My Personal Hell on Earth, true.vampire.witch NJS [top books to read .txt] 📗

- Author: true.vampire.witch NJS
Book online «My Personal Hell on Earth, true.vampire.witch NJS [top books to read .txt] 📗». Author true.vampire.witch NJS
someone was yelling my name I think i know that voice but I couldn't put my finger on it then I was gone
"JEAN!" I was yelling her name over and over again she was not responding barely breathing
"Jean please say something" I never beg but she was scarring me if she was fakeing it she would be laughing by now and I would be pissed
I picked her up and placed her gently on the bed my head spinning like a tilt-a-wherl.
Just great! My thoughts were going wack suddenly a calm fell over me one that always seems to pass over me at any time when I'm confused or upset in some way or another.
My thoughts straightened themselvs out again and I knew I had to get us out of here plane and simple but to where and how.
A scream erupted from my now unconcious friend laying on the bed her body rose with the screams furosity unroll she was no longer on the bed but floating and screaming her scram had gotten worse!
I rushed to the side of the bed thrown back by some invisible energy as soon as I tryed to touch herthen her body collapsed and slumped onto the bed I tryed to touch her again and this time I was able too.
I bent down to her lips putting them to my eat her breathing was nice and calm as if she was sleeping not as if she had just shattered the bathroom mirror.
I finished packing and called for a cab and placed her in it saying she was tiered and was unable to sleep last night because of the party that was going on in the apartment above us the driver accepted this and drove us to the location I picked up from Jean's head.
All of her muscles suddenly tensed next to me and I quickly grabbed her with both arms trying to keep her from screaming and floating in the air... that just might attracked attention.
She struggled but in the end relaxed
I dropped her off at the house and left I wasn't comeing back.... ever!
She's to much work I can't help her anymore she's right I only came because I was scared about what might happen what was that word pitty.
No what am I thinking!?
'Your thinking the sssssafesssst Issss to be away from her!'
"NO!" I screamed and cradled her head in my lap protection my only thought
I awoke in a cold sweat and reached over freaking out but I wasn't in the apartment I was in a dark box all alone. The box was closeing in on me then a new scene I'm back home with my family alive and happy reliveing all their deaths hurt so much. Pain so much pain I'm begging for the soothing blackness to return but it doesn't.
I hear them again screams of pain of people I don't know over all the screams are the laughter of the most awful creations of anything earthly or not.
I scream at them to stop to let me go and leave me be
But the screams and laughter got louder and louder until my head threatened to explode then silance and I feel a cool cloth being pressed to my overheating brow
I sat bolt upright and run so fast all I see is a blackness, then in an instant I'm being pinned to the ground by a force but gentaly I close my eyes and wait for the worst to come.
But someone just sat next to me telling me everything would be all rightim safe now.
He touched me and all my nerve endings screamed for this gentle touch to stop. The pain it caused to not reach out and touch this gentle being was excruciating.
My muscles relaxed and my sight slowly returned, when I oppen my eyes I see a face I don't recognize. The face belongs to a boy gentle with worrie hard with anger.
He pickeded me up and started to ask questions that I didn't hear, I was to atuned to a strange person holding me and telling me I was safe now that nothing would ever happen to me as long as he was alive
My blood froze as this stranger.... No not stranger I know this boy known him for a while but what's his name!
A pain shoots through my body as I begin to look up at his face. I quickly look away as my brain begins to slip into it's blissfuless blackness.
"NO!" I scream as my ears begin to hear the laughter and screams again.
They retreat into the back of my mind waiting for the right time to masecure people inside me again.
I want to scream like the people inside me, cry for the laughter to stop but I don't.
At the moment i decide to be strong snd fight I realize that the boy has picked me up and layed me on the couch of this, this....
"SAFEHOUSE!" I say remembering that I had planned to come her if anything bad happened.
This is the same safehouse I put a spell around to keep out any unwanted things from comeing in any evils. I look at the boy intently, now able to my body's pain been eased the farther from the door I am.
I listen in order to hear the soft hum of the spell to make sure it was still intacted. This boy is not evil and I know him from somewhere but where...!
"Hey Jean are you okay?" he asks
"Huh?" I say still trying to figure out who this good looking guy is.
An image flashes in my mind of the boy but he now has short hair but nothing else has changed.
My eyes lock on his face and move to his lips turned down in a worried frown back to his now short hair and stop at his eyes so blue green it scared me a bit I saw my reflection in them he was staring at me as hard as I at him
"I said are you all right" he says again patient
"yeah yeah fine" I mummble
I attempt to get up I jump up fast. VERY bad idea I find my self falling not able to do anythinging to stop it.
His arms grabbed me and lifted me up like I was a baby my arms atomaticaly wrapped around his neck I quick let go and look anywhere and everywhere but at him.
"You scared the crap outa me J!" he said starting to get a little angery
"sorry?" I say confused
"Did you get hurt what happened?" he asked relaxing a bit
"I Dont know what your talking about!" I said frustrated "Your the one who's in my home!" I say anger riseing "How do you even know about this place? How do you know my name? WHO ARE YOU!" I yell at him
His face falls from angery to worrie to sadness to realization.
"Jean do you remember anything about me?" he was worried and scared
"So I do know you?" I asked him thanking god I'm not crazy
"Yeah... ya do" he says letting me remember... I think
"Ok yes I do rememer some of you.
You cut your hair?"
"Yes it kept getting in the way of... things" he looked at my lips I think
"okay I remember your eyes they used to be blue and they... I remember you told me they change color to your mood!"
"Yeah... Okay what else?" he said still worried
"Ummm..." I said getting a REALLY bad headache
He looked even more worried
"I feel like I know you but I don't know why I don't know your name but I know about your eyes and your hair. I've seen you before many times but I... I.." Then everything went black as the pain in my head shot to a level I couldn't handle and I passed out.
I slowly came to and felt a cold rag or something being pressed to my forehead my eyelids fluttered open, he was on me in a flash he's arms on either sid of my body he face so close to me I could smell him I took a deep breath and remembered something... Something happy his lips were on mine and I was in bliss he's kissed me? I don't even know his name...
"Umm... I know I sound like and idiot but are you my... Umm my boyfriend"
"once but now were just... really good friends" he enphasised really
His breath smelled wonderful
"hey what's your name anyway?" I asked curiousity getting the best of me I wanted to get my head screwed on straight so I could remember how much the "really" was because I "really" wanted to kiss him... again I guess at least from the snips of my past I keep getting it's happened before.
"in time" he said
I looked him in the eye and said in a monotone voice "you've kissed me before"
He went rigid and I swear I saw a hint of a smile on his lips but he also began to turn away at the same time. I grabbed his arm but he didnt give me another look.
"Wait..." i said desperaitly not wanting him to leave
"Jean..." he turned to me his eyes sad but he didn't say another word he just layed down next to me on the couch and sighed I couldnt figure out why but I just fell asleep
I woke up with a start and he jumped up fast an stood in front of me my dreams were awful not dreams nighmares. When he saw nothing was wrong he sat on the couch arm by my head.
"what made you Jump like that?"
I just stared at nothing, not answering him.
He knelt down in front of me very close to my face looking into my eyes like he could see my soul and I did what I was thinking about for the longest time... I kissed him.
He began to kiss me back and as pain shot into my brain he pulled away fast, he got up and started to pace back and forth talking to himself
"No it's not right.. She can't remember anything I shouldn't be kissing her!" he was angry with himself but as he was yammering I started to remeber everything!
"Jesus Christ Ben would you just shut the hell up" I was smileing as I said it but I ment it all the same
He glared at me and continued to pace and mummble angerly to himself. He froze midstep and looked at me a bit shocked but composed himself quickly.
"you remembered my name... that's good!" he said but then he got even angrier at himself I had no clue why
"Hey, hey, HEY!" I yelled he stopped "I remember everything" I smiled a bit of my "danger" smile at him and said with extra emphasis "and I mean EVERYTHING"
He froze and stared at me hard
"Define EVERYTHING" he said I smiled way to sweetly
"My,My denying it doesn't mean it didn't happen at least I know it didn't happen when I was AWAKE..." I paused for dramatic effect "I'm just kidding why should there be something? Besides the fact that you wanna
"JEAN!" I was yelling her name over and over again she was not responding barely breathing
"Jean please say something" I never beg but she was scarring me if she was fakeing it she would be laughing by now and I would be pissed
I picked her up and placed her gently on the bed my head spinning like a tilt-a-wherl.
Just great! My thoughts were going wack suddenly a calm fell over me one that always seems to pass over me at any time when I'm confused or upset in some way or another.
My thoughts straightened themselvs out again and I knew I had to get us out of here plane and simple but to where and how.
A scream erupted from my now unconcious friend laying on the bed her body rose with the screams furosity unroll she was no longer on the bed but floating and screaming her scram had gotten worse!
I rushed to the side of the bed thrown back by some invisible energy as soon as I tryed to touch herthen her body collapsed and slumped onto the bed I tryed to touch her again and this time I was able too.
I bent down to her lips putting them to my eat her breathing was nice and calm as if she was sleeping not as if she had just shattered the bathroom mirror.
I finished packing and called for a cab and placed her in it saying she was tiered and was unable to sleep last night because of the party that was going on in the apartment above us the driver accepted this and drove us to the location I picked up from Jean's head.
All of her muscles suddenly tensed next to me and I quickly grabbed her with both arms trying to keep her from screaming and floating in the air... that just might attracked attention.
She struggled but in the end relaxed
I dropped her off at the house and left I wasn't comeing back.... ever!
She's to much work I can't help her anymore she's right I only came because I was scared about what might happen what was that word pitty.
No what am I thinking!?
'Your thinking the sssssafesssst Issss to be away from her!'
"NO!" I screamed and cradled her head in my lap protection my only thought
I awoke in a cold sweat and reached over freaking out but I wasn't in the apartment I was in a dark box all alone. The box was closeing in on me then a new scene I'm back home with my family alive and happy reliveing all their deaths hurt so much. Pain so much pain I'm begging for the soothing blackness to return but it doesn't.
I hear them again screams of pain of people I don't know over all the screams are the laughter of the most awful creations of anything earthly or not.
I scream at them to stop to let me go and leave me be
But the screams and laughter got louder and louder until my head threatened to explode then silance and I feel a cool cloth being pressed to my overheating brow
I sat bolt upright and run so fast all I see is a blackness, then in an instant I'm being pinned to the ground by a force but gentaly I close my eyes and wait for the worst to come.
But someone just sat next to me telling me everything would be all rightim safe now.
He touched me and all my nerve endings screamed for this gentle touch to stop. The pain it caused to not reach out and touch this gentle being was excruciating.
My muscles relaxed and my sight slowly returned, when I oppen my eyes I see a face I don't recognize. The face belongs to a boy gentle with worrie hard with anger.
He pickeded me up and started to ask questions that I didn't hear, I was to atuned to a strange person holding me and telling me I was safe now that nothing would ever happen to me as long as he was alive
My blood froze as this stranger.... No not stranger I know this boy known him for a while but what's his name!
A pain shoots through my body as I begin to look up at his face. I quickly look away as my brain begins to slip into it's blissfuless blackness.
"NO!" I scream as my ears begin to hear the laughter and screams again.
They retreat into the back of my mind waiting for the right time to masecure people inside me again.
I want to scream like the people inside me, cry for the laughter to stop but I don't.
At the moment i decide to be strong snd fight I realize that the boy has picked me up and layed me on the couch of this, this....
"SAFEHOUSE!" I say remembering that I had planned to come her if anything bad happened.
This is the same safehouse I put a spell around to keep out any unwanted things from comeing in any evils. I look at the boy intently, now able to my body's pain been eased the farther from the door I am.
I listen in order to hear the soft hum of the spell to make sure it was still intacted. This boy is not evil and I know him from somewhere but where...!
"Hey Jean are you okay?" he asks
"Huh?" I say still trying to figure out who this good looking guy is.
An image flashes in my mind of the boy but he now has short hair but nothing else has changed.
My eyes lock on his face and move to his lips turned down in a worried frown back to his now short hair and stop at his eyes so blue green it scared me a bit I saw my reflection in them he was staring at me as hard as I at him
"I said are you all right" he says again patient
"yeah yeah fine" I mummble
I attempt to get up I jump up fast. VERY bad idea I find my self falling not able to do anythinging to stop it.
His arms grabbed me and lifted me up like I was a baby my arms atomaticaly wrapped around his neck I quick let go and look anywhere and everywhere but at him.
"You scared the crap outa me J!" he said starting to get a little angery
"sorry?" I say confused
"Did you get hurt what happened?" he asked relaxing a bit
"I Dont know what your talking about!" I said frustrated "Your the one who's in my home!" I say anger riseing "How do you even know about this place? How do you know my name? WHO ARE YOU!" I yell at him
His face falls from angery to worrie to sadness to realization.
"Jean do you remember anything about me?" he was worried and scared
"So I do know you?" I asked him thanking god I'm not crazy
"Yeah... ya do" he says letting me remember... I think
"Ok yes I do rememer some of you.
You cut your hair?"
"Yes it kept getting in the way of... things" he looked at my lips I think
"okay I remember your eyes they used to be blue and they... I remember you told me they change color to your mood!"
"Yeah... Okay what else?" he said still worried
"Ummm..." I said getting a REALLY bad headache
He looked even more worried
"I feel like I know you but I don't know why I don't know your name but I know about your eyes and your hair. I've seen you before many times but I... I.." Then everything went black as the pain in my head shot to a level I couldn't handle and I passed out.
I slowly came to and felt a cold rag or something being pressed to my forehead my eyelids fluttered open, he was on me in a flash he's arms on either sid of my body he face so close to me I could smell him I took a deep breath and remembered something... Something happy his lips were on mine and I was in bliss he's kissed me? I don't even know his name...
"Umm... I know I sound like and idiot but are you my... Umm my boyfriend"
"once but now were just... really good friends" he enphasised really
His breath smelled wonderful
"hey what's your name anyway?" I asked curiousity getting the best of me I wanted to get my head screwed on straight so I could remember how much the "really" was because I "really" wanted to kiss him... again I guess at least from the snips of my past I keep getting it's happened before.
"in time" he said
I looked him in the eye and said in a monotone voice "you've kissed me before"
He went rigid and I swear I saw a hint of a smile on his lips but he also began to turn away at the same time. I grabbed his arm but he didnt give me another look.
"Wait..." i said desperaitly not wanting him to leave
"Jean..." he turned to me his eyes sad but he didn't say another word he just layed down next to me on the couch and sighed I couldnt figure out why but I just fell asleep
I woke up with a start and he jumped up fast an stood in front of me my dreams were awful not dreams nighmares. When he saw nothing was wrong he sat on the couch arm by my head.
"what made you Jump like that?"
I just stared at nothing, not answering him.
He knelt down in front of me very close to my face looking into my eyes like he could see my soul and I did what I was thinking about for the longest time... I kissed him.
He began to kiss me back and as pain shot into my brain he pulled away fast, he got up and started to pace back and forth talking to himself
"No it's not right.. She can't remember anything I shouldn't be kissing her!" he was angry with himself but as he was yammering I started to remeber everything!
"Jesus Christ Ben would you just shut the hell up" I was smileing as I said it but I ment it all the same
He glared at me and continued to pace and mummble angerly to himself. He froze midstep and looked at me a bit shocked but composed himself quickly.
"you remembered my name... that's good!" he said but then he got even angrier at himself I had no clue why
"Hey, hey, HEY!" I yelled he stopped "I remember everything" I smiled a bit of my "danger" smile at him and said with extra emphasis "and I mean EVERYTHING"
He froze and stared at me hard
"Define EVERYTHING" he said I smiled way to sweetly
"My,My denying it doesn't mean it didn't happen at least I know it didn't happen when I was AWAKE..." I paused for dramatic effect "I'm just kidding why should there be something? Besides the fact that you wanna
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