My Personal Hell on Earth, true.vampire.witch NJS [top books to read .txt] 📗

- Author: true.vampire.witch NJS
Book online «My Personal Hell on Earth, true.vampire.witch NJS [top books to read .txt] 📗». Author true.vampire.witch NJS
make sure it was still intacted. This boy is not evil and I know him from somewhere but where...!
"Hey Jean are you okay?" he asks
"Huh?" I say still trying to figure out who this good looking guy is.
An image flashes in my mind of the boy but he now has short hair but nothing else has changed.
My eyes lock on his face and move to his lips turned down in a worried frown back to his now short hair and stop at his eyes so blue green it scared me a bit I saw my reflection in them he was staring at me as hard as I him
"I said are you all right" he says again patient
"yeah yeah fine" I mummble
I attempt to get up I jump up fast. VERY bad idea I find my self falling not able to do anythinging to stop it.
His arms grabbed me and lifted me up like I was a baby my arms atomaticaly wrapped around his neck I quick let go and look enywhere and everywhere but at him.
"You scared the crap outa me J!" he said starting to get a little angery
"sorry?" I say confused
"Did you get hurt what happened?" he asked relaxing a bit
"I Dont know what your talking about?" I say frustrated "Your the one who's in my home!" I say anger riseing "How do you even know about this place? How do you know my name? WHO ARE YOU!" I yell at him
His face falls from angery to worrie to sadness to realization.
"Jean do you remember anything about me?" he was worried and scared
"So I do know you?" I asked him thanking god I'm not crazy
"Yeah... ya do" he says letting me remember... I think
"Ok yes I do rememer some of you.
You cut your hair?"
"Yes it kept getting in the way of... things" he looked at my lips I think
"okay I remember you eyes they used to be blue and they... I remember you told me they change color to your mood!"
"Yeah... Okay what else?" he said still worried
"Ummm..." I said getting a REALLY bad headache
He looked even more worried
"I feel like I know you but I don't know why I don't know your name but I know about your eyes and your hair. I've seen you before many times but I... I.." Then everything went black as the pain in my head shot to a level I couldn't handle and I passed out.
I slowly came to and felt a cold rag or something being pressed to my forehead my eyelids fluttered open, he was on me in a flash he's arms on either sid of my body he face so close to me I could smell him I took a deep breath and remembered something... Something happy his lips were on mine and I was in bliss he's kissed me? I don't even know his name...
"Umm... I know I sound like and idiot but are you my... Umm my boyfriend"
"once but now were just... realky good friends" he enphasised really
His breath smelled wonderful
"hey what's you name anyway?" I asked curiousity getting the best of me I wanted to get my head screwed on straight so I could remember how much the "really" was because I "really" wanted to kiss him... again I guess at least from the snips of my past I keep getting it's happened before.
"in time" he said
I looked him in the eye and said in a monotone voice "you've kissed me before"
He went rigid and I swear I saw a hint of a smile on his lips but he also began to turn away at the same time. I grabbed his arm but he didnt give me another look.
"Wait..." i said desperaitly not wanting him to leave
"Jean..." he turned to me hid eyes sad but he didn't say another word he just layed down next to me on the couch and sighed I could figure out why but then I just fell asleep
I woke up with a start and he jumped up fast an stood in front o me my dreams were awful not dreams nighmares. When he saw nothing was wrong he sat on the couch armby my head.
"what made you Jump like that?"
I just stared at nothing, not answering him.
He knelt down in front of me very close to my face looking into my eyes like he could see my soul and I did what I was thinking about for the longest time... I kissed him.
He began to kiss me back and as pain shot into my brain he pulled away fast, he got up and started to pace back and forth talking to himself
"No it's not right.. She can't remember anything I shouldn't be kissing her!" he was angry with himself butas he was yammering I started to remeber everything!
"Jesus Christ ben would you just shut the hell up" I was smileing as I said it but I ment it all the same
He glared at me and continued to pace and mummble angerly to himself. He froze misstep and looked at me a bit shocked but composed himself quickly.
"you remembered my name... that's good!" he said but then he got even angrier at himself I had no clue why
"Hey, hey, HEY!" I yelled he stopped "I remember everything" I smiled a bit of my "danger" smile at him and said with extra emphasis "and I mean EVERYTHING"
He froze
I see the car dad tries to stop but can't I throw my arms in front of my brother to protect him from the glass comeing at him my arms got glass stuck in them nothing was able to protect it the 2010 accedent is what they called it my parents are in the hospital my papa can't be reached and my grandparents are in Mexico with my aunt and uncle and cousins i had not one family memeber to watch me and my sister and brother because of the glass in my arms they started to get infected I was late to skool at all times cause I watched my sister go off to skool but I then had to bring my brother to daycare I hopped onto my bike and drove him there and told the daycare lady that I had to drop him off cause my parents were in the hospitle cause we were in the 2010 car crash she took him without anymore questions and I went to school I came in late and right away people started to make fun of me cause I was late to school
"Hey look Mrs. goody two shoes is late" laughter rang throug the halls
I turned pissed cause I was sick of the fact that everyone still made fun of me so I said "Hey look it's ugly and her little group of uglier people and a few DUMB ugly people too. Well acually you all are dumb!"
Then of corse cause I pissed them off they turned on me and did the whole
"What exactly did you just say?" they asked all bratty like.
Me still pissed because of the accedent I was scared and upset that my parents were in the hospitle and no one in my family was reachable I turned and said
"To make it short and simple for your to small screwed up brains leave me the heck alone not in the mood my parents are in the hospitle so I don't care what I do right now after being In the 2010 crash excuse me for being pissed!"
I turned to walk away and heard laughter and then "wow she must be desperate makeing up the fact that she was in the biggest car crash in like 20 years ha"
I couldn't take it I turned and just punched the closest one of them and they all tried to come at me and I still beat the crap outa her I did a flip that I learned from gymnastics and my bandages broke while the fight was going on and I acted non-chalantly about it.
I said "Oh! Look it broke again ooo man look at that puss, oh hey some more glass came out"
After I beat the crap outa the person I hit I just walked away right to the office and they couldn't suspend me outa skool cause no one was home so they had to give me ISS (In School Suspention) and I had it for two weeks and no one messed with me in fact no one even realy talked to me I only got a "hi" or walked with my best girl friend and my guy friend said "hi" to me still every now and again and he lately has been talking to me more but never around his girlfriend so nothing changed much except for the fact that he said "hi" more then normal probably because he feels bad about what happened he doesnt realy care about me oh well, but my best friend didn't wanna talk to me much she was terrified the only one who wasn't teriffied of me was my one guy friend i think he is a little scared though but he talks to me anyway and personaly I think it's cause he wants to be in the army so he's tryingto be brave. I think he will be a damn good soldier hell
he'll be top dog in no time.
But then it happened the accendent the bus accendent, my sisters bus accedent could anything go worse I found out at skool too in the middle of my favorite class chior she was the only one from the bus to get hurt bad enough to go to the hospitle now I knew something was up and it wasn't good it was a terible, terible evil and it was after me and my family I knew it. Whatever IT was, was tring to make me suffer watch my family get killed befor it killed me or it just wanted me to live the rest of my life with no one both very bad and I had to make sure my brother was not ganna get hurt so I left skool and went home to get my brother and from now on I brought my brother to skool with me.
Of course the whole stupid crash was on the news AGAIN and people asking to interview me were becomeing more and more annoying the whole Jean how do you feel now that all your family except you and your one-year old brother are all in the hostpital?'
'Jean why do you think this has happened?'
'Jean how do you explain that your sister was the only one hurt enough to go to the hostpital?'
And so on.
They were like starving savage wolves!
That was the first time I ever found out I had powers I used them I was thinking 'I wish something would happen to make them leave' thankfuly it wasn't a bad something but I don't believe in couincedences so I thought again 'I wish I had a fridge full of food to feed my brother and I' I concentrated realy hard and it happened I was extatic but it didn't do anything realy big like create money or bring a human being back to life soi asumed it wouldn't
"Hey Jean are you okay?" he asks
"Huh?" I say still trying to figure out who this good looking guy is.
An image flashes in my mind of the boy but he now has short hair but nothing else has changed.
My eyes lock on his face and move to his lips turned down in a worried frown back to his now short hair and stop at his eyes so blue green it scared me a bit I saw my reflection in them he was staring at me as hard as I him
"I said are you all right" he says again patient
"yeah yeah fine" I mummble
I attempt to get up I jump up fast. VERY bad idea I find my self falling not able to do anythinging to stop it.
His arms grabbed me and lifted me up like I was a baby my arms atomaticaly wrapped around his neck I quick let go and look enywhere and everywhere but at him.
"You scared the crap outa me J!" he said starting to get a little angery
"sorry?" I say confused
"Did you get hurt what happened?" he asked relaxing a bit
"I Dont know what your talking about?" I say frustrated "Your the one who's in my home!" I say anger riseing "How do you even know about this place? How do you know my name? WHO ARE YOU!" I yell at him
His face falls from angery to worrie to sadness to realization.
"Jean do you remember anything about me?" he was worried and scared
"So I do know you?" I asked him thanking god I'm not crazy
"Yeah... ya do" he says letting me remember... I think
"Ok yes I do rememer some of you.
You cut your hair?"
"Yes it kept getting in the way of... things" he looked at my lips I think
"okay I remember you eyes they used to be blue and they... I remember you told me they change color to your mood!"
"Yeah... Okay what else?" he said still worried
"Ummm..." I said getting a REALLY bad headache
He looked even more worried
"I feel like I know you but I don't know why I don't know your name but I know about your eyes and your hair. I've seen you before many times but I... I.." Then everything went black as the pain in my head shot to a level I couldn't handle and I passed out.
I slowly came to and felt a cold rag or something being pressed to my forehead my eyelids fluttered open, he was on me in a flash he's arms on either sid of my body he face so close to me I could smell him I took a deep breath and remembered something... Something happy his lips were on mine and I was in bliss he's kissed me? I don't even know his name...
"Umm... I know I sound like and idiot but are you my... Umm my boyfriend"
"once but now were just... realky good friends" he enphasised really
His breath smelled wonderful
"hey what's you name anyway?" I asked curiousity getting the best of me I wanted to get my head screwed on straight so I could remember how much the "really" was because I "really" wanted to kiss him... again I guess at least from the snips of my past I keep getting it's happened before.
"in time" he said
I looked him in the eye and said in a monotone voice "you've kissed me before"
He went rigid and I swear I saw a hint of a smile on his lips but he also began to turn away at the same time. I grabbed his arm but he didnt give me another look.
"Wait..." i said desperaitly not wanting him to leave
"Jean..." he turned to me hid eyes sad but he didn't say another word he just layed down next to me on the couch and sighed I could figure out why but then I just fell asleep
I woke up with a start and he jumped up fast an stood in front o me my dreams were awful not dreams nighmares. When he saw nothing was wrong he sat on the couch armby my head.
"what made you Jump like that?"
I just stared at nothing, not answering him.
He knelt down in front of me very close to my face looking into my eyes like he could see my soul and I did what I was thinking about for the longest time... I kissed him.
He began to kiss me back and as pain shot into my brain he pulled away fast, he got up and started to pace back and forth talking to himself
"No it's not right.. She can't remember anything I shouldn't be kissing her!" he was angry with himself butas he was yammering I started to remeber everything!
"Jesus Christ ben would you just shut the hell up" I was smileing as I said it but I ment it all the same
He glared at me and continued to pace and mummble angerly to himself. He froze misstep and looked at me a bit shocked but composed himself quickly.
"you remembered my name... that's good!" he said but then he got even angrier at himself I had no clue why
"Hey, hey, HEY!" I yelled he stopped "I remember everything" I smiled a bit of my "danger" smile at him and said with extra emphasis "and I mean EVERYTHING"
He froze
I see the car dad tries to stop but can't I throw my arms in front of my brother to protect him from the glass comeing at him my arms got glass stuck in them nothing was able to protect it the 2010 accedent is what they called it my parents are in the hospital my papa can't be reached and my grandparents are in Mexico with my aunt and uncle and cousins i had not one family memeber to watch me and my sister and brother because of the glass in my arms they started to get infected I was late to skool at all times cause I watched my sister go off to skool but I then had to bring my brother to daycare I hopped onto my bike and drove him there and told the daycare lady that I had to drop him off cause my parents were in the hospitle cause we were in the 2010 car crash she took him without anymore questions and I went to school I came in late and right away people started to make fun of me cause I was late to school
"Hey look Mrs. goody two shoes is late" laughter rang throug the halls
I turned pissed cause I was sick of the fact that everyone still made fun of me so I said "Hey look it's ugly and her little group of uglier people and a few DUMB ugly people too. Well acually you all are dumb!"
Then of corse cause I pissed them off they turned on me and did the whole
"What exactly did you just say?" they asked all bratty like.
Me still pissed because of the accedent I was scared and upset that my parents were in the hospitle and no one in my family was reachable I turned and said
"To make it short and simple for your to small screwed up brains leave me the heck alone not in the mood my parents are in the hospitle so I don't care what I do right now after being In the 2010 crash excuse me for being pissed!"
I turned to walk away and heard laughter and then "wow she must be desperate makeing up the fact that she was in the biggest car crash in like 20 years ha"
I couldn't take it I turned and just punched the closest one of them and they all tried to come at me and I still beat the crap outa her I did a flip that I learned from gymnastics and my bandages broke while the fight was going on and I acted non-chalantly about it.
I said "Oh! Look it broke again ooo man look at that puss, oh hey some more glass came out"
After I beat the crap outa the person I hit I just walked away right to the office and they couldn't suspend me outa skool cause no one was home so they had to give me ISS (In School Suspention) and I had it for two weeks and no one messed with me in fact no one even realy talked to me I only got a "hi" or walked with my best girl friend and my guy friend said "hi" to me still every now and again and he lately has been talking to me more but never around his girlfriend so nothing changed much except for the fact that he said "hi" more then normal probably because he feels bad about what happened he doesnt realy care about me oh well, but my best friend didn't wanna talk to me much she was terrified the only one who wasn't teriffied of me was my one guy friend i think he is a little scared though but he talks to me anyway and personaly I think it's cause he wants to be in the army so he's tryingto be brave. I think he will be a damn good soldier hell
he'll be top dog in no time.
But then it happened the accendent the bus accendent, my sisters bus accedent could anything go worse I found out at skool too in the middle of my favorite class chior she was the only one from the bus to get hurt bad enough to go to the hospitle now I knew something was up and it wasn't good it was a terible, terible evil and it was after me and my family I knew it. Whatever IT was, was tring to make me suffer watch my family get killed befor it killed me or it just wanted me to live the rest of my life with no one both very bad and I had to make sure my brother was not ganna get hurt so I left skool and went home to get my brother and from now on I brought my brother to skool with me.
Of course the whole stupid crash was on the news AGAIN and people asking to interview me were becomeing more and more annoying the whole Jean how do you feel now that all your family except you and your one-year old brother are all in the hostpital?'
'Jean why do you think this has happened?'
'Jean how do you explain that your sister was the only one hurt enough to go to the hostpital?'
And so on.
They were like starving savage wolves!
That was the first time I ever found out I had powers I used them I was thinking 'I wish something would happen to make them leave' thankfuly it wasn't a bad something but I don't believe in couincedences so I thought again 'I wish I had a fridge full of food to feed my brother and I' I concentrated realy hard and it happened I was extatic but it didn't do anything realy big like create money or bring a human being back to life soi asumed it wouldn't
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