strained the buttons on his shirt. Timothy was tall, angular and because of his arthritic knees and a bad hip forced him to walk with a limp.
I’ve got a job for you guys; I want you to put the arm on some Nigras on the southside. One of the main Nigras I want you to get is Ted Bunche; he’s a big nigger who is Jerome McLemore’s main man. He lives with his nigger bitch at 4735 South Michigan Avenue. I want you boys to cause him a lot of pain before he dies, also kill his black bitch too, two less nigger in the world.

Got you boss.

Tom O’Hara and his brother leave the room.

Why that nigger Ted, he’s not a runner?

That’s the nigger that hit me when we made the snatch on Jerome.

Vito rubbed his fat jaw.

It was a moonless night with a dark sky. Storm clouds were waiting to give birth to a thunderstorm. The streets were deserted, the famous Chicago winds kept most of the people at home except for the brave or foolish souls determined to enjoy the excitement of a Saturday night in “Bronzeville. Ted was watching television in the darken front room of their modest third floor apartment. Suddenly, the front door crashed open and the light in the hallway flowed in. Jumping off the couch Ted was preparing to attack the two masked men that stood in the doorway; one was holding a double-barrel shotgun and the other a handgun. As the two men entered, the taller man slammed the door shut with a swift kick.

Keep cool, and nobody gets hurt!

What in the fuck you want?

We’re going to send a message to your black boss.

Dana entered the room wearing a long, lacy gown.

Who are you?
Dana shouted at the two men.

Dana Bunche was dark skinned, tall and shapely. She had the toned body of a dancer and she worked out twice a week at the new YMCA, locate at 50th South Indiana Avenue.

Shut the fuck up bitch!

Ted lunged at the man, but the other man struck him the stomach with the butt of the shotgun, knocking him to his knees. The tall man slowly sauntered over to Dana and seductively scanned the cold, steel barrel of the handgun over her breast.

Tie that black motherfucka up, I’m going to get me some black pussy, Thomas looked at Dana.

Leave her alone, muthafucker! Touch her and I’m going to send your soul straight to hell

The tall man laughed and hit Ted again with the butt of his weapon.

Don’t hit him anymore.

I always wanted some black pussy.

Tom ambles over and grabbed Dana’s breast.

Leave her alone!

Ted tries to get up but Timothy strike him again.

Shut the fuck up, nigger.

Hurry up bitch, we ain’t got all night.

Tim sits Ted in a chair and used duct tape to tie his arms behind his back.

Touch her motherfucka, and I swear, if I’ve got to come back from hell, I’m going to get your ass.

Fuck you nigger, after you watch me fuck your black bitch you and your whore-bitch will be in hell in a few minutes, but not before we get some of that black pussy.

Thomas O’Hara unzipped his pants and smacked Dana knocking her to the floor. Ted watched helplessly as he approached his wife holding and shaking his erect penis at her.

I want you to suck this big white dick, and then I’m goin’ to get that pussy.

Thomas O’Hara smiled at Dana as he waved his penis in her face and grabbed her hair and was trying to force his penis into her mouth when suddenly the room became extremely cold. In the front room, the only illumination was the television and for no apparent reason it went black, the room was now very dark. Everyone in the room felt a presence, a dangerous presence.

What the fuck, what’s happening Timmy?

Ted heard one of the men say, but Tommy did not answer. Ted saw a shadow moving as if on all fours moving swiftly towards Thomas and heard a deep growl, a loud scream and gunfire. The shots struck the ceiling fan causing it to crash nosily to the floor. Ted heard a gurgling sound and saw another big blur sprint across the room towards the other man, another loud deep growl and another blood-curling scream and then silence. The front door opened and Ted watched the outlines of two large animals as they left the room and heard another deep growl. Dana got off the floor, turned on the lights, and rushed to Ted and untied him. The couple looked at the two men. Tim had a big gash on the side of his neck and dark blood stains covered his clothes. His head was hanging to the side about to fall off. Tom under shorts were pulled down around his ankles and he was lying face down; his back ripped open, showing his vertebra and his erect penis lying on the floor. Dana called the police. The responding officer immediately called for Sergeant Lundgrin. When the sergeant arrived at the scene, he called Commander Hollis. The commander and the Chief Medical Examiner, Doctor Donna Wright arrived a few minutes later. After the uniformed officer completed his report he left,

What happened?

Ted told Reggie what he saw and what had happened.

All you saw was a blur?

That’s all!

What did you see Mrs. Blanche?

This is going to sound crazy, but it looked like I saw a big animal, moving very fast. The man with no dick had knocked me to the floor and was pulling off my panties and getting ready to rape me, when all of a sudden he was pulled off me and picked up like a rag doll, when I next saw him he on lying on the floor with his hands were his dick used to be, serves him right the dirty motherfucka.

Reggie and Hollis hurried into the kitchen,

Ever seen anything like this Commander?” Reggie asked.

No never!

Maybe we need to talk some more with Betty,” Hollis said.

The killing of the two home invaders was on the front page of the Chicago Defender Newspaper, not the other major newspapers in Chicago, the Chicago Sun-Times and the Dailey News. The Defender printed all the grisly details of the incident, noting the names of the dead men. The Defender editorial page demanded an investigation. Vito was in his office drinking an espresso when Jimmy excitedly came in.

(out of breath)
You read the papers.

No, what’s up?

Jimmy gave Vito a copy of the Defender, which in big bold black headlines read,


Vito knocked over his espresso as he continued to read the paper.

What the fuck!

Vito picked up the phone. Captain Turnbo had just finished roll call for the 2nd Watch, the day shift, at the Wabash Avenue police.

What the fuck happened over there in Nigraville?

Hold it; let me get a copy of the report.

The captain called out and told the desk sergeant to bring him a copy of the police report. SERGEANT MULCANY, an old veteran sergeant came into the Watch Commander’s office and told him that the Commander had sealed the report to prevent leaks to the media. When the sergeant left, the captain continued his conversation with Vito and he told him the report was sealed.

But I heard that those Irish boys were fucked up, one’s head was nearly torn off and his dick was bitten off. The other ones back were ripped open to the bone, the captain said.

Well you keep me informed, you hear?


When Vito hung up the phone, his face was ashen and he was sweating profusely. Jimmy hurried into the bathroom and grabbed a soiled towel laying in the sink wet it with cold water and returned to the room. Jimmy gently placed the dripping towel over Vito’s face. Vito closed his eyes and remembered his conversation with Chief Gault about the Diablesse.

Ted and his wife had moved into Jerome’s Motel on 65th South Parkway until their apartment could be cleaned and repaired. Jerome, Madame Bourneis and Marque were sitting in the chairs in the room and Ted and Joan was sitting on the bed.

I’ve found out that those two ass holes were from Cleveland, Ohio and was working for Vito he won’t stop,” Jerome said dejectedly. What happened Ted?

Ted and Dana told him of the incident.

I wonder if Vinnie was bullshitting me?

He was telling you the truth, Jerome. He is not involved in any of this, this is all Vito Paligreno doings but not to worry his time is coming, Jerome and Ted looked at Madame Bourneis contorted face, full of anger.

We’ve got to go on the offensive boss, that asshole wop isn’t going to stop, we’ve got stop him He has already killed an innocent child and her mother, kidnapped and nearly killed you and broke into my home with the intention of raping my wife and killing both of us; something has got to be done. We’ve got to show him that we’re not afraid of him and we got muscle too.

Jerome knew that Ted was right, he had to do something; otherwise, Vito would continue his reign of terror.
You gave anymore thought to organizing? I think anything is worth a try I’d rather be dead than
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