» Fiction » My Personal Hell on Earth, true.vampire.witch NJS [top books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «My Personal Hell on Earth, true.vampire.witch NJS [top books to read .txt] 📗». Author true.vampire.witch NJS

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to finaly I said uncle.

I had to go to store and pick up my contact perscription but I needed Ben to do it. In the car I told him to shake the doctors hand and get him to just give us the perscription he agreed to it even though it was stealing he said he understood why we had to do it.

After we got my perscription it's the first time I stole something very expensive like contacts we got home and I hugged him I was so excited. I loved that he was with me and that he didn't seem to care that he didn't get to see his family and friends for a very long time.

We walked into the bedroom I pushed him on his bed and turned to run away I tried to bind him mentaly but he was prepared he used his mind control on me and made me stand still I tried to move and ended up falling he laughed and let up just enough for me to trip him he fell on top of me hard I started to laugh, so did he we were wrestleing again! I pinned him three times he pinesd me well alot more then I did we'll just go with that. He was laughing and I caught his eye and we just kinda stared at each other.

I looked away first he kissed my cheek I turned bright red he laughed I got mad and kissed him on the lips hard. He was shocked by my forcfulness at first but started to resipricate, my kisses became softer more wanting in a way. I let my eyes drift shut, my mind started to wirre and my eyes shot open I pushed him off so fast mentaly that I almost knocked him into a lamp but managed to miss it in time.

I moved far on the other side of the room breathing hard.

"Whats wrong?! What did I do!?" his voice sounded alarmed as well it should I have him pinned against the wall with sycic energy.

In ernist he did nothing wrong it was all right perfect just how I imagined his soft touch gental but firm kisses we were like one.

This isn't right no I can't it was to perfect it scared me I let him down he came over and held me close.
I let myself mold into him I was scared I haven't been scared in a very long time I havnt been able to trust anyone and here I was kissing someone who could posibly be under "it"s control I was scared I cried he kissed my hair and I breathed him in deeply the smell calming me I've never has a friend like him that was willing to risk their life for me let alone makeout with me in the middle of the floor.

I went to stretch but remembered I hadn't showered forever

I looked up at him awkwordly and stood up and went to the bathroom I hadn't taken a shower in what felt like forever but it was only like a two to three days I laughed and said "That's why you buy so much secret dio. Jean."

I heard Ben laugh I told him "Get outa my head or I'll bitch slap you!"

"You wouldn't."

"You wanna bet?"

"Yes i do!"

I laughed "Okay!"


I warned ya didn't I? I thought at him he stuck his tongue out at me mentaly, I laughed.

I came out in my robe he caught me off gaurd he kissed me again.

I giggled "Ben common I gatta get dressed."

He ignored me when we got to the bedroom door I stopped and shoved him away mentaly and closed and locked the door, so I could get dressed in piece.

I came out dressed and ready I sat on the couch I was beat so tired a warm shower doesn't help to wake you up either. Ben sat next to me and asked "Do think we'll ever get our lives back?"

I answered his question with a question "Can you bring the dead back to life?"

"I don't think so..." He answered quizicaly.

"Then my life will never be the same and yours most likely won't either because of your new powers but otherwise you will still have a family I'll be all alone."

I fell asleep resting my head on his shoulder and for the first time in forever had a piecful sleep.

woke up I was layed in my bed and covered with my sheat. I didn't freak out like normaly would have I smiled as I remembered what happened the day before.

I got up and found a note saying "Gone to the bar to think, I'll be back soon. Ben"

Panic started to rise i felt like I was ganna be sick a fifteen almost sixteen year old in a bar drinking possibly will deffinately draw unwanted attention.

I sat down and concentrated, the kiss kinda bonded us not like we have to stay together but like it linked us mentaly, I searched for him I found him drinking at the bar thank god nothing alcoholic. I couldn't see who he was sitting with clearly but he was sitting and talking to someone a brain wave I've never picked up before.

I got into the car, he must have walked, I drove as quickly as I could without drawing to much attention to myself.

I got to the bar and as soon as I saw who he was sitting with I froze being a mutant sucks especialy when you don't know how to sence mutant hunters yet. I kicked Ben under the table memtaly and spoke to him in his mind.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM!" I said panic relayed clearly in my thoughts.

"Jean?" he asked awed "Where are you?" thank god he thought the question at me.

"I'm in the car you need to come now we need to get home!" urgency starting to overwhelm my thoughts.

"Okay I'm comeing, calm down!" worry sliping into his mental voice.

When he came out he immidiatly got in the car and asked what was wrong. I asked where he met the man he was speaking with at the bar.

He bluntly stated "At the bar, why?"

"That man is not a good man to hang around with."

"Why? What's wrong with him?"

"His name is ROBERT B. TENSYON he is the number one mutant hunter AND killer!"

"Oh crap!"

"My point exactly! Do you realize the danger you put us in just by talking to him you could have posibley made it so he can fallow us so now we can't go back to the apartment for a while and not only that yo--!"

He broke my rambleing rage with a kiss. I turned bright red I wasnt expecting that but then again it is Ben he's full of surprises.

"Sorry" I mummbled "For gettting angry I meen it's just.... just that.... that---"

He cut me off "I know your worried about me but Imma big boy I can take care of myself you know."

"Sorry." I mummbled again.

"Dont be," He laughed "Your worried about me I'm glad". He softly hit me in the arm.

I got what he called "the look" on my face. His smile faded quickly he asked horrified "What are your thinking?!"

I laughed "We're going shopping!"

He relaxed a little "I thought you didn't like shopping"

"I don't with my mom 'cause I can't try ANYTHING I want, I have to try on what she wants me to try on"

"Oh! Makes sence"

"Plus I wanna know what you think of my knew shorts and maybe for you I'll buy a dress or two and perhapse a skirt"

"When do we go shopping?!" He asked rubbing his hands together.

I looked at him and we both laughed.

We got to the store and went to the womens department, of corse as usualtheres always one rack on the outside line that shows a tast of what else is in the department.

I caught Ben eyeing up some practicly see through white shirts I laughed.

"What?" He was clueless, such a guy. I rolled my eyes, sometimes i think theres NO difference what so ever between him and other boys his age.

I picked out some shirts shorts and pants.
Ben picked out some baggy pants and a T-shirt.

I only got two outfits the check out lady look at me like I was nutts she leaned in and asked "Your dad put a limit on how many outfits you can buy?"

I got dizzy I hadn't thought about family in 7 months I felt like I was ganna throw up. I breathed in and out to calm myself and told her no she looked at me like I was the crazies girl she ever met.

I walked away and thought 'You have no idea lady'

We got to to the apartment and Ben took a shower and I watched T.V. I slept teribly that night tossed and turned like I used to first time in months.

I sat up and I decided to get some water.

I had a mouth full of water when something grabed me around the neck and started to lift me up but no one was there, I struggled it was a mental attack I tried to find the source.

Ben came out of the shadows with an evil grin on his face that didn't look right on him at all.

'Why?!' I thought at him.

He spoke but it wasn't his voice, or at the very least it wasn't a voice I ever heard him use before "You know perfectly well why Elizabeth"

I was starting to see spots in my vision I was ganna black out. I mentaly kicked Ben in the head, his whole body hit the wall and left an indent but It was enough for whatever was inside him to lose it's control. I fell to the floor and hit my head hard I heard my skull go crack against the hard tile.

Bens body stood and laughed and said "Tsk, tsk, tsk, is that any way to treat an old friend we havn't seen each other in months." "it" kicked me in the stomach.

"Your no friend of mine!" I spat at him through clenched teeth "Your a melevolent basterd that's what you are!" I shouted.

He kicked me in the gut again "Tsk, tsk you never learn do you I own you I will always own you Elizabeth no matter what form you take in reincarnation nore what name. You will always be mine!"

"STOP CALLING ME ELIZABETH THAT IS SO NOT MY NAME! What do they call an ugly thing like you?" I said still threw clenched teeth

"Now Elizebeth," he said draging out the nam,e "you don't remember? Aw. My name is Diablo, and this here boy is my vesil to you!"

"Well you sure got the "Devil" part right"

Then Bens body calapsed on top of me, I couldn't move him the pain shot through me that thing broke three of my ribs. I passed out from the pain.

The next morning I woke up on the couch all patched up pain still running up and down my side
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