» Fiction » THE RUNNER/SCREENPLAY, BRIAN R. LUNDIN [best classic books to read .txt] 📗

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any questions that the sergeant asked and requested a lawyer. Frustrated Calfino tried to scare the young man, but Richard was over six feet five and was not afraid of the threats that Calfino and his men made. During one series of questions the young man started to laugh, which only added to the sergeant’s frustrations.

You’re one dumb honkie; all you got on us is transporting a bunch of scratch paper.

The other police officers in the room also began to laugh which added to Sergeant Calfino irritation and he became incensed, he struck the young handcuffed man in the head with the butt of his pistol, knocking him out the chair, as he fell he hit his head on the edge of a table and died instantly. Sergeant Calfino had just stepped on his dick; he had killed a young black man who never should have been arrested in the first place, and in front of witnesses. The next day the Daily Defender Newspaper headline in bold red ink stated, RACIST WHITE COP KILLS DUSABLE HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL STAR AND HONOR STUDENT. There was a photo of Richard Steele dunking over an opponent in a basketball game and a photo of Sergeant Calfino. The editorial page detailed the incident surrounded the false arrest of Richard and the other runners and demanded a federal investigation of brutality and corruption in the Chicago Police Department. The Chicago Sun-Times newspaper picked up the story as well as some national newspapers. The black radio music and talk stations were constantly talking about the killing. WVON, a black music station, had an on air interview with the Richards’s mother who put a curse on the sergeant. The Daily Defender published an article concerning a male prostitute who called himself, Roxxy the Foxxy. Roxxy related how the sergeant had forced him to have anal sex on many occasions, with threats of arrest. As the media attention continued to focus on the sergeant’s homosexuality, which was more sensational than the death of Richard Steele, more male prostitutes came forward with tales of coercion by the sergeant into sexual acts. The most devastating revelation came from a young Hispanic boy of twelve who stated that earlier that year when he was coming home from the library a block away from his home. The sergeant stopped him, identified himself as a police officer and told the boy to get in the car. When the child refused, he said that the sergeant grabbed him by the arm and forced him into the car. The sergeant drove to a vacant lot somewhere, and raped the boy. When asked why he did not report the incident, the boy stated that the policeman told him that if he told anyone he would kill him and his entire family. After the story broke about the murder of the basketball star, the boy’s family filed a multi-million dollar suit against the department and the sergeant. A medical examination arranged by the Defender Newspaper revealed that the boy had been anally assaulted.

A solemn Mayor Daley and his new Police Superintendent, O.W. WILSON held a press conference at the First Church of Deliverance on 43rd South Wabash Avenue surrounded by black ministers, businessmen, politician and Jerome McLemore. The somber mayor vowed a thorough investigated, and he announced the indefinite suspension of the sergeant without pay. The sergeant, as predicted had surely stepped on his dick he was suspended and could be facing a long time in jail and on top of all that he was a fuckin’ fag. The sergeant went to his patrone, Vito.

Cliff s outside waiting to see you boss.

Vito got out his chair and scratching his crouch.

Bring him in.

Jimmy went to the office door and summoned the sergeant. Calfino was a broken man, he needed a shave and the swagger was gone. He took a seat in the chair opposite of Vito; Jimmy was lounging on one of the loud red couches and Keisha lay at his foot. As he affectionately petted the dog Jimmy poured the sergeant a drink of Chianti.

What happens now?

I’m on an indefinite suspension and I was notified by the States Attorney’s Office that I have been indicted. I’ve got to turn myself in by the end of the week. I need some cash Vito, to hire a lawyer and maybe post bond if there is one.

Vito did not answer.
What you think happened, how did those Nigras know about the raid, that turned up nothin’ but paper? Did you have any Nigras on your team?

Hell no, all of my guys were white I had a couple of Irish guys a Jew and the rest were Italians That nigger Jerome McLemore probably paid one of my guys off.

Vito reached into his pocket and gave the sergeant five one thousand dollars bills still not saying anything. Sergeant Calfino put the money in his pocket and went around the desk to kiss Vito, as was customary, but when he reached Vito, Vito held up his hand. Sergeant Calfino slowly strolled out of the office.

Goddam sodimite, he has violated the laws of our thing and of the holy mother church and will spend eternity in hell with a dick up his ass. Did you know he was a fuckin’ fag?

Vito crossed himself.

Nope, I knew he was married and I never saw him with any broads, but I never really thought about it, why did you give him some money?

I only helped the kid out of respect for his father.


What you think going to happen with Calfino?”

He’s in a world of shit and you know those police officers who witnessed the killing ain’t going to lie for him, plus there are those other witnesses.

You think Vito and his boys will help him?

I doubt it, if the shit hadn’t hit the fan about his homosexuality, maybe, but you know what good Roman Catholics the Italians are, and homosexuality is a real no, no. What is amazing to me is how they don’t have any problems killing, maiming and raping people and they have their kept mistresses that they set up in nice and expensive hotels, with their high hairdos and their tits busting through their expensive gowns, but if their wife get tired of their shit and want a divorce, Cathy bar the door, they’ll do anything to avoid that. Divorce, abortions and homosexuality are strictly a no, no. That asshole Calfino is on his own, if he likes getting popped in the ass, he’s going to get all he wants when his ass gets to Statesville Penitentiary.

Couldn’t have happen to a better guy, the joint isn’t no place for a cop. But you know how did Jerome know about the raids on his runners?

Commander Hollis smiled before answering.

There was a young Jewish detective on Calfino’s team and he worked on my watch when I was the Watch Commander. He was a good policeman, honest and hardworking. Many times, he would ask me to reassign him from working with some of the dishonest cops on the watch, and I would accommodate him. The word got around the watch that he did not take money and no one wanted to work with him, so I made him my Watch Secretary. He was a very interesting kid, he was born in Germany during the war and his father was a banker. He told me that one night the Gestapo broke into his house and took him, his father, his mother and two sisters out and sent them to one of the concentration camps where they gassed his entire family. The Nazis spared him, because he was young and able to work, but he never saw his family again. After the war he immigrated to this country and lived with his only remaining relative an uncle who ran a grocery store at 49th South Forestville Avenue, in the heart of the black ghetto. His uncle was fair with the poor black people who lived in the area and would extend them credit and hire young black boys to do odd jobs around the store. He said he felt sorry for how the black were treated by the whites and especially the police. Eventually he joined the police department, made detective and assigned to Calfino’s team. It didn’t take long for him to find out that not only was Calfino a fag, but he was also a racist. He had heard that Calfino was connected and when he started putting heat on Jerome McLemore’s outfit, he knew there was some shit in the game. He resented how Sergeant Calfino operated; how he would order his men to burst into a black person’s home without a warrant and abuse the people, arrest young black men on some made up charges. All this, he said it brought back all his childhood memories. We met and he told me about the planned raids and all the particulars, I got the word to Jerome.

You never cease to amaze me.

Sergeant Cliff Calfino even with all the problems he was having stilled roamed Rush Street having sex with the many male prostitutes that walked the red light district. He used his duplicate police identification to intimidate the many young men into having sex. One night while on the prowl at Division and Michigan he saw the most beautiful black man he had ever seen. At first he thought it was Remone Imoye but as he pulled over to the curb for a better look he saw it wasn’t Ramone, in fact this young man was better looking than Remone, his skin was pitch black and his teeth seemed to sparkle. He wore skin tight black designer jeans that accented his muscular legs, thighs and buttock. Sergeant Calfino waived the man over to his vehicle, identified himself as a police officer and ordered the young man into the car. The young man got into the car and the sergeant drove to a secluded area in Grant Park and began rubbing the young man thighs and crotch. The young man merely smiled as the sergeant ordered him out the car and into a clump of bushes.

Take those fuckin pants off I want to see that black asshole.

The young man did as ordered while the sergeant unzipped his pants.

Bend over motherfucker or I’m going to kick your black ass.

Again the young man merely smiled and bent over. As the sergeant approached holding and rubbing his erect penis the young black man transformed into a large black panther the teeth that the sergeant though was so sparkling turned into long fangs. The following morning the sergeant’s body was found by tourist, he was naked, his penis was missing and his anus was ruptured. Again the sergeant was in the news, disgraced or not, he was still a police officer and the police brass vowed to catch the cop-killer, but in reality they didn’t put much effort into the investigation.

Two days later, Jerome and Vinnie agreed to meet at the Lobella Restaurant located in the Ramada Inn Hotel at 53rd South Lake Shore Drive at 2:00 pm. When Jerome, Ted, Marque and Madame Bourneis arrived the maitre d’, an attractive young woman named Janice warmly greeted them. Janice had an effusive smile and she looked seductively at Marque who stared at her unsmiling, with his black eyes. Janice began to sweat and led them to a rear table where Vinnie was waiting. There were a few
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