My Personal Hell on Earth, true.vampire.witch NJS [top books to read .txt] 📗

- Author: true.vampire.witch NJS
Book online «My Personal Hell on Earth, true.vampire.witch NJS [top books to read .txt] 📗». Author true.vampire.witch NJS
kill I didn't try though because I didn't know for sure and it's better to be safe then sorry.
Even with my new powers my fear lied only with my brother, my anger souly with the person/thing that did this to me but for the moment I only care about the safety of my brother and the hope that my family will get well soon.
I had started to drive ilegaly.
Lately I've been feeling like someone been watching me.
Ben has completely stopped talking to me.
But I seem to be seeing more and more of him everyday I went to the store for milk and bread and saw him there alone... again. Ben was kinda kreeping me out but I just ignored it my brother was more importent to me right now I wasn't going to let anything happen to him.
I left school and Ben was... on my bus?!
I was so confused but again I ignored it because my brother just started crying.
Suddenly i heard something whisper in my ear!
"You can not essscaaapppee usssss."
I jumped and gave a shrike of surprise.
I could feel something numbing in my brain I felt that feeling before when that THING tried to get inside me but this wasn't a bad kind it wasn't cold it was warm and concerned, and it was...... Close?
'Hello?' I said probing out with my mind.
I felt whatever or whoever it was cring in surprise, oh just another mutant who doesn't know how to control there powers yet.
I figured out I had mine when I wished for something big to happen to make the reporters leave me alone. The big thing that happened was I threw a car into a bank... by accedent of course..... I still liked it though.
I probed some more to try and find the sorce but whoever or whatever it was locked up subconciously I could tell or I'd be able to feel the berrier of sycic energy around them and still be able to pin point their location, I should say the seat thier in.
I gave up and went back to takeing care of my brother and I went home still wondering who or what tried to read me?
I had a voice mail when I got home, I played it and my heart broke into a billion and 1 pieces crying and sobbing on the floor my family in the hospital, all of them my sister my mom my dad all gone dead I calapsed shrieking a scream escaped me that was blood curdiling to much pain to handle my heart was abliterated there was a tiny pics left where I still held for Logan the rest was gone.
Then I felt something inside me break and I stopped crying and stood picked up my brother kissed his sleeping figure and laid him down in the bed if anything happened to him I might go mad.
My thoughts out of control not knowing what to do or who to go to no one is here if I get close to someone they die "NO!" I say firmly it will not happen I will no longer speak with anyone no longer love no longer hate I will be emocionless.
I went to school as normal and I saw something but before I could move the mist had my brother and threw him out the window.
My horrified expression lasted only a milli-second and then my mask retearned the last of my heart was gone nothing left a hollow shell 'everyones dead' no one left to protect but myself I see Jack outside the door I decide to yell at him and ask what the hell his problem was!
I wanted to pick a fight with him, hurt him to show I don't like him don't care for him to protect him.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!" I screamed in his face I was so close I could smell his breath just as sweet as I rembered. I kicked myself mentaly for never kissing him.
I shook my head to get rid of the thought.
That was reason enough I hit him square in the face winceing cause I knew I was hitting my best friend.
He fell against the wall and fell to the floor I started to walk away, but he swiped his feet under me and made me fall and hit my face against the tile I got pissed!
I got up and drop kicked him in the face and punched him over and over he grabed my hands twisted them behind my back I winced in pain, he turned me over held my hands above my and payed on me pining me to the floor.
He was bleeding but still he whispered in my ear, "I don't wanna fight you Jean."
My brain wirred but I did it without thinking, "To late!" I wisperd back and gave him a cheap shot below the belt and he rolled off me I gave him a good kick to the temple not enough to kill him just enough to knock him out I was bleeding and my wrist hurt from where he grabed me but I ignored the pain of my heart, which I thought had been abliterated guess not, and body and left the school a fugitive of the law and whatever was after me.
But even as far I went I still felt like I was being watched and now whoever, I know it's human and a guy he accedentaly let his feelings shine through when he was trying to read me, was watching me and continuing to try and probe my mind.
I would never realy sleep I always tossed and turned I woke up like every five minutes one time I woke up and saw Ben at the end of my bed but he wasn't realy there I know because I saw my mom step dad brother and sister there before now I'm just seeing things or so i thought.
Pain ripped through my mind, someone is trying to read it forcefully I hate it when that.... that thing does that whatever "it" is it's not the warm touch of the beginner mind reader that was on my bus the day before my brother was thrown out the window.
Images flashed in my head of my family my mom, step-dad, sister, brother all of them.
A lump formed in my head as "it" tryed to break through the berried I had on memeries that I locked away memorries I swore never to remember. That pissed me off and scared me at the same time I locked away the memories for a reason I don't know the reason it was locked away with those memories none the less there was a reason.
"GET OUTA MY HEAD!" I screamed then I started fighting back mentaly I felt "it" crumble a little as "it" tryed to hold on tryed to control me but I would never allow it.
I slipped into my coma state in order to fight this thing head on.
My brain was misted over not a good sign all I saw the thing trying to break the "locks" which bound the memories I swore never to remember.
It was cloked I couldnt see what "it" was but i did know it was not a person not a human not anything I've ever heard of or seen on T.V. even it was floteing as in it has no feat it didn't seem to sence me probably 'couse this was my brain I laughed silently. I threw a mental blow at "it" and the thing fell and hit hard I winced remembering that getting hit INSIDE my brain wouldn't be such a good thing it hissed at me.
"So your the piece of shit that's been hissing in my brain? Huh!" I laughed I easily killed whatever it was or at least I thought I did.
I sat down to concentrate so I could go back to being conciouse when I felt a blow to the side of my head it was a physical blow and it hurt like hell!
I sat up still in my own mind, I was being attacked not me but my unconciouse body!
"The cowered!" I yelled.
Sudenly i smelled something very familiar, something... something I liked. Recognition flooded my mind litteraly I was head deep in memeries of his smell his funny lookin smile, the one dimple, his beautiful eyes everything!
"NO!" I screamed the thing wasn't in my head anymore but if I'm right if Ben is there protecting me on the outside he has no idea what he's up against. Not only that but if he's fighting for me the thing will know that he cares and if "it" knows that he cares then the assumtion can be made that I care about him and killing Jack too would be on the top of the things to do list!
"AHHHH!" I screamed "GET YOUR UGLY FLOATING SELF AWAY FROM HIM!" I screamed my power full blast jolted me out of my coma state.
I jumped up and as my fear was realized it pissed
me of more.
My hands were glowing that's never happened before...
"Cool!" I said without thinking.
Ben laughed, then got hit in the head I got scared and angry and the thing and flung my hands out a stream of white and blue energy of some kind came out of my hands and hit "it". Poof gone like a magic trick I couldn't see the thing anymore at least, I couldn't sence it either.
Ben stood up rubed his head and asked "Why you not let me have any fun?" with fake sadness filling his voice.
I laughed even though I should be pissed at him, but hey the guy saved me life.
I walked up and shoved him, "Why do you like to try and get yourself killed?" I said smileing.
"'Cause I'm awesome like that so, HA!" He punched me in the arm, but not with his hand with his... mind!?
I was so shocked I whispered, "It's you? Your the one who's been trying to read my mind!" my anger was riseing.
"YOU! Why the heck have you been trying to read my mind!?"
He could tell I was getting mad, but he didn't back down. I knew he wouldn't he's Ben of corse he would never back down, he'd never admit he was scared either.
"Because I was worried about you. I didn't want you to hurt youself or anyone else, and when you tried to knock me out I just knew something was wrong." He stated mater a factly.
He spoke so calmly it calmed me down... way to quickly I realized. Ben had done his homework on mind reading and mind control then I realized he was touching me his hand was resting lightly on my shoulder I knew right away what he was doing he has the mind control gift I jumped back and sat on the bed and cryed.
He was makeing me show my emotions, it's part of the gift, I was ganna get him for this! I swore I would never let any emotion show again he made me show happiness and now my sadness what's next? Hate, love, pain, anger, ect. he sat down and said it was ganna be ok. I hoped he was right
Even with my new powers my fear lied only with my brother, my anger souly with the person/thing that did this to me but for the moment I only care about the safety of my brother and the hope that my family will get well soon.
I had started to drive ilegaly.
Lately I've been feeling like someone been watching me.
Ben has completely stopped talking to me.
But I seem to be seeing more and more of him everyday I went to the store for milk and bread and saw him there alone... again. Ben was kinda kreeping me out but I just ignored it my brother was more importent to me right now I wasn't going to let anything happen to him.
I left school and Ben was... on my bus?!
I was so confused but again I ignored it because my brother just started crying.
Suddenly i heard something whisper in my ear!
"You can not essscaaapppee usssss."
I jumped and gave a shrike of surprise.
I could feel something numbing in my brain I felt that feeling before when that THING tried to get inside me but this wasn't a bad kind it wasn't cold it was warm and concerned, and it was...... Close?
'Hello?' I said probing out with my mind.
I felt whatever or whoever it was cring in surprise, oh just another mutant who doesn't know how to control there powers yet.
I figured out I had mine when I wished for something big to happen to make the reporters leave me alone. The big thing that happened was I threw a car into a bank... by accedent of course..... I still liked it though.
I probed some more to try and find the sorce but whoever or whatever it was locked up subconciously I could tell or I'd be able to feel the berrier of sycic energy around them and still be able to pin point their location, I should say the seat thier in.
I gave up and went back to takeing care of my brother and I went home still wondering who or what tried to read me?
I had a voice mail when I got home, I played it and my heart broke into a billion and 1 pieces crying and sobbing on the floor my family in the hospital, all of them my sister my mom my dad all gone dead I calapsed shrieking a scream escaped me that was blood curdiling to much pain to handle my heart was abliterated there was a tiny pics left where I still held for Logan the rest was gone.
Then I felt something inside me break and I stopped crying and stood picked up my brother kissed his sleeping figure and laid him down in the bed if anything happened to him I might go mad.
My thoughts out of control not knowing what to do or who to go to no one is here if I get close to someone they die "NO!" I say firmly it will not happen I will no longer speak with anyone no longer love no longer hate I will be emocionless.
I went to school as normal and I saw something but before I could move the mist had my brother and threw him out the window.
My horrified expression lasted only a milli-second and then my mask retearned the last of my heart was gone nothing left a hollow shell 'everyones dead' no one left to protect but myself I see Jack outside the door I decide to yell at him and ask what the hell his problem was!
I wanted to pick a fight with him, hurt him to show I don't like him don't care for him to protect him.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!" I screamed in his face I was so close I could smell his breath just as sweet as I rembered. I kicked myself mentaly for never kissing him.
I shook my head to get rid of the thought.
That was reason enough I hit him square in the face winceing cause I knew I was hitting my best friend.
He fell against the wall and fell to the floor I started to walk away, but he swiped his feet under me and made me fall and hit my face against the tile I got pissed!
I got up and drop kicked him in the face and punched him over and over he grabed my hands twisted them behind my back I winced in pain, he turned me over held my hands above my and payed on me pining me to the floor.
He was bleeding but still he whispered in my ear, "I don't wanna fight you Jean."
My brain wirred but I did it without thinking, "To late!" I wisperd back and gave him a cheap shot below the belt and he rolled off me I gave him a good kick to the temple not enough to kill him just enough to knock him out I was bleeding and my wrist hurt from where he grabed me but I ignored the pain of my heart, which I thought had been abliterated guess not, and body and left the school a fugitive of the law and whatever was after me.
But even as far I went I still felt like I was being watched and now whoever, I know it's human and a guy he accedentaly let his feelings shine through when he was trying to read me, was watching me and continuing to try and probe my mind.
I would never realy sleep I always tossed and turned I woke up like every five minutes one time I woke up and saw Ben at the end of my bed but he wasn't realy there I know because I saw my mom step dad brother and sister there before now I'm just seeing things or so i thought.
Pain ripped through my mind, someone is trying to read it forcefully I hate it when that.... that thing does that whatever "it" is it's not the warm touch of the beginner mind reader that was on my bus the day before my brother was thrown out the window.
Images flashed in my head of my family my mom, step-dad, sister, brother all of them.
A lump formed in my head as "it" tryed to break through the berried I had on memeries that I locked away memorries I swore never to remember. That pissed me off and scared me at the same time I locked away the memories for a reason I don't know the reason it was locked away with those memories none the less there was a reason.
"GET OUTA MY HEAD!" I screamed then I started fighting back mentaly I felt "it" crumble a little as "it" tryed to hold on tryed to control me but I would never allow it.
I slipped into my coma state in order to fight this thing head on.
My brain was misted over not a good sign all I saw the thing trying to break the "locks" which bound the memories I swore never to remember.
It was cloked I couldnt see what "it" was but i did know it was not a person not a human not anything I've ever heard of or seen on T.V. even it was floteing as in it has no feat it didn't seem to sence me probably 'couse this was my brain I laughed silently. I threw a mental blow at "it" and the thing fell and hit hard I winced remembering that getting hit INSIDE my brain wouldn't be such a good thing it hissed at me.
"So your the piece of shit that's been hissing in my brain? Huh!" I laughed I easily killed whatever it was or at least I thought I did.
I sat down to concentrate so I could go back to being conciouse when I felt a blow to the side of my head it was a physical blow and it hurt like hell!
I sat up still in my own mind, I was being attacked not me but my unconciouse body!
"The cowered!" I yelled.
Sudenly i smelled something very familiar, something... something I liked. Recognition flooded my mind litteraly I was head deep in memeries of his smell his funny lookin smile, the one dimple, his beautiful eyes everything!
"NO!" I screamed the thing wasn't in my head anymore but if I'm right if Ben is there protecting me on the outside he has no idea what he's up against. Not only that but if he's fighting for me the thing will know that he cares and if "it" knows that he cares then the assumtion can be made that I care about him and killing Jack too would be on the top of the things to do list!
"AHHHH!" I screamed "GET YOUR UGLY FLOATING SELF AWAY FROM HIM!" I screamed my power full blast jolted me out of my coma state.
I jumped up and as my fear was realized it pissed
me of more.
My hands were glowing that's never happened before...
"Cool!" I said without thinking.
Ben laughed, then got hit in the head I got scared and angry and the thing and flung my hands out a stream of white and blue energy of some kind came out of my hands and hit "it". Poof gone like a magic trick I couldn't see the thing anymore at least, I couldn't sence it either.
Ben stood up rubed his head and asked "Why you not let me have any fun?" with fake sadness filling his voice.
I laughed even though I should be pissed at him, but hey the guy saved me life.
I walked up and shoved him, "Why do you like to try and get yourself killed?" I said smileing.
"'Cause I'm awesome like that so, HA!" He punched me in the arm, but not with his hand with his... mind!?
I was so shocked I whispered, "It's you? Your the one who's been trying to read my mind!" my anger was riseing.
"YOU! Why the heck have you been trying to read my mind!?"
He could tell I was getting mad, but he didn't back down. I knew he wouldn't he's Ben of corse he would never back down, he'd never admit he was scared either.
"Because I was worried about you. I didn't want you to hurt youself or anyone else, and when you tried to knock me out I just knew something was wrong." He stated mater a factly.
He spoke so calmly it calmed me down... way to quickly I realized. Ben had done his homework on mind reading and mind control then I realized he was touching me his hand was resting lightly on my shoulder I knew right away what he was doing he has the mind control gift I jumped back and sat on the bed and cryed.
He was makeing me show my emotions, it's part of the gift, I was ganna get him for this! I swore I would never let any emotion show again he made me show happiness and now my sadness what's next? Hate, love, pain, anger, ect. he sat down and said it was ganna be ok. I hoped he was right
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