My Personal Hell on Earth, true.vampire.witch NJS [top books to read .txt] 📗

- Author: true.vampire.witch NJS
Book online «My Personal Hell on Earth, true.vampire.witch NJS [top books to read .txt] 📗». Author true.vampire.witch NJS
but I knew he wasn't. He was always a bit of an opptomist... well at least around me and his other friends, "So" I said sniffing, "How'd you find out about your powers?"
"Ha, that was easy I started hearing peoples thoughts in my head!" He said smileing.
I laughed, "So you decided to just follow me?"
"No, I watched you from a distence when I tried read your mind I felt you fight back and put up like an invisable wall or something."
So he's the one who's been watching me at least it wasn't some kreep.
"Ha Ha you need to do more research in mind readin' little boy!"
Oh Shut up!" He laughed
I laughed realy hard and he punched me in the arm, but this time with his hand.
"Oh, and Ben you will never be able to make me shut up my talking skills are far beyond your powers speaking of we should probably teach you a little more about them, yes?"
"Okay...?" He looked realy funny, hair all messed up he looked like a girl having a bad hair day except he's not a girl and he looks good with long hair except for the blood stain in his hair he looked realy cute. Well... At least I tought so.
"Okay first things first when you touch someone you can controle thier mind for a short period of time there are ways to lengthen the hold on ther mind but most of them I'm pretty sure you would only wanna do to a girl. Anyway if you touch someone you can make them do pretty much anything you want them to and I meen anything from killing themselves to killing someone else excetera." I said as calmly as posible I've been working on my powers for months and still havn't been able to control people for more then a split second but most of the time that's all I needed.
Bens powers for this sertain use are far beyond mine as far as I can tell but he hasn't been able to move things with his mind very well---
Ben interupted my thoughts, "Jean, does that meen like I could make someone hit someone else, if I was to lazy to do it?"
"Yup." I said giggleing, "You could make a girl kiss you break up with you so you didn't have to... Because I know how much you don't like to "hurt" people." I rolled my eyes remembering how he hadn't wanted to "hurt" Jennifer so he broke up with her by telling someone else to do it made her feel worse, made her feel like... like she wasnt worth enough for him to take time and tell her why he was breaking up with her. I meen a note isn't much better but it's better then being in the room and walking away from them while the person is being broken up with and letting someone else do it.
I remember how my friend reacted, how she... she just walked away laughing at him but i could see her heart broke, it hurt like heck.
I thought I would never have to expiriance such pain, such sorrow but guess what something worse happened all my family is dead and there's nothing I can do about it.
It's like that one time when I invited him over to my house last summer how he bit me I thought it was funny and kinda cute. I wonder if he wished i kissed him or not? If it wasn't for that story he told me about Destiny or what ever her name was I might have kissed him but probably not 'cause he was going out with Janet at the time. I wish he would have kissed me I would have kissed him back with intense curiosity I never kissed a boy before... well outa the family and I kinda wish he would kiss me soon.
I think he's realy cute.
Man it's great to see a guy so sweet cute and NOT gay not that I don't like gey people but you can't realy date one this is usualy the general rules for guys either they're dicks or they're gay it's like a one in a millionths chance u can find a guy like Ben and I found him and I let him slip.
I stopped so I could teach Ben more about his powers he was a very quick learner hich made me jelous it took me months to perfect my powers that's how long I've been on the run and it took him only a matter of hours.
"How's this?" He asked as he touch my shoulder again to control me... again, I think he just likes the fact that he can make me do anything he wants by just touching my shoulder.
"Release me and I'll tell you the truth." I said 'cause I knew that if I told him while still under his control it would be nothing but what he wanted to hear.
He released me and I told him the truth "That was perfect... again!" I let the exasperation fill my voice.
"Ok well it's getting late so you cane have that side and I'll take this side."
He looked at me and goes "We are ganna sleep in the same bed?!" The alarm, curiosity, interest were very clear in his voice but mostly alarm. I laughed remembering he couldn't see it with the bed made.
I deciede to go for it "Do you want to?" I asked jokeingly he seemed to consider for a split second i pulled the covers back and got in bed unzipped the covers that belonged to his side of the bed and pushed the two sides of the bed apart and said, "That side is literaly your side of the bed."
"OH!" he seemed to have relaxed i laughed again.
He fake pouted and said shut up I just laughed again.
Then I said, "You realy should get in bed and get to sleep."
He still looked uncertain I got up and pushed the beds farther apart.
"Happy?!" I asked exsasperated.
He still seemed uncertain.
"Well can't I just go home and sleep there?"
"Sure you can, just don't come cryin' to me then when all your family is dead you can't have any contact with them anymore "it" will follow any lead to go and kill you family too." For the first time ever I saw fear on Bens face cold raw fear.
"I can never see them again?" he ask chokeing on the words.
"Not unles you want them dead." I said emocionless.
Ben understood and he created a mask of calm and serenity and said "Cool."
I knew it was not "cool", I gave him a hug and whispered "Hey cheer up at least we got each other right?"
I felt him tense up and thought oh right that's not realy a good thing is it I sighed went to my bed and mummbled "You don't have to sleep in here you know? I do have a couch downstairs it's not as nice but if you're that upset and you don't wanna see me I can understand I kinda ruined you life but not to point fingers I never asked for your help."
He didn't respond but I heard him crawl into bed, I fell asleep shortly after that.
I woke up to the smell of baken and eggs.
'Man who could be cooking something like that it smells great must be the neighbors.'
I turned over and started to get up and remembered that Ben was here with me now. I noticed he wasn't in bed as I started to wake up I remembered that he told me he enjoyed cooking I smiled and headed down the stairs to the mouth watering smell.
"Goodmorning!" I said brightly.
First GOODmorning I had in a long time.
Ben didn't respond he set the food in front of me and sat down himself with his own food in the chair opposite from me.
"Goodmorning!" I said again my good mood quickly fadeing.
"Morning." He mumbled.
The images from last night flooded my head all of it me telling him he would never be able to see his family or even talk to his family again hit me with more force then any blow I've ever had to the head.
I walked over to him and said, "Ben, are you okay?"
When he didn't respond I hugged him and I hugged him tight he was fighting it I could feel it but eventually he hugged me back.
I whispered it was ganna be ok then I held him at arms length and said "We'er ganna kill this thing and you can go back to your life and I'll come back here to my new life."
He looked torn in two I couldn't help it I used my powers on him and made him cry I only had control for maybe a minute as soon as my control broke he stopped
"See told you crying is a good thing, even if it is only for a few seconds
He gave his crooked smile and told me to "shut up"
I just shook my head and told him everything would be okay.
He shook his head and said "Dont make promises you're not sure you can keep."
I looked at him and said "Your right, I promise I will try with all my might power and life that I will try to make everything as ok as posible!"
I hugged him again went to finish my breakfast which was now cold but still very yummy, he did the same.
When it was time to try and expand his powers to teach him what I knew and for him to teach me what he knew but didn't know he knew because he never tried to expand his powers like we're going to do right now.
"Here think energy, think pure power, think it with a passion!" I was realy excited I never met someone like him before funny, and who accualy listens to me after four hours straight of practiceing we took a break.
We had so much fun together laughing wrestleing he pinned me to many times to count he always would flick his hair in my face and I would stick my tongue out at him. I spit at him once to try and get him off but he said if I spit at him again he would spit back so I went back to sticking my tongue out at him he kept trying to bite me it was alot of fun.
It reminded me of last summer when we were care free with nothing to worry about no pain just care free fun us.
I got that back that day just me and him haveing alot of fun I missed him so much sure he was my friend but I never realy saw him since he started dateing... other people.
I shoved the thought outa my head and just let myself have fun I spoted a weekness in his hold on me and rolled on top of him we wrestled alot longer then we accualy practiced with our powers. Mostly we just took turns pining eatch other and laughing I don't think I ever had that much fun before it was amazing I hadn't taught him to block his thoughts yet so I read his mind and he was haveing fun
"Ha, that was easy I started hearing peoples thoughts in my head!" He said smileing.
I laughed, "So you decided to just follow me?"
"No, I watched you from a distence when I tried read your mind I felt you fight back and put up like an invisable wall or something."
So he's the one who's been watching me at least it wasn't some kreep.
"Ha Ha you need to do more research in mind readin' little boy!"
Oh Shut up!" He laughed
I laughed realy hard and he punched me in the arm, but this time with his hand.
"Oh, and Ben you will never be able to make me shut up my talking skills are far beyond your powers speaking of we should probably teach you a little more about them, yes?"
"Okay...?" He looked realy funny, hair all messed up he looked like a girl having a bad hair day except he's not a girl and he looks good with long hair except for the blood stain in his hair he looked realy cute. Well... At least I tought so.
"Okay first things first when you touch someone you can controle thier mind for a short period of time there are ways to lengthen the hold on ther mind but most of them I'm pretty sure you would only wanna do to a girl. Anyway if you touch someone you can make them do pretty much anything you want them to and I meen anything from killing themselves to killing someone else excetera." I said as calmly as posible I've been working on my powers for months and still havn't been able to control people for more then a split second but most of the time that's all I needed.
Bens powers for this sertain use are far beyond mine as far as I can tell but he hasn't been able to move things with his mind very well---
Ben interupted my thoughts, "Jean, does that meen like I could make someone hit someone else, if I was to lazy to do it?"
"Yup." I said giggleing, "You could make a girl kiss you break up with you so you didn't have to... Because I know how much you don't like to "hurt" people." I rolled my eyes remembering how he hadn't wanted to "hurt" Jennifer so he broke up with her by telling someone else to do it made her feel worse, made her feel like... like she wasnt worth enough for him to take time and tell her why he was breaking up with her. I meen a note isn't much better but it's better then being in the room and walking away from them while the person is being broken up with and letting someone else do it.
I remember how my friend reacted, how she... she just walked away laughing at him but i could see her heart broke, it hurt like heck.
I thought I would never have to expiriance such pain, such sorrow but guess what something worse happened all my family is dead and there's nothing I can do about it.
It's like that one time when I invited him over to my house last summer how he bit me I thought it was funny and kinda cute. I wonder if he wished i kissed him or not? If it wasn't for that story he told me about Destiny or what ever her name was I might have kissed him but probably not 'cause he was going out with Janet at the time. I wish he would have kissed me I would have kissed him back with intense curiosity I never kissed a boy before... well outa the family and I kinda wish he would kiss me soon.
I think he's realy cute.
Man it's great to see a guy so sweet cute and NOT gay not that I don't like gey people but you can't realy date one this is usualy the general rules for guys either they're dicks or they're gay it's like a one in a millionths chance u can find a guy like Ben and I found him and I let him slip.
I stopped so I could teach Ben more about his powers he was a very quick learner hich made me jelous it took me months to perfect my powers that's how long I've been on the run and it took him only a matter of hours.
"How's this?" He asked as he touch my shoulder again to control me... again, I think he just likes the fact that he can make me do anything he wants by just touching my shoulder.
"Release me and I'll tell you the truth." I said 'cause I knew that if I told him while still under his control it would be nothing but what he wanted to hear.
He released me and I told him the truth "That was perfect... again!" I let the exasperation fill my voice.
"Ok well it's getting late so you cane have that side and I'll take this side."
He looked at me and goes "We are ganna sleep in the same bed?!" The alarm, curiosity, interest were very clear in his voice but mostly alarm. I laughed remembering he couldn't see it with the bed made.
I deciede to go for it "Do you want to?" I asked jokeingly he seemed to consider for a split second i pulled the covers back and got in bed unzipped the covers that belonged to his side of the bed and pushed the two sides of the bed apart and said, "That side is literaly your side of the bed."
"OH!" he seemed to have relaxed i laughed again.
He fake pouted and said shut up I just laughed again.
Then I said, "You realy should get in bed and get to sleep."
He still looked uncertain I got up and pushed the beds farther apart.
"Happy?!" I asked exsasperated.
He still seemed uncertain.
"Well can't I just go home and sleep there?"
"Sure you can, just don't come cryin' to me then when all your family is dead you can't have any contact with them anymore "it" will follow any lead to go and kill you family too." For the first time ever I saw fear on Bens face cold raw fear.
"I can never see them again?" he ask chokeing on the words.
"Not unles you want them dead." I said emocionless.
Ben understood and he created a mask of calm and serenity and said "Cool."
I knew it was not "cool", I gave him a hug and whispered "Hey cheer up at least we got each other right?"
I felt him tense up and thought oh right that's not realy a good thing is it I sighed went to my bed and mummbled "You don't have to sleep in here you know? I do have a couch downstairs it's not as nice but if you're that upset and you don't wanna see me I can understand I kinda ruined you life but not to point fingers I never asked for your help."
He didn't respond but I heard him crawl into bed, I fell asleep shortly after that.
I woke up to the smell of baken and eggs.
'Man who could be cooking something like that it smells great must be the neighbors.'
I turned over and started to get up and remembered that Ben was here with me now. I noticed he wasn't in bed as I started to wake up I remembered that he told me he enjoyed cooking I smiled and headed down the stairs to the mouth watering smell.
"Goodmorning!" I said brightly.
First GOODmorning I had in a long time.
Ben didn't respond he set the food in front of me and sat down himself with his own food in the chair opposite from me.
"Goodmorning!" I said again my good mood quickly fadeing.
"Morning." He mumbled.
The images from last night flooded my head all of it me telling him he would never be able to see his family or even talk to his family again hit me with more force then any blow I've ever had to the head.
I walked over to him and said, "Ben, are you okay?"
When he didn't respond I hugged him and I hugged him tight he was fighting it I could feel it but eventually he hugged me back.
I whispered it was ganna be ok then I held him at arms length and said "We'er ganna kill this thing and you can go back to your life and I'll come back here to my new life."
He looked torn in two I couldn't help it I used my powers on him and made him cry I only had control for maybe a minute as soon as my control broke he stopped
"See told you crying is a good thing, even if it is only for a few seconds
He gave his crooked smile and told me to "shut up"
I just shook my head and told him everything would be okay.
He shook his head and said "Dont make promises you're not sure you can keep."
I looked at him and said "Your right, I promise I will try with all my might power and life that I will try to make everything as ok as posible!"
I hugged him again went to finish my breakfast which was now cold but still very yummy, he did the same.
When it was time to try and expand his powers to teach him what I knew and for him to teach me what he knew but didn't know he knew because he never tried to expand his powers like we're going to do right now.
"Here think energy, think pure power, think it with a passion!" I was realy excited I never met someone like him before funny, and who accualy listens to me after four hours straight of practiceing we took a break.
We had so much fun together laughing wrestleing he pinned me to many times to count he always would flick his hair in my face and I would stick my tongue out at him. I spit at him once to try and get him off but he said if I spit at him again he would spit back so I went back to sticking my tongue out at him he kept trying to bite me it was alot of fun.
It reminded me of last summer when we were care free with nothing to worry about no pain just care free fun us.
I got that back that day just me and him haveing alot of fun I missed him so much sure he was my friend but I never realy saw him since he started dateing... other people.
I shoved the thought outa my head and just let myself have fun I spoted a weekness in his hold on me and rolled on top of him we wrestled alot longer then we accualy practiced with our powers. Mostly we just took turns pining eatch other and laughing I don't think I ever had that much fun before it was amazing I hadn't taught him to block his thoughts yet so I read his mind and he was haveing fun
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